Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 15 - Part 2 of 10

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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WsrnatuN CauronrS Fn Widlerian Dirsion WITHWHIICHIaAV e RSo Was Sanes Frst J. M. Aand Saleaton Any about 1945 when I get back, Well as I started the Shird page Ill have to finish at, yes heres something, went to nass this morning for the first time since last month a South Apican friest, some haw for once the shills tha went over duing wass didnt duderbe one so much, no did we worry about the planes beussing aloud up there it would be hard for you he ficture it all but there was no great display, no great church, rather just a simple service to a few duity undedy soldeers, but it left ne more infressed than anythey Ican remember the alter was tws becout borces and two petral bons, but the feeling was there, the freess held a general confersion as the number was too many to do segly, this is the first lime that I have received this way Well my dear Hath, I nust ferest now and crawl up on my lowly bunk, wander whats in the leed daight, ferhap a nake, may be a scorpian, but ill bet theres a mouses, there usually is. Teaps of love The plane cropped its load your youg brother lousy shart. John X4X 14
2 got a slight relape brought on by the extrime cold. Will you let t im know for in the hustle of the phone that, I may have given The imprestion, it was more Sercout. Ouite a swag of ex AG fellows have it, the cold wakes The lug up Well thats tthat, Switheart, wine dast + geet this away on todays arrman as loon as anyithing -breaks, will let you know Should be any time now to keep the pecked up for a while, Sweet Ray. Tie the little honey chile a big Bits from Dads Am just cragy to be with you to bell you howt much I love you H. Ky
48044 25 SEF 4895 WIEEARY Ofrs A Bellings 548 Burhers Roar Seastern Es Celb C/o Mrs. J. Rowling Sichra 25 Heath St Cnstratin East Brisbane Lueensland
COMTONSFIN AsranIAN Wittarian Mission Wirt wricH IS ACFII1C0 R.S. L. War Serice Fund, Y. M.C. A. and Salvation Anny V✓ 14422 S/391.L. W. Hlarke 102 a 2/12 aux Field Regd 2 a.1.s. abroad. Dearest Sath Will Mrs. A. I received a letter from you today my word you do ship about a lost, why don't you pay the rent, its easies. I hope you receive the last letter from me, because I went to a lot of trouble over it and be my mind it was a bit of a masterpice Ire just finested & full fages to Sylvea so believe me the land is getting a little crampd, We are still in the desert, fighting bens not much doing things are too queet we would rather that it was a libble noisier, gets too dull like this Glad you enjoied the regt magazine, it has taken a fair time to get there because we poted them before last & was when in Palestine, Hows Nich, hell him this joint just the sme, sand, rocks, and salt bush, I believe Gairs is washed up lately too many of those 6- 6- of redcaps, some of the boys returning from lave say that a usual the aussies are pished out by the redcaps but usually there penty of N.Rs about to help out and only waiting for the exeuce, Im looking forward to a few days in there in the near future, Glad to hear of Casy and Woel, what show is Casey in, yes sister we get any gods quantity of smakes you have my fity back there, of course I smae the pipe and get my tobacco from the South African of obile canteen near here, usually by about 15 to at a sime
Asmation conrons r Willorion Minsiton WITHWIC I AI VE R S.d. Was Sonre Frnd. Y. M.C. A and Sabaton Any that cost about equal to 15/. Aussie, by the way it is the imported that was wort about 40 a din pe war back there, so you see we are on exsystreet as far as that goos, well heres health we have a fu bastle here which the South Africans sold us, and is it sleding down, we get a regular ration of a 2 bobble of Ansil for day but that only gives one an applite and longing for more, still thats bether than last time we were in when we didn't get any for sex long nouths by the by we we have been here 3 months already Rather green about Bill Brown don't remember him much myself and he was no ever mentioned much at home, but now of course its different strange how some peofle have to die before you realish that they are alive, Tell Nick that hs hopes + wishes are in sain because is seems as if we want be seeing each other until after boom - boom, any way if the hatel are so short of grog we couldnt stage a very good reumion Will sister this completes the ussul so will close naw with lave from the diverhad your loving beother PS. Bert Weeker for Burthday sot
Seevice 104 Mrs S Bellings X 25 Heath Street East Brisbane Queensland Rustralia
(132013 1 48 N. FofC Auallesshops NII Aulednes day New Guinea Horces April 28th 43 Dear Hath In answer to your most welome letter received the other day and glad toe by same that both m and othen and all A Cambewell are all well as this letter lave me here atmusent. The weather up here is slacting to get pretty waim during the but the night are still on the cool side which enables you te have a god slep ofter the days inl ot this pint swoen to thank you for sending me the perceland cantle th it will be ver acceptable and should get here very soon now. Well kath the tucker up here is just on the fair side as it all comes out of tins and I think the cooks do a pretty good job on the whole for us but as you know the tinned stuff plays up with the old tuming, but it is either
cat same or next best thing go without as I do very often and ispecially last week as I have been pretty crook with the old complain acd tuming. I get a letter from Hay nearly. every week since I have been out of Aussie also she has sent me about four parcels so with hers and the ones from home I am very well catered for, Tell ckick that the alquement is very dry up here, so if he makes this way he wants to tee a niner on the back of the boat, and believe it or not I have not had a drink for about nine months and look like having to wait another nine before any will be available, and I gaurente to make the best of it then, and hope the cick and my self will be cracking afer this time next year, as I will have two babies heads to wet. Bill Cleeland has made his way in this direction and i well up in the mountains, as a matter of fact the best place around here, it is nice and

