Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 14 - Part 13 of 13

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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2 phaw be beeing you mighty Whospeel came danting off Klphin to you were learet the far mined before the party some Dreadfull miltry that but I suppose it can't be helped So pases a most unpleasant wick and it could have all been annder las a fadt in pusbane been frank with at enthendg of hanting dan th John came in last night and ou wm having a few groge awailing the act of the beaud of diding When we cleames thatick was coning gout again well we settled down for a proped fag whitt ended at with John mitting this bus and the poceeding hm and and helanty at a Its swelt to be abite to wnte chewful ven once more an I betchat you find this good
you shawa more gumption in your letter than I did in mine and I shane take a leaf from youd boot you shaue mellance into a gloniand women your calm further an lott and find oml of exament breatment whin I get downt ex wtet me to I shan at the leash So pleasur you and the laddie an Fantepate a ors fine shortly Nat much more newd today sexaft I am wew and have acdy put on a lat of weught thanks to a avinous appetite, a good conk and Sunday lyud appetiess I my fomhere hap to go pantl dunt it savs a day in LT.J. Camp I have got a new unorm and a fai stork of ilothed Had to get hes heavy woalting lenglts
have avoided anything waste then a soupple up to date and this fant is as ca as Dieooe and was Ihe new doss fut above paa heae bust dask to tthe P.D. naw to calit the mail and send sance so love of my life. I bue you a tinded adve and will be a good bay when I taygain in youd aand for wukin you speak of the suntneds of ou have akon Youne got Somethny then a Ahonsand kissed advoable wife and span few fit yend pomant son to t
13 1944 MrS. M. Fulings 23. 6. 41 536 MLibcharte Rd. Suraey Hus Aoria
Marurit 23 6. 44 Dasting May Yours of the 20th to hand & eagerly read Pey Sory that the gist was so glum, its my fault nally for painting such a bleak picture when, as it had now Stuence sut, the pasition should be quk Satisfactory any time and fo now you were have had my iive I belegam beaving the glas Lading which I bet cheend you u as much ad it did me Rathn though Sweet, to put us through the mice of suncertainly when by dint of a but of consideration it cauld have are bun avoider Shll ans well that ends were and soon now and happy days wire start. The exait pasition is that we have to stay hev until replacement from ith
2 sauth arue and thy are now on ther way and then faudom it and I hape I can go straight from here but shant gove at whats effeard Iit hal ben fine to be nia of the melanchaly gloom and I'm feeling quite chiapy these day It looks like I wont be the weidy hind blake I thought I would be fot Im living quite well here She food is excerlent, plenty of bud comportable quartirs and no anersus taskd. I bet I've put on at least half a stor so that showd you Quk a different nate in this to my powious squeals I hape the net reached you promptly so as to allay you meny
Thanks for the wine of greetings, it came right on the day along with one from Dove. It was a churit day than at fint antcipat but I was not moncled to be away from #24th you on the 2d sunng I will be down soon. I well let my plant bide until we see a lot of each other and if the dape I got ex grisbane is dinkum, we shall be doing that for a long time Flanaus posspect et? So I guees you can take heart and sweep away the calwits fertooning you hause and urge young Rict ard on to move baby Halk I espect to be geetting ready this coming wiek and I wont wast any time and start so cheeris Swertest little woman are my love & a by kiss to young Oigle H.ck
35.6 4 Aos. M. Fulings 36 WLubehaose Rdt Snorey Huees Aong XI
p2006l0 Rushallan Yar Mamerial

Shall be seeing you mighty soon 
Whoopee! Am dashing off a  
telegram so you will learn the good 
news before the party tomorrow
Dreadful missing that but I suppose 
it can’t be helped. So passes a 
most unpleasant week and it could 
have all been avoided had a fool 
in Brisbane been frank with us 
instead of hinting dark things. 
John came in last night and we 
were having a few grogs awaiting the 
return of the bearer of tidings. When we 
learned that it was coming good again 
well we settled down for a proper 
fag which ended ab with John 
missing his bus and the proceedings 
terminated amid hilarity at 1 a m 
Its swell to be able to write 
in cheerful vein once more and 
I betcha you find this good.


You showed more gumption in your
letter than I did in mine and I
should take a leaf from your book. You
have mellowed into a glorious woman, 
your calm soothed me lots and your
promise of excellent treatment when I
get down excited me so I strain at 
the leash. So pleased you and the  
laddie are well, I anticipate a  
marvellous time shortly
Not much more news today
except I am well and have already
put on a lot of weight thanks to 
a ravenous appetite, a good cook
and sundry liquid appetisers. I may
go South direct from here, hope so
for it saves a day in L & J Camp
I have got a new uniform and a
fair stock of clothes. Had to get
into heavy woollen singlets but


have avoided anything worse than
a sniffle up to date and this
joint is as cold as Melbourne ever
was. It's near 3000 feet above sea level
Must dash to the P.O. now
to catch the mail and send
you a wire. So love of my
life, I bid you a tender adieu
and will be a good boy when I
lay lie again in your arms for
when you speak of the sweetness
of our love, I reckon you've got
something there.
A thousand kisses,
adorable wife and spare a
few for your precious son.


Mrs M Billings 23.6.44
536 Whitehorse Rd
Surrey Hills


Warwick 25.6.44

Darling Kay.
Yours of the 20th to
hand & eagerly read. Very sorry
that the gist was so glum; its my
fault really for painting such a
bleak picture when, as it has now
turned out, the position should be
quite satisfactory any time now.
By now you will have had my
wire & telegram bearing the glad
tidings which I bet cheered you up
as much as it did me. Rotten though
Sweet, to put us through the mill of
uncertainty when by dint of a 
bit of consideration it could have
all been avoided. Still all's well
that ends well and soon new and
happy days will start. The exact
position is that we have to stay
here until replacements from the


south arrive and they are now on
their way and then freedom is
ours. I hope I can go straight from
here but shan't growl at what's
It has been fine to be
rid of the melancholy gloom and
I'm feeling quite chirpy these days
It looks like I won't be the weedy
tired bloke I thought I would be
for I'm living quite well here. The
food is excellent, plenty of beer,
comfortable quarters and no onerous
tasks. I bet I've put on at least half
a stone so that shows you.
Quite a different note in this to
my previous squeals. I hope the news
reached you promptly so as to allay
your misery. 


Thanks for the wire of greetings, it
came right on the day along with
one from Dorc. It was a cheerier day
than at first anticipated but I
was not reconciled to be away from
you on the 22nd & 24th.
Seeing I will be down soon, I
will let my plans bide until we
see a lot of each other and if the
dope I got ex Brisbane is dinkum, we
shall be doing that for a long time
Glorious prospect eh? So I guess you can
take heart and sweep away the
cobwebs festooning your house and
urge young Richard on to more
baby talk. I expect to be getting
ready this coming week and I won't
waste any time once I start. So cheerio
sweetest little woman, all my love
& a big kiss to young [[Oigle?]]. Mick


Mrs M Billings 
536 Whitehorse Rd
Surrey Hills



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