Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 15 - Part 3 of 10

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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3 cool, where it is just the apposite where Sam. Also had a letter from yohn telling me all aboud his leave and the wedding, also goe some snops fom Naw, and I think the were very good, I don't think by what I hear that the have not hit it too well with her people but I suppose when they find out it cone good being that was inclined it well soon blow over. Well Rath as their is not much news from this berg, and with two letters to answer from Wan, and abov all the danm Mosquitoss to contend with, I well close now I hope that this letter finds all at Camberwa well and not forgetting to remember me to Auntielencle & Alped. Your ford Brother Pat XXXxxxxxx
HHIRI IAE 143 5 M. Billings Mr 548 Barkers Rd. East Hawthorn ictoria Clustralia
PROObTO Australlal Mar Mamerial
XX132013 Or Clashe P.J. Monday e. SoCareah Bhops AE.M.E. May 31st 143 New Guinea Horces In reply to your most welcomed letter received yesterday, and glad to see by same that you and an at 548 are weel as this leaves me here in the pink at present, only very dry, of course I mean the gullett, also the days are prett Hot but thank goodness the nights are cool and we can get a bit of Sleep. My word I am very pleased to here that alped is getting on so well please remember me to them all. you were going crook about the bit of a strain your under but wait sister until it happens two or three times and you will get quite use to it, anyhow apait from that; I wish you and family good luck, and hope that everything turns out all right. I'm Nans last letter she was saying the same thing as you regard Mums
t but I think that if she were to take more rest she would be better off, it seem stapid to be going round at the pace shedoes, and especially at her age in life, and of she were to take notice of someone, she would be 10090 better off you were saying that I might get a visit from Mick at anytime well ip to the present there has been no sign of him but as you say that if he has my address he will kow where to locate me, as it is no good going looking for him as I wolld not know where to start. While I think of it I want to thank you for the cape, it arrived in good order + condition at it was extra goodleatin it is very nice to get parcels like that as it helps to take the monotory off the aimy food which is not so hot believe me. The piddies and all at home are in good fittle thats according to the last letter received last. week, have had a few snaps taken which I am sending home, if thy are succesfuly.
3 Well Kath as news from this berg is vey scaue and I have a letter to write to Mum Swill close now not forgetting the sudger amily & hope that this letter finds you all well I Remain Your Brother Paddy tid
N 13201 Afn Clarke P.S. Sunday th Aust Adw lkhops Aug 13t 19413 DENE AIE Australia Dear Rath In answer to your most welcomed letter received last week and am pleased at the Goodnew contained in same and pleased to know that baly is on the right track and by all, accounts of news containd in other letters that I received that both you and the little one had apretty rough time and I hope by the time this letter reaches you, that big improvement is stell young on, anyhow Loffer my congratulations to both you and Mick, by the way have not heard anthing from him, so don't hnoow whether, he is up here or not. Had a letter from John through the week as according to same he is well and slell hanging around the same place and well on the water wagon like miself, but can tell you that when I hit good old Aussie again I well make up for lost time in man things wke bath things are much the same up here nothing fesh to leven the place up nt even a visit from the B. up the was, but we manage to gets a fau
2 bit of amusement one was and another as regards pictures and a few concert parties, by the way the comforts fund look after us pretty well, and there is no doubd absut it they do a hell of a good job. We had a consent in the camp last night, and tuned ond a pretty good show & a good variety of items passable and otherwse also having picties to night. How is Alped getting on, I suppose he is getting quite a man by now and getting on all right in his Job, anghow don't forget to remember me to them all, and tell luere Bill that I will have a hell of a thirst by the time I see him. Have you had any letters from Hay? as I have not had one for quite a while, bud received one of her panch yesterday. Well Rath as time marches on, and I have a few more ts write I will close now hoping this finds you all well with a special pers for the baly. I remain Your fond brother Pat 12 1. 6. 42
On dctive Service 8 Mrs. M. S. Billings 548 Barkers Ret. Hawtharn East Victoria Australic
17132013 An Clarke D9. 11th Ausd. Ad. W/shaps Thuysday Sept. 9th 43 AEME A.IF Australia Dear Kath. just a few leves to letyon krow that sam Still in the land of Junglown woys ets sae bo besses to soe thast weloomed be tsee received some time ago, and at this stage Imust apoligise for not answering it befoe thes, but the far may, has grown a vit of late that it taken a bit of keeping up with but don't think I am qrumbling about getting letters as that is notso as the are the of the things we do losk faurd to and of course the other is leave practcally an unknown thing, anyhow after those few remaiks now to yet on with what littlenews there is, and fyst of all s am glad to see by your letter that you and bay and all at Harkers Rd are all well as this leaves me in the pink of health at present. The weather during the day is still very has and even

cool, where it is just the opposite where I am.  
Also had a letter from John telling me all  
about his leave and the wedding, also got  
some snaps from Nan, and I think they were  
very good, I dont think by what I hear that  
they have not hit it too well with her people  
but I suppose when they find out it is no good  
being that way inclined it will soon blow  
over.  Well Kath as their is not much news  
from this berg, and with two letters to  
answer from Nan, and above all the damn  
Mosquitoes to contend with, I will close now  
& hope that this letter finds all at Camberwell  
well and not forgetting to remember me  
to Auntie Uncle & Alfred. 
Your fond Brother 


