Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 14 - Part 1 of 13

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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V236483 SSt. MBillings, District Accounts Office, New Guinea. Erd April 44. Darling Kay, Things being a shade trengult at the moment and an epistle couched in that style I mind so well having duly been delivered into my easer hands, methinks the time is fair to get a few hundred words from Pappy on their way to ol Whitehorse Kate. That’'s you, mate and you must admit the name is very appropriate to a sin swinzler of your standing. I daresay you will take visible umbrage at the appellation but in the interest of the truth, candor must stand in the placeof compliments. Your sereed of the 17th is the one in questionmilady and as is customary with he who claine c2000 affinity to you, the contents were vlosely scanned by faithful spouse and not found wanting, Very glad to see too my epistolary masterpieces are cluttering up your letterbox, two at a time is considered fair Fishin! in these circles. You must be going ratty for you speak of enclosing photes of lusty male child but nary an inch of cellulold can I discover within the confines of said letter. surely they are not considered contraband now, So whether, he looks good or 14½ I am unable to judge but next letter will bring amends for Your oversight I guess. The subject of the preceding sentences I see is proceeding according to plan which is very very good except for the aversion to the cowjuice. Still by subtle stratagem, I bet you are selling him a fair bit of that nectar disguising among his other victuals. When the fact at last penetrates the Juvenile skull that Humny is no longer in the race, sheer hunger will guide the young rascal on to its neplacement. Iponit hosstate to tell you I an pleased and reliered that the new place is not so intolerable as at first but I still think you will be far better off yourself out of it and hope to read that the other spot you have up your sleeve falls into your greedy clutches, Being alone just after a year of having and rearing a babe is definitely not the dish Mother makes so may you soon say to ta to your busemnoises, cats and Jungle. II you are not a bit run down it would be surprising for in thepast year you have lived far apart from the normal and many of the things you need have escaped you with farring effect to mind and body. S o a further change of scene should rid you of a few of the pinpricks and with a tattered but still presentable husband to follow in a while, maybe we can banish that queer seeling to the dustbin, Bit of visiting seems to be taking place with much
2. coming and going Very glad of that too, keeps the horrors at bay while you arelyapping to your mob and guzzling countless cups of tea: to wash down the tall tales you put over one another. Your mother's levee at Essendon sounds like headaches all round, a mass DExnamanxand infants perking and piddling everywhere with respectibe mothers dashing around obliterating the traces of her idol's lapse from the pinnacle of perfection, and sage Grandmothers sitting comfortably ensconsed in chairs meditating upon the poor as quality of nothers and progeny as compared to their day. The growth of Richard Certainly keeps you watching his Mardrobs to keep him sustably attired for occasion and climate, Pity having to load him up with clothes For Hs seemed to find the sun quite a pal. As usual, been snooping about trying to get, some idea when I can expect to be on my way but the position is Father confused just now s0 Ircan't get on to anything tangible at all. Infortunately there is a fair mob due to 8o and most of them are a month and more shead of me in service up here which pleases me 111. May get an idea shortlybut feel pretty sure L11 be here another month yet. If only the Army was as spry in getting you out of a place as it is in getting you there, it would be allright, Anghow, don't be downhearted, sweet, it wont be long now, and for each day we have to wait we 11 make up for it when the long prombsed really happens. Seeing the blearness of winger will be upon the slopes of Surrey Hills or adjacent parts when I arive, we certainly will figure frequently in your vision of Parting In trent of the Tire lar renored from the preeeing provions of the day. Vean, it is a bit of a bother haring to pack up just after putting in lots of solld yacker but under the circumstances, its justified for I fore- see that by staying where you are you won't measure up to the required standard when our big moment arrives so we will write off another pound or 30 to experience, that expensive acquisition. As long as you feel satisfied Tmall for it and although we are, shall we say, poor we are not exactly broke and anghor, the moring is more expensive of your enerey then of the bank account. If it means the acquisition of the preliminary purchases for our own place, its a really sound plan. By this you will gather that I8m definitely cold on handing our barber landlord 47/6 a week, he ought to feel flattered getting that for his place. Wonder what it would letch on pre war basis, Hust another patriot, I suppose.
