Thomas Whyte Collection - Wallet 3 - Part 4 of 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
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BII PTVE Grand Coffee AlD ADE Hindley Street,
u it doesut say you havent left there. I wish you were in England or anywhere, safe, till the war was over I also see in the Paper that the soldiers would appreciate those knitted flannels, so I hope youvg got the two I sent you a few mails back. Fur dying for the days to pass and poor hinda wants them to go slowly so as the can have Few with her longer. In a way I dread per going, because I know excactly what its like and what
oe an nast night Kathlien Fraachsen asped us to go round there, so - men. You said to go, gven if it was an effort, didn you. But I didn't want to go after, what Som Boyhett sayd. just wanted to cry. We asked when last sd heard from you and said he was always thinking of dear old Lour, and that your only fault fault it could he called, was that your heart big is too cary help thinking
trowte to made of brass & in outside. They are pretty little ask brays too, I like then I think the iushion conersly what they are) are a bit gandy though I have put them in your chest of dramers, because I havent any more room in my little bose where I keep the hard ware. Your dear, its so harrrible not knowing where you are, or where to send my nest letter to you, and I hate thinking Youre nearer the foont. Everyone is
tht ta we joined and that she i given her consent, and the wors of it is that Leo is half hearted about it, which afcourse makes them both unhappy The way you acted. Sou was so different and thinking of that has make me realise what a Comforter you are. You are a born Comforter, and I advie you forit you are my Comporter. You are wonderful and marvelous at comforting, and Fer cant I would sooner have a "Comporter" than a Colonel.
Feb 18th I am posting the Register Smilled flaunds and which I do hope you receive you like these flannels, dont you Habel Kalley has given me such a lonely byg whot o herself. n giving ner that hasty. one of mine, that the Photographer, swill but gave it us foee. Father sends his long and says he will worte next wail. Jack was delighted yesterday he went with to other to choose a new sui with long pants. Even one is remarking on the way he is developing Holly,is getting so tall. She is not fal but just, nice. Her legs are lovely and vory form E very one says how like me she is growing sir it funny? I said Goodleye to her this morniig and she said Goodlye hove. She said ty tom lay me go outside sid, and have a game
I told her she was nasty not to write to you. I wid ou never write to your uich four She absolutely flew into a rage and yelled at me Tilly thing, I do. Silly thing, I do. You ully sing I do, about a dogen tines she was so wild & thenr said write to Your, every time she meant enery mail said what do you put in it She said A tamp meaning stank. Poor little thing she was so cross because she's alwa ys writing to you. Tuener go to dunas now. I can't he hothered today I bought a lonely piere of white silk for a blouse. It was 112 yd for 2/3 as it was a remnan. I got an extra good one so as it will he good for when you come and you always liked me in my while blouse with red battons, didn't you? I have also bought the wonderful silk slockings and put them in my bok. They are i wear the day you come home. I am getting an engagement broussean + a wedding brousteaw. Goodlye for the present your Edeen
Willer & Sohanson silveware - fances goods barter Ellrol Stationers bags Wady Mss Lattersal Wolliner bose of Mis Chamberlan Mantle Wilso meys Heb. Valuer & Kerselbuch Bris restorah Pack & Williams Wvollen We Pose mandrestr Poster Sine heys clolhii Mrma Chrens linens (Hollard & hinen Wregloen & Vos dazls Thre Helli receiving dob to Dowdi chrorman Pardon Secreary accoman the Page Dearay W. A Turnshing Earser
Noss Dreghoun Le Rage Forlyth Bonder De Rose Berook an accoutent Dowdy Snelling Black & Williams Carloving opter penls clothing Polmer Nerselback dressmaterials Parker furnishing wilom Mow Hats Kuller seher ware Sshanson Follay Rischbalh Brrn & blankets dihs Mr Thomas (Bread Mriss Chanke he lox Mantl Mrs Flevt Statuvery lan AcW ter Mr. Boy. Mr Waddey Kuillmen
4 conchanies inslead of s Deevor Coplain's Jacob Werhel oldand chave the cmmands Bishing Subaforn for 4 bompan Fft Henroood Ralown Dergeant. baplam Redbarg second in command tad bunto then, tohet hunth hean day f Nos. 1H Flatoons Cams Son, thol, bowrhnen Wee ter of Adelands Rowing Chib breys are in Dr 3 Elabon The sestions onl 2 size now & old tenl at Muhheltvill funs to 1 secen with a cuble f oler very decent fellows hance lewrs Chient) gaw londs away I Shi tobing medding om ledn known as gdl bellies mis falles herng sligaly athord clats are inclined to se rreder any diberences conmand my tees may dow is only human natund ws g along ray wd with them

