Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 15 - Part 4 of 10

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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the night are starting to get wan which for my part it no clamm good, Thanps for sending me wicks address buket is rather vayoce as their are I and would like a letle aa auai if po th soo I can lost him, and apark from that he mas not be an where hear me, as I have not had a visit from him, but might be lushy to streke him sone day. My word the opppring must we getting on like a house on file which is good news and would like a shap of him as som as you can get one, Have not had a letter from John for quite a while, but by what has been bet oner the news of lare I would not be surprised if he is hanging acound this place somewhere, but a little nor uncomfortable than me. The tueperes pretty good up here so farewith peast mean supply ayay onceadd also a yoou, supply of fesh wutter, so taking
5 things all round we are doing all right for onkelves, also have pictures in the camp area every sunday night 4 usually a pietly good show. How are ray all at Hank I suppose Alpex is quite a young man as yu mrew the lete to thi s happir to come around, I hope togebout to see you all annow in the meantemedont forger to remember me to them all and give them by best wishes for good healt and good lick well kath as news has fipeled out and time is on the wing I well close now wishing you all the best. home Your. Lond Brother Paddy Xaxaxxd Michael fom his uncble &CxXX.
A1 on Active Stnnce EGAIL 9.9.43 Mrs. M. T. Billings 548 Barkers. Rd. East Hawthorn 2 Victoria 1 Australia SNI
W4732013 Cn Clarke PJ. 11th Aust Adv. 1o phops Thursday AEME.A.IF. May 18th 44 Australia Dear Sir just a few lines in answer to your welcomed letter received yesterday and am alad to see by same that you and baly are well as this letter leaves me here in the pink of heath at present although the weather is prettydamn had and am sunwing same ok but am looking forward to getting down to good ola Lic, some hight day, to Sample a little cool for a change which no doubt will be a bit of a novelty but hope that by the time we dd eveninally reach there it is not quite as bad as at presend, as 85 deby reports in the rocal rag that you have had a few falls of
know quite close to home, bud with all that chucked in Ithink I could manage to survive it very pleased to know that you secmed a place of your own, and I think you were very tuckyas thy are pretty damg hard toget bet have an ided that you ae out in the dryarea, if so amy apaid you will have to have a few on therise for the bigday, as the balys head has to be werget now done forget, received a letter from Mum the other day, and by all accomn the has the screns rather bad, but waats got metricked, and I stell think it all unecessay is the B work buisiness the makes me mad every time I think of it, and am ahaid that if she does not wahe upto herself, it well costing her a few
more guid for Dr. Bills, but there you are its jysd like talking to the brick wall as I found and when I was down that way. Thanks very much for the Canteen orders and the best wishes it w very good of you to think afone in that way Have not seen mick for sometime, as it is more or less on any special ocasion that tget in that far we hope to see him in a much better place the here, with much better Sursberdays Well kas as time is getting on and news is ccarce I will crose now with an the best and ar extea special hes a cuddle for bels and hope that this letter finds sow all well, also remember me to all at Hawthan remcen 14 Your ond Beother Pacd &xX Micheal xVXXX XXa
H1FMAI Mrs M. Billings 536 Whitehorse Rd 16544 Surry Hills ictoria S Austratia
Staunton Ave Lakes Entrance. Friday morning Dearest Hay Ma wrote to me last night and told me the nws. I am glad you came through alright, but we are noth sorry to hear the little baby is not doing so well. we hope by this time he has picked up and making good progress, as I am sure he will having the best care and attention. Often balices who have sit backs at lith, grow up to be lovely strong balies, so we can andy hope your baly will be no exception I know how haid it is to loose him but if God thinks it best to take him Kay, try to be very lrave, you will have one little one in heaven but I have prayed that baly will get daily much shonger. If you feel will enough write and tell me how he is progressing, tell Ada or Mun to write if you don't fol up to it. I will be thinking of you both all the time your loving Sister. until I hear. Fay &CX
26/5/4 Mrs. M.D. Billings. St Georges Hospital Cotham Rd. Kew t

