Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 14 - Part 10 of 13

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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From Nc.: Name: V128 Unit: ASMASM FUND Date: USE MILITARY ADDRESS ONLV. may be a few ims to bey. The any about NG is that living is cheap to at wire come as a mide shock to have to pay for tthings you get ffor mx up here Will, Swithiarts, tat ast see you soon ane fele you a lott of things me othings too. Chiloss an Rill the wre chap Dad. Ino living you I amand all Hicky IN VOUR LETTER DO NOT REFER TO. The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy ... dates of sailing. ports of call destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.
10 5 6 M.S. H. Fulingt 536 Whitcharse Road Suraey. Huld ctona 15
pR00610 RssWallan Mar Mamerial
V238483 Sst. M. Billings, District Accounts Office, New Guinea. 4th June 44. Darling Kay, My letters these days are like communicues from the front inasmuch, as they are dealing with one only large subject. After my promises of good things inthe offing, I suppose you are like me, quite on tenterhooks as the day of reunion drnaws inexorably nearer. Even to a dour old customer like me, a feeling of excitement is mounting and I will be in quite a dither long before I approach the environs of Melbourne. Having kept you in a state of suspense for a whole 6 lines, herewith the latest reports; the position is very promising for a departure soon, in fact, I have gone so far as to get my goods and chattels packed so Imeither peychie of Foollshly optimistic. Still, a strong feeling persists within my manly bosom that it won't be long now but to get it down to a matter of days, well sven if I did know, it would be imprudent to say so. Anyhow, that much should put you in good heart and of course, I shall do as much as is permissible to keep you posted of the pilgrims progress. Nothing would please me more than for this to be the lasr screed to go to you and if perchance, a silence from me should fall, I think you could draw your own conclusions. 1 trust this finds you and the young rescal extra hale and hearty. At his tender age, the entry into his life of the Dad leaves him quite unmoved but maybe, soon 1'11 figure quite largely in his life as a confederate in sundry stunts calculated to increasex the grey hairs on Mum’s head. Nothing further in the way of letters from you but the bundle coming in together the other day, brought you pretty well up to date although, Sunday has usually been a good day for a letter here, Feel O.K. myself, at least as well as anyone can feel in these parts after a lengthy sojourn My, oh my! to think of being home with you soon and all that that means, just in time for 1 think I was just about at the stage where it would have been a matter of indifference, whether I was sent home or pushed into the infantry. So it will be the champagne side of life to simply come home to bride and bairn. Well, that constitutes my message to the home front for today and will scram now, asking you once more to deputise for me and bestow a big Kiss on our young hopeful. It seems inadecuate to tell you that I love you so much when you must be in a fever of impatience for me to prove those oft-repeated words Btill I really do, precious, and time,a short time, I hope, will prove my contention up to the hilt. Cheerio, sweetheart and good travelling,
53 PAOObI Rtater
4 4-6 71R MI 716 C.r. B. Bulings 36 Whisehorse Ld Luony Huis. F. ona
Warwick. Eland 14. 6. 44. Dading Kay. I hope by this you were have had my wire from Bribane and are wondering what is behind the delay here. From the above address you can see that have been shaved out into the bush while things get straighhined out Tihe upthat of this blabti mess up is due to the New Touinea peaple doing things The wrong way you se, three of and who wwere due to come home came as a small unit and were trantferned to D.F.0 Brisbane who were then to bransfe Will me to D.L.O. Grisbane. Howwedwwhen we blew in to Gubone, they said They did not know anything about That and as fad as they were
a concerned, we were reporting in fat wark you can imagine how that piece of news butted the day lights but of me and I am as miserable as there after such a narty blow for I had it are fuon feed up to be home a couple of days apter getting to Gurbane and here I am 150 miles away wondering when the stew is going to claned p Audtess to say. I protected bittinly but the head surang was away and his stooges said they could not do any thing about it until he astone Anyhow of They play around with me, I can ten you I'm going to go to the limit for aptd waited to long and buid myself up to such a pitch, I am as depressed as the divil marroned out here. Still I suppose
it will come O.K shortly but Im not in any mood to be shaved around I i so sorry for you daaling apted busying you up for the last few months, I atmost howe as I write these lines. I just havent realisea Im sheck here, it had sumply left me thunderstauck that right at the deathknack, This halch has occume. It looked a cutainty that I woned have been with you for R.chard's birthday and I know how you wonld have lavin that and now that joy it in of eapardy. The part that burnea me up is that chap is so hilpless, for I may tell you this crown are a rothen thire rate lot and it was a sorry day when I got mine up in it

From No.:


may be a few items to buy.
The only virtue about N' G
is that living is cheap so
it will come as a rude shock
to have to pay for things
you get for nix up here.

