Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 13 - Part 10 of 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Military Camp At BATTALION OR ONIT ane e e e e e making out in the new shanly, your opining sentences were anything but cheesful and if the mone has isulted in nothing but fatigue Flonelmell, it deient suem to have been much of an idea. Stie it must be a bit strange and will be for a while unto you beome attumce to the salitary state. However Hothed and you appad to have tanefoued the peare into something very colyn oight now I with a mago casit wa alight outide the dood and which me off and plump me down into that capacions bed you tell of Gee, two matteelles, it sounds partivilyregal, and what fr te lsunce on. Moving meant a muchtude of tacke, ale right, Im om dine te line kelping dispy go Sov0 Poper- Heeso Witte on both Sides
Military Camp at SAMISSON OR ONIT 10 track o them Forget yout dea sh Well, thats you all and, ond you a become absobe in something. you are consumed by a fived of impatience until its done. Gead your shad boarded behave himself while you hald in to the chares. striking spestonatily, it seems, when every one misses him within a few hais of his departue your spost of him in the last scned was the butt for a longtue even unto the guafting of the mick I do hape it keps on that way, at shaue too for tthe changeoned would enterl quite a bit of readjustment i A inmartal I was wondery sow he would dake to the place ts bonged to read his settling down ke Save Paper—Please Write on Both Sides
Military Camp at. BATTALION OR UNIT 19 so you have six puttue cals on you menage. They shauld know you are just a timpararyald mand and hakyond mariage tines to one it 400. I think the fangs shunged were cause them to beek other shot If hey are tthese I'll get and of them by effectuve if boutal mithods. I hope thang that no othed flams come to light te ad of I compas I don't think youd foiends i dind though the pence is a bit the to gett to particularly with such an attraction as the had to reward them. an the same don't get to thinking itl him that the magnit your not to bad pourself, bundle deat. While talking about you, whats the sonves of this spanic about being on your Sate Paper—Please Write on Both Sidbs
Military Camp At. BATTALION O2 OAM 10 5. 19 own and ab! so scany I do think just wtat you uckon your putting on an act with you as the breast clutching hesame, I hall your trouble. you wonded too much scinting disperate scines that spoing from within youd unustrained imagiination. In the firt place I havent heard of the wholicale looting of submban Stops, not wen n notonous sy H us Also have you shapped to nalise that them a dince of a lot of people fieed just the same as you. The loncliness wire be enough for yond shoulders, lass, to don't go looking for any other burdens to bead. A other cistainly was a towed of stangth, shis a wigard all right to whack unto such Save Paper—Please Write on Both Sides
R00610 Han amors
MIL 51 s 7IR. MAIL 13444 1712D M.rs. M. Billing Noa 536 Whitehorse Surrey. Hiels ctona
V138483 Sst.M. Billings Dist.Accounts Office, New Guinea 15.4.44 Darling Kay, Crestings, fair paid and thanks for yours of the 17th just in this morn. What a tale of woe to report though, the dissovery of a nest of chats in your new won house. What a rotten shame after all your searshing and serubbing to have it all spoiled by blasted vermin.A few of the sualler order would not have been so bad but those others are such loathsome things to be within a milerof. I only hope there is just a small gathering and your swift onslaught has scotshed it completely. I remember when I lived in Caulfield I was literally shased out of bed one night from a sleapont we had there by the same parties and thirsting for vengeance the following day I harrowed down their possible nests to a wooden bed of ansient vintage and it was swarming with them. After burning the bed had no further visits from them. So see If you can losalise their habitat, that 1s, 1f you have'nt already and If its something noveable, out with 1t. 411 in all the Joint doesnt saet to appeal to you so its 0.K Hith me if you look around for another place. Tou don't sound at all optinistie though so I trust the present place will improve with acquaintance. Glad a letter from me reached you when you felt it needed but I'm afraid a bit of loneliness is inevitable until j get shot of here If you are still at Surrey Hills, I can soon get rid of wild ereapers and do a few other shores to help make it liveable. As you are eager to to obtain other quarters, I shall disereetly ask my people when I'm writing to spend as much of their time as possible at your place in order that you may rahtx be relieved for a spot of house hunting uneneumbered by 20 odd pound of hefty boyhood. I'k very sorry that the place has not turned out so warvellous for it is really on my account that taking the place became Rocessary. From the reluetance shown by your former nates since you' ve left to lose sight of you and Richard, all this bother could have been saved but