3. You can forget about paying the insurance as in a recent letter I told you I had remitted the money from here through the Army. It should have been paid by now but I told the Companies to mail the receipts to you. so that takes care of that until Sept., thank heaven. I recall I owe the Tax folk for before the war but I can't fix that up yet but mowing them of old, they wiil want the noot one of those days. Enough of Filthy Lucre, I nax am O/Kphysically and helped by the weather this week for the usuall heavy atmosphere has stron way to the drive of sone rind and although not, its not terr ibty unpleasant, Haring a day off tomorrow in lieu of working today and Will light the copper early and scour the stained garments before going off to the beach for some of the suns rays. Have'nt been out lately, missed the piettures Friday through lingering in the clubhouse too long and thus missing the truck, Was only Frank Sinatra the groaner, the bloke you gals swoon over, so it did not matter. Collared a bundle of Stturday Evening Posts last week so bashed the spine with pipe and Post until I turned in. As soon as I down tools I bet terribly lary lately and consequently have about six letters awaiting attention May as well be honest, I just couidint be bothered answering them, far too much £28, bet around to it, tomorrow maybe but when I get yours finished I seem to 10se interest. Sone nights, Id give pounds to get as full as a boot but its pare these dayS. 1I0 SO OB SONO SOCON SS A M VOSON Lass, toodsenos and bood house Muntin for hepptness intiatted the wu tiss and hus for Richard and I send you all my love, carling which will be personally demonstrated shortly, Cicky
395 Julr 1813) SERVICE ACTWE BYGY BY MeBES OF THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORLES. II his envelope must not be used for money or [Up to three leverd may be forwfded in phis her valuables. It cannot be accepted for envelope, but these must be all from the same ufier. estration. The Cover should be addrested in schscase to Base Censor N.E.A.A. (Cad Bir. Prrespondence in the carelope will not be ensored in the unit but is liable to examina- The Covers of enclosed letters must be left open fion at the Base by sender.] the Colowing Ce must be stoned by 23444 othe writer: Address. I certify that the contents of this Envelope refer to nothing but private family of business matters and do NOT refer e any maners (of a milicary navure. EH.S.. fullings Benature 3536 Whischarse Rd Name Only) Seovey Hills Dictonal Michare Faeling
30 84174 PR000l0 Restralian A MenA
Miliary Camp at. VX 3848 BATTALION or e sg t Bein 58 Distacount 19 Office. 26. 4.44 Dading Kay H.cky as very puass Sonight for you letter of 23 w today in w fact a time 4oo. In addition, it was 8 wha me ditted too an following on, the mastiop with the phatss, my cup of yoy has been amply full you have no d I haw pleased I was to leavn of the improvement in things with you in gineral particularly. argard to the house for it sound as though it had got on youd quines posperly. to fine you finding it not such a bas peace apter are it goo ad Iiost though Isimply must inteden myself about the photot Without aggeation, they are beauty meit cistancy fo Seve Paper—Please Write on both Sides
Military Camp At BATTALION OR ONIT 10 autlup anything previously printed of that little treasure. To you know when I got ini thes laino I kept awrewing each one before my mind and gluefully chuckling id them. Made me feel a bit 1 Sad 400 for itl har to become acconciled to reparation from you and him, fot I'm midting a lot I can assure you Your lusky having that small wonder with you are the time for it is great to wwatch the infording of anothir life, I know, being caged in a place dward of it. D out they. have such heart warming expoethent and a toke lack of self concerutness. The best. Iin which he is ke 9r a saft that lovety Seve Paper-Please Write on Both Sides
Military Camp at BATTALION OR OMI consunden cmmend d amin dubly an a chapt he has the pany little white hat Lett a perfect satting Ny wett prrfesince was fot the two where he is immeded in the nant pan. Sums to think his a at too. If he goed for me a as much as I adve him Ill of The boys think his the top are too and I feel right superiss to them with a ceasty son like that anyhew Sm enapt with them and can thank you enough for them. eany them werfwhere with anjoy many a pup at that bndle of muechief. Lke a little it he looks. y please the maie had looked on you oo w binifscial sisuets. Ab the Seve Paper— Please Write on both Sides

VX38483 Sgt. M/Billings,
District Accounts Office, New Guinea.
23rd April 44.

