Thomas Whyte Collection - Wallet 3 - Part 3 of 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
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of toon H Nov. 1914 My dear Sor We were delighted to get news of your hondan. Ieeece to rong since we had heard yes no doubt you will find the joureelf monotonoul, there is comfortin the knowledge that the food is good a wholesome so doubt the writs will be ugneficial io health fit you for future work. you were fortunate in getting away when you did for we have had most shooking ffust storms, wind & hearI pity tng troops in camp. Gleey is very well, though we can see where her thoughts dre I am cure she is orying to keep weight, no yours she will gave you all news I hereeff fomr hoyhelt has had a geper Tatlack of inflienze away from the office oner in week so you cangness he was ill D. Mussell said he chould neve given in before however he re turnng to work yesterday, Iwe will soon he strong again withns buried
I has enlisted he is in the Light Horge went into camp last Freday. I wke yay Tugns will go with next fortin gen Freday dinda a molly heve gove in your & at hina still cars heI pro hampior German Niews Shep M. had a wordy wer ast Friday che Cince. now has not wel he you will pane, + to write to source do not think I wy he nexed at your not writing me. We guied you very much expecially samedays Sundey Fo aen bleen & I weng i pitchane Sunday afternoon. in & aleen went to see Wera Maughe Saturday Boo gost is very ill she was co flad to see the sirts. you will reg ond thoughts at Chrishaguine-now dear I must away & see in decines much one from Mother 10
£44 4 Cor 10th pbee 1914 hy dear som Though Eillen writes you the news of our doing thought would en. close a few works i let you see you are fn my thoughts, We have heard of your land m gypt& tran you are keeping well. Wlle rlllwee o letter from you Mondlay needlest to lett che was de ihfed to get it indeed we oill enjoy hearing of you Frede hass just brought the news the inglish have penk four yerean woat ton floriously excitionf the fendley epicode must have been Frand you should be al. most in it get lovely you exceped in cafety. eka maughte & her cister are her Tere much better far from well, telks of being marrieff i januare wit I do not wink The wiff he well by these he do not geust wer withfuna nott in he surprised at George coGlepsed had an attack O facial paralyge was Beallyneryilto eling it was purely a nervous brouple Chi you wonder poor fellow Ialo kity him he has just re. turgiges from the wul buts I poper to get is ys Office next wel my chooaies areto fees spockingly expensive wpeat 6/3- wuishel I have welve Whode Islands f which seven are worters they are
to fight the Gounews with so docite we cetch them little fick rightly closed. spet them I am teres Soday is Gaudfzes 87th fam making for havemea wiithday Mr. Jhampior & Fredas as well as our own aprecof are 10/a case & we I hre going to have twith have had hepps for faued him or am writing befor I go us its early mayl to so we are prtiuuate Morroa. well dear I ngo thaks to the te the only think of you mut prel encer t just the thing it for you know yourthought i co hot today that when I gave the folo their en ty to this po leee & all of us facck was only feed they andibly Pac than you we have naize wishing you s he could go up the mugray the as talk as I hears trombours materineos & potatoes Christinas Love dea which I hope will all pery from one & all propifie crops Free Molly Mothe ooly returned from Gran yesterday after a forth apsenge moth still shows how chucle som has fore
San one 1 820 ortroy D 10 Feb &/15 Mhy dear Som. We are anxiously looking for next mail J Murss received a cable from yay yesterday, saying she was in ceypt I wrtter will you see her ilel no doubt has written news of us all wut somepow I lide you to know how much I think about you dear Gleave hears your ap Sencenranely m I know her rulheert is call with longing, the conragionsly looks to the future & finds pleasure on working cloths doylys &c Littly Molly of a Kunheam gives ileen much happiness she has frown q foud of ilean + just loues to go to her gooly nok the dear Biddigreingenbers you well we asked her who phe wery in the goo with she replyed Sclesom she carried me when I was asleef ulive has made an fool of things I have not heard the facts tt he had tyze syn from he military + also you fos sure in government. If som how
6 Logn 24. Feb & 1913 My dears let Noy Just a word or two for as usual mail night & cevered to writer wonder w hat you will think o infisting I wish you were is etherI cannot reglire he has for into caup Sinder seels recify teas going mit she I dleen myst comfort each otherand we must we wrave and not shiek our duny helping sack other all we cage during this cerrible war. We are ehing carl of your foodt also Leas o Georges we have your wodo case o chaes in the little frot noom your chest drewers in Jacks J. hony We will yearn for you & fo a come home now dear goodnight God aless you Bother
hid of things since you left big linen table woth for small bedrovm table 2 doylies Gay Burns gave me 2 I bought from Iadian snop 2 crocheted ones from Wills a lace ones from wills from hiss Bentley & mas day dintie Bessie gove me for vmat. 12 doylies since you ment carner white linen 2 Huckaback wouels, I hestitched both ends + let crocheted lace in 6 bluchird china plates for desserl bowl for povil China earthenmare teafior Wilkfing (from Wolher While t eat dish (Fredas &ings present lonely shell shoon I had plated picture of pyraunds in gilt frame from better a Hathleen picture (hurda's & was present mede pocket for matches ellic Armstoving's present hee liven for bamissle ove
Could 1yds Lorchon late for Fillow Shams. 10 large medallions ( hand made) to let in nightgown 3 small ones 2½ yds handmade lase for camisole sleenes. your i dog handkerchiefs with 7on each and a Gt while silk hanf with a red horder George gave it to me Fur saving it for you
MACDONALDS Grand Coffee Palace. ADELAIDE. Hindley Street, May 1913