2. for the (impossibility of wedging one large husband into adequately filled quarters. There is one angle to it, if the place becomes unbearable and you wish to return to Ada but I submit it with very little force on my part and I m sure it would hardly meet with your approval. I could easily elect to stay here another six months and thus enable you to chucknit up but I assure you it would only be as the very last resource. The main point though is the welfare of Richard and you and if your happiness is going by the board through this house difficulty, its 0.K. by me and after spending half a lifetine of waiting, a few more months may not matter. Anyhow, think it ober and please Peason along the lines of the greatest gooff for the greatest number.Don’'t allow your conclusions to be colored by sympathy for me, deprived of this and that because except for you and Richard, a shap while he's in the Army may thx as well be here as in Queensland or the West mybe, That's all I'm coming -home for, to be perfectly frank, and it will be debatable whether that would be any good 1f I'n to find you a mess of nerves and fears when by sticking on a bit longer that ean be avoided. You see, sweetheart, you are of an intense and inaginative temperament and naturally people so gifted or plagued, have a mixture of ups and downs, more downs in times like this with consequent wear and tear on delicate machanisms called nerves. I guess there's mors in the offing too and it is possible that you might weather them better if you had some people alose at hand to offer advice and consolation. In any ease, the above will give you food for thought and you van tell me your angle. One person, anyway, seoms to be finding the change benefieial, Master Richard, Jolly good now he's eating plenty and patting in his quota of hours in the cot. Probably find his weight maintaining a steady tendency to Fise now. Is he still as lively and aninated as ever. That letter with the sheque should have reached you by now, Keep mc posted. It was a crossed one payable to you so there is little
of it soing up a land. From your minspiring Peports concerning your appearance, there appears to be some point to my diagnosis of you above. Hard work never gave anyone lines and gray hair but the occupation of the wind with an overdoss of worry is an unfailing recips for such blemishes. I had a letter from Syd. too this morning back again on his wheazy tub. Sounded vary chirpy but like the rest of us-hankering for a Teturn to dear old Mun, Lik. Ma, he's finding life pretty slow but that’'s how it is. At least, its safs! Not much news from here, Went all lairy last weak and saw two pisture shows. The adventures of Mark Twain was a good turn, Froderie March patting over a masterly act and then a show about a British officer masqu-rading as a Roumanian patrict called Tatu doing the Hasties in the eye was also good if a bit far fatched, Robery Dobat pleased as in that. There's horse racing many miles out today but I'm working so had to pass it by. Danne what sort of hosses they have dag up but anything is good enough for the lads to have a punt on. Regarding my insurance, I' xc paid my premiums through the Army so thats fixed for a while. Unfortunately the priee just about aleaned the balance out of my paybook but you don't nead mush up here.However, if we are to run around a bit when I graee the state, the bank will have to be tapped for a fiver. Has another bundle of papers from you as well so we are doing O.K. Weather muggy but the sun is hidden merelfully of it would be roasting. having opened with grestings and mandered through a variety of subjects to that thrilling topie, the weather, I think I! ve said my piaes Chrario for a day or two and I pray your house wakes a roster impression on you by the time 1 reseive your next, Its disheartening to think that what seemed to be a great turn of the wheal has bem a bit of a flop. Give thx young Buster his daddy's bestest kiss for being such a good lad. To you, sweet, all my love. ocke
PASSED BYSES 17 254 AIR. MAIL 13-444 H.rs. H. Bellings 536 Mhilehaode Road Victoria Survey. Hills