The nights are starting to get warm which 
for my part its no damm good. Thanks 
for sending me Micks address but it is 
rather vague as thus are  
and would like a little 
extra detail if possible so as I can locate 
him, and apart from that he may not be 
anywhere near me, as I have not had a visit 
from him, but might be lucky to strike him 
some day. My word the offspring must be
getting on like a house on fire which is good
news and would like a snap of him as soon
as you can get one. Have not had a letter
from John for quite a while, but by what
has been put over the news of late I would
not be surprised if he is hanging around
this place somewhere, but a little more
uncomfortable than me. The tucker is
pretty good up here so far, with fresh
meat supply a least once a [[day?]] also a
good supply of fresh butter, so taking


things all round we are doing all right for 
ourselves, also have pictures in the camp  
area every Sunday night & usually a pretty 
good show. How are they all at Hawthorn 
I suppose Alfred is quite a young man by 
this & when the leave business happens 
to come around, I hope to get out to see  
you all anyhow in the meantime dont 
forget to remember me to them all and 
give them my best wishes for good health 
and good luck. Well Kath as news has 
fizzeled out and time is on the wing 
I will close now. Wishing you all the  
From your 
fond Brother 
Michael from his 
unchle xxxxx.


on active Service 
AIR MAIL.   9.9.43 
Mrs. M. T. Billings 
548 Barkus. Rd 
East. Hawthorn 
Military Forces 
Passed by Censor 


[[Ltn]] Clarke P.J. 
11th Aust.Adv.W/shops 
A.E.M.E. A.I.F 
May 18th 44 
Dear Sis. 
Just a few lines in answer to 
your welcomed letter received yesterday 
and am glad to see by same that you  
and baby are well as this letter leaves me 
here in the pink of health at present 
although the weather is pretty damn 
hot, and am surviving same O.K. but 
am looking forward to getting down 
to good old Vic. some bright day, to  
sample a little cool for a change 
which no doubt will be a bit of a 
novelty, but hope that by the time 
we do eventually reach there it is 
not quite as bad as at present, as 
I see by reports in the local rag 
that you have had a few falls of


snow quite close to home, but with all 
that chucked in think I could 
manage to survive it. Very pleased 
to know that you secured a place 
of your own, and I think you were 
very lucky as they are pretty damn hard 
to get, but have an idea that you 
are out in the dry area, if so I am 
afraid you will have to have a few 
on the ice for the big day as the 
baby's head has to be wet yet. now 
don't forget, received a letter from 
Mum the other day, and by all accounts 
she has the [[screws]] rather bad, but  
whats got me tricked, and I still 
think it all unecessary is the B. 
work buisiness its makes me mad 
every time I think of it, and am 
afraid that if she does not wake 
up to herself, it will costing her a few. 


more quid for Dr Bills, but there you are 
its just like talking to the brick wall 
as I found out when I was down that 
way. Thanks very much for the Canteen 
orders and the best wishes it was 
very good of you to think of me in 
that way. Have not seen Mick for 
sometime, as it is more or less on any 
special ocasion that I get in that far 
but hope to see him in a much 
better place the here, with much better 
surroundings. Well Kath as time is getting  
on, and news in scarce I will close 
now with all the best and an extra 
special kiss & cuddle for bubs. and 
hope that this letter finds you all 
well. Also remember me to all at Hawthorn 
I remain 
Your fond Brother 
Paddy xxxx 
Micheal xxxxxx


Mrs. M. Billings 
536 Whitehorse Road. 
Surry Hills 


Staunton Ave 
Lakes Entrance 
Friday morning
Dearest Kay 
Mum wrote to me last night and told 
me the news.  I am glad you came through  
alright.  but we are both sorry to hear the 
little baby is not doing so well.  We hope by 
this time he has picked up and making 
good progress, as I am sure he will, having 
the best care and attention.  Often babies 
who have setbacks at birth, grow up to be 
lovely strong babies, so we can only hope 
your baby will be no exception. 
I know how hard it is to loose him 
but if God thinks it best to take him  
Kay, try to be very brave, you will  
have one little one in heaven, but I 
have prayed that baby will get daily 
much stronger. 
If you feel well enough write and tell 
me how he is progressing, tell Ada or Mum 
to write if you don't feel up to it.  I will 
be thinking of you both all the time 
Until I hear.  Your loving Sister, 
[[Fay?]] xxx


Mrs. M. J. Billings, 
St. Georges' Hospital, 
Cotham Rd,  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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