Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 14 - Part 11 of 13
Probably my depressing words are over
done but its as cold as charity down
here and its so different to the
picture I painted on the way down,
that I am as sour as a lemon.
I hope you are well also
Richard and will not be worried
about this. Its shocking bad luck
for us but I shall leave no stone
unturned to get home soon and
kiss your sweet face for I'm missing
you just now so terribly, Sweet.
I will leave off now and
hope to give you brighter tidings in
a couple of days. My present address is
13 Aus. Depot Cash Office, Warwick
Q' land. Goodnight, precious, I love
you & the little man so much.
6 [[AM?]]
15 JNE
Mrs. M. Billings
[*14. 6. 44*]
536 Whitehorse Rd
Surrey Hills
War Memorial
Warwick 17 6. 44
Darling Kay
Herewith the second chapter
of the tale of woe and the passage
of a couple of days has not done much
to improve my spirits or damped over
the Scurvy trick played on me. The
weather has been freezing and what
with the shock of being dumped out here
I feel numbed by a mixture of anger
& ice. Before proceeding further, I must
tell you of only? one and only piece of
good news I've had since reaching Aust
Looking through some papers I saw
the name of Johns unit and ascertained
that he was but a few miles away.
So I got a message through and he
came in last right night. Beaut it was
to see someone who brought a whiff
of home and although I was pretty
subdued, it was a happy moment
and luckily I was able to supply a bit
of liquid hospitality to improve the
occasion. He was looking fine & in
the pink He's coming in tonight
again so there's a spot of congenial company.
I hope you & Richard are
well although that dreary screed I sent
you the other day would hardly cheer
you up but as I have never put on
a turn to you in my letters I thought
it right to talk exactly as I felt. The
thing quite bowled me over and what
got me down was the damn unfairness
of it. The position as I see it although
you can't get anything definite is that
I shall go back to Brisbane probably
next week to learn what has been
decided and if they try to beat me
for my leave, something will
fly for I don't give a hoot for the
consequences. Fancy the bloody hide of them
after rotting up there all that time.
One fierce determination has come out of
is to get out of the army at the
first available opportunity and with
that end in view, I am going to
write to Ern [[Du Cros?]] to see if he will
put in an application to get me out.
It seems that if there is a job waiting
for you and if your employers will
put in for your release, you've a chance
of getting out so I have decided to
go flat out for it. Pray darling that
it will work out O.K for if, when I
go back to Brisbane they say you
cant have leave, I shall do my
block completely for behind it all I
have a hunch that it means another
overseas job. The business will be
decided one way or the other in
Brisbane and until we hear from that
end, we are in the dark so I must
remain on tenterhooks until the
animals say their piece
Otherwise my sweet, there's
no other news to tell you except that
I love you so much and not being
with you is enough to break your
heart. I can't get your image out of
my mind for I know how you built
on this and with this unexpected
hitch to our long dreamed of plans,
I know how upset you will be. Please
God, it will come out O.K in the
wash and he will let us be together
soon for I need you so much.
Good-bye darling and give the
little man I long to see Daddy's kiss.
4 45PM
19 JNE
Mrs. M. Billings
536 Whitehorse Rd
Surrey Hills
War Memorial
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