Military Camp At 

making out in the new shanty. 
Your opening sentences were anything
but cheerful and if the move
has resulted in nothing but fatigue
& loneliness, it doesn't seem to have
been much of an idea. Still, it
must be a bit strange and will
be for a while until you become
attuned to the solitary state.
However Mother and you appear
to have transformed the place
into something very cosy and right
now I wish a magic carpet would
alight outside the door and whisk
me off and plump me down into
that capacious bed you tell of.
Gee, two mattresses, it sounds
positively regal, and what fun to
bounce on. Moving means a
multitude of tasks, all right. I’m 
dizzy, going from line to line keeping


track of them.  Forgot your tea, eh?
Well, that’s you all over, once you
at become absorbed in something,
you are consumed by a fever of
impatience until its done. Glad
your star boarder behaved himself
while you hoed in to the chores.
Striking personality, it seems, when
everyone misses him within a few
hours of his departure.  Your report
of him in the last screed was the 
best for a longtime even unto the
quaffing of the hated milk.  I do
hope it keeps on that way, it
should too for the changeover would
entail quite a bit of readjustment
with the young mortal.  I was
wondering how he would take
to the new place and its bonzer
to read that he's settling down
like a veteran. 


So you have six pussie cats on
your menage, they should know
you are just a temporary old maid
and have your marriage lines to
prove it too. I think the pangs  
of  hunger will cause them to seek
other quarters. If they are there  
I’ll get rid of them by effective  
if brutal methods.  I hope though  
that no other flaws come to
light to mar your composure. 
I don't think your friends will  
desert you even though the place is  
a bit hard to get to, particularly 
with such an attraction as the
lad to reward them. All the
same, don't get to thinking its him
that’s the magnet, you’re not so bad
yourself, bundle dear. While
talking about you, what’s the source  
of this panic about being on your 


own and oh! so scary.  I do think
just what you reckon, you’re putting
on an act with you as the breast
clutching heroine.  That’s your
trouble, you wonder too much,
scenting desperate scenes that spring
from within your unrestrained 
imagination. In the first place,
I haven’t heard of the wholesale
looting of suburban shops, not
even in notorious Surrey Hills. 
Also, have you stopped to realise
that theres a deuce of a lot of
people fixed just the same as
you. The loneliness will be
enough for your shoulders, lass,
so don't go looking for any other
burdens to bear.
Mother certainly was a
tower of strength.  She’s a wizard  
all right to whack into such  


War Memorial



Mrs. M. Billings
536 Whitehorse Road.
Surrey Hills. 


VX38483 Sgt.M. Billings
Dist.Accounts Office,
New Guinea         15.4.44 
Darling Kay,
Greetings, fair maid and thanks for yours of the 11th just in
this morn. What a tale of woe to report though, the discovery of a nest of
chats in your new won house. What a rotten shame after all your searching
and scrubbing to have it all spoiled by blasted vermin. A few of the smaller
order would not have been so bad but those others are such loathsome things
to be within a milevof. I only hope there is just a small gathering and your
swift onslaught has scotched it completely. I remember when I lived in
Caulfield I was literally chased out of bed one night from a sleepout we had
there by the same parties and thirsting for vengeance the following day I
narrowed down their possible nests to a wooden bed of ancient vintage and it
was swarming with them. After burning the bed had no further visits from them.
So see If you can localise their habitat, that is, if you have'nt already and
if its something moveable, out with it. All in all, the joint does'nt seem to
appeal to you so its 0.K with me if you look around for another place. You
don't sound at all optimistic though so I trust the present place will
improve with acquaintance. Glad a letter from me reached you when you felt it
needed but I'm afraid a bit of loneliness is inevitable until I get shot of
here .If you are still at Surrey Hills, I can soon get rid of wild creepers 
and do a few other chores to help make it liveable. As you are eager to
to obtain other quarters, I shall discreetly ask my people when I'm writing
to spend as much of their time as possible at your place in order that you
may  xxxx be relieved for a spot of house hunting unencumbered by 20 odd
pound of hefty boyhood. I'm very sorry that the place has not turned out
so marvellous for it is really on my account that taking the place became  
necessary.  From the reluctance shown by your former mates since you've left  
to lose sight of you and Richard, all this bother could have been saved but