R.S.L. War Service Fund, Y.M.C.A and Salvation Army

about 1945 when I get back, well as I started this
third page I'll have to finish it, yes heres something, went
to mass this morning, for the first time since last month
a South African priest, some how for once the shells that
went over during mass didn't disturbe one so much, nor
did we worry about the planes buzzing about up there,
it would be hard for you to picture it all, but there
was no great display, no great church, rather just a
simple service to a few dirty, untidy soldiers, but it
left me more impressed than anything I can remember,
the alter was two biscuit boxes and two petrol tins,
but the feeling was there, the priest held a general confession
as the number was too many to do singly, this is the first
time that I have received this way.
Well my dear Kath, I must finish now and
crawl up on my lowly bunk, wonder whats in the bed
tonight, perhaps a snake, maybe a scorpion, but I’ll bet there's
a mouse, there usually is.
Heaps of love
Your young brother
x x x x x  
The plane dropped its load  
lousy shot.  



got a slight relapse brought on by the extreme 
cold.  Will you let Mum know that for in the  
hustle of the phone chat, I may have given 
the impression it was more serious.  Quite a 
swag of ex N.G fellows have it, the cold wakes 
the bug up. 
Well that's that, Sweetheart,  
will dash & get this away on today's airmail. 
As soon as anything breaks, will let you  
know.  Should be any time now so keep the 
pecker up for a while, sweet Kay.  Give the 
little honey chile a big kiss from Dad.  Am 
just crazy to be with you to tell you how 
much I love you. 


No 1842 
Mrs M Billings
548 Barkers Road
Hawthorn East
C/o Mrs. [[J]]. Rowling
25 Heath St
East Brisbane


R.S.L. War Service Fund, Y.M.C.A. and Salvation Army 
VX 14422 
S/Sgt. J. W. Clarke 
 [[?]]  2/12 Aust Field Regt 
A.I.F. Abroad 
Dearest Kath
Well Mrs. M. I received a letter from you today
my word you do shift about a lot, why don't you pay
the rent, its easier. I hope you receive the last letter from
me, because I went to a lot of trouble over it and to my
mind it was a bit of a masterpiece I've just finished
8 full pages to Sylvia so believe me the hand is getting
a little cramped. We are still in the desert, fighting Huns,
not much doing, things are too quiet we would
rather that it was a little noisier, gets too dull like
this. Glad you enjoyed the regt magazine, it has
taken a fair time to get there because we posted them
before last Xmas when in Palestine. Hows Mick, tell him
this joint just the same, sand, rocks, and saltbush,
I believe Cairo is washed up lately has many of those
b- b- of redcaps, some of the boys returning from
leave say that as usual the Aussies are fished out
by the redcaps but usually there plenty of N.Z's about
to help out and only waiting for the excuse, Im
looking forward to a few days in there in the near
future, Glad to hear of Casey and Noel, what show is
Casey in, yes sister we get any gods quantity of smokes
you have my pity back there, of course I smoke the pipe
and get my tobacco from the South African mobile
canteen near here, usually by about 1 1/2 lbs at a time


R.S.L. War Service Fund, Y.M.C.A. and Salvation Army 

that cost about equal to 15/. Aussie, by the way it is
the imported that was worth about 4/6 a tin pre war
back there, so you see we are on easy street as far
as that goes, well heres health ,we have a few bottles
here which the South Africans sold us, and is it sliding
down, we get a regular ration of a 1/2 bottle of Aussie
per day but that only gives one an appetite and
longing for more, still thats better than last time we
were in when we didn't get any for six long months
by the by whe we have been here 3 months already
Rather grim about Bill Brown don't remember him
much myself and he wasn't ever mentioned much
at home, but now of course its different strange how
some people have to die before you realize that they
are alive, Tell Mick that his hopes & wishes are
in vain because it seems as if we won't be
seeing each other until after boom - boom, anyway
if the hotels are so short of grog we couldn't stage
a very good reunion. Well sister this completes the
issue so will close now with love from the desert rat
your loving brother John 
PS. Best wishes for Birthday 



3 10 42

Mrs. M. Billings
25 Heath Street
East Brisbane


[[P.G.?]] Lof C Area W/shops. AEME       
New. Guinea Forces                                 
April 28th 43

Dear Kath
In answer to your most welcome
letter received the other day and, glad to see
by same that both you and Mick and all
at Camberwell are all well as this letter leaves
me here at present. The weather up here is
starting to get pretty warm during the day
but the nights are still on the cool side
which enables you to have a good sleep
after the days toil. At this point I wish to
thank you for sending me the parcel and I
can tell you that it will be very acceptable
and should get here very soon now. Well Kath
the tucker up here is just on the fair side
as it all comes out of tins and I think the
cooks do a pretty good job. on the whole for us
but as you know the tinned stuff plays
up with the old tummy, but it is either


eat same or next best thing go without as I
do very often and especially last week as I
have been pretty crook with the old complaint
acid tummy. I get a letter from Hay nearly.
every week since I have been out of Aussie
also she has sent me about four parcels
so with hers and the ones from home I am
very well catered for, Tell Mick that the
arguement is very dry up here, so if he makes
this way he wants to tie a niner on the back
of the boat, and believe it or not I have not
had a drink for about nine months and look
like having to wait another nine before
any will be available, and I gaurentee to
make the best of it then, and hope the
Mick and my self will be cracking a few
this time next year, as I will have two
babies heads to wet. Bill Cleeland has
made his way in this direction and is well
up in the mountains, as a matter of fact
the best place around here, it is nice and

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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