Thomas Whyte Collection - Wallet 3 - Part 10 of 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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THE OLD. THE NEW. The Mercantile Rowing Club is making a new departure in S.A. Rowing in holding combined Scratch Eights. Mem¬ bers of all clubs have been asked to participate and the response has been more than gratifying. The proceeds from the entrance fees will augment the Building Fund to the extent of 68. The present shed was built 25 years ago and it is super¬ fluous to say it needs replacing. Plans have been prepared for a two storey jarrah structure with a flat roof for viewing the races ; the cost will be 6750. Rowing is an expensive sport and an additional drawback is the absence of any out¬ side help in the shape of gate money. The upkeep of the boathouse and boats takes every penny of the 60 odd members' subscriptions of 30/- each. As each member has to pay for all entrance fees, training expenses, etc., to increase the subscription would cause a lot of the members to drop out. We cannot charge you for admission to view races, but if you would care to add a little to the gIoo we have already collected from members only, kindly fill in the form below and give it to any member. MERCANTILE ROWING CLUB. NEW BOAT HOUSE. To the Hon. Secy., Boat House Committee. Dear Sir, donation to your Enclosed please find Building Fund. Yours faithfully,
Molle gaseer Lang eerednellkind r Mrlgr elolk eapel d
Beliv e hhl dlurfee aa l Minengennent deneep snnili deieonifon lenleg. lie Arkil. Aonue Auntidgongen dagee slkar isgli miren, aade ardoreli Kler Bagehe eoal adherrl sller foale wålhe gggenn vornnge Krrtth sed Uimne 2 deligl Sernrs zttl bille Bontes Binkenennn derge forheg) Lirlen gerege infle venten k Aloner frneng a dasgel Ma Bonnt Adoeg Frvrine linean denegg hanngler enes vinlee Sehliger gegalte denss evnnd, lhnd, dennben verteh leg Binshed Aranbenen birger
(Silob).: JAFFA¬ Getle). Riha Gerich Vebnef (Main):: o kame Achdoc EAE e ara (ukaour) Rsgelän M E D ITERRANEE Beit-Lahme MER Aaon Càth) ) (Gethiéem) EL-KHALI e (Hébron), Baldin 80 ALR RuS EL BAR Er Rabbah, (Aeriopolis) 26 . MN Der egela gersabee N Sal 1e2 a e El-Kérak PORT-SAI (2a6u) Cderbin/ N vonnood RAS EL MANATIE hor Szaffye Menaa ey e (oara ou Segor ue e BAIE DE TINEN e Nan EL-ARICH Dekernes OU DE PELUSE aha Tineh Waheibe Bir el Mazar gn r Mehalla ge ge nen :: (Pélusium):. ANSGUN AN Bir el Lotfan Bir katiaigne el Koubra e Abe Bir el Gouga Bir ibrahim Pacha A6. Tafilé / (Phynon) Bir Hedena r gsee Air Lauouiseg Simbelawveix ? kantara Bir Oulad Aly OBezeyra D Laugoune ) LACS BALLAH Kafr Sagr Pir Oum Auagie rdien AN Gare de Ballah . Bir Rouafa Puits Santage Mit-Chamr . Bhana Cnene) Gare el Fergan Aaee . Dj. Hamie ((e. ZKCKNea Ainetkouder De heslse r ee r Mala BatiB Sege falsg SISMAue Oouesna) Aurpat al Ratad din Kadist Ancien Puits Romaint Tel-el-Kebiriee Kassassin pir Haderae, . e e e teen CHIBIe - Chobec kberou ELKONSMneh el-Qua nir Oun fadin, asus Seràpeum) 06. ENHA Dues r Naglor Care du Déversoir 9880 nerat, Bir Hassana elbes Foukh . Carcarie GRAND NAC AMER ae Quadlouge . Petta OyUom elchesg Noste defélégr. S. F. Bir el Guiddie . ene salees e de kavret Dy.Oumkamr C . Nawa ETIT LAC ANER nae eereen eg Oi. Akhrim 32s-) Ancienne Ligne Oeatig Ren aoue agrien MAAN Mare de déniste e ene, Machachbat Oel Sareuh Bir Matio e E. . /0 N Püize . ragerod . Denese Seuelng . Gare Chalouf CARE El Szadéhé Cuiseh Forenifée . e ee . . ere du Kloy 152 Bir el Fahmy e. Bir Mourg, Pr Mechamg orsndes Pue Aate gyoum Thbgus VEz ehkane . Ketamie Mopdier à chaia à Cerasa ir Gendalt ZuhrelAkaba . RAS EI.) e Ain Mousa . 18 . (Abadan ou Akebe) ielouan (omeiyine), 1o0 . Ain Soudr 490 JABADIA Pr el Pououn Memphisy: Pat. s An An Abon Regung Thngt ser e 619 e Ao Nohamnes Proésidium 1914 -15 Nrser ve ng, e. . Oydorie 60 e5 D, Bicher ned Bir Seneiy aes Gpir Thgnelet Gadedt ENTRE Eir efamade e Asg Eis Svo. MoutrakeeBir Katar Goretged rer ri urg uits elders Bir el Cof 8 le Bener LE NIL ET LA MER MORTE e. Puits Ansdhou Saelimn re doe. Jabahg EL-AKAEA Puits el Aheimar dr lunhan gaghad Rur dag Bir Abou Dara Echelle de 1 : 1.000.000 . Pits Albon Sadont grae pir a Oe An Puits Kiseib Bir Maleh NSIBES OMRAN enen D. Woenen er al kelne iraghoudla. Tchagmian ou Tabilia ) Puits Malh a r. G. MREFEN EA PRIX. P.T. 27 NR ORR.
dh or
Con Praune des Sporting Race Cours 2. MA a . R 0 SLA . o s. Ereiaun cong . Reproduced at the Survey Dept. Egypt i914(594 0-10) Vards 500 Metres 500 FellE. 1000 PRICE ONE PIASTRE. CAIRO NE . Mile — Kilometre


