Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 14 - Part 5 of 13

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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wmc N1813) SERVICE ACTWVE FOR USE ONLY BY MEMBERS OF THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES. [Op to three leners may be forwarefd in this (envelopermust not be used for money or envelope, but these must be all from the saze writer valuables. It)cannot be accepted for ration. a The Cover should be addressed in such c "Base Censor. M.1.6a... (Capical City). speodence in the envelope will not be red in the unit but is liable to examina- The Covers of enclosed letters must be left open at the Vse by sender. Arine, Casicate must be signed by 7.5.4 fritert Address Bhal the comenes of this envelope refer to & but privde famny or Eginess matters and Of refer te ann maners of Emilicary nacure. H.S. H. Gulings 536 Mhitshare Rd 114 Suny Hiies Pictoria e feelings
p800610 Aostrallan War Memorial
Military Camp at BATTALION 183143 S9 S OR ONIT Fillings Dist Accounts Office New Finee 95 44 Davling Lay Hawdy pastned greeting from H. cky and my fondill hopes that yound Richard continue to maintain the rude hearth so ppleasing to rad of in recent letters. In Houme last litter she was saying how improved you were looking now that the sictious procees of seaning was done with. I but in will be a Sweet putun when it is my good fortune to behald you again. When that day werl transpise only the Good Lood knews but it thos id not be long new. Things are a bit up in the art I present but I am a good show for the next doaft when it Save Poper—Please Wrtte on both Sides
Millary Cam at SATTALSON OR OMT 10 18 9 is aound to setting off. You need to be w stocked with hope this racket but as you can't get much out of the story hearh Anny you just have to day along until your name goes uup on the same. Don't yel too bos at are, the weathed is paelly hat but a decent bouge springs up at night and promits of a decent steep. Yung kept partly buty but that are to the good. There 50 small thing in howing to put in a bit more time and that is an uxtrn 7th days was Service leave may be fortheoming to more letters from you but any. same that of the day now the reware of the vistous will be my postion As that lack puts a dampet on Seve Paper—Plesse Write on both Sides
Military Camp at. PAMTAON O 10 my custon fluency, lett see of I can think up a few me thingl to tee you - shouldnt be so had I cofeet it was really splended to head of the geneal tome uffect on you a while app you became you on woman again. It would be a rother shame if that sallow linge in youd skow and general feeling f fatigue had protished. I can have you again, little change from the cuddly lass I love to will fine of n and frotie keep facmtt. and fouly men by you if will be cacked to romp and wsitble with you again. tumple youd caly thant ane ake killed from you. By the way how aforesaid locks? Shn making steady pooguel in thei utuon to formed glosy bayle a bit of a mastage is needed its put t (Seve Paper—Please Write on Both Sides
Military Camp at EAMLAION OR ONIT ie anen aenn t d finishing Houches on a d what you shaw has o dnty Daveet To many lovely things we shall truly were have a heaving time, with it were in my pawed to bridge the gap between us in a fiw licks. I m teonbly impatient for it to happen, when it get down to a matter of days. I shant be able to contain my self apter so long it will savos of paradice but kon we have it coming to us. From this distance, I cannot conceive of a brightes prospect, you and me just dying to see sac other. the best little chapper there is, a place of and own at last and plenty of sune to enjoy the break. Havent suen lat of late but I suppose he is shee about the place. Aayle like me, t hi Save Paperf Please Write on both Sides
Miltary Camp at SATTALNON OR ONIT .. 0 10 at too lage to go about much. havey shift when days, go and do my bit of work and ay few choret but bashing the spine is my dish wheneved possible ame boit lenasts of unegy and can go a swim af a set of dinnit ocasions. Wel that about ushauets my chaphs of thois for tonight to close now telling you I love you like finy, your sae soon. The wual 107 Sonny Boy. Chuno precont. t tcky P Pleate buy sman padlork & key. just a cheape and an man to me want at quickly- can do sweet? Seve Poper—Please Write on both Sides
16 HIR. MAIL 9h Mrs. H. Billings 536 Whitchorse Rd. Snvay His MM FFSSMMN ictona
V138483 Sst. M. Billings, Dist. Accounts office, New Guinca. 17-5-44. Darling Kay, Having copped another three nights of duty at the office, I am onee more trying my prentice hand on the Keyboard. only a one finger whacker but I manage to churn out a fair bit of verbosity to confound your eager eyes. First, had your most weleome letter of the 6th and an pleased your period of waiting for the clasive postman came to an end with a couple of the best. Yours was certainly some sereed and you must be coming back very strongly to be competent to knock out six pages after patting in a strenuous day in and around your little nook. By jove, the place is beginning to sound extra nic dae to the vallant efforts you have put into making it a dinkun hon for as. I am almost mxxt past whipping the eat about the rental it commands and for a shylock like mc, thats saying something. I know I can depend upon you to extract the atmost valne for your investment and when all is said and denc, the return in happiness to, ourselves nakes it a timely investment. At last, I am sctting my sergeant’s money so that is another bit of grist to the mill. Sorry in a way I did not get into this game earlier for I'm confident that I could have risen a bit more but time is the obstacle. Anyhow, I'm engrossed with only one grand passion now and that you san casily guess. Reading your accounts of your house wifcly pursuits, you are acrtainly an enthasiast, great pity the drudgery mars your banty in little ways. However, its in a good cause and knowing you of old, I know you will hoe into these things rather than bex under a complimentpto anyone. Still, its pretty thick to have to tackle hcavy staff like wood chopping so 1 trust it will not be long before I ren relieye you of a fow tasts. Nother is doing yeoman service on our behalf,all I san say like nother like daughter’! and you are setting somewhere too. Weather down there sounds nasty, it will give me a thin time of it until my corpuseles earry a thieker flaid. Reading about the house, 1 must say its been swell to dissover that you are actually comdng round to saying a word or two in its favor after your early condennation. All in all, you have done your custonary good job and deserve to have it pleasant to liv in. One virtue it has Always had and that is, that Richard appears to have taken to it and the atmosphere like a duek to water.Yes, when you consider the accessability of shops and transport, it could be a lot worse. With a congenial ncighbor to may with and have a (supper’, it has shown an all round improve- ment. May it continue, for it all tends to promote happiness and contentment