Darling Kay,
Things being a shade tranquil at the moment and an epistle
couched in that style I mind so well having duly been delivered into my
eager hands, methinks the time is fair to get a few hundred words from Pappy
on their way to ol Whitehorse Kate. That's you, mate and you must admit the
name is very appropriate to a gin swizzler of your standing. I daresay you
will take visible umbrage at the appellation but in the interest of the
truth, candor must stand in the placeof compliments. Your screed of the 17th
is the one in question. milady and as is customary with he who claims a close
affinity to you, the contents were closely scanned by faithful spouse and not
found wanting. Very glad to see too. my epistolary masterpieces are cluttering
up your letterbox, two at a time is considered fair fishin' in these circles.
You must be going ratty for you speak of enclosing photos of lusty male
child but nary an inch of celluloid can I discover within the confines of
said letter. Surely they are not considered contraband now, So whether, he
looks good or ill I am unable to judge but next letter will bring amends for
your oversight I guess.
The subject of the preceding sentences I see is
proceeding according to plan which is very very good except for the aversion
to the cowjuice.Still by subtle stratagem, I bet you are selling him a fair
bit of that nectar disguising among his other victuals. /When the fact at last
penetrates the juvenile skull that Mummy is no longer in the race, sheer
hunger will guide the young rascal on to its replacement.
I won't hesitate to tell you I am pleased and relieved
that the new place is not so intolerable as at first but I still think you
will be far better off yourself out of it and hope to read that the other
spot you have up your sleeve falls into your greedy clutches. Being alone
just after a year of having and rearing a babe is definitely not the dish
Mother makes so may you soon say ta ta to your bugsmnoises, cats and jungle.
If you are not a bit run down it would be surprising for in thepast year you
have lived far apart from the normal and many of the things you need have
escaped you with jarring effect to mind and body. S o a further change of
scene should rid you of a few of the pinpricks and with a tattered but still
presentable husband to follow in a while, maybe we can banish that queer
feeling to the dustbin. Bit of visiting seems to be taking place with much


coming and going. Very glad of that too,keeps the horrors at bay while you
are yapping to your mob and guzzling countless cups of tea to wash down
the tall tales you put over one another. Your mother's levee at Essendon
sounds like headaches all round, a mass of women and infants perking and
piddling everywhere with respective mothers dashing around obliterating the
traces of her idol's lapse from the pinnacle of perfection, and sage
grandmothers sitting comfortably ensconsed in chairs meditating upon the
poor qa quality of mothers and progeny as compared to their day. The growth
of Richard certainly keeps you watching his wardrobe to keep him suitably
attired for occasion and climate. Pity having to load him up with clothes
for he seemed to find the sun quite a pal.
As usual, been snooping about trying to get some idea when
I can expect to be on my way but the position is rather confused just now
so I can't get on to anything tangible at all. Unfortunately there is a fair
mob due to go and most of them are a month and more ahead of me in service
up here which pleases me ill. May get an idea shortlybut feel pretty sure
I'll be here another month yet.If only the Army was as spry in getting you
out of a place as it is in getting you there, it would be allright. Anyhow,
don't be downhearted ,sweet, it wont be long now, and for each day we have
to wait we'll make up for it when the long promised really happens. Seeing
the bleakness of winter will be upon the slopes of Surrey Hills or adjacent
parts when I arrive, we certainly will figure frequently in your vision of
parking in front of the fire far removed from the pressing problems of the
day. Yeah, it is a bit of a bother having to pack up just after putting in
lots of solid yacker but under the circumstances, its justified for I fore-
see that by staying where you are you won't measure up to the required
standard when our big moment arrives so we will write off another pound or
so to experience, that expensive acquisition. As long as you feel satisfied
I'm all for it and although we are, shall we say, poor we are not exactly
broke and anyhow, the moving is more expensive of your energy than of the
bank account. If it means the acquisition of the preliminary purchases for
our own place, its a really sound plan. By this you will gather that I'm
definitely cold on handing our barber landlord 47/6 a week, he ought to
feel flattered getting that for his place. Wonder what it would fetch on
pre war basis. Just another patriot, I suppose.


