Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 14 - Part 12 of 13

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Wavuril 19 6. 44 Davling Kay Haw an you, S mutheast after the datiful tales I have been wishing on you this past week Im samy if I had made you had at throngh the unepectio him of wints upon my from amwal New Finea am shll out in the sticks but yput a neall to guban any day now apter a few days reflution, I have high haped that the matted will be adjulted there for if there is any justice in the wortd, Suly I must get my leave. I dan not camplie continplate the position if they know me down for I should go besisk Howeed I must keep my head. The abuodity of the partion is amaging, the offend we Law said we could go on leave if we could be replaced Deplace
2 Then men when they have hundreds Wouldn't it amay you It has made me dead against the aomy after such Shabby Treatment and I in going feat out after a discharge and hope the Davy Goad can put up a shong can to manpoied. Howlnd keep youd picket up my daating and pasy that we shall be togethed again soon fot Im mad to see you and Rrehard and the thought of having this duladful Separation protanged makes me go sick inside. Please dont thing I am only thinking of myself for the thought of you being cheaks out of and happied hand, just when the end seemed in Sight. Ie alran I than fight to the last dibch to get my due for iven if it sounds theatneal, I cant get along much
longed without suny you are the lad I shall unte you frequently of cousee to keep you past but hape that on uituon to Greban, I shall be averayd to send you a e that I am on my way to youd and I have had a couple of wints from Jahn and it had been a barak to see him thaugh I fead I have bein paod company for him. His a govd lad though and docent go pausing his tosubled on to me although he docent gett much of a spen where he is It has been faiying cold every day here, a white frott this morning and I mn just by inning to ful like a human being Ie, it has played up with me like from and in my pettent move maket a chap fe utche I suppose its
incrtable aptet the taspees where you blood gits as thin as watt I forgat to beee you I dathed out to su the Baulling inhle I was in Town and had a yain with them but hardly hear a mand they said Bug had aged a lat in every way and the way I feet & athed got on my neaved Latu was just the same thaugh and they ara y plate to ae an hest you lats of love The flan here could be a let work. Its comportable at it an old pub to have plenty of room an the forst food is a welcome change and the chapt then vry decent and very Igmpablitie I and puedicament I'm guggling all the goog I can get to by and dowe the blues away with but fleting encald
fot I have ane absettion and that you can earily got guett Wel my own dawling that an for how please don't ful too badly at me for being such an undifferent hurband but I can't seem to get a brcak and fel soblin fo I know you heart is like my self I have just finhed a nate to Fon D Daak nanding getting a ditcharge dow I fell that I cant boing hoo many gund to bead so in say a after you get thit weeks time would you make an appointment with him and ado you pleas to him to achuve and annt I don't fill too happy alking you to do this but just think how wonderful it wonea be to be bogethed for keep, just keep that in mind Homid, if you hear that I am coming, you new
not many about it, but guat in can and if I have to rely on constipendince your be peomative fous could we cluch at I hope to haa from you soon, my present addrets is 13 And. D epot Calk Office Warwick but I hape to git from here soon Sy I Sweetest got evid. kitt othe landie and pay for a Shreak for us your alway tty
6 C.rs. A. Zulingt 536 Mhabeharse Rd. Ms. Victona S y
Manured O 21 6. 14 Dauling Cay unfortunately, am stell iompartance out here, and geetting very impatient to geet some liding at my tate but to fo not a Should come any day new and I'me my fanged cootled that it wont be any more bal news Veay sarry the little taf wont bee I ad on the inanrow of your disappointment equalt mine and I know it does, it must be act for I seemed a certainly to iae uit and is a come blow to get knoww back on your huld Howevid, it may bow out to be a shart of apporement but the wait as right had I sent affame to little 2 fartoday and hope I
fett then for his farit buthday Hong lad ha Imlonging sue ham don't forget to give him an iptos by kads on the 22 I am haping to get a letter from you any time now but like a fool forgat to send my frost letter aroman but you know how it is when weryhing gord may, sud thoughts are Chsaphia I would have got you to bing me bent thought we wond not be hear. If you had had the shone on Hwould have ringgin ght away. Hadn't a Fane fsbane, we were hustled off out hed i a tice I agget my first letter to you was sut a wortshed affar and Knsaving how mith t
apset you came bud mysef for not warting stl I had cooled down a bit and saw thing a but lest asken Savay pit. I shall make amends when I see you next wwhich I wway will be soon I know the waitig is just as bad for you and you have had to be a mery phky got to keep going So long you are a hove love and its rather not to be with you for you are werything to me I hope to head from you soon to see what you think of untain proposals spake of I havent done anything as fit about Sucking a discharge thinking it bethe to want and he haw this infamy pand out to don't do a thing about what I lold you about going to see teme tet you know Deboot until
defantely On rflection, I have my doubt as to the widdow of that but when I know for tuve if they are going to boy and fut a fast one avid wland I am inclined to think you will take the makted unto youd own hands. If that becomed mcettary I suggest you callaborale with Chas but wave Bill bvnything is in Sta the meeting got just now so then not much we can do just now How are you my pood dading It woud me to wa think of you and there on your own waiting and waiting For my part, I am all night alth ough the severe cold is enough to give you the blut H Suck refuge in the battle
as after & as I can to boy and chu a bat but its not a great smals bant think of any thing use to bell you about just naw but will continue my discause oo t Cnotig pand tay and be altreas that Im loving you mary minute and am dying to kiss you Pray for good news and a quick and happy veunion yourt alway S.RS
1944 21-6.44 Dss. H. Bullings, 536 WLitchare fils I cuas X to 7
6 Mauit 2833 Dartig Denne yous of the 94 this morning and at I have good mat this morning to teel you The bhuf hen young wsh Jusban Jesteday and on his ratien brought snd to the effert that as regards my leave then was no new to wory as we had only be Sint hea uub out applacements arowe That might take another fartnight to effect but Iwas astund in black and while that it was neved contimplated that I should go awday the done now sums to be that thoe u hav yet to depart Anstosters shared are getting sint away firt, vehroand like myself taking. back seat to the poution sumd Sethank I to be ver

