Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 13 - Part 11 of 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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374 Military Camp at V. 83 BATTALION or om Sgr. H. Garlings 4 Dut accounts Office 10 New Funnea 184.44 Dasting nother litted from you that of 13 apd and a lidy sample t that Noo. Hope you are faving as well also, nothing like a litter two to give the daya brighted completion. I bee the boodle mached you in stine to aplinish your deplete funds yes I suppos the wisit of Dovey and Ducky dispetted the conclineds for a few haud at least. The little chap must be picking up masiioully well, fally goo news and munie Sweet to you. I bet. The improvement will haven a ritnon to his formed boithrand cheef and te must be swell to live with then. From his pictures, he enstainly come be a funny little fellow. I know re and I will be bosom cobbirs Seve Poper—Please Wrtte on both Sides
Military Camp at BANESISON OR ONIT 19 ight from the champ I must thank you again for him for his just the kind of chap I wanted for a son. Veny unberested, of couse to leam of youd lateet purhent of beauty, of a weet to the hard dutled misits such lopty words. Handy too having a beautician You front doorup, one mod con. you have anyway. He doubt fuel gauntred and look bethr mane that liens nam is not fot your cast of countinance, my paetly. Most certainly the expanise of the spicies bug would harden and heart against the place. I underst and youd avestion to the eas pirfictly. Thene will always be that shadow hanging and the Seve Paper—Please Wrtte on B6th Sides
Military Camp at BATTALTON O2O 18 sace and if you are going to wake ap of manings and ee you pace Ih the gaundired Life, you wie be will of the place. For 47/6 you are untilled to at least like the act. As you say. it a salid outlay before you wen ling a loaf of buse and I dont mind confidting I with we canse snaffle something a bit more in accord with our purse. I know you just have to take what you can geet and just fork up for it but it is little compentation when you kknow itt whithing away the tions shaw with nathing of a comanent nature to reware you had haped when I got to caming a highes rate of pay that the or could be herd for the time when aut ere going n fod this home buliness keys Save Paper—Please Write on Both Sides
Military Camp at BATTALION OR UNIT 5 19 Lt therfore goit gainst the grain to see most of I fiing the pouch of a rapacous landlord and the out of the profituring accals. slile it can't be helpie but I do fie wned when it does not even leving you or dinary content. Life is no bea of ares for the soldiers wife there times but one pirton anyway beliuved you are doing a good job, Sweet, and is vain enough to think his simple applause will not be dispised. You would be inuence if you did like living alone, particularly when you have a perfectly sound husband just utching to than it will you. on will be yleased to know ill and by night was leash the far Stve Paper—Please Write on Both Sides
Military Camp at BATTALION OR ONIT Menen 19 Ie u the et solidly since slue I supporse the sub- conserent plays up a bit new and then whe appretted by bondom repuettion and other troubled of the mind. Was cashed suspiisia in send secent letter to see that yo cycl life had recommenced was at thinking of that yet awhile Good news, inasmuch as it may simplify matters for us and help an of anything untenely happening. when we are togethed again. That would be one grawing wory we cauld do without to mat and guonors cunion. Well, must get off new to chus Sweetheast for a while. Whapping kild for Richard and all my Hicky love to you Hum Seve Paper—Please Write on both Sides
V. 3073 160 pred.) ed tut 1813 SERVICE ACTIVE eonx OrMEMPERS OF THE AVSTRRAN MMIAEY FORCFS. is envelope must not be used for maney o [Up i three levers may be Lunwrdeloth this ner valuables. It cannot be accepted for envelope, but these must be all from the same writer. Estration. The Cover should be addressed in such case to Base Censor MELH. (Capical City). (pondence in the envelope will not be Ed in the unit but is liable to examina- The Covers of enclosed leners must be left open of the B25c by sender.] Cows Corticate must be sined by ref 4 44 18 Address: fac As ponsents ot tis envclope refer to but priace Patily or blisiers maners and I refer is tmacers of a mttae nacuore M.rS. M. Geeling. a 536 Whitcherie Ad 4 Ichar Fetigs Suraey Hills fictona
3848 Military Camp at SAMTAION or om Sg. H. fellings 8 Dist accounts office 19 Dew Sine 21 3 44 Dacling He. Ya Clarkee. Stue feeling all wool and a yo wide I trust. Had yours of yesterday very thankfully too I may add. The letter linnce both ways had been tself of late for which small mercy many thanks. Not in the race with that human lingle that glewl when a couple of learn kids come fac to fac. shouldnt be any sime now until we have a goodly show of that kind of joy. The news of Richard labely has been gooute, he has burned oned a new lease of life is definitily and pot feature there days. Hope he continuet to whrie fot his you can well do without Seve Paper—Please Write on Both Sides
Military Camp at BATTALIO OR OMT 10 Roth Aomely and pleasant for you to enjoy the pleasure of his society suring his you sole companion. H is a bonny little feelow and Muming is scsumptions too. Everyone admised the pecture prominently enthroned on my soap bos cumnde. eatch some of them ogling my wife inleas of admiting the boby as ended you do look lovely as is that satting. You know Sam 90 to go for that llass in a mighty beg way. ery interisted on cunent divilapments concerning the hosting situation and I do hope yout pospect Balwyn twons out chousps. Seo se the partent jount upels you in lots of ways are its appaint y wit be happy there not even when I able to f you. Sh Save Paper—Please Wilte on both Sides
Military Camp at BATTALTON OR ONIT 3. Balwye ppet sounds for mon attractive from are standpaints and i there is a spot of company in it for you. that improved it heaps. The sconamind of it are on a fad pounded baiis too and under patsent conditions 30 is as cheap as you could expect. It stainly appeals to me far more, 4716 a week just for spaa and in f old stuff knocks and budgets haywise. I don't feel at an down in the manth if the extoa few bot can go in the acquisstion of a sinte ofa own and nos at that I don't think you are a sook at all for having grven the other jount away you would have been a but sevey o have foun it congunice for after all what wwas there in you Of ine I knew thing about it but had I Sove Paper—Please Write on Both Sides
Military Camp at SAIAION Ox Our 40 18 known the whole of it, I would have got you te t it Adauntie something better was dicoveri Anyway, are the luck in fand latelt queet for I church the hope that whm & aoue you will be then are smiles, happy and satifud with yourself Richar and the neche you have made for us. Ao need to wony about aud distance from a rubbydee. I'm not that wrapped up in it and if the mauntain wont come to Bahomet. follow. Saw Lat again Sunday and asked him in for the day Sunday if he can make it. I havent succeeded in getting a far for ada yet but will chare tup Beeing what good laty is getting pea Sevo Poper—Please Wrife on both Sides
Military Camp at BATTALION OR ONIT 1 ne e Nathing much from the theakse of was anm. Weather plinty hat but what the hell. Reem very buty this week on getting hoodes of faguall here are putting thim in the right holes. The mastr an Shick and savage after the wit only the big black ones though. Mell, Swithead, Ame for bid now one any how Ive inout of genry bits to back Iseped with Goodnight. bundle dead, give Richard Pappys biggest Billand if usage has not stated the seentiment, Im in love with that peannt Ray. H1cky t Save Paper—Please Write on both Sides
6 6 R.WAIL 21 444 H6rS. H. Bielings 536 Whitehorse Rd S. Victoria Surney. Hse