You can forget about paying the insurance as in a recent letter I told
you I had remitted the money from here through the Army. It should have
been paid by now but I told the Companies to mail the receipts to you.
So that takes care of that until Sept., thank heaven. I recall I owe the
Tax folk for before the war but I can't fix that up yet but knowing them
of old, they will want the hoot one of these days.
Enough of filthy lucre, I was am O/K/physically
and helped by the weather this week for the usuall heavy atmosphere has
given way to the drive of some wind and although hot, its not terribly
unpleasant. Having a day off tomorrow in lieu of working today and will
light the copper early and scour the stained garments before going off
to the beach for some of the suns rays. Have'nt been out lately, missed
the pictiures Friday through lingering in the clubhouse too long and thus
missing the truck. Was only Frank Sinatra the groaner, the bloke you gals
swoon over, so it did not matter. Collared a bundle of Saturday Evening
Posts last week so bashed the spine with pipe and Post until I turned in.
As soon as I down tools I get terribly lazy lately and consequently
have about six letters awaiting attention. May as well be honest, I just
could'nt be bothered answering them, far too much fag. Get around to it,
tomorrow maybe but when I get yours finished I seem to lose interest.
Some nights, I'd give pounds to get as full as a boot but its rare these
Well, time to grab some scran so, pal of my boudoir
days, toodle-oo and good house huntin for happiness unlimited. The usual
kiss and hug for Richard and I send you all my love, darling which
will be personally demonstrated shortly,


July 1943


The following Certificate must be signed by
the writer: -
I certify that the contents of this envelope refer to
nothing but private family or business matters and 
do NOT refer to any matters of a military nature.

Name Only
Michael Billings

[Up to three letters may be forwarded in this
envelope, but these must be all from the same writer.
The Cover should be addressed in such case to 
"Base Censor" MELB (Capital City).
The Covers of enclosed letters must be left open
by sender.]


Address: - 
Mrs. M. Billings
536 Whitehorse Rd
Surrey Hills Victoria 



War Memorial



Military Camp at. VX 38483.
Dist Accounts Office.   26. 4.44

Darling Kay,
Micky is very pleased
tonight for your letter of 23rd
arrived today in extra fast
time too. In addition, it was
an extra nice letter too and
following on, the masterpiece
with the photos, my cup of joy has
been amply filled.  You have no
idea how pleased I was to learn
of the improvement in things with
you in general particularly in
regard to the house for it sounded
as though it had got on your quince
properly. To find you finding it not
such a bad place after all is good
First though I simply must
unburden myself about the photos.
Without exaggeration, they are
beautiful and most certainly far

Save Paper—Please Write on both Sides 


outstrip anything previously printed
of that little treasure. Do you know
when I got in to bed last night
I kept reviewing each one before
my mind and gleefully chuckling
over them. Made me feel a bit
sad too for its hard to become
reconciled to separation from you
and him, for I'm missing a lot
I can assure you. You're lucky
having that small wonder with
you all the time for it is great
to watch the unfolding of another
life, I know, being caged in a
place devoid of it. Don't they.
have such heart warming
expressions and a total lack of
self consciousness. The one I
like best is that in which he is 
gnawing at an apple with rapt
concentration. What lovely soft,

Save Paper—Please Write on both Sides



chubby arms and chops he has
and the funny little white hat
completes a perfect sitting. My
next preference was for the two
where he is immersed in the old
man's pan. Seems to think he's
all right too. If he goes for me
half as much as I adore him I'll
be happy. The boys think he's the
top ace too and I feel right
superior to them with a classy
son like that. Anyhow I'm 
enraptured with them and can't
thank you enough for them. I
carry them everywhere with me
and enjoy many a peep at that
bundle of mischief. Like a little 
Puck he looks.
Very pleased the mail had
looked in on you too with
beneficial results. About the

Save Paper—Please Write on both Sides

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