4th Nov. 1914

My dear Tom
We were delighted
to get news of you Monday. It seemed
so long since we had heard. Yes no
doubt you will find the journey
monotonous, there is comfort in the
knowledge that the food is good &
wholesome. No doubt the trip will be
beneficial to health & fit you for
future work. You were fortunate
in getting away when you did for
we have had most shocking dust
storms, wind & heat. I pity the troops
in camp. Eileen is very well, though
we can see where her thoughts are
I am sure she is trying to keep bright,
no doubt she will give you all news
of herself Tom [[Boydell?]] has had a severe
attack of influenza away from the
Office over a week so you can guess
he was ill Dr. Mussell said he should
have given in before however he returned 
to work yesterday & he will
soon be strong again.  Arthur Burns



has enlisted. He is in the Light Horse.
Went into camp last Friday. I think 
Gay Burns will go with next contingent. 
Freda, Linda & Molly have gone
to town [Fat Anna?] still airs her pro 
German views She & W.. Champion
had a wordy war last Friday She 
has not been here since. I know 
you will have [[many?]] to write to Tom so 
do not think I [[will?]] be vexed at your 
not writing me. We miss you very
much, especially Saturdays & Sundays.
Leo, Lin, Eileen & I went to Mitcham
Sunday afternoon. Lin & Eileen went
to see Vera Maughn Saturday, poor
girl is very ill. She was so glad to see
the girls. You will be in our thoughts
at Christmas time. Now dear I must
away & see to dinner much love from


10th [[?]] 1914

My dear Tom
Though Eileen
writes you the news of our
doings thought I would enclose 
a few words to let you
see you are in my thoughts.
We have heard of your landing
in Egypt & trust you are
keeping well. Eileen received 
a letter from you Monday.
Needless to tell she was delighted 
to get it, indeed we
all enjoy hearing of you.
Freda has just brought the
news the English have sunk
four German boats. How 
gloriously exciting the [[?]] 
episode must have been
grand you should be almost

in it yet lovely you
excaped in safety. Vera
Maughn & her sister are here
Vera much better far from
well, talks of being married
in January but I do not think
she will be well by then. We
do not discuss war with Anna
not to be surprised at George
collapsed had an attack
of facial paralysis was
really very ill I believe it
was purely a nervous trouble
can you wonder? poor fellow
I do pity him. He has just returned 
from the Gulf trip
& hopes to get to his Office
next week. My chookies are [[at?]]
feed shockingly expensive
wheat 6/3- a bushel. I have
twelve Rhode Islands of which 
seven are roosters they are 


