Thomas Whyte Collection - Wallet 3 - Part 5 of 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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hient Tirst offecer Guled St Bare Talbo Smi hient Aones Liese evey may Majo Inrcorride Eud in commund beed in anceasle alsl 1936 bap) Noss asssibly capl Ross facal dia by Kull bal wre 5 E h 15c0 so windd sandland emance an kind be deed Ror While oad There mere B 4 while who payed haovise R S. white in your match I mena to as one the Roy Lom mentiond Lgt. Tomlinson (in charge crees I hemne) ne lisking on office inpanca Dggor Haram Werel as Ang May 175 sover diea on han Lordham (I know wrshe doed of thick t wiee daring tlon Smallpox NY Edard o en cl Sqt Whahman (for of Per Chepman)ae can Tranken Bah herenge Wran 10Bv as office Joch Hamilton oregaial Eggst, was hen Hamilon 10p4 officen Dicd 1926 inTay leap Hall of the signallers llsa Deading anignal offcer sned 1910 Dah evcan
Hens kaying thush wheat per hidperan. 2 lls skines lats do 10/4 Blls Bran YB do Zylls Pollard do Heas teat Meal do 30/c 10lls but chare & Chalpint ton E Luceon Haytaff tw00 Matter apte Canvies Chicken Fluc 5 Wheat 2hullet 5 Hulled Oats I Canary Sia L Shanlers Kanly GShell End 3 Marge Sifled Bone feot in ack chs Iheas Dr shortan
FOR CORRESPONDENCE. Gent Iheard there wa mail for home. Theresue to be inothd one shortl han no mail 2 the month Kingt com alo well. The at obeate d ader whink will beeold blet ont as the las place We ight to gor a mad this a Spocte E FORKINC AND B037 217 EMPIRE) Dfune AOHAWOE V. MIA. ARNEDERP Miss Cle Champon here for Artaan igonthe M aniay Unley Poark wthwust a
FOR CORRESPONDENCE. bauiday as well aod shat a te an from which th that all is well haing lon t tin&the 1i &4a couts I don't want to a that well gread day are the next it as and to last lt Stell it ansiousl and you have in tl a when as once nt alear of the cencar there are owsands of thg Iwill have to tell The troops are ood healt think I will have to sater of that b tay wnlt fie theh bi ha i all th Il move mickes it I am in spend o helith tor
Aorticle Prue Overent 210 0 2/2/ to 10/ Hats 6 157 Shoes 4 Storkings Bps 2. Conets S & Combs 2n. 107 Hod 37 Conversoles to Cohto C Drenses6 10 Bloomers Perls 26 Ssete Handkerhefs kinghets hightherses sundrees 1 Rethwats 5 Time 290 34 Beran 118. C 5:0r 3.20 114 A6 306 10 6 3.0 10.0 50 18 0 140 30. 0
Carte postale Universelle just a line to tell you all as well + that a possible opportunity has arrived to past co18 which if 3 our luck us in should areach you about the same a same as this card Don't expect to move Ffor Iweeks or so. wstill doing a bit of nowing Ilbout the harbour. When we mae refect anea a intiptop health n opite of a lack of vegetable 23 Som 36 Miss Cl Champson Cortoon Omar Place relly lark South Anstral en e e n eee
can you imagine a body of soldiers elhowing their wan down these apologies for streets. It would be a great place to spend a Regatta evening. m Cha Miss O ley lark Cortoon Mr South Anstraha Anstralia
general hagg missing "7 N C 10

Lieut Eric Talbot Smith First officer killed at landing

Lieut Holmes Killed early May

Major Hurcombe 2nd in command died in
Adelaide about 19'36

Capt Ross possibly Capt Ross Jacob died here
years ago

Keith Catchlove (Remember [[?]] he
is in NSW somewhere

Arnold Sandland   Remember him think he died
during first wave

Roy White

There were 

R. H White (who played lacrosse

R L. White in your match at Mena)

was one the Roy  [[?]]  mentioned

Sgt Tomlinson (in charge crew at Lemnos)

Lieut Hosking our officer unpopular.  Wounded in MONTE VIDEO sunk 1942 DOCTOR

Major Oldham Killed at  [[?]] (May 1915)

Bowen Killed at landing

Fordham (I know brother died of smallpox) think he died
during 1st wave

A. J + H J Edwards ( do not remember)

Sgt Chapman ( Son of Prof Chapman) Transferred to
English Arm
as officer in
Egypt. Was
in France

Capt Lorenzo ADJUTANT 10 BN.         

