Thomas Whyte Collection - Wallet 4 - Part 1 of 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
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26 March4 l a 142 malese Dereh mottar oldarie Esterley Egip BEdiner Onsova Madda Ostile Egypt Medix Orsova mongole Mnaliva Cronkes Morca Maloga Crmak Moolh London Naples Mar6. May 13 Mar 12 Mar Mays Mas hp 9 Aap 16 23 May May 1 tg Wonday 19th October Sunday 2.Hh October Drmeber o 76 ndred tel The Herges Lte th Shwist tful 24 es may H. Salh Mast7 Mar23 Mar 31 Apr 14. Apr 20 28 Ma tray t HiI lay 19 Apr 8 I haid not leavings co18 Per Tranboria to Caypt 25/315 due Adclads 24/4/0 ay Ststes Killed 25t ppern casdie dant ohe Asd That d Robin kitted apoul 25th illed 6 teth breen killes apou 25th nowbuvist Gallition was talhe tiked Biller Gallifa the ower Twill 12 H april 1th m letters ending march ih were put in kil bag which had to be handed in to be sent to togight. on aperd 20th by letter of March 19 was received the last Dick t S Harbor master Buto gephy regattedress Frent I Oonnell's letter to hev goc JSK Rigly's Lilrary yrn Gally, the lvalman, o Shrank Jally at City Bledg To boetoon August 1913 Tom came August or Septemle 1910 Fes October Novemher 1910 Born died August 19 or Strachan Emulation Lodge beaswick denust
C C Ae C Chapmar ge6 Mudros Mars. 15 weeks time! heptled SRcy midros ApraW C XVI Mena lamp I Feb. 3 1915 Wednesday Latte NoN my Dear Little Sivt none No mail received this week. As it was expected it is not so disappointing as it might be. There seems to be lots of inter at least intersting to us to tell you this week. First of all the 7th & 8th battalians have came to Ishmalea today she next likely to be sent are the 5th &6 This would complete the 2nd Brigade (Victoria). Wellt start from the beginning. Our long promised route march came off Monday. It was a 3od Brigade affairs under service conditions so all and cransports, attached articlery, amoum e As C. & A.M.C. ition column lt accompanted us. From the enclosed card you can see our pack is quite a weight. We started about 9 o'clock the artillery leading the way. The route was on the car road as far as shiza a subngb about 4 mle from Camo cantre & 5 miles from Mena, Fram thare we branched off on a native road that winds through the cultivated tile valley, being crossed by lot of other similar anmade roads. We wound raund towards the cam starking the diret
about a mile behind the can. On the flat sandy plain between the valley + the rising sand hills, we bivouaced for lunch. The road was a bet trying on the feet after so much sand walking but not many fell out the route we took led us abosde 4 arab villages. The whole of the hile valley is densele cultivated and about every mile that is a native village, Redomn, as arat or Fellabeen whichever you like to call them. I think same of the P.C. Isent yau shaneed y some. They seem to be just one mass of mad flat rooted hanses bult soning one another without order or design. Of cousse they are felting in the extreme & the smell The roads are all 600 10 feet higher than the land & the whole valley seemste he interrected with them. The land io ivrigated by water channels of varying sizes. Where necessary the water is raised by means of a bucket attached by a rope to a long pole I weighted at the short end & fastened to from a leve The filled bucked is emptied int a char raised channel. A less crude mether is by the old will bucked sth worked
by a blindfolded ovr native bullock 3 a rarge wooden wheel with buckets attached verticall to feed o fully so that the lower part of the wheal is in the water while the highest allows the water from the fixed buchet to fall un the channel The or is attached to a large wooden where placed harigoutally on a raised acle. This wheel has rough wooden cags which fit into a similarly cogged verticall wheel connected with the water wheel. The distance between the latter two is bridged so as to allow the ve to tramp round at one of the villages we passed, the sound of an oil engine seemed very out of place. The old sancieon method of ploughing still holds good her a wooden plaugh of the roughest mategial with a couple of ocn spanned. Six & seven thousand years ago the inhabitants of this land used the same mettod. but there are hundreds of things like that one of the reasons coup is so interesting. The whole warch was about 11 mias which we took 4 haur to do inchig a tenminut halt every bon which as very food. Fordham who cam into and tine a