Well, Sweethearts, that's
all, see you soon and tell
you a lots of things, nice
things too. Cheerio and
kiss the wee chap from
Dad. Tis loving you I
am and all

The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy ... dates of sailing... ports of call...
destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.


3 Opened by Censor





Mrs. M. Billings
536 Whitehorse Road
Surrey. Hills



War Memorial
3 Opened by Censor  


VX38483 Sgt. M. Billings,
District Accounts Office,
New Guinea. 4th June 44.

Darling Kay,
[My letters these days are like communiques from the front
inasmuch,as they are dealing with one only large subject .After my promises
of good things inthe offing ,I suppose you are like me ,quite on tenterhooks
as the day of reunion drwaws inwexorablty nearer . Even to a dour old
customer like me,a feeling of excitement is mounting and I will be in quite
 a dither long before I approach the environs of Melbourne. Having kept you
in a state of suspense for a whole 6 lines,herewith the latest reports; the
position is very promising for a departure soon,in fact,I have gone so far
as to get my goods and chattels packed so I'm either psychic or foolishly
optimistic. Still,a strong feeling persists within my manly bosom that it
won't be long now but to get it down to a matter of days , well even if I did
know,it would be imprudent to say so. Anyhow, that much should put you in
good heart and of course,I shall do as much as is permissible to keep you
posted of the pilgrim's progress. Nothing would please me more than for this
to be the lasr screed to go to you and if perchance,a silence from me should
fall ,I think you could draw your own conclusions.]
I trust this finds you and the young rascal extra hale
and hearty . At his tender age,the entry into his life of the Dad leaves him
quite unmoved but maybe,soon I'll figure quite largely in his life as a
confederate in sundry stunts calculated to increasex the grey hairs on Mum’s
 head. Nothing further in the way of letters from you but the bundle coming
in together the other day, brought you pretty well up to date although,Sunday
has usually been a good day for a letter here. Feel O.K. myself ,at least as
well as anyone can feel in these parts after a lengthy sojourn .My, oh my!
to think of being home with you soon and all that that means,just in time
for I think I was just about at the stage where it would have been a matter
 of indifference,whether  I was sent home or pushed into the infantry . So
it will be the champagne side of life to simply come home to bride and bairn.
[Well, that constitutes my message to the home front for
today and will scram now ,asking you once more to deputise for me and bestow
a big kiss on our young hopeful.  It seems inadequate to tell you that I love
you so much when you must be in a fever of impatience for me to prove those
oft-repeated words .] Still I really do,precious, and time, a short time,I hope,
will  prove my contention up to the hilt. Cheerio,sweetheart  and  good






War Memorial 




Mrs. M. Billings

536 Whitehorse Rd..

Surrey. Hills



Warwick. Q'land
14. 6. 44.
Darling Kay.
I hope by this you
will have had my wire from
Brisbane and are wondering what
is behind the delay here. From the
above address you can see that
I have been shoved out into the
bush while things get straightened
out. The upshot of this blasted
mess up is due to the New Guinea 
people doing things the wrong way.
You see, those of us who were due
to come home came as a small
unit and were transferred to D.F.0
Brisbane who were then to transfer
me to D.F.O. Brisbane Melb. However when 
we blew in to Brisbane, they said
they did not know anything about
that and as far as they were


concerned, we were reporting in for
work.  You can imagine how that
piece of news belted the daylights
out of me and I am as miserable
as hell after such a nasty blow
for I had it all turn teed up
to be home a couple of days after
getting to Brisbane and here I am
150 miles away wondering when the
stew is going to cleaned up. Needless
to say, I protested bitterly but the
head Serang was away and his stooges
said they could not do any thing about
it until he returned. Anyhow if
they play around with me, I can
tell you I'm going to go to the
limit for after waited so long and
build myself up to such a pitch,
I am as depressed as the devil
marooned out here. Still I suppose



it will come O.K shortly but I'm not
in any mood to be shoved around.
I'm so sorry for you darling after
buoying you up for the last few
months, I almost howl as I write
these lines. I just haven't
realised I'm stuck here, it has
simply left me thunderstruck that
right at the deathknock, this hitch
has occurred. It looked a certainty
that I would have been with you for
Richard's birthday and I know
how you would have loved that
and now that joy is in jeopardy. The
part that burned me up is that
chap is so helpless, for I may
tell you this crowd are a rotten
third rate lot and it was a sorry
day when I got mixed up in it.

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