Mrs. M. Billings
536 Whitehorse Rd
Surrey Hills Victoria 


War Memorial 
3 Opened by Censor


Military Camp at..........
Billings.  Dist Accounts 
Office New Guinea

Darling Kay
Howdy partner,  
greetings from Micky and my  
fondest hopes that you and  
Richard continue to maintain the  
rude health so pleasing to read  
of in recent letters. In Mum's 
last letter she was saying how  
improved you were looking now  
that the tedious process of  
weaning was done with. I bet
you will be a Sweet picture  
when it is my good fortune to  
behold you again. When that
day arrives will transpire only  
the Good Lord knows but it  
should not be long now.
Things are a bit up in the air  
at present but I am a good show  
for the next draft when it
Save Paper—Please Write on Both Sides


Military Camp at.......

gets around to setting off.  You  
need to be well stocked with hope  
in this racket but as you can't  
get much out of the stony hearten 
Army you just have to tag along
until your name goes up on the
frame. Don't feel too bad at
all, the weather is pretty hot
but a decent breeze springs up at
night and permits of a decent
sleep. Being kept pretty busy
but thats all to the good. There 
is one small thing in having to
put in a bit more time and
that is an extra 7 1/2  days war
Service leave may be forthcoming.
No more letters from you,
since that of the 3rd but any
day now the reward of the  
virtuous will be my portion. 
As that lack puts a damper on 
Save Paper—Please Write on Both Sides 


Military Camp at.......

