Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 14 - Part 4 of 13

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Military Camp at- BATTALION or o anenent d nane stuns last night at the ank to see see here Pewate Hargrave. It was good too and dunny and made better by the abtence of flagwaving and bombast Well that concluded the tranemistion for tonight so off to bed Will be tthinking you before Harphens claims they wire be very pleasant thoughts I ar you Chuna, my Sweethiast, give bouncing felle. Dads bygit d kill you know the blake in the picture, hill by it O.K. arl my love to you, Ray with this and thens a lot of 1ky 4 S010 Poper- BoS WiHte On both St0s
357 Le C pted.) d Juty 1943) ACTIVE SERVICI Bn . n Mn n M e. & iis envelope must not be used for meney or (Up to three leners may be forwarded m. this fher valuables. It cannot be accepted for envelope, bue these must be all from the same wrter BSNN The Cover should be addressed in such case to Base Censor Porrespondence in the enrelope will not be (Capial Ciy) ensored in the unit but is liable to examina- The Covers of enclosed letters must be left oper A at the Base. by sender. following Certificate must be signed by 42 5 1 Address sha le congnte of this cnvclope refer t0 the prisde fanaity or business matters and refert and maners bof a milicary nature. M.SS. H. Pings 536 Whilehoose Rd Servacy Hires Pictona lllings
PROObIO aBtrallas BIITmor
Military Camp at BATTALON o om Ix 38483. Sgt. 1. fallings. Diit 10 Accounts Office. 7. 5.44 Davling Kay. you are keeping them werl up to me for since I last wrote two mare of yours have show pwhich is very good thing hy were those of thest an so made quite fast time. Pleavd to see my wise for the second aroived in time to let you Know havent forgottenave munarable day. Your letter of the apopas that do I wents that have foreowed it was spluded and just what I new just new Hust confies I have been fuelm oathed blue the last few days but I suppose that feeling wwill pass. R. Gally a los left from me wt I give this foit away. i had a billyh e Tunea and I suppose Seve Paper—Please Write on Both Sides
Military Camp at. BATTALION OR ONIT 19 fly and simply £ homick. Wen Is as anthed month 4 ut always sum te te pes s 0 dont Having got todays by moan off my chelt, litt pass to more chucg topies. you sum to be seung lott of people and doing a hall A Asong. I had you are fin l i the wolf at bay. who last out the finse staetch. The hause pounds heapt more caty than your earlusupots came me to imagine it cane be. aweare the transformation that can be wrought by a womant hand and I can see you ll pnty of alleww grease getting to it present pitch, I dont mind beling insweet. It will look like Muckingham Paeace to me Seve Paper—Please Write on both Sides
Military Camp at BATTALON OR ONIT 1 18 Iue just got to the fimilh of the part which you inumiate you visitors, quite a cavalcade. Ilad and little matspun is batting to fine and mesih you had w approval. Cistainly a funny little man in that cap. I showld them aroune mry liberally and of cougle he aeceved fie marks. This were alk you but he is almost unwestany acclaimen to be the dear spit of his Pa and that widet puffe mne alike a pigeon a It was mighly nice of you. Ray my love. To man such tinded words the yoy mamage has brought you It has cistainly nived bun an ealy time for us and so know that i spite of may of the Leprivaho you have been happ sue sakes very Seve Paper—Please Write on both Sides
Military Camp at BATTAION imon OR UNIT anen n enenene n t atout reading. Yeu cistainly made me out ito be aa but I must bell you that you make it ealy to act decently deward you. Fot with me and without me you have behevd as a lady as a woman of the best type seary, I courd do no let than my I many small ways to treat ias you deserve. I fel I have bun excuently heck the matted of my wife and b & mathers son, just cant help impeted to try and de tthing dy she who 46 has pt hersil waaything t s in have born and child wate yeusst making him a ladde to be and of, out low has change that aliding kindnep, the C rstone appenees for us. Save Papert Please Write on both Sides
Miltary Camp at BATTALTON OR ONIT anen Will maybe I'm a dinkum man but always imenderd itl folk like you wwho pooduce them and make them that way. Shle. itl high time that this methor of exchanging sweet words and indiament change to syle of of month What do you say. I sent you a parc of my suoplus belongings the other ay to sav me the bothed of luigging them when I actue tgos just odds and and to you neednt open it for thews nothing in it that were go bad I wart take up much room as t is. I'll be in too much of a leaving hursy to want to e brdence with excels baggage. sorry this is nothing 4 a letter but Serb Paper—Please Write on both Sides
Military Camp at BATTALION OR ONIT 10 I feel rather sluggish both in mind and body and you know how that mades onis words to stli an dreacy. I don't think hs many more of my letters will be very stonng to seat for the toopies have somehat draine the vitality ant of me but you in t bechsed a sntational neae hen I get my a aun your Chew for awhile paccious, please kelt Richay 6 imor Daddy Thanks ag fot your lovely letter shee fer the same was bout you you cemenberd to sece but with interest new. 61cky Save Paper—Please Write on Both Sides
PROOOIO Rstralian