so docile we catch them 
& pet them. I am tired of 
jam making for have made
Fredas as well as our ours
apricots are 10/ a case & we 
have had heaps for jam & 
so we are fortunate
Thanks to the bore the 
lucern is just the thing, it
is so hot today that when 
I gave the fowls their green
feed they audibly said 
"thank you".  We have maize 
as well as beans, strawberries,
watermelons & potatoes 
which I hope will all prove
prolific crops - Freda Molly
& Tom returned from Grange
yesterday after a fortnights
absence Molly still shows
how Uncle Tom has gone


to fight the [[Germans?]] with 
little fists tightly closed - 
today is Grandpas 87th 
birthday Mr. Champion &
I are going to have tea with
him so I am writing before
I go as its early mail tomorrow. 
Well dear, I not
only think of you but pray 
for you I know your thoughts 
turn to this spot Eileen 
& all of us.  Jack was only 
wishing you & he could 
go up the Murray this 
Christmas.  Love dear
from one & all


[*Gay Millie Leo Goods & Chattels Eileen & Bankbook*]

10th Feb 1915

My dear Tom.
We are anxiously
looking for next mail. Mrs. Burns
received a cable from Gay yesterday,
saying she was in Egypt. I wonder
will you see her. Eileen no doubt has
written news of us all but somehow
I like you to know how much I think
about you dear. Eileen bears your absence 
bravely but I know her true heart
is sad with longing she courageously
looks in the future & finds pleasure
on working cloths d'oylies &c. Little
Molly is a Sunbeam & gives Eileen
much happiness she has grown so
fond of Eileen & just loves to go to her
glory box, the dear kiddie remembers
you well we asked her who she went
to the zoo with she replied Uncle Tom
& he carried me when I was asleep.
Alfie has made a fool of things I have
not heard the facts but he had to resign 
from the military & also lost posture 
in Government. Oh Tom how


[*6/4/15 *]
24th Febr 1915

My dear old boy
Just a word or two
for as usual mail night & several to
write. I wonder what you will think
of Leo enlisting I wish you were together. 
I cannot realize he has gone
into camp. Linda feels keenly Leo's
going but she & Eileen might comfort
each other and we must be brave 
and not shirk our duty helping each 
other all we can during this terrible
war. We are taking care of your goods
also Leo's & Georges we have your book
case & chairs in the little front room
your chest drawers in Jacks. Oh how
We will yearn for you & Leo to come home.
Now dear goodnight God bless you


List of things since you left
1  big linen table cloth for small bedroom 
2 d'oylies Gay Burns gave me
2 I bought from Indian shop
2 crocheted ones from Wills
2 lace ones from Wills
1 from Miss Bentley xmas day
3 auntie Bessie gave me for xmas.
12 d'oylies since you went
1 [[?]] white linen
2 Huckaback towels, I hemstitched both
ends & let crocheted lace in.
6 bluebird china plates for dessert
1      "                 "     bowl for fruit
1 China earthenware teapot
1                         "       Milk jug (from Mother)
1 White Meat dish (Fredas xmas present)
1 lovely shell spoon I had plated
1 picture of pyramids in gilt frame
                        (from Lettie & Kathleen)
1 picture (Linda's xmas present)
1 suede pocket for matches
(Nellie Armstrong's present)
1 pce linen for camisole


7 yds Torchon lace for
Pillow shams.
10 large medallions (hand made)
to let in nightgown
3 small ones
2½ yds handmade lace for
camisole sleeves.
Your 1 doz handkerchiefs
with T on each
and a Gt white silk hdkf with a
red border. George gave it to me.
Im saving it for you.


Grand Coffee Palace,

Hindley Street,

May 21 1913 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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