Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 15 - Part 9 of 10

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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WI AN7 HHs. O.B. Fiing 536 Whitcharde Re Surny Fuid A05 MILITREY FORCES PASSED BY CESOR Fictoria 3356
but it looks as though it wont be till next month now and it ma Even only be a short leave. He is very annoyed over the C.B& a fine also so Phiad practicall all the staf changine passes with me so I colled chave This ovening & Comonow then it f celebrating my borthday. are fell flat- still I suppose that 5 only a menor disappoinmet as you know when one gets nixed up with the arring. Well my Deen must close now & will write again later. When you feel shrough do a line and tell tine What the set-up & all about it I am most anxious to been. lan & the Rev astedime to convey their feblitations & they were going to pos one in for our baley. bots sf love Yours. DoCa
YANEY DY 1373 NSWAUS 7143 Mrs. Nichael Belling St Georges Hos pital Tothern Rd. eev Occtoner
30 Garnet Street West Brunswick S.o. 77 1943 Dear Hath will first of all I must ask you to excuse the writing of this letter, but as you don't need to be told about how cold it is, I am at the moment parked right in fron of the fire with the pad on my knees, so now you know why its wobby writing. The redson for this letter is that I can't possibly get out to see you, or rather I could, but wouldn't have the cheek to with the cold I happen to have, hate to pass it on to you and Richard I had really intended to drop out on the Mon- day, but sruezed all Sunday and had this on Monday, only hope I didn't leave it at Esandon. Well For very pleased to hear that both you and the baby are getting along abright, so Ha was telling me on Monday right. I waited the time I was out to see the baby, he was sound asleep, with his eyes clencked light, and loked a lovely little chap. If I shouldn't get oul to see you again before you go home. I'll drop out to adas one day, I'll find out from Ma whether you have gone br not well halh until then Ill say Ckeerio, keep well and please excuse the brivity of this. Love from Glera. XXX
WEIBOURNE 315414 3 M2 1943 Mrs. M. Billings. 548 Barker's Road East Hawthorn. 14
Do Burkek E. Malver SCC 577/43 By dear Kath We were all delipe to hear the foodnewr of the anae of a Son & Lew. I fu meck will feel bey pron & will no be conforted by the Knowledge that there is a man is change of the hame. We hope yo acern concll & that Baly is quit ak ado. Godbler for both & hope it nowt be lon befe you are home aga eve sowell & happy in the Cop of Your lovely to Yours true Fir Mons
WEIBOURN) -PH E M 1943 VICTOR Mrs Mick Billy 55. Marter Road (o Job Searger Horital his 9. other Hoad SEC Kien 714
AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND 20.69 in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. (Use Official Address Only) a Name From No. 7. 44 mn Date Unit or Croup. Warwick Darting Hay Very pleasu to have had a litter from d you y esterday, that of the Sary to say. Im shee wasting away here, how slow these prople make the forture but stouldn't be long now pweet I am wondering if you have received my letter to Me you I was wondering going to ring you last night unfortunately, there was a long deray on the line and at 10pm I had to cancel the case If my letter had Do Not Mentian Wileary Acc i Ma Vour Lettr A.P.O.
25 Lambeth Av. Malvem. S83. 12th July 1943 Dear Wath First of all I must offer congratulations to yourself and trick, on the arrival of the Son and Reir-Brchard and was sorry to hear that you had such a tiugh spen but hope by the tuse you receive this you are both 100/. I must apologise for not been able to get out to see you, but for the past month Ive had the 3 Kiddies and Self down with tonsilitis and colds. I had just got over my cold, went and had all my Lop seeth ont got a relapse of the cold on the sarre day, which just knocked me flat properly. Up tiel the weekend it Radi't been outside The gate for a week, but am glad to say that Im faling a lot better, butfeeldashed awknord without my mowlers. The brys are guwing like mushrooms, and ae as wild as ever. Francis is getting on wonderfully well at School, and is now able to write to Pat on his own, with me telling him how to spell the words. Of course Pat gets a great Kick out of his letters, and tells me each time what an inprovement-he can see in Francis letters & work Buan is talking ever somuch better, but is little backward, anhiw he keeps talking an Maigaiet 1s? us to understand him. althigh not putting on very much weight cut any deeth yet, but I dont thirk it wy
2 She does, as she chews on to every thing she lan get hold of and duibbles like nothing on earth, She's always sopping wet down the funt of her no matter hiw often I charge her bibs. Had my last letter from Pat on Saturday. He is well and in the pirk of Realth. I don't know whether you have had any letter from him pirce his charge of address, fist in case you havent I'll put his new address in the end of tis letter. He mentioned receiving letters from your mother and John duning The week. Had a letter from Sylvia in Saturday. She also has the cold, So is in the fashiin. She was Comerg out to spend the weekend with me, but was fughtered The kiddies and I mightcatch the cold from her little did she know the shife I've been in, as I previously told you. Enclosed yuill find an Envelope for Richard, just a little for his money bos, as I heard fum a little bird That you had plenty of clothes and every thing nie for his arval, so kope you will paidon the Cash. hell Rath as I sill have to write to Pat before I sum in, I'll now close hoping you receive regular mail fum Mick, dont forget to give Rim my love fite, also hoping This finds you yourself ohe With lots of love Frm the Kiddies and Self Ann XXXXXRX 8200610 Austraha. Har Mamoris

Mrs M. Billings 
536 Whitehorse Rd 
Surry Hills 


but, it looks as though it wont be  
till next month now and it may  
Even only be a short leave. He is 
very annoyed over the C. B & a fine also 
as I had practically all the staff  
changing passes with me so I could 
have this evening & tomorrow off 
for celebrating my birthday - then it  
all fell flat. still I suppose that is 
only a minor disappointment as 
you know when one gets mixed 'up 
with the army. Well my Dear I  
must close now & will write again 
later. When you feel stronger drop 
a line & tell me what the set up is 
& all about it, I am most anxious 
to hear. Mary & the Rev asked me 
to convey their felicitations & they were 
going to pop one in for our baby. 
Lots of love 
Yours. [[???]]