CHURCH OF ENGLAND                                
pictures last night at the 
Yanks to see 'See here Private 
 Hargrave'. It was good too and 
very funny. and made better by  
the absence of flagwaving and 
Well that concludes 
the transmission for tonight 
so off to bed. Will be thinking 
of you before Morpheus claims 
me and they will be very 
pleasant thoughts I assure you. 
Cheerio, my sweetheart, give 
bouncing Jillie, Dad's biggest 
kik kiss : you know the bloke in 
the picture, still doing it O.K. 
All my love to you, Kay  
goes with this and theres a 
lot of it. 


Mrs. M. Billings 
536 Whitehorse Rd 
Surrey Hills. Victoria 


War Memorial  


Billings. Dist. 
Accounts Office. 7.5.44 
Darling Kay. 
You are keeping them well 
up to me for since I last wrote, 
two more of yours have shown 
up which is a very good thing.  
They were those of the 1st and  
3rd so made quite fast time.  
Pleased to see my wire for the 
second arrived in time to let you 
know I haven't forgotten a very  
memorable day. Your letter of the 1st 
apropos that day and weeks that 
have followed it was splendid 
and just what I need just now. 
Must confess I have been feeling 
rather blue the last few days 
but I suppose that feeling will 
pass. By. Golly. a load will 
lift from me when I give this 
joint away. for I've had a bellyful 
of New Guinea and I suppose I'm


purely and simply fed up and 
homesick. Well I suppose another 
month will cut it out but we 
always seem to be waiting just 
another month or week, don't 
we? Having got today's big moan 
off my chest, let's pass to more  
cheery topics. You seem to be  
seeing lots of people and doing a  
spot of hostessing. Glad you are 
[[ti..ell?]] keep the wolf at bay. 
while you last out the final 
stretch. The house sounds heaps 
more cosy than your earlier reports 
caused me to imagine, it could 
be. Marvellous the transformation 
that can be wrought by a woman's 
hand and I can see you need 
plenty of elbow grease getting it 
to its present pitch. I don't mind 
telling you. sweet. it will look 
like Buckingham Palace to me


I've just got to the finish of the part 
in which you enumerate your 
visitors, quite a cavalcade. Glad 
our little masterpiece is batting 
so fine and merits your hard won 
approval. Certainly a funny little  
man in that cap. I showed them 
around very liberally and of course 
he received full marks. This will 
rock you but he is almost universally 
acclaimed to be the dead spit of 
his Pa and that verdict puffed  
me up like a pigeon.  
 It was mighty nice of 
you, Kay my love. to recall 
in such tender words the joy 
our marriage has brought you. 
It has certainly never been an 
easy time for us and to know 
that in spite of many of the  
deprivations , you have been happy 
because of it, makes very, 


pleasant reading. You certainly 
made me out to be a paragon 
but I must tell you that you 
make it easy to act decently toward 
you. For with me and without me,  
you have behaved as a lady and  
a woman of the best type and 
really, I could do no less than try 
in as many small ways to treat 
you as you deserve. I feel I have 
been excellently treated in the  
matter of my wife and being  
my mother's son, just can't help 
being impelled to try and do 
the decent thing by she who 
has proved herself everything to 
me. Now you have born our 
child and devoted yourself to 
making him a laddie to be 
proud of, our love has changed 
to that abiding kinship, the  
cornerstone of happiness for us. 


Well maybe I'm a dinkum man but 
always remember its folk like you 
who produce them and make them  
that way. Still, it's high time that 
this method of exchanging sweet 
words and endearments changed 
to the style of word of mouth. 
What do you say?  
 I sent you a parcel of  
my surplus belongings the other 
day to save me the bother of 
lugging them when I actually 
get going. Just odds and ends 
so you needn't open it for there's 
nothing in it that will go bad 
It won't take up much room as 
it is. I'll be in too much of a  
tearing hurry to want to be 
burdened with excess baggage.  
 Sorry this is nothing 
wonderful as a letter but


I feel rather sluggish both in 
mind and body and you know 
how that makes one's words so  
stilted and dreary. I don't 
think too many more of my 
letters will be very stirring to  
read for the tropics have 
somewhat drained the vitality  
out of me but you will 
behold a sensational recovery  
when I get my arms around 
Cheerio for awhile 
precious, please kiss Richard 
once more from Daddy. 
Thanks again for your lovely letters.  
I still feel the same way  
about you as you remember so 
well but with interest now. 


War Memorial

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