Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 14 - Part 8 of 13

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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P200610 Rostralian JMNN
X58483 Sgt. N Falling Dutnit Accounts Office New Tinnia 24.544 Daring Ray I retings, gay spick and Exitra willI how an you? tunt likewise Haths R. chard No more letters from you sina last I wate but yaud padlock came in tonight to purhaps the patte were deliver himself of a letter in the morning. T hanks a lot for you promptitude. Sweet. Apraid this promised to be a thart one for Ii done nothing + been nowhere to whyp up any news. Things in gineme an very dull & quiet and I suffet from one by preoccupation of coure, how long more. Have a but mone to add in that respect to my last By
wli has taken aved from me to its just a care of waiting as far as I can see until the pistal finet untels, of couble some other damn eaton comes up to protract and departure. After a surey, howeved, the position sumt O.K and at last. I think I'm on thurchald of success. I m very anxous to make Hellsuone by the 22 Juune, if not before but of cause it all in the lap of the gods. Stue, we are definitily in the haliday seaton to that will fill you with delight no doubt, at the lick of being boringly repetitions. I repeat I'm in a fined of impatience to bide with you and Richar and beathe the preciond art of foudom again. Would it be that thing it too fad to say you will
consider me a ray of sunchine around the place. I wis have I fut such an eagumnets at an intilavation at comed and me when I anvitage the perfect jay of being with you & Richard. It is really everything to me and my heart skips a beat wery time I reflect upon the great tined soon to be mine. I feel absusdly y outhful, peshapt chiedich, when I hask back to all the lovely things we shand and hape we can live a lot of thote days andd again. In fact, thats the vaton I get off for a surm & sun at wery chance for I want tto get the ot out of me and feel a ball of mutch when I come home. I out forgot, I in a very twet chap, you hold me to yours uf so having that advantage should stand me high in you
4 graces and favors Fee, I'm looking forward to and first night togethed it wire be regat to be beside you in that bown of mony peace. and to put with only you made of cusls give catod to the hea and just let the nalitation of your nearnelt boak through me like a warm bath I m afraid though you were not be content to leave me long in dreany meditation untill you have undergone a radical change. Stell, after months of stagnation up here, it wire be heavenly to be in an atmolphen charged with the electriety of long. suppotteed imation hempited by the heating powrd of that ellence of enduring sweet love. you have a grent capacity for love, Swetheart mine and lucky am I to be the one to
3 receive snc a valt prspoction of it. A found of mine is going to port you a parcel from t woumne but hells me iit wont be for awhile yet as he cant get the stuff down then ft. Haweived hany on to it and we will shavl at when I blow in Iit will be good too we shall enjoy the contints. Wer sweet that are I can muched up at present but will t boot out a few more pages shortly particularly if you come good in the interm Cheins. precious, the usual by kils to the laddie. As I isplained a bit earlied. I'm a whale lot you way at present but want tll I see you t1y
3078 16 d.1 Juy 1813 ACTIVE SERVICE 107 fon wee of ther feses of me weoraneine murar coxcle AHs envelope must not be us: 1 for money or 1Up to three leners may be forwarde her Vasabies & cannot be accepted for enxelope, but these must be all from the sa BWYON The Cover should be addressed in "Base Censor.. W.IL.. (Capial Cit ac in t enrelope will not be oted dnit butys liable to examina- The Covers of encosed letters must be p by sender. 14 3 44 he followig OrtMate ust be signed by e writer; Address bertify that the lconsents of Dis envclope refer to phing but prodtesatey o busines Sematiers and NOT refer ia atymateers of a millery nacure. M.s. H. Julingh ture 536 Whihha Rd. Onty) Survey Hic Wictona Hichare Beuings
paoobe Roskalian War Memerial
V738483 Sst. M. Billings, District Accounts office, New Guinca. 28. 5. 44 Darling Kay, It is a grim story I have to tel1 and all. Not the slightst sign of a letter from you and I had such high hopes, too when a mail came in yestrday. That makes it a whole wcck sine 1 dvourd your many lines and after the serviee we have been getting lately, a weck scens a year. However, I'm sure the wheel of fortune will swing in my dircation shortly and naybe, the accumulation will all some at onec. I look forward to one every Sunday and when nothing turn’d up yest rday, the game stunk. Well, eough lamenting and gft on with it. I trust that you and the little bloke are coasting along in your bst style and if possibl improving on resent performnes. The mit seems to be more than sufficient and after hearing of the latest (seapad, I'm horrified. After all your schooling him to be a young gent, fancy sush a reversion. He's certainly got a queer sens of hanor to go in for that and I know his slce would hardly be shared by you. Your spouse is doing 0.K. and orcatly improve in spirit anyway, sinee being told a trip in your direction impends. As you can guess, I'm likc a bine bottomed fly, trying to Ting out just when this great event takes shape. Still a bit obseur but, darling min, its right on the way now and no kidding. Its just a matter of gtting shoved out and send along but with priorities, facilitics and all that stuff, you have to first gt in the linc and then nove ap with it until at last, there you are, right in front. So thats how it is Txaetly and 1 just san't say when my namd will be ealldd. Still Im sure that much will sause a smile to ercase your srin features. I'm most anxious to be home for the EEnd and there must be a chance of making it. My life these days is filled with dreams of being with you and I am quite impervious to the problens of New Guinea and its
denizens. The fact that soon I shall see you and Richard and actually liv- with you casily pashes everything clsc into the background and I am finding it hard to settle down and writc. It seens that way to Mc now that here I am sending out my old monotonous stufff and in but a short time, I shall be able to say the things I want to te11 you, the way I want to tell them. It will be narvellous when we can yarn away to each other laugh away at our littlg jokes and do logs of things so dar to, our hcarts in days gone by. Will Keep you up to date with the latest good guts, if any, as I suppose you are near that stage where you will traee my progress from place to place, 1 really am full of wild inaginings these days and quite incapable of cohcrency on paper. In any ease, this joint is very quiet and dull and it is dnly of a Friday that I rouse pyself and so off to the fiilks for a bit of entertainment. Saw the Nan in Grey last week, an English piature and really topenptch, particalarly as it was a period show and almost free of war. Bcn doing a bit of swimming as a measure to freshen Mc ap to come home. The weather has bem much cooler this week and consquently 1 feel more alive. Apart from thes Fiotous orgics, I have been a staid homebody. Well, pretcy naid, that brings to a clos yet another bunch of words from Micky and in sending you carnest promises of the best brand of 10vc, here's hoping that soon, there will be more loving and 1ess writing. LIX Be kind to Richard although Mc a wretehed little stinker and give him a Kiss from Dad. Good night, swet Kay, its coming true soon, H.cky