The Mercantile Rowing Club is making a new departure
in S.A. Rowing in holding combined Scratch Eights. Members 
of all clubs have been asked to participate and the
response has been more than gratifying.  The proceeds from
the entrance fees will augment the Building Fund to the
extent of ₤8.

The present shed was built 25 years ago and it is superfluous
to say it needs replacing.  Plans have been prepared 
for a two storey jarrah structure with a flat roof for viewing 
the races ; the cost will be ₤750.  Rowing is an expensive 
sport and an additional drawback is the absence of any outside 
help in the shape of gate money.  The upkeep of the 
boathouse and boats takes every penny of the 60 odd 
members' subscriptions of 30/- each.  As each member has 
to pay for all entrance fees, training expenses, etc., to 
increase the subscription would cause a lot of the members to 
drop out.  We cannot charge you for admission to view 
races, but if you would care to add a little to the ₤Ioo we 
have already collected from members only, kindly fill in the 
form below and give it to any member.

To the Hon. Secy.,
Boat House Committee.
Dear Sir,
Enclosed please find donation to your 
Building Fund.
Yours faithfully,


Navy coat skirt with green
Mole cloth coat
Beaver hat 


Yellow and white striped cambric
Red and White stripped cambric
Cinnamon linen
White suit linen for Henley
helios veil
Navy blue Serge dress
Black hat with red velvet ribbon
Check coat & skirt
black hat with green wings
black hate with Red Wing
Big artist bows, 2 white silk
(Cinnamon Serge somewhere)
Sailor dress & white linen hat
Allover Emily & Tagel hat
Court shoes
brown linen dress & brown Stockings
& gloves.
Pink zephyr Regatta dress
Previous years linen with
black tie
Crushed strawberry linen


F.P. &  E.R.
PRIX. P.T. 2 1/2


Blyth. Artificier
Wa Ammunition Column 


Map of Cairo
Reproduced at the Survey Dept. Egypt 1914 (694 0-10)



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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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