Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 15 - Part 1 of 10

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Marwick 30.6.44 Daring Kay just dashing app a few lines to fell you how maoverroud it was to head your darting voice apped te long. Pity it was to short but I felt a distinct warmph apter listening to the laving Sonet Gpoken rathed excitedly. I i sorry I was not able to bee you that I was on the eve of my departure in your direction but am plice waiting for the good word to come from Jrisbane It showd not be long now for they said about a fortnight and I ve been here a fortnight now Rest asturd I wont stap uoging it on for I'm not a bit behind you in wanting and recinion nothing to become a reality. Otherwise then is much frish to hell you. Am doing a bit of work here as they are a bit short and the Lient heae is a very decent bloke and ale in and if avos Its as cold as chasity until about 10 a in and at 4p.m, it frueget aved. However am keeping the picked up and hope to present myself to you in faid orded and condition Hope you & R.chard an goods" too You sounded pretty well if a bit neave ridden but you have had a hard time I havent been able to get out ohy as its a fair way out but hes only to see
AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. (Use Official Address Only) M Name Mn From No m Datee Unit or Croun poppled go away quackly foud phans for my reception found most attoactive and it gives the Sword a twist when I think what I m misding. It suve as the answer to a saldiers prayet so poay up hard for my rlease from bondage gruck Dmant att stameful the fime we are walting.] Good manes about the goubly one too, his a sweet davlent and I in as kun as mustard to put my arms around him and see if he liked me tat the only pitible though I want to part my soms around Fantorately the weathed ACA.P.O. Do Noe Mention Mitner Actii Ms Vou
AUSTRALLAN COMFORTS FUND 223 in Conjunction with V.M.C.A. (Ose Ohcral Eddress Ontr Name From No n Date Unit or Crou here is don distanedly insomed that one Small blasding Am O.D. and Showing in body but the mind is a matter of Swerar hundreds of mited away. Well. Aa to for a whole my own, hape this is the last I shaw sote. Lake you I find the letters hard to hoas Al my love Sweetest thing and the menae to young Slinked H. RY. Ml Vou letters APC.
6 o4 M.s. M. Gullings 36 Mhitihorse Snrrey. Wins Fichoria d
PR0O0l Australlar Cortemorts
T.E. 42. OHCe DSS SMN COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALLA-POSTMASTER-SENERALS DEPARTMENT. the date stamp indicates Funds mey be Ouickty, Setety and LELECRAN the date of reception and Economically Trensterred by lodgment also, unless an This Telegram has been received subject to the Post MONEY ORDER TELEGRAM. earller date is shown after and Telegraph Act and Regulations. The time received 0 1890 the time of lodgment. SACOTIA at this office is shown at the end of the message. OACOSTOE NO.S WoSS. Tine StISSSNEN 1No Varwick C Dr a Lrs I. Billen Od Whitehorse 536 Z Hill Leaving Warwick Thursday 6 Should home early next beek love 1/15 wick
6. 65 PROUD TO SAVE FOR AUSTRALIA! War Savines Certificates and 3210 National Savings Bonds TELEERAN 4 sale at all Meney Order Post Jes, Sanks, and Savinas Sanks. EVOUR STAKE IN WIETORY.. NOW. PLAY SAFE — INSURE AGAINST WAR DAMAGE
AusrhauAN CoMrOMTS F Wictorian Division WITHWHICHIS AFFILIATEO THE R.S. L. Was Series Fand Y. M.C. A. and Salvation Army VX14422 18 42 5/39. S.W. Clarke a T.s. abroad. Sy Dear Mrs ofeck what a hell of as left this is, we are in this desire again having just another go at ferry, when we were all more or less hoping that we would be feeling the swell of migdly seas and smelling the sald air, but rlas all we are silling is the cordile, what a difference talking of differenes I think ferry also noticed a libtle of that when the aussies his the front. Anyway we aind faring too ladely, a bile be sad and plenky to smake bet wouldno I like a bostle of groger a few whishers, but as old women thubbard seed the dogard is dry, and thats in keeping with every thing else about these parts, Will Im off again, a slight delay as we had ho fill the lanp, naw I wish that cow that flying round up there would hurry and drop whatever he intends so and gets home about her lusiness because its getting hat in here with a blanke hng over the dove, but just to do the decent they he well cruise round for in hour, if he thinks he is puthing the wird up us, he has got a hell of a shook caming to him, now he has drofped a flase he should be charged for infinging the blackant regs Well Hath this is very ill mannered of me because this fart should be first, Congratalation to you Bath I was ever so pleased to hear of the weoding
AUSTNALUN CAMTOMTS FII Wictorian Diris WITH WHICHISAFPILIATEO THE R.S. L. Was Senie Fand Y. M.cC. A. and Sabeaton Ary bet believe ne also sam jealaus of you hwve, it seems that I'm not going to be lucky enough to get home ye need less to say that subject is as always our man hope of balk here we have a name for it, ging plank Lappy, som haw I keep wandering away from who In saying so will get back to where Twas, your letter and phote arrived, like the snap very much, Wich looks will, and why the hell should nt he, so would I if I was walking down those steps, still got the Gold Slar and stilla look about him, he will know what the man, see Cavey fuping raind the door, still in owces rather a rare drees these days, Well Kate, fardan Hath dear or the subject of daes, ours here at bast mine, is a fair of shorts, seen better days, but not the wash but for about 2 week, no abort or bock & socks Im burnt black but feel as fit as oatan himself, thank heaveng they have let up on the shaving rached, last time we eere in we woint allowed go moreh 2 days without breasting the rayor, daily shawing hear hell oat of the face here, I received the parsel before leaving Syna but as we here down here as if all the divets in hell were after us, I jest launt had time be answer, so Rath thank so much and hell of ish thai for heckled penk at having him for a Ban L and a will celebrate the business at Coleman somewhere