Australian War Museum 
3 Opened by Censor 


VX 38483. Sgt. M. Billings  
District Accounts Office 
New Guinea. 24.5.44 

Darling Kay, 
Greetings, gay sprite and 
how are you? Extra well, I  
trust. Likewise Master Richard. 
No more letters from you since last 
I wrote but your padlock came in 
tonight so perhaps the postie will 
deliver himself of a letter in the  
morning. Thanks a lot for your  
promptitude, Sweet. 
Afraid this promises to be 
a short one for I’ve done nothing & 
been nowhere to whip up any news. 
Things in general are very dull 
& quiet and I suffer from one big 
preoccupation of course, how long 
more.  Have a bit more to add 
in that respect to my last. My  


relief has taken over from me so 
its just a case of waiting.  As far 
as I can see, until the pistol fires.   
Unless, of course some other damn     
reason comes up to protract our 
departure.  After a survey, however, 
the position seems O.K and at 
last, I think I'm on the threshold of 
success.  I'm very anxious to make 
Melbourne by the 22 June, if not 
before but of course it all in the 
lap of the gods.  Still, we are 
definitely in the holiday season  
so that will fill you with delight  
no doubt.  At the risk of being boringly  
repetitious, I repeat I'm in a fever 
of impatience to bide with you and 
Richard and breathe the precious 
air of freedom again.  Would it be 
stretching it too far to say you will


consider me a ray of sunshine around 
the place.  Never have I felt such an  
eagerness or an exhilaration as comes 
over me when I envisage the perfect 
joy of being with you & Richard.  It 
is really everything to me and my  
heart skips a beat every time I 
reflect upon the great times soon to be 
mine.  I feel absurdly youthful, perhaps  
childish, when I hark back to all the 
lovely things we shared and hope 
we can live a lot of those days over 
again.  In fact, that's the reason  
I get off for a swim & sun at every 
chance for I want to get the rot 
out of me and feel a ball of muscle  
when I come home.  Dont forget, I'm 
a very sweet chap, you told me so 
yourself so having that advantage 
should stand me high in your