the time of the platoon + new section. I formations had been sent to haspital one day last week. Yesterday morning a magor from the A.M.C. came one & took all sorts of particulars from a Fordham had smallpos in a mild farm. The marning was taken up by vaccinating A Company Only those thank y the boat were who had taken we exempt. I think I told you mire didnt as well as 7507 of the battation. The vaccing was weak teweve. I dant think there will be any doubt about this time though as my arm has starte teitch already We had something out of the ordinary to do today. No1 Platoon was detailed as fatigue party to entrain A.S.C. stors 5th at the Gods station for the 7th battalions proceeding to Ishmailia We laught the 11th 30 train after an early dimoner passing the brigade on and way in. We had to wait some time but when started loaded the truck in we time so quickly that the C.D.C. magor in charge conplimented us hight so at 4 o'clock we were marched to the gh Ca rooms where we drappd
our equifment & rifles & were ins a two house roam of caise Sunday I spent between the 300 & musenm. Ithink I told you in my last letter. There are to be attertions in the curriculum. We are to get 4 full days leave a month from 10 te 10.30 & have Sunday as rest day. I don't know about Saturday afternoon but the ordmary days will be lengthened for drill so that it will mean being n at 4ou 430 instad of 3. Sommarrrow is anr first days full leave. Friday Had a plarious day yesterday With Stokes Blackburn & lose, I spent the morning at the Muleum. I havent see anywhere near all bet. The more I see the more I want to see There is one thing I am positive about. Iher is nothing now under the sun. Old Solamon knew a thing as two In a glass case at the kinseum among sundry other intereting things is o be seen Nice, no diffesent from our averyday wary ones knuckle bonesd carved in stane with herrogly phic on themt I have
arab + Coyptian kids playing with that & most remarkable of all an oblang cribbage board with the same shaped wary pegs in them as you can see in modeon times. There was no description cards to that so wh far what purpose theyws used $5000 years ago I dont know, possibly dice scorco. Did I tell you about the companies 40 strong of Egyptian & negro heavy & light infantoy in well carved wooden madels) marching in column of fours. and the models of hake hauses, brewe wes (fancy beer in these times fotteries, wine shops, and granaries with the clerk sitting on the flat roof tallying on his papyrus scrall. I can't describe the feeling that came over you when you view these ancient things. The afternoon we spent going out to Heleapolis where the second contingen hase just reached. The train service is the best I have ever seen It is really an electric train. Seven years ago this 6000 populated subuth was practically a desert. The Belgian campany who inaugurated it also
aron the train scrvice. Quite a separt company from the general tranday which is a trench cancern. The hanses are all white + magnificen omental buildings all inhabited by the weelthiest classes. We managed to diy of several we knew & came into town with Reg Hoppins & showed him round It was quite a treat to watch his astanishment & bewilderment graw as we pushed him on from novelty to novelty. Of caurse we only had time for a tenth of the things we would like to have shown him On the train caming from Heliapolis we got into conversation with a fine looking faot E educated Syrian who has same job in the war office. He told us same very inteheating things the symans seem to have a ben on a lat of important jobs here. For instan the two leading papers Mokattain and ahaly thoth arabic are run by Syrans. The Egyptians have made several abortive attempts at papers. We had a very interesting discussion on creent occident characteriities. He spoke like
any highly educated Englishman It seems I was wrongg about are attack on the Canal. Today has came the vewy of about 2400 toughpapeextrcte Inhish casualities to offccers Imen killed & 68 wounded on our side It is supposed the enemys strenth to $1000 men bbatteres. Whatener the position is I can't think it serious from appearance of things here apart from 2 battelian of N.J. 2 e of hustreleans & the ingineers there are no anstalasion fo was may the canal & no threatend movement of no in the near freture. There must be $33000 on so sertinals bee in other parts of Egypt & the Sandan as well. what indan tocon are on the Canal I don't know This morning we had some field manouing & this f'm bathing parade. To mana morning we are to go to the ranges Saturday We have been out all day and Aeay cos 142 Platoon are Iulying liquet to night. that means sleeping without taking any clothes off getting up before reveille. We had an early start at 8 this morning to the langer