Warwick 19-6-44

Darling Kay,
How are you, sweetheart
after the doleful tales I have been
wishing on you this past week.  I'm
sorry if I had made you sad at through
the unexpected turn of events upon my
arrival in from New Guinea.  Am still
out in the sticks but expect a recall
to Brisbane any day now.  After a
few day's reflection, I have high hopes
that the matter will be adjusted
there for if there is any justice in
the world, surely I must get my
leave.  I dare not complete contemplate
the position if they turn me down
for I should go beserk. However, I
must keep my head.  The absurdity
of the position is amazing, the officers
we saw said we could go on leave
if we could be replaced. Replace



three men when they have hundreds.
Wouldn't it amaze you.  It has made
me dead against the army after such
shabby treatment and I'm going
flat out after a discharge and hope
the Dairy Board can put up a
strong case to manpower.  However,
keep your pecker up, my darling and
pray that we shall be together again
soon for I'm mad to see you and
Richard and the thought of having
this dreadful separation prolonged
makes me go sick inside.  Please don't
thing I am only thinking of myself,
for the thought of you being cheated
out of our happiest hour, just when
the end seemed in sight.  Be
assured I shall fight to the last ditch
to get my due for even if it sounds
theatrical, I can't get along much



longer without seeing you and the
lad.  I shall write you frequently
of course to keep you updated but hope
that on return to Brisbane, I shall
be overjoyed to send you a wire that
I am on my way to your arms.
I have had a couple of
visits from John and it has been a
break to see him though I fear I have
been poor company for him.  He's
a good lad though and doesn't go
pouring his troubles on to me although
he doesn't get much of a spin where
he is.  It has been freezing cold
every day here, a white frost this
morning and I'm just beginning to
feel like a human being.   Gee it
has played up with me like fun
and in my present mood makes a chap
feel wretched.  I suppose its



inevitable after the tropics where your
blood gets as thin as water.  I forgot
to tell you.  I dashed out to see the
Rawlings while I was in town and
had a yarn with them but hardly
heard a word they said.  Reg has
aged a lot in every way and the way
I felt rather got on my nerves.  Katie
was just the same though and they
were very pleased to see me and sent
you lots of love.
The place here could be
a lot worse.  It's comfortable as its
an old pub so have plenty of room
an, the fresh food is a welcome
change and the chaps here very
decent and very sympathetic on of our
predicament.  I'm guzzling all the
grog I can to get to try and drive the
blues away with but fleeting success