Military Camp at VX37483 
OR UNIT Sgt' M. Billings 
Dist Accounts Office
New Guinea, 18.4.44 
'nother letter from you 
that of 13 Apr and a tidy sample 
at that too. Hope you are faring 
as well also, nothing like a letter 
or two to give the day a brighter 
complexion.  I see the boodle 
reached you in time to replenish 
your depleted funds.  Yes, I suppose 
the visits of Darcy and Ducky 
dispelled the loneliness for a few 
hours at least.  The little chap 
must be picking up marvellously 
well, jolly good news and music 
sweet to you, I bet.  The improvement 
will hasten a return to his former 
boisterous child and he must be 
swell to live with then.  From 
his pictures, he certainly could 
be a funny little fellow.  I know 
he and I will be bosom cobbers 
Save Paper - Please Write on Both Sides


right from the chump.  I must 
thank you again for him for he's  
just the kind of chap I wanted  
for a son. 
Very interested, of course, to 
learn of your constant pursuit of  
beauty, if a visit to the hair 
dresser merits such lofty words. 
Handy too having a beautician 
on your front doorstep, one mod 
con, you have anyway.  No doubt  
you feel jauntier and look better 
too for that lions name mane is not 
for your cast of countenance, my 
Most certainly the exposure 
of the species bug would harden  
your heart against the place.  I  
understand your aversion to the 
place perfectly.  There will always 
be that shadow hanging over the 


place and if you are going to wake 
up of mornings and eye your place  
with the jaundiced eye, you will  
be well out of the place.  For 47/6 
you are entitled to at least like the 
place.  As you say, with a solid outlay 
before you even buy a loaf of bread 
and I don't mind confessing, I wish 
we could snaffle something a bit 
more in accord with our purse. 
I know you just have to take what 
you can get and just fork up for it 
but it is little compensation when 
you know its whittling away the 
lions share with nothing of a  
permanent nature to reward you. 
I had hoped when I got to 
earning a higher rate of pay that  
the extra could be held for the  
time when  we were going in for 
this home business for keys 


