Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 14 - Part 7 of 13

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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joy of meeting and glonious can and from what you have hold me and what I have seen, that too will be a great thrice to a chapwho thinks kido are baut iin without being an ablurdly prons of athed. Little elle to tell you from her as life is iflat and letters absent. Am wwondering if the ho parcels I sent have rached you time yit. Had and enough, to have made it. so on a note of hope I leave you now and trust that I won't be talking to you on paped much longed of lett you darling for a good in, wont be long now Kast the wee darting for me, sweet and think of me as I'm thinking of you. All my love. Micky
XX 38485 S9 N. Jun Duit accounts Oppice Dew Dus 21. 5. 44 Dading Kay Nells my goumble of the other day has been waptd away, fo two bong is letters have arrived since there of the 13th & 16t Good news too to had that a lirce have got to you too as we as a cople of parcels Aat to mention the Dother's day cards sant to those close to me, who have duly qualified for the distinction, not the leatt of whom I might say is Hot H cky. Junios is suvely in good fittle, & avinous little beast sent he Well, if he behaved and progaules as famously as he is doing at pritent, I foute a bright future for Martio R. chara but rathe Scamp undil he a witful a young
I its a bit of Sann I see you are ciue a bundle of activrly is putting in a ffiw move decorative touches to the shack, and I dont I doubt that it pleases even you cortical eye Its fally good to find that you R. Mharn & the aute ase an thowing in unison for that state of affairs is most wel come at pattent for the Treat While t alked havid in the offing and well soon be among you to cast his benwalent eye and you place and its intabutants. I told you in my talt letter what I had done to boy and accilerate the proces. Well. I was duly summoned to the possence of the chief and informed that I was top priosity for the nest draft to go home
upon anquiry he hold me it avsuld be in about a month and went as fat as to say, that I could te the little woman. I would definitely be home soon. So thats right from the stable and but of an I shall go on trangfet to Fictona. Things are a bit complication at the mament for reatons I am unable to bell you but a month will soon go and hugh pueto I'll be right there with you I hald you I had been feeling a bit speaked but that gen had a proper tome affect anded by a short caus of Angyool doaps faid in the ue The chief was very decent about it. informed me I had a done a good gob in the army so hell do all he can to facilitate my monument. It is a good fuling to be able to
contimplate seeing the shoold of Au Tanea rcide for good and an Hame, I than keep my fingers crotted until I do shave off but just think of it. I cam sit back and anticipate tangible things. like you how you look. how warily you will welcome me, my introduction to Richard. The joy of having a life all to yourself in a place not infiltu by a horde of men. Apte to much acgumentation, I wont know where I am but just watch me shake down. So say your prayers that then shan be no hitches fot to my Sceptical mind, there must be a catch somewhen Very please that you faid bulled continue to improm if you concide it. Then it must be a fact and just as were too for you
can't expect a mantso like Loof.6.My to inveile his talents on second rale matirial. In new of your repart. I think it is established that you have definitely reticone and can faick ane prolic as stanmously as of you. You paint a bought and vived pucture of Richam and you have no idea how I crane to look the abject of your praine anid. Jaiy fim effort of yours personality and andividuality lumped in tog whit hovey to having a little Lond Fauntleroy enthead. I othrd is fad man satifactory to his parnts and much more promiling for his futuae Howerd there is just one point apropss you letter, for which I must take you to takk. It is
your statement that letters to me are atardid because of a hort of wifely duties that simply must be done and to cany it to itt natuoal conctusion, must thenefore, have an powonty. I do not chide, from a snte of wounded prade but to point out tthat that attitude is utted bunknm and you know it is you and I are stue as cobely interwavm and dependent on the athed as wid me were, the acquestion of a hanse at I win the bioth of a child can newe aited that so if that is the trind of your mind, you had bith adjust your since of values Thanks for getting me that padlock to quick smast. Ill kup my eyed putd for it tomarrow Not much mus
the good old island Went to the blicks Friday to See Rob. Rusu in What a Woman. Sparkling comedy, quite fou from was to make it bether to an witwent were pleaser. fam reviving my purmining and had the whole at the borny as a math marn fact Very moe too one of the few near preamors. Had a sat of tinnis in the Favenk ajoot comp durng the week but stainnout spaot is tombly whaucting Wel, how I do go on but nearly time for hea now Cheeon. darling honeybunce, be seeing you soon. $19 brodie to Richard a wads of love to sweet Ka A. y Ntt
ICroW Tuy 1831 ACTIVE SERVICE IK NRLESRYEYMEPRS O THE AVIAIIN MIIITARY FC. his envelope must not be used for money or [Up to three letters may be forwarded in per faluables. It canart be accepted for envelope, but these must be all from th. same wr. Pistration. The Cover should be addressed in such case & FCON "Base Censor. M.P. .. (Capial City). BEICAre will fot be meored of the wnt out Iepete examina- The Covers of enclosed terers muse be leke open OR bn2t AeBakY by sender] he to EeEtat tst be sond by 2V. 3. 44 6 writer: EA31 kertify that the consence of this enoctore reter to shing but private family or business matters and No I refer to any matters of a milicary nature. S.t.H Pu sture 536. W.Ldshare O.Rd. nts Suray Huss Pict Dichar Benin



joy of meeting our glorious lad 
and from what you have told me 
and what I have seen, that too 
will be a great thrill to a chap who 
thinks kids are beaut, even without 
being an absurdly proud father. 
Little else to tell you from 
him as life is flat and letters 
absent. Am wondering if the two 
parcels I sent have reached you 
yet. Had enough time to have 
made it. So on a note of hope I 
leave you now and trust that I 
won't be talking to you on paper 
much longer. Bless you darling for 
a good run, won't be long now. 
Kiss the wee darling for me, sweet 
and think of me as I'm thinking 
of you. All my love, 


