Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 15 - Part 7 of 10

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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29 Kishnoed Ave. Landiinglam 38th Jure Dear Kay was very glad to hear your little party "tas one but ho sany to theat you were baving touble with iee Richard. do hepe he will improve Deisthy is very ancious about you. We few days away at Alliy will do be the world of 900d emember we to your husbord wher unitnng, mert you. Would you let we have hs no. 1 & address as I would like to red him a gift from our Sening arick: Kong to hear you are ineding seadily very sincerely, Maysiie Stannus
28/5/43 Mrs M. Billing T. George Hospital Lew
Manninglam Road nicae 30/6/13 Dear Pay Tust of all Cangratulation In tembly chulled that you have a sa Goodnes only knows what you must think of me kay, but a most stupid thing happened. I wrote your address down in my book then I promptly lost it somemhere! I'we been getting into hat water too, as I had quite a few addresses in it. Couldn't 6or the life of me think of your street either so I just sat down & thought what to do & decided the only thing wes to watch the papers & my patience was rewaided last Saturday morning. I hope you are well now Kay & that you didn't have too dreadful a time. I i dying to see you as you ll now. It's ages since we last met isut it. d Michael manage to get down at all? I have peen several lads with the same color patcl + have wondered about him. was durn atent
three weeks ago I nearly died of shock. Had abeolutely no idea that he would be have & got a telegram one morning saying to expect him. He had 14 days too so we had a good time. The only thing was it was the mosst time me &of cousss nothing happened! Iin ulucky arent 2, especially when I want an infant so much suppose I'll just have to wait until he is home altogether & then see what I can do about it. I in hurly disappoiy though My sister in law had a gril dear ice thing. We all wanted her to have a boy, but she unished go a give so she' happy Well my dear, I must do some work. I am back at the office altogether now. Have lots to tell you about everything. To hope you can diap me a line soon. Qvens kind regards to Relal Flame
WRIE 3 BAN 331 1943 MPTARIA 306 Mrs. Michael Billings, C/- St. George’'s Hospital, 283 Cotham Road, KEN.
O Church St Burwood E13 My Dear Puss. I am unable to get alross to see you again but rang your Bospital yesterday a the reply to my enquiries was good you will know how glad we all were to hear that how dear knowing or rather quessing that you have everything liftle Richard requires fine and I are enclosing a smanl anount for you to start a Banking Account for him and it also carries our warmest love and good wishes for your cuture happiness a gotd health I know that I wont be seeing you for same time but you might ring me I have a chat when you are well and strong Whch send his love your loving annit Rose
2416 /8 Mrs K. Billings ST. Georges Hospital Cotham Rd. Res
25 Heath St East Bris. S.E. 4 7o 1943 Dear Kay How vvry pleased we three were to hear the great news, H we want to Congratulate you both, fancy & a son, now you got your wish & I'm sure your a very phont Bother, & what will mick be like, sippore he will be that proced, he will think his son, the only one, strange your mail & mick's came together & he said how anxciourly he was waiting to hear about the baby, as the time was so nehr & said you parted him up with all the news I do hope, also Gran & Reg, that you are both getting on well, let me know how Richard is getting on, more than sarry to hear, the little darling has had such a bad time. You will be sorry to hear Gran is not well, she us still ill, although much better, I had to get Dr. Hynes, he said she s suffering with low blood pressure, she had a nasly turn, & fell over the wash stand in her bedroom, I'm with her all the time, she hurt her breast, but no reles broken, but is in pain a lot, she celebrated her 86h Birthday on the 2bt. June I had a wonderful time, all her Glan- children & their children, came along as usual with their presents, & those Away Sent Telegrashs, Mavis, prie & a girl friend came
AUSTRALLAN FCOMFORTS FUND 222 In Conjunction with V.M.C.A. (Use Official Address Onty) 2 Name From No. Daten Uhit Or CroUE A.O. more letters from you wathe samee my last letter. Ay I hope you will have had mine for I was planning to ring you tomorrow night and werl go to. P.C in the morning to wook the case so seeing I shall talk to you, I will make this a bout note Goodnight Sweetest dord and heard to sevng you soon cant be teo sever love and litked. Are my lots of kissed to R1ch and & you 6. Cy Mrr Love Letters A.P.O. Ot Mem 30

29, Kirkwood Ave. 
28th June. 