It therefore goes against the grain 
to see most of it filling the pouch 
of a rapacious landlord and the 
rest of the profiteering rascals.  
Still it can't be helpful but I do 
feel wild when it does not even 
bring you ordinary content.  Life 
is no bed of roses for the soldiers 
wife these times, but one person 
anyway believes you are doing a good 
job, sweet, and is vain enough  
to think his simple applause will 
not be despised.  You would be 
unusual if you did like living 
alone, particularly when you  
have a perfectly sound husband 
just itching to share it with  
You will be pleased to know 
my wild and woolly night was 
only a flash in the pan for 


I've punished the cot solidly 
since. Still I suppose the sub- 
conscious plays up a bit now and 
then when oppressed by boredom, 
repression and other troubles of the 
Was rather surprised in your 
recent letter to see that your 
cyclic life had recommenced was 
not thinking of that yet awhile. 
Good news, inasmuch as it may  
simplify matters for us and help 
avert anything untimely happening 
when we are together again. That  
would be one gnawing worry we  
could do without to mar our 
glorious reunion. 
Well, must get off now so cheers 
Sweetheart for a while.  Whopping  
kiss for Richard and all my  
love to your Mum.  Micky 



[Up to three letters may be forwarded in this  
envelope but these must be all from the same writer. 
The Cover should be addressed in such case to 
"Base Censor" MELB. (Capital City). 
The Covers of enclosed letters must be left open 
by sender.] 
Mrs. M Billings 
536 Whitehorse Road 
Surrey Hills Victoria


Military Camp at VX37483 
OR UNIT Sgt' M. Billings 
Dist Accounts Office     19... 
New Guinea  
Hi ya Clarkie.  Still 
feeling all wool and a yard  
wide I trust.  Had yours of 
13th yesterday, very. thankfully too 
I may add.  The letter service  
both ways has been itself of late  
for which small mercy many 
thanks.  Not in the race with 
that human tingle that glows 
when a couple of lovin' kids come  
face to face.  Shouldn't be any 
time now until we have a goodly 
share of that kind of joy.  The 
news of Richard lately has been  
‘grouse’. he has turned over a 
new lease of life and is definitily 
our hot feature these days.  Hope 
he continues to thrive for he's one 
worry you can well do without. 
Save Paper - Please Write on Both Sides


Both timely and pleasant for you 
to enjoy the pleasure of his Society 
seeing he's your sole companion. 
He's a bonny little fellow and Mummy  
is scrumptious too.  Everyone admires 
the pictures prominently enthroned 
on my soapbox - cum wardrobe. 
I catch some of them ogling my wife  
instead of admiring the baby as 
intended.  You do look lovely and 
cool in that setting.  You know, 
I'm going to for that lass in a  
mighty big way. 
Very interested in current 
developments concerning the housing 
situation and I do hope your prospect  
at Balwyn turns out trumps.  I can 
see that the present joint repels you in  
lots of ways and its apparent you 
won't ever be  happy there not even 
when I am able to join you.  The 


Balwyn spot sounds far more attractive  
from all standpoints and if there 
is a spot of company in it for you, 
that improves it heaps.  The economics 
of it are on a far sounder basis too,  
and under present conditions, 30/- is  
as cheap as you could expect.  It 
certainly appeals to me far more. 
47/6 a week just for space and use 
of old stuff knocks our budgets 
haywire.  I don't feel at all down 
in the mouth if the extra few bob 
can go in the acquisition of a suite 
of our own and [[nod?]] at that.  I 
don't think you are a sook at all 
for having given that other joint 
away, you would have been a bit 
screwy to have found it congenial 
for after all what was there in 
it for you.  Of course, I knew 
nothing about it but had I 


known the whole of it, I would have 
got you to hang on with Ada until 
something better was discovered. 
Anyway, all the luck in your latest 
quest for I cherish the hope that 
when I arrive you will be there 
all smiles, happy and satisfied 
with yourself. Richard and the 
niche you have made for us.  No 
need to worry about our distance 
from a [[rubbydee?]],  I'm not that 
wrapped up in it and if the 
mountain won't come to Mahomet,  
you follow. 
Saw Pat again, Sunday  
and asked him in for the day 
Sunday if he can make it.  I 
haven't succeeded in getting a fan 
for Ada yet, but will chase it up 
seeing that good lady is getting 
oas pleased about it. 


Nothing much from the theatre of 
war - [[amen?]]! Weather plenty hot 
but what the hell.  Been very busy 
this week on getting hordes of  
figures here and putting them  
in the right holes.  The mossies 
are thick and savage after the 
'wet' - only the big black ones 
Well, Sweetheart, time 
for bed now and any how I've 
run out of juicy bits to bath 
your eyes with.  Goodnight, 
bundle dear, give Richard 
Pappy's biggest kiss and if usage 
has not staled the sentiment, 
I'm in love with that  
peanut Kay. 



AIR MAIL  21.4.44 
Mrs. M. Billings 
536 Whitehorse Rd 
Surrey. Hills 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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