[*On Active Service*] 
Mrs M. Billings 
548 Barkers Rd. 
East. Hawthorn 
Victoria Australia 


War Memorial 


VX 132013 
C/n Clarke P.J. 
N.G.F of C area W/shops 
New. Guinea Forces. 
May 31st 43 
In reply to your most  
welcomed letter received yesterday, and glad 
to see by same that you and all at 548 
are well as this leaves me here in the pink 
at present, only very dry, of course I mean 
the gullett, also the days are pretty Hot 
but thank goodness the nights are cool 
and we can get a bit of sleep.  My word 
I am very pleased to here that Alfred is  
getting on so well please remember me to 
them all.  You were going crook about 
the bit of a strain your under but wait 
sister until it happens two or three times 
and you will get quite use to it, anyhow 
apart from that, I wish your and family good 
luck, and hope that everything turns out 
all right.  In Nans last letter she was 
saying the same thing as you regard Mum


but I think that if she were to take more 
rest she would be better off, it seem stupid 
to be going round at the pace she does, and 
especially at her age in life, and if she were 
to take notice of someone, she would be 100% 
better off. You were saying that I might get 
a visit from Mick at anytime well up to the 
present there has been no sign of him but 
as you say that if he has my address he will 
know where to locate me, as it is no good 
going looking for him as I would not know 
where to start. While I think of it I want 
to thank you for the cake, it arrived in good 
order & condition at it was extra good eating 
it is very nice to get parcels like that as it 
helps to take the monotony off the army food 
which is not so hot. believe me.  The kiddies 
and all at home are in good fettle that's 
according to the last letter received last 
week, have had a few snaps taken which 
I am sending home if they are successful.


Well Kath as news from this berg is very scarce 
and I have a letter to write to Mum I will 
close now. not forgetting the Sudgen family 
& hope that this letter finds you all well 
I Remain. 
Your Brother 


C/n Clarke P.J. 
11th Aust Adv. W/shops 
Aug 1st 1943 
Dear Kath. 
In answer to your most welcomed letter 
received last week and am pleased at the good news 
contained in same and pleased to know that baby 
is on the right track and by all accounts of news 
contained in other letters that I received that both 
you and the little one had a pretty rough time and 
I hope by the time this letter reaches you that 
big improvement is still going on, anyhow I offer 
my congratulations to both you and Mick, by the way 
have not heard anything from him so don't know  
whether he is up here or not. Had a letter from John 
through the week as according to same he is well 
and still hanging around the same place and 
well on the water wagon like myself, but can tell 
you that when I hit good old Aussie again I 
will make up for lost time in many things. Well 
Kath things are much the same up here nothing 
fresh to liven the place up not even a visit from 
the B. up the way, but we manage to get a fair 


bit of amusement one way and another, as regards 
pictures and a few concert parties, by the way the 
comforts fund look after us pretty well, and there 
is no doubt about it they do a hell of a good job. 
We had a concert in the camp last night, and turned 
out a pretty good show & a good variety of items 
passable and otherwise also having pictures tonight. 
How is Alfred getting on, I suppose he is getting 
quite a man by now and getting on all right in his 
job, anyhow. dont forget to remember me to them 
all, and tell Uncle Bill that I will have a hell 
of a thirst by the time I see him. Have you had  
any letters from May,? as I have not had one for quite 
a while, but received one of her parcels yesterday. 
Well Kath as time marches on and I have a few more 
to write I will close now hoping this finds you 
all well with a special kiss for the baby. 
I remain 
Your fond brother 


On Active Service 

Mrs M.J. Billings 
548 Barkers Rd 
Hawthorn East 


C/n Clarke P.J. 
11th Aust. Adv. W/shops 
Sept. 9th 43 
Dear. Kath. 
Just a few lines to let you know that 
I am still in the land of jungles and wogs etc 
and in answer to your most welcomed letter 
received some time ago, and at this stage I must 
apoligise for not answering it before this, but the 
fan mail has grown a bit of late that it takes 
a bit of keeping up with but dont think I am 
grumbling about getting letters as that is not so, 
as they are theone of the things we do look forward 
to and of course the other is leave practically 
an unknown thing, anyhow after those few 
remarks now to get on with what little news 
there is. and first of all I am glad to see by 
your letter that you and baby and all at 
Barkers Rd are all well as this leaves me in 
the pink of health at present. The weather 
during the day is still very hot and even

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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