Dear Kay, 
I was very glad to hear 
your little "party" was over, but 
so sorry to hear you were 
having trouble with wee Richard. I 
do hope he will improve. 
Dorothy is very anxious 
about you. The few days away 
at Albury will do her the world 
of good. 
Remember me to your husband 
when writing, won't you? Would you 
let me have his no. & address as I 
would like to send him a gift from 
our Sewing Circle? 
Hoping to hear you are improving 
Very sincerely, Marjorie Stannus.



Mrs M. Billings. 
"St. Georgs' Hospital", 


Manningham Road 

My Dear Kay 
First of all Congratulations. 
I'm terribly thrilled that you have a 
Goodness only knows 
what you must think of me Kay, but 
a most stupid thing happened. I wrote 
your address down in my book & 
then I promptly lost it somewhere! I've 
been getting into hot water too, as I had 
quite a few addresses in it. Couldn't for 
the life of me think of your street either. 
So I just sat down & thought what to 
do & decided the only thing was to watch 
the papers & my patience was rewarded 
last Saturday morning. 
I hope you are well now 
Kay & that you didn't have too dreadful 
a time. I'm dying to see you, as you'll 
know. It's ages since we last met 
isn't it? 
Did Michael manage to get 
down at all? I have seen several 
lads with the same color patch & have 
wondered about him. 
Doug was down about


three weeks ago. I nearly died 
of shock. Had absolutely no idea 
that he would be home & got a 
telegram one morning saying to 
expect him. He had 14 days too, 
so we had a good time. The only 
thing was it was the worst time 
for me & of course nothing happened!! 
I'm unlucky aren't I, especially 
when I want an infant so much. 
Suppose I'll just have to wait until 
he is home altogether & then see what 
I can do about it. I'm horribly disappointed 
My sister-in-law had a girl, 
dear wee thing. We all wanted her 
to have a boy, but she wished for a 
girl so she's happy. 
Well my dear, I must do 
some work. I am back at the office 
altogether now. Have lots to tell you 
about everything. Do hope you can 
drop me a line soon. 
Kind regards to Michael 


30 6 43 
Mrs. Michael Billings, 
C/- St. George's Hospital, 
283 Cotham Road, 


6 Church St
Burwood E13 
My Dear Puss. 
I am unable to get across to 
see you again but rang four Hospital yesterday & 
the reply to every enquiries was good. You will 
know how glad we all were to hear that 
how dear knowing or rather guessing that you 
have everything little Richard requires June and 
I are enclosing a small amount for you to 
start a Banking Account for him and it also 
carries our warmest love and good wishes for your 
future happiness & gold health. 
I know that I won't be seeing you for some time 
but you might ring me & have a chat when you 
are well and strong Uncle send his love 
Your loving Aunt 



Mrs K. Billings 
St Georges Hospital 
Cotham Rd. 


25 Heath St 

Dear Kay 
How very pleased we three were to hear 
the great news, & we want to Congratulate you 
both, fancy, & a son, now you got your wish 
& I'm sure your a very proud mother, & what 
will Mick be like, I suppose he will be that 
proud, he will think his son, 'the only one'. 
Strange your mail & Mick's came together 
& he said how anxiously he was waiting to 
hear about the baby, as the time was so near, & 
said you posted him up with all the news 
I do hope, also Gran & Reg, that you are both 
getting on well, let me know how Richard is 
getting on, More than sorry to hear, the little darling has had such 
a bad time.. You will be sorry to hear Gran is not 
well, she is still ill, although much better. I had 
to get Dr. Hynes, he said she's suffering with low blood 
pressure, she had a nasty turn, & fell over the wash 
stand in the bedroom, I'm with her all the time, she 
hurt her breast, but no ribs broken, but is in pain 
a lot, She celebrated her 86th. Birthday on the 26th June 
& had a wonderful time, all her Gran-children & their 
children, came along as usual with their presents, & those 
away sent Telegrams, Mavis, Eric & a girl friend came


In Conjunction with 
(Use Official Address Only) 
From No........Name.......... 
Unit or Group................Date........ 
No more letters from you either 
since my last letter. May
hope you will have had mine 
for I was planning to ring 
you tomorrow night and 
will go to PO in the morning 
to book the call. So seeing 
I shall talk to you, I will 
make this a brief note. 
Goodnight Sweetest 
ever and hears to seeing 
you soon, can't be too soon 
either. All my love and 
lots of kisses to Richard 
& you. 
Mail Your Letters A.P.O. Do Not Mention Military Activities

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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