my customary fluency, let's see if
I can think up a few more things
to tell you - shouldn't be to hard.
I confess it was really splendid to
hear of the general tonic effect on you
a while after you became your own
woman again. It would be a
rather shame if that sallow tinge
in your skin and general feeling
of fatigue had persisted. I can
picture you again, little changed
from the cuddly lass I love so
well, full of fun and frolic to 
keep pace with you and your jaunty mum.
By jove, it will be cracker to romp
and wrestle with you again,
rumple your curly thatch and take
kisses from you. By the way how
are aforesaid locks? Still making
steady progress in this return to
former glory. Maybe a bit of a
massage is needed to put the
Save Paper—Please Write on Both Sides


Military Camp at.......

touches on and that you shall
have in plenty, Sweet. So many
lovely things we share, truly we 
will have a heavenly time, wish
it were in my powers to bridge the
gap between us in a few ticks.
I'm terribly impatient for it to
happen, when it gets down to a
matter of days. I shan't be able to
contain my self. After so long it
will savor of paradise but I reckon
we have it coming to us. From
this distance, I cannot conceive of a
brighter prospect, you and me just
dying to see each other, the best
little chappie there is, a place of
our own at last and plenty of time
to enjoy the break.
Haven't seen Pat of late
but I suppose he is still about the
place. Maybe like me, too tired 
Save Paper Please Write on both Sides


Military Camp at.......

or too lazy to go about much.
I hardly shift these days, go
and do my bit of work and my
few chores but bashing the spine
is my dish whenever possible.
Have brief bursts of energy and
can go a swim or a set of tennis
on occasions.
Well that about exhausts
my chapter of things for tonight
so close now telling you I love
you like fury, you'll see soon.
The usual big kiss for  
Sonny Boy.
Cheerio precious, 

P.S.  Please buy. small padlock & key. just
a cheapie and air mail to me
-want it quickly- can do sweet? 
Save Paper—Please Write on both Sides


9.5 44
Mrs. M. Billings
536 Whitehorse Rd.
Surrey Hills



VX38483 Sgt. M. Billings,
Dist. Accounts Office,
New Guinea. 11.5.44.

Darling Kay,
Having copped another three nights of duty at the office, I am
once more trying my 'prentice hand on the Keyboard.Only a one finger whacker
but I manage to churn out a fair bit of verbosity to confound your eager eyes.
First, had your most welcome letter of the 6th and am pleased your
period of waiting for the elusive postman came to an end with a couple of the
best. Yours was certainly some screed and you must be coming back very strongly
to be competent to knock out six pages after putting in a strenuous day in and
around your little nook. By jove, the place is beginning to sound extra nice
due to the valiant efforts you have put into making it a dinkum home for us.
I am almost xxxxxx past whipping the cat about the rental it commands and for
a shylock like me, thats saying something. I know I can depend upon you to
extract the utmost value for your investment and when all is said and done,
the return in happiness to, ourselves makes it a timely investment. At last, I am
getting my sergeant’s money so that is another bit of grist to the mill. Sorry
in a way I did not get into this game earlier for I'm confident that I could
have risen a bit more but time is the obstacle. Anyhow, I'm engrossed with only
one grand passion now and that you can easily guess.
Reading your accounts of your house wifely pursuits, you are
certainly an enthusiast, great pity the drudgery mars your beauty in little ways.
However, its in a good cause and knowing you of old, I know you will hoe into
these things rather than be under a compliment to anyone. Still, its pretty
thick to have to tackle heavy staff like wood chopping so I trust it will not
be long before I can relieve you of a few tasks. Mother is doing yeoman
service on our behalf, all I can say "like mother like daughter" and you are
getting somewhere too. Weather down there sounds nasty, it will give me a thin
time of it until my corpuseles carry a thicker fluid. Reading about the house,
I must say its been swell to discover that you are actually coming round to
saying a word or two in its favor after your early condemnation. All in all,
you have done your customary good job and deserve to have it pleasant to live
in. One virtue it has always had and that is, that Richard appears to have
taken to it and the atmosphere like a duck to water.Yes, when you consider the
accessability of shops and transport, it could be a lot worse. With a congenial
neighbor to mag with and have a "cupper", it has shown an all round improve-
ment. May it continue, for it all tends to promote happiness and contentment

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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