Warwick 30.6.44

Darling Kay.
Just dashing off a few lines to
tell you how marvellous it was to hear your
darling voice after so long. Pity it was so short
but I felt a distinct warmth after listening to the
loving tones spoken rather excitedly. I'm sorry
I was not able to tell you that I was on the eve
of my departure in your direction but am still
waiting for the good word to come from Brisbane.
It should not be long now for they said about
a fortnight and I've been here a fortnight now.
Rest assured I wont stop urging it on for I'm
not a bit behind you in wanting our reunion 
to become a reality. Otherwise there is nothing much 
fresh to tell you. Am doing a bit of work
here as they are a bit short and the Lieut here
is a very decent bloke and all in our favor.
Its as cold as charity until about 10 am
and at 4pm it freezes over. However am
keeping the pecker up and hope to present
myself to you in fair order and condition.
Hope you & Richard are goodo' too
You sounded pretty well if a bit nerve ridden
but you have had a hard time.
I haven't been able to get out
to see John as its a fair way out but he's only


sniffles go away quickly.  Your
plans for my reception sound
most attractive and it gives the
sword a twist when I think
what I'm missing. It sure
is the answer to a soldiers
prayer. [So pray up hard for
my release from bondage quick
smart, its shameful the time
we are wasting].
Good news about the
grubby one too, he's a sweet
darlint and I'm as keen as
mustard to put my arms around
him and see if he likes me.
Not the only pebble though I want
to put my arms around.
Fortunately the weather 

Mail Your Letters A.P.O.    Do Not Mention Military Activities.


here is din  distinctly warmer. thats
one small blessing.  Am O.K.
and thriving in body but the
mind is a matter of several
hundreds of miles away.
Well, ta ta for a while
my own, hope this is the
last I shall write. Like you
I find the letters hard to
phrase.  All my love
Sweetest thing and the
usual to young Stinker

Mail Your Letters A.P.O.     Do Not Mention Military Activities



6 [[20?]] A10 JL4

Mrs. M. Billings
536 Whitehorse Rd
Surrey Hills



War Memorial 



Funds may be Quickly, Safely and
Economically Transferred by
Sch. C 3873—7/1942.


This Telegram has been received subject to the Post 
and Telegraph Act and Regulations. The time received 
at this office is shown at the end of the message. 

The date stamp indicates 
the date of reception and 
lodgment also, unless an
earlier date is shown after
the time of lodgment.



Office of Origin.   No. of Words.   Time of Lodgment.    No.
(5)  Warwick                19                     18.5 a                           (39)

Mrs. M. Billings
536 Whitehorse Road
S Hills
Leaving Warwick Thursday should be
home early next week love Micky  (11.10)


War Savings Certificates and 
£10 National Savings Bonds
...sale at all Money Order Post
...es, Banks, and Savings Banks.


War Memorial


Sealed Lips Save Ships 


S/Sgt J.W. Clarke
A.I.F. Abroad 
1. 8 42

My Dear Mrs Mick,
What a hell of a life this is, we are in this
desert again having just another go at Jerry, when we
were all more or less hoping that we would be feeling
the swell of mighty seas and smelling the salt air, but
alas all we are smelling is the cordite, what a difference.
talking of differences I think Jerry also noticed a little
of that when the Aussies hit the front. Anyway we
aren't faring too badly, a bite to eat and plenty
to smoke, but wouldn't I like a bottle of grog or
a few whiskies, but as old woman Hubbard said 
"the dugout is dry", and thats in keeping with every
thing else about these parts, Well Im off again, a slight
delay as we had to fill the lamps now I wish that cow
thats flying round up there would hurry and drop
whatever he intends to and gets home about his
business because its getting hot in here with a blanket
hung over the door, but just to do the decent thing he will
cruise round for an hour, if he thinks he is putting
the wind up us, he has got a hell of a shock coming
to him, now he has dropped a flare he should be
charged for infringing the blackout regs.
Well Kath this is very ill mannered of
me because this part should be first, Congratulations
to you Both I was ever so pleased to hear of the wedding


but believe me also darn jealous of you two, it seems
that I'm not going to be lucky enough to get home yet
needless to say that subject is as always our main
topic of talk here we have a name for it, gang plank
happy, some how I keep wandering away from what
Im saying so will get back to where I was, your letter
and photo arrived, like the snap very much, Mick looks
well, and why the hell should'nt he?,  so would I if I
was walking down those steps, still got the Gold Star
and Stella look about him, he will know what that
means, see Casey peeping round the door, still in civies
rather a rare dress these days, Well Kate, pardon
Kath dear, on the subject of dress, ours here at least
mine, is a pair of shorts, seen better days, but not the
wash tub for about 2 weeks, no shirt or boots & socks
Im burnt black but feel as fit as satan himself, thank
heavens they have let up on the shaving racket, last
time we were in we weren't allowed go more than
2 days without breasting the razor, daily shaving tears 
hell out of the face here. I received the parcel before
leaving Syria but as we tore down here as if all the
devils in hell were after us, I just haven't had time to
answer, so Kath thanks so much and tell Mick that 
Im tickled pink at having him for a B in L and we
will celebrate the business at Colemans somewhere 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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