Lieut Hamilton Jack Hamilton original
10BN officer died 19'36

Capt Hall of the Signalers Killed at landing

Capt Redburg - Original officer died 1940


Laying Hens
1 bush Wheat pet bird per an.
2 lbs Skinless Oats do £ 10/. ea
7 1/2lbs Bran do 1/_B
24lbs Pollard do 1/-
4lbs Meat Meal do 50/-cent
10lbs Gut Charc + Shellgrit 50/-
1 1/2 Lucerne Hay Chaff 6/- cent


Mellis Napier
Laurie's Chicken [[?]]
5 Wheat 2 Millet
5 Hulled Oats 1 Canary Seed
2 Skinless Barley  5 Shell Grit
3 Marge    & Sifted Bone
1 Peas     fed in cocky chaff
or short hay


Just heard there
is a mail for home.
There is sure to be
another one shortly.
Have had no mails
from Arno. this month.
Everything is going
along well. The
weather is beautifully
mild. I don't think
it will be as cold sleeping
out as the last place.
We ought to get a mail
this week.
Saturday I posted.


For King & Empire 

Adelaide Y.M.C.A.
Army Dept.

No Stamps

On Active

Passed By Censor

Miss EW Champion
Omar Place
Unley Park
South Australia

[*here for month I think*]



A letter to Mother, [[Fae & also]]  to Lindsy 
as well as a short note to you from which 
you may be able to gather that all is well
This Censorship [[is]] maddening. Everything
I want to say I can't put in & then
what I could write I don't want to on
a postcard or letter that will be read by 
censor officials.
It will be a glorious day when the next 
mail comes along although it is
only a fortnight since the last.
Still we are waiting for it anxiously.
How many days did you have in Feb,
over a hundred?
When we once get clear of the censor there
are thousands of things I will have to tell
you. The troops are all in very good health.
I think I will have to extend that [[biscuit?]]
of May until June though there is still
a chance.  They don't seem in any great
hurry to finish it off.  Perhaps things
will move quicker at the beginning of 
[[?]]. I am in splendid health.  Not
[[?]] wrong with me.  Tom




Article                        Price                    Time                       

Overcoat                   2.10.0                        2 ys             1.5.0.

Hats. 6                 2/2/. to 10/-                                  5.0.0

Shoes 4                            15/-                                          3.0.0

Stockings 12prs                7/-                                         1.4.0

Corsets 3prs                     2/-                                     1.5.0

Combs 2W.10/6                                           2ys             3.0.0

               [[?]] 5/-

Camersoles 6                  3/6                                         1.0.0

Coats & Skirts 2                                                                    6.0.0

Dresses                             10/-                                        3.0.0


Veils            2                     5/-                                          15.0

Tiesete    2                      2/6                                         10.0

Handkerchiefs                                                                5.0

Singlets                                                                            10.0

Nightdresses .5             5/-                                            .1.5.0

Sundries      1                 10/6                                          1.10

Petticoats  3                   5/-                                           28.10





Carte postale Universelle.

Just a line to tell you
all is well & that a possible
opportunity has arrived
to post No18 which if
our luck is in should
reach you about the same
time as this card.
Dont expect to move
for 3 weeks or so.
Still doing a bit of rowing
about the harbour. When
we move expect an easy
job. And in tip top health
in spite of a lack of vegetables.

23/3/15      Tom


Miss EW Champion
'Cortoon' Omar Place
Unley Park
South Australia


Scènes de Rues


Can you imagine
a body of soldiers
elbowing their way
down these apologies
for streets. It
would be a great
place to spend a
Regatta evening.

Cai 216.

Miss E Champion
'Cortoon' Unley Park
South Australia


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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