VX 38483. Sgt. M Billings 
Dist Accounts Office 
New Guinea. 21.5.44

Darling Kay, 
Well, my grumble of the   
other day has been wafted away, for 
two bonzer letters have arrived since 
those of the 13th & 16th. Good news 
too to read that a brace have got to 
you too as well as a couple of parcels. 
Not to mention the Mother's Day 
cards sent to those close to me who 
have duly qualified for the distinction 
not the least of whom, I might say, 
is Mrs. Micky. Junior is surely 
in good fettle, ravenous little beast 
isnt he? Well, if he behaves and 
progresses as famously as he is 
doing at present I forsee a bright 
future for Master Richard but rather 
a wilful & young scamp until he


gets a bit of sense.
I see you are still a bundle 
of activity in putting in a few more 
decorative touches to the shack 
and I don't it doubt that it pleases 
even your critical eye Its jolly good 
to find that your Richard & the 
house are all thriving in unison 
for that state of affairs is most 
welcome at present for the Great 
White Master hovers in the offing 
and will soon be among you to 
cast his benevolent eye over your 
place and its inhabitants. I told 
you in my last letter what I had 
done to try and accelerate the 
processes. Well, I was duly summoned 
to the presence of the chief and 
informed that I was top priority 
for the next draft to go home.


Upon inquiry he told me it would 
be in about a month and went as far 
as to say that I could tell the little 
woman. I would definitely be home 
soon. So thats right from the stable 
and best of all I shall go on transfer 
to Victoria. Things are a bit 
complicated at the moment for reasons 
I am unable to tell you but a 
month will soon go and high presto! 
I'll be right there with you. I told 
you I have been feeling a bit peaked 
but that gin had a proper tonic 
effect aided by a short course of 
argyrol drops fair in the eye. 
The chief was very decent about it. 
informed me I had a done a good 
job in the army so he'll do all he 
can to facilitate my movement. It 
is a good feeling to be able to


contemplate seeing the shores of New 
Guinea recede for good and all 
However I shall keep my fingers 
crossed until I do shove off but 
just think of it. I can sit back and 
anticipate tangible things, like you 
how you look, how warmly you will 
welcome me, my introduction to 
Richard, the joy of having a life 
all to yourself in a place not infected 
by a horde of men. After so much 
regimentation, I won't know where 
I am but just watch me shake 
down. So, say your prayers that 
there shall be no hitches for to 
my sceptical mind, there must be 
a catch somewhere. Very pleased 
that your fair dresses continue to improve 
if you concede it, then it must be a 
fact and just as well too for you


can't expect a maestro like Prof. Micky 
to exercise his talents on second rate 
material. In view of your report, 
I think it is established that you 
have definitely returned and can 
frisk and frolic as strenuously as 
of yore.  You paint a bright and 
vivid picture of Richard and you. 
have no idea how I crave to look  
 the object of your praise over. Jolly 
fine effort of yours, personality and 
individuality lumped in together, 
[hooey] to having a little Lord 
Fauntleroy instead. T'other is far 
more satisfactory to his parents 
and much more promising for his 
own future. 
However there is just one 
point apropos your letter, for which 
I must take you to task. It is


your Statement that letters to me are 
retarded because of a host of wifely 
duties that simply must be done 
and to carry it to its natural 
conclusion, must therefore have a 
priority. I do not chide you from a 
sense of wounded pride but to point 
out that that attitude is utter 
bunkum and you know it is. You 
and I are still as closely interwoven 
and dependent on the other as ever 
we were, the acquisition of a house 
or  even the birth of a child can 
never alter that so if that is the 
trend of your mind, you had better 
adjust your sense of values. 
Thanks for getting me that 
padlock so quick smart. I'll keep 
my eyes peeled for it tomorrow. 
Not much news from


the good old island. Went to the 
flicks Friday to see Ros. Russell 
in 'What a Woman'. Sparkling 
comedy, quite free from war to 
make it better. So all wot went 
were pleased. Been reviving my 
swimming and had the whole 
morning at the briny at a matter 
of fact. Very nice too, one of the 
few real pleasures. Had a set of 
tennis in the Town Mayor's comp 
during the week but strenuous 
sport is terribly exhausting, 
Well, how I do go on but 
nearly time for tea now. Cheerio, 
darling honeybunch, be seeing you 
soon. Big birdie to Richard 
and words of love to Sweet 


3 Opened by Censor 
Michael Billings 

Mrs M. Billings 
536 Whitehorse Rd 
Surrey Hills Vict

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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