graces and favors.  Gee, I'm looking  
forward to our first night together, 
it will be regal to be beside you  
in that bower of snowy peace, and 
comfort with only your mass of curls 
to give color to the bed and just let 
the realisation of your nearness soak  
through me like a warm bath. 
I'm afraid though you will not be 
content to leave me long in dreamy  
meditation unless you have undergone 
a radical change.  Still, after months 
of stagnation up here, it will be 
heavenly to be in an atmosphere  
charged with the electricity of long,  
suppressed emotion tempered by  
the healing power of that essence of 
enduring sweet love.  You have a great 
capacity for love, Sweetheart mine  
and lucky am I to be the one to


receive such a vast proportion of it. 
A friend of mine is going to post you 
a parcel from Melbourne but 
trust me it won't be for awhile yet 
as he can't get the stuff down there 
yet.  However hang on to it and 
we will share it when I blow in. 
It will be good too, we shall enjoy 
the contents.  Well Sweet, thats 
all I can muster up at present 
but will tro trot out a few out a few 
more pages shortly particularly 
if you come good in the interim.  
Cheerio, precious, the usual  
big kiss to the laddie.  As 
I explained a bit earlier, I'm 
a whole lot your way at present 
but wait till I see you. 


3 Opened by Censor 
Passed by Censor 305 
Michael Billings 
[Up to three letters may be forwarde ... 
envelop, but these must be all from the sa ... 
The Cover should be addressed in s ... 
"Base Censor" ...VIC.... (Capital City .... 
The Covers of enclosed letters must be ... 

24 5  44 
Mrs. M. Billings 
536 Whitehorse Rd 
Surrey Hills Victoria


War Memorial 
3 Opened by Censor


VX38483 Sgt. M. Billings 
District Accounts Office, 
New Guinea. 28. 5. 44 

Darling Kay, 
It is a grim story I have to tell and all. Not the slightest 
sign of a letter from you and I had such high hopes, too when a mail came
in yesterday. That makes it a whole week since I devoured your many
lines and after the service we have been getting lately, a week seems a
year. However, I'm sure the wheel of fortune will swing in my direction
shortly and maybe, the accumulation will all come at once. I look forward
to one every Sunday and when nothing turned up yesterday, the game stunk. 
Well, enough lamenting and get on with it. I trust that you 
and the little bloke are coasting along in your best style and if possible 
improving on recent performances. The mite seems to be more than  
sufficient  and after hearing of the latest escapade, I'm horrified. After 
all your schooling him to be a young gent, fancy such a reversion. He's 
certainly got a queer sense of humor to go in for that and I know his 
glee would hardly be  shared by you. Your spouse is doing O.K. and 
greatly improved in spirit anyway, since being told a trip in your 
direction impends. as you can guess, I'm like a blue bottomed fly, trying 
to find out just when this great event takes shape. Still a bit obscure
but, darling mine, its right on the way now and no kidding. Its just a
matter of getting shoved out and send along but with priorities, 
facilities and all that stuff, you have to first get in the line and then 
move up with it until at last,there you are,right in front. So thats how 
it it is exactly and I just can't say when my name will be called. Still 
I'm sure that much will cause a smile to crease your grim features. I'm 
most anxious to be home for the 22nd and there must be a chance of 
making it. My life these days is filled with dreams of being with you 
and I am quite impervious to the problems of New Guinea and its


denizens. The fact that soon I shall see you and Richard and actually live 
with you easily pushes everything else into the background and I am 
finding it hard to settle down and write. It seems that way to me now 
that here I am sending out my old monotonous stuff and in but a short
time, I shall be able to say the things I want to tell you,the way I want 
to tell them. It will be marvellous when we can yarn away to each other 
laugh away at our little jokes and do lots of things so dear to, our hearts
in days gone by. Will keep you up to date with the latest good guts, if
any, as I suppose you are near that stage where you will trace my progress
from place to place. I really am full of wild imaginings these days and
quite incapable of coherency on paper. 
In any case, this joint is very quiet and dull and 
it is only of a Friday that I rouse myself and go off to the flicks for 
a bit of entertainment. Saw the Man in Grey last week,an English picture
and really top-notch ,particularly as it was a period show and almost
free of war. Been doing a bit of swimming as a measure to freshen me up
to come home. The weather has been much cooler this week and consequently
I feel more alive. Apart from these riotous orgies, I have been a staid
Well,pretty maid, that brings to a close yet another bunch 
of words from Micky and in sending you earnest promise of the best brand
of love,here's hoping that soon,there will be more loving and less writing.
XXX Be kind to Richard although he a wretched little stinker and give him a
kiss from Dad. Good night, sweet Kay ,its coming true soon, 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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