Grand Coffee Palace,

Hindley Street,


it doesn't say you haven't left there.
I wish you were in England or
anywhere, safe, till the war was over.
I also see in the Paper that the
soldiers would appreciate those
knitted flannels, so I hope you’ve
got the two I sent you a few mails
back. I’m dying for the days to
pass and poor Linda wants them
to go slowly so as she can have Leo
with her longer. In a way I
dread her going, because I know
exactly what it's like and what


one another again. Last night
Kathleen Isaachsen asked us to
go round there, so  I went. You
said to go, even if it was an
effort, didn't you? But I didn't
want to go after what Tom
Boykett  said. I just wanted to
cry. He asked when last I’d 
heard from you and said he
was always thinking of dear
old Tom, and that your
only fault, if fault it could be
called, was that your heart
is too big. I can’t help
thinking of that. [[?? ]] thinking


of course, those
made of brass & in
outside. They are pretty
little ash trays too, I like them
I think the cushion covers (if
what they are) are a bit gaudy  though.
I have put them in your chest
of drawers, because I havent any
more room in my little box
where I keep the hard ware.
Tom, dear, its so horrible not knowing
where you are, or where to send my
next letter to you, and I hate thinking
Your'e nearer the front. Everyone is


Linda wishes
joined and that she 
 given her consent, and the
worst of it is that Leo is half-
hearted about it, which of course
makes them both unhappy.
The way you acted, Tom, was so
different and thinking of that
has made me realise what a
Comforter you are. You are a born
Comforter, and I adore you for it.
You are my Comforter. You are
wonderful and marvelous at
“comforting”, and  Leo can't.
I would sooner have a "Comforter" than
a Colonel.


Feb 18th
I am posting the Register
and 2 knitted flannels
which I do hope you receive.
You like these flannels, don't you?
Mabel Halley has given me
such a lovely big photo of
herself. I’m giving her that
nasty one of mine, that the
Photographer spoilt but gave
it us free. Father sends his
love and says he will
write next mail. Jack was
delighted yesterday he went
with Mother to choose a new
suit with long pants. Every
one is remarking on the way
he is developing. Molly is
getting so tall. She is not fat
but just nice. Her legs are
lovely and very firm. Every one
says how like me she is growing.
Isn’t  it funny? I said Goodbye 
to her this  morning and she
said "Goodbye Love" She said to
Tom “Say we go outside, Kid, and
have a game”


I told her she was nasty not to write
to you. I said “ You never write to
your Uncle Tom” She absolutely flew
into a rage and yelled at me "Silly 
thing, I do. Silly thing I do, You
silly sing I do." about a dozen times
she was so wild & then said “I
write to Tom every time," she meant
"every mail". I said “what do you put
in it” She said "a tamp"
meaning "stamp". Poor little thing
she was so cross because she's
always writing to you. I never
go to Anna's now. I can't he bothered.
Today I bought a lovely piece of white
silk for a blouse. It was 3 /1 1/2 yd
for 2/3 as it was a remnant.
I got an extra good one so as it will
be good for when you come and you
always liked me in my white blouse
with red buttons, didn't you? I have
also bought the wonderful silk stockings
and put them in my box. They are to
wear the day you come home. I am
getting an engagement trousseau & a
wedding trousseau . Goodbye for the
present Tom dear   Eileen


Miller & Johanson                    silverware & fancy goods
Carter & Elliot                            Stationery bags
Wading & Miss Tattersal        [[Milliners?]]
Cox & Miss Chamberlain        Mantles
Wilson                                         Men's Hats
Palmer & Kerselbach               Dress materials
Back & Williams                        Woollens
[[De?]] Rose                                Manchester
Porter & Hines                            Men's clothing
Thomas (bread)                          linens (Holland & linen doylies)
Wreghorn & Voss                        shoes
Stelling                                          receiving [[dahl?]]
[[hon?]] Dowdy                            doorman
Purdon                                          [[Secretarys?]]
Le Page                                         accountant
[[Tearan?]] W. A
Parker                                            Furnishings


Dreghorn & Voss               Le Page
Forsyth                                 Bowden
De Rose                                [[Brook?]]  an accountant
Dowdy Snelling
Black & Williams tailoring
Porter Hines clothing
Palmer Kesselbach dress materials
Parker furnishing
Wilson Mens Hats
Miller silver ware Johanson
Jolly Risehbath Brown P
Mr Thomas blankets doylies  
Miss Chambers
Mr Cox mantles
Mrs Elliott Stationery
Mr Boyster accountant
Mrs Waddy millinery


4 companies instead of 8
Beevor Captains Jacob,  Herbert & Oldham
have the commands
Hisking Subaltern for A Company
Sgt Henwood Platoon Sergeant -
Lachlan Redburg second in command
Lieuts Gordon Holmes, Tabot Smith have charge of fox 
Nos. 3 & 4 Platoons
Denis Jones, Rhodes, Crowhurst & Du Rien all
Adelaide Rowing Club boys are in No 3 Platoon
The sections only 1/2 size now & old tent at
Morphettville [[farms?]] to 1 section with a couple of other
very decent fellows
Lance Lewis  (Lieut) gave bride away at Phil Robins
Our section known as Jolly [[halies?]]  most of others
being slightly different class are inclined to see resent
any differences commanding officers may show
It is only human nature. We get along very well 
with them

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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