A                       London    Naples       D Pt Said

Maloja              Mar 6         Mar 13          Mar 17
Osrah               Mar 12        Mar 19         Mar 23
Mooltan           Mar 20      Mar 27         Mar 31
Moldavia         Apr  3         Apr 10          Apr 14
Osterley          Apr  9         Apr 16          Apr 20
Egypt                       17                 24                 28
Medina                    23                30         May  4
Orsorva            May 7         May 14         May 18


B            Wednesday  19th Aug
                 Monday        19th October

                Sunday       25th October
                 Fremantle    Nov   1st





                    Sunday 6th Dec

                The Heroes                                      Pt Said

                                                                                     Mar 11

  [[Alxda?]]  [[Thursday?]] 7th  "                                    19

  [[?Mena?]]   Sunday 28th  Feb                                   25

        Alex     [[?March 2nd?]]                                   Apr  8


Monday                                        F                              22 



      Lemnos       March 4th

        "      Saturday   April 24


 7th 3rd May    

G L  Mail not leaving
No 18 Per Frankonia to Egypt 23/3/185
due Adelaide 24/4/15
Stokes Killed 25th April

(Micky Smith) Malcolm Teasdale Smith killed 24th

Phil de Robin killed April 25th

Jose killed Feb 1917

Keith Green killed April 25th

Crowhurst Gallipoli

Max [ Huhhe?] [(?] killed

Dennis Jones killed Gallipoli July

Trevor Owen Smith Killed Gallipoli


H                              M
April 14th my letters ending March 11th were
put in kit bag which had to be handed in
to be sent to Egypt
On April 20th my letter of March 19 was received
the last

Dick Harris , Harbor master
[[?Pinta Jehhry?]] regalta dress

I sent J O'Connell's letter to [[Fev Jock? ?]]

IJK Rigby's Library  N

Ern Jolly, the boatman, Surrey
Frank Jolly at City Bridge in on time
To [[?Overton?]] August 1910
Tom came August or September 1910
Fes       "        october | November 1910
Dovine died August 1913
Robins  [[?]] Tavistock St Strachan
Emulation Lodge
Croswick dentist
 David. Heggie Glasgow


O                                                        T




Accompanying letter C5
through Chapman

3rd Brigade forming covering C6 Midros Mar 6•15

Party Landing 3 weeks time
receipt letters PQR C7 midros Apr 2  15 UVW

Leaving next of week C8

S                                              XYZ 

Mena Camp 
Feb. 3. 1915
Letter No 12
My Dear Little Girl

No mail received this week. As it none was
expected it is not so disappointing as it
might be. There seems to be lots of interest
at least interesting to us to tell you this
week. First of all the 7th & 8th battalions have
gone to Ishmalia today. The next likely
to be sent are the 5th & 6th This would complete
the 2nd Brigade (Victoria). Well to start from
the beginning. Our long promised route
march came off Monday. It was a 3rd
Brigade affair & under service conditions so
all our transports, attached artillery, ammunition 

column, light horse  A.S.C. & A.M.C.
accompanied us. From the enclosed card
you can see our pack is quite a weight.
We started about 9 o'clock the artillery leading
the way. The route was on the Cairo road
as far as Ghiza a suburb about 4 miles
from Cairo centre & 5 miles from Mena,
From there we branched off on a native
road that winds through the cultivated
Nile valley, being crossed by lots of other
similar unmade roads. We wound round
towards the camp striking the desert



about a mile behind the camp. On
the flat sandy plain between the valley
& the rising sand hills, we bivouaced for
lunch. The road was a bit trying on
the feet after so much sand walking
but not many fell out.  The route we took
led us alongside 4 Arab villages.
The whole of the Nile valley is densely
cultivated and about every mile there
is a native village, Bedouin, an Arab
or Fellaheen whichever you like to call
them. I think some of the p.c. I sent
you showed you same. They seem to be
just one mass of mud flat roofed
houses built joining one another without
order or design. Of course they are filthy
in the extreme & the smell—.
The roads are all 6 or 10 feet higher than
the land & the whole valley seems to be
intersected with them. The land is
irrigated by water channels of varying
sizes. Where necessary the water is
raised by means of a bucket attached
by a rope to a long pole & weighted at
the short end & fastened to form a lever
The filled bucket is emptied into a
chan raised channel. A less crude method
is by the old milk bucket method worked



by a blindfolded oxen native bullock. 
A large wooden wheel with buckets attached
is fixed horizontally vertically so that the lowest
part of the wheel is in the water while
the highest allows the water from the
fixed bucket to fall into the channel
The ox is attached to a large wooden wheel
placed horizontally on a raised axle.
This wheel has rough wooden cogs which
fit into a similarly cogged vertically
wheel connected with the water wheel.
The distance between the latter two
is bridged so as to allow the ox to
tramp round. At one of the villages
we passed, the sound of an oil engine
seemed very out of place. The old & ancient
method of ploughing still holds good here.
A wooden plough of the roughest material
with a couple of oxen spanned. Six & seven
thousand years ago the inhabitants of
this land used the same method.
But there are hundreds of things like
that, one of the reasons Egypt is so
interesting. The whole march was about
11 miles which we took 4 hours to do including
a ten minutes halt every hour which
is very good.
Fordham who came into our tent at