for I have one obsession and that you
can easily get guess.
Well my own darling
that's all for now,  please dont feel
too badly at me for being such an
indifferent husband but I can't seem
to get a break and feel rotten for
I know your heart is like myself.
I have just finished a note to Ern
Du Cros regarding getting a discharge.
Now I feel that I can't bring too
many guns to bear so in say a
weeks time, after you get this would you make an
appointment with him and add your
pleas to him to achieve our aims.
I don't feel too happy asking you to do
this but just think how wonderful
it would be to be together for keeps,
just keep that in mind.  However, if
you here that I am coming, you need



not worry about it, but just in case,
and if I have to rely on correspondence
your bu persuasive powers could well
clinch it.
I hope to hear from you
soon, my present address is 13
Aus. Depot Cash Office Warwick
but I hope to get from here soon.
Bye-bye, sweetest girl ever.  Kiss
the laddie and pray for a
break for us.
Yours always


1 25PM
17 JNE

Mrs M. Billings
536 Whitehorse Rd.
Surrey Hills. Victoria


Warwick Q   21  6  44

Darling Kay,
Unfortunately, am still
imprisoned out here, and getting
very impatient to get some tidings
as to my fate but so far, not a
word.  Should come any day now
and I've my fingers crossed that
it won't be any more bad news.
Very sorry the little chap
won't see Dad on the morrow.  If
your disappointment equals mine,
and I know it does, it must be
acute, for I seemed a certainty to
make it and its a cruel blow to
get knocked back on your heels.
However, it may turn out to be a 
short disappointment but the waiting
is right hard.
I sent off a wire to little
Richard yesterday and hope it



gets there for his first birthday.
Bonzer lad, how I'm longing to
see him; don't forget to give him
an extra big kiss on the 22nd.
I am hoping to get a
letter from you any time now
but like a fool forgot to send
my first letter airmail, but you
know how it is when everything
goes wrong, one's thoughts are
atrophied.  I would have got you to
ring me but thought we would
not be here.  If you had had the
phone on, I would have rung you
right away.  Hadn't a chance in
Brisbane, we were hustled off
out here in a trice.
I regret my first letter to you
was such a wretched affair and
knowing how much it would



upset you, could kick myself for
not waiting until I had cooled
down a bit and saw things a
bit less askew.  Sorry, pet, I shall
make amends when I see you
next which I pray will be soon
I know the waiting is just as bad
for you and you have had to be
a very plucky girl to keep going
so long.  You are a true lover and
its rotten not to be with you for
you are everything to me.  I hope
to hear from you soon to see what
you think of certain proposals I
spoke of.  I haven't done anything as
yet about seeking a discharge
thinking it better to wait and see
how this infamy pans out. So
don't do a thing about what I
told you about going to see Ernie
Du Cros until I let you know



definitely.  On reflection, I have my
doubts as to the wisdom of that
but when I know for sure if they
are going to try and put a fast
one over me, and I am inclined
to think you will take the matter
into your own hands  If that
becomes necessary, I suggest you
collaborate with Chas but we
shall we see.  Everything is in
the melting pot just now so theres
not much we can do just now.
How are you, my poor
darling?  It worries me to even
think of you out there on your own
waiting and waiting.
For my part, I am all
right although the severe cold is
enough to give you the blues.
Il  Seek refuge in the bottle



as often as I can to try and cheer
up a bit but its not a great success.
Can't think of anything
else to tell you about just now but
will continue my discourse in
a day or two.
Cheerio, my precious Kay
and be assured that I'm loving
you every minute and am dying to
kiss you.  Pray for good news
and a quick and happy reunion.
Yours always



6 30AM
22 JNE

Mrs M. Billings,
536 Whitehorse Rd
Surrey Hills


Warwick 22 23 . 6 . 44

Received yours of the 19th
this morning and as I have good
news this morning to tell you.
The Chief here journeyed to Brisbane
yesterday and on his return brought
good news to the effect that as
regards my leave, there was no
need to worry as we had only be
sent here until our replacements
arrived.  That might take another
fortnight to effect but I was
assured in black and white that it
was never contemplated that I should
go away, the drill now seems to be
that those who have yet to depart
Australia's shores are getting sent away
first, veterans like myself taking a
back seat.  So the position seems
to be restored, thank God and I

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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