Mrs. Michael Billings 
St Georges Hospital 
Cotham Rd, 




32 Garnet Street. 
West Brunswick. N.10. 
7'' 7'' 1943. 

Dear Kath, 
Well first of all I must ask you to 
excuse the writing of this letter, but as you 
don't need to be told about how cold it is, I 
am at the moment parked right in front 
of the fire with the pad on my knees, so now 
you know why it's wobby writing. 
The reason for this letter is that I can't 
possibly get out to see you or rather I could, but 
wouldn't have the cheek to with the cold I happen 
to have, hate to pass it on to you and Richard. 
I had really intended to drop out on the Mon- 
day, but sneezed all Sunday and had this on  
Monday, only hope I didn't leave it at Essendon. 
Well I'm very pleased to hear that both 
you and the baby are getting along alright, so 
Ma was telling me on Monday night. I waited 
the time I was out to see the baby, he was 
sound asleep, with his eyes clenched tight, and 
looked a lovely little chap. If I shouldn't get out 
to see you again before you go home, I'll drop out 
to Ada's one day, I'll find out from Ma whether 
you have gone or not. Well Kath until then I'll 
say Cheerio, keep well and please excuse the brevity 
of this. Love from Sylvia. x x x.


3 15AM 
3 JUL 
Mrs. M. Billings. 
548 Barker's Road 
East Hawthorn. 


208 Burke Rd 
E. Malvern 

My dear Kath 
We were all delighted 
to hear the good news of the arrival 
of a Son & heir. I guess Mick 
will feel very proud & will now 
be comforted by the knowledge that  
there is a man in Charge of the 
We hope you are ever so well 
& that baby is quite o.k also. 
God bless you both & hope it won't 
be long before you are home again 
ever so well & happy in the Company of 
your lovely son. 
Yours Truly 
Jim Morris


548 Barkers Rd. 
Mrs. Mick Billings   7/7/43 
55 Martin Road 
c/o St Georges Hospital 
Cotham Road Glen Iris 


(Use Official Address only
From No................... Name............... 
Unit or Group......... Date 8.7.44 

Darling Kay. 
Very pleased to 
have had a letter from 
you yesterday, that of the 3rd. 
Sorry to say, I'm still wasting 
away here; how slow these  
people make the torture 
but shouldn't be long now  
[ I am wondering if you 
have received my letter to tell 
you I was wondering going 
to ring you last night.] 
unfortunately, there was a 
long delay. on the line and 
at 10p.m. I had to cancel 
the call. If my letter had 
Mail Your Letters A.P.O.          Do Not Mention Military Activities


28 Lambeth Av. 
Malvern. SE3. 
12th July 1943. 
Dear Kath, 
First of all I must offer congratulations to  
yourself and Mick, on the arrival of the son and heir-Richard. 
and was sorry to hear that you had such a tough spin, 
but hope by the time you receive this you are both 100%. 
I must apologise for not been able to get out 
to see you, but for the past month I've had the 3 kiddies 
and self down with Tonsilitis and colds. I had just 
got over my cold, went and had all my top teeth out, 
got a relapse of the cold on the same day, which just 
knocked me flat properly. Up till the weekend I 
hadn't been outside the gate for a week, but am glad to 
say that I'm feeling a lot better, but feel dashed awkward 
without my "maulers". 
The boys are growing like mushrooms, and 
are as wild as ever. Francis is getting on wonderfully well 
at school, and is now able to write to Pat on his own, with 
me telling him how to spell the words. Of course Pat gets a 
great kick out of his letters, and tells me each time 
what an improvement he can see in Francis letters & work. 
Brian is talking ever so much better, but is .....a little 
backward, anyhow he keeps talking an...... 
us to understand him. Margaret is g 
although not putting on very much weight 
Cut any teeth yet, but I didn't think it wi


She does as she chews on to every thing she can get hold of. 
and dribbles like nothing on earth, she's always sopping 
wet down the front of her no matter how often I change  
her bibs. 
Had my last letter from Pat on Saturday. He 
is well and in the pink of health. I don't know whether you 
have had any letters from him since his change of address,  
just in case you haven't I'll put his new address on the end  
of this letter. He mentioned receiving letters from your mother 
and John during the week. 
Had a letter from Sylvia on Saturday. She 
also has the cold, So is in the fashion. She was 
coming out to spend the weekend with me, but was frightened 
the kiddies and I might catch the cold from her, little 
did she know the strife I've been in, as I previously 
told you. 
Enclosed you'll find an envelope for Richard, 
just a little for his money box, as I heard from a little 
bird that you had plenty of clothes and everything nice for 
his arrival, so hope you will pardon the cash. 
Well Kath as i still have to write to 
Pat before I turn in. I'll now close hoping you receive 
regular mail from Mick, don't forget to give him my love 
when..........te, also hoping this finds you yourself 
With lots of love 
From the kiddies and self. 
Ann xxxxxxx 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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