the time of the platoon & new section
formations had been sent to Hospital
one day last week. Yesterday morning
a major from the A.M.C. came over
& took all sorts of particulars from us.
Fordham had smallpox in a mild
form. The morning was taken up
by vaccinating A Company  Only those
who had taken well thoroughly on the boat were 
exempt. I think I told you mine
didn't as well as 75% of the battalion. The
vaccine was weak I believe. I dont
think there will be any doubt about
this time though as my arm has started
to itch already
We had something out of the ordinary
to do to day. No 1 Platoon was detailed
as fatigue party to entrain A.S.C. stores
at the Goods Station for the 7th & 8th
battalions proceeding to Ishmailia
We caught the 11.30 train after an early
dinner passing the 1/2 brigade on our
way in. We had to wait some time
but when started loaded the trucks
in no time so quickly that the A.S.C.
major in charge complimented us highly
So at 4 o'clock we were marched to
the YMCA rooms where we dropped



our equipment & rifles & were given
a two hours roam of Cairo
Sunday I spent between the Zoo
& Museum. I think I told you in
my last letter.
There are to be alterations in the
curriculum. We are to get 4 full
days leave a month from 10 to 10.30
& have Sunday as rest day. I don't know
about Saturday afternoon but the
ordinary days will be lengthened for
drill so that it will mean being in
at 4 or 4.30 instead of 3.
Tomorrow is our first days full
Friday Had a glorious day yesterday
With Stokes Blackburn & Jose, I spent
the morning at the Museum. I haven't
see anywhere near all yet. The more
I see the more I want to see There
is one thing I am positive about.  There
is nothing new under the sun. Old
Solomon knew a thing or two. In a glass
case at the museum among sundry
other interesting things is to be seen
Dice, no different from our everyday
ivory ones, knuckle bones mad carved
in stone with hieroglyphics on them. ( I have



Arab & Egyptian kids playing with them)
& most remarkable of all an oblong
cribbage board with the same shaped
ivory pegs in them as you can see in
modern times. There was no description
cards to them it so wh for what purpose
they were it was used 5000 years ago I don't
know, possibly dice scores.
Did I tell you about the companies
40 strong of Egyptian & negro heavy
& light infantry in (well carved wooden
models) marching in column of
fours. And the models of bake houses,
breweries (fancy beer in those times)
potteries, wine shops, and granaries
with the clerk sitting on the flat roof
tallying on his papyrus scroll. I
can't describe the feeling that comes
over you when you view these ancient
The afternoon we spent going out to
Heliopolis where the second contingent
hasve just reached. The tram service
is the best I have ever seen.  It is really
an electric tramin. Seven years ago
this 6000 populated sububrb was
practically a desert. The Belgian
company who inaugurated it also



own the tram service. Quite a separate
company from the general tram Coy
which is a French concern.
The houses are all white & magnificent
oriental buildings all inhabited
by the wealthiest classes.
We managed to dig up several
we knew & came into town with
Reg. Hopkins & showed him round
It was quite a treat to watch his
astonishment & bewilderment
grow as we pushed him on from
novelty to novelty. Of course we only
had time for a tenth of the things
we would like to have shown him
On the tram coming from Heliopolis
we got into conversation with a fine
looking, 6 foot educated Syrian who has some
job in the war office. He told us
some very interesting things. The
Syrians seem to have a lien on a
lot of important jobs here. For instance
the two leading papers 'Mokattam' and 'Ahaly'
(both Arabic) are run by Syrians. The
Egyptians have made several abortive
attempts at papers. We had a very
interesting discussion on Orient &
Occident characteristics. He spoke like



any highly educated Englishman.
It seems I was wrong about
an attack on the Canal. To-day
has come the news of about 2400
Turkish casualties (newspaper estimate) & 2 officers &
13 men killed & 68 wounded on our side.
It is supposed the enemy's strenth
is 12000 men & 6 batteries. Whatever
the position is, I can't think it
serious from appearance of things here.
Apart from 2 battalions of N.Z. & 2
of Australians & the some Engineers there
are no Australasian forces near the 
canal & no threatened movement of
us in the near future. There must
be 33000 on so Territorials here in
other parts of Egypt & the Soudan as
well. What Indian troops are on the
Canal I don't know.
This morning we had some field manouvres
& this pm. bathing parade. To-morrow
morning we are to go to the ranges.
Saturday We have been out all day and
A Coy Nos 1 & 2 Platoons are 'Inlying Piquet'
to-night. That means sleeping without
taking any clothes off & getting up before
reveille. We had an early start
at 8 this morning to the ranges

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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