for the
/impossibility of wedging one large husband into adequately filled quarters.
There is one angle to it, if the place becomes unbearable and you wish to
return to Ada but I submit it with very little force on my part and I 'm
sure it would hardly meet with your approval. I could easily elect to stay
here another six months and thus enable you to chuckmit up but I assure you
it would only be as the very last resource. The main point though is the
welfare of Richard and you and if your happiness is going by the board through
this house difficulty , its 0.K. by me and after spending half a lifetime of
waiting , a few more months may not matter. Anyhow, think it over and please
reason along the lines of the greatest good for the greatest number.Don’'t
allow your conclusions to be colored by sympathy for me , deprived of this
and that because except for you and Richard,a chap while he's in the Army may
thx as well be here as in Queensland or the West maybe. That's all I'm coming
home for, to be perfectly frank, and it will be debatable whether that would
be any good if I'm to find you a mess of nerves and fears when by sticking on
a bit longer that can be avoided. You see, sweetheart, you are of an intense
and imaginative temperament and naturally people so gifted or plagued, have a
mixture of ups and downs,more downs in times like this with consequent wear
and tear on delicate mechanisms called nerves. I guess there's more in the
offing too and it is possible that you might weather them better if you had
some people close at hand to offer advice and consolation. In any case, the
above will give you food for thought and you can tell me your angle.
One person, anyway, seems to be finding the change
beneficial, Master Richard. Jolly good now he's eating plenty and putting in
his quota of hours in the cot. Probably find his weight maintaining a steady
tendency to rise now. Is he still as lively and animated as ever.
That letter with the cheque should have reached you by
now, keep me posted. It was a crossed one payable to you so there is little


of it going up a lane. From your uninspiring reports concerning your
appearance, there appears to be some point to my diagnosis of you above.
Hard work never gave anyone lines and grey hair but the occupation of the
mind with an overdose of worry is an unfailing recipe for such blemishes.
I had a letter from Syd. too this morning back again on his
wheezy tub. Sounded very chirpy but like the rest of us hankering for a
return to dear old Mum. Like me, he's finding life pretty slow but that’s
how it is. At least, its safe. Not much news from here.Went all lairy last
week and saw two picture shows. The adventures of Mark Twain was a good
turn,Frederic March putting over a masterly act and then a show about a
British officer masquerading as a Roumanian patriot called Tatu doing the
Basties in the eye was also good if a bit far fetched. Robery Donat pleased
us in that.There's horse racing many miles out today but I'm working so had
to pass it by.Dunno what sort of hosses they have dug up but anything is good
enough for the lads to have a punt on. Regarding my insurance, I've paid my
premiums through the Army so thats fixed for a while.Unfortunately the price
just about cleaned the balance out of my paybook but you don't need much up
here.However , if we are to run around a bit when I grace the state, the bank
will have to be tapped for a fiver. Has another bundle of papers from you as
well so we are doing O.K. Weather muggy but the sun is hidden mercifully or
it would be roasting.
Having opened with greetings and meandered through a
variety of subjects to that thrilling topic, the weather, I think I've said
my piece .Cheerio for a day or two and I pray your house makes a rosier
impression on you by the time I receive your next. Its disheartening to think
that what seemed to be a great turn of the wheel has been a bit of a flop.
Give xxx young Buster his daddy's bestest kiss for being such a good lad.
To you, sweet, all my love.


AIR. MAIL 15-4-44
Mrs. M. Billings
536 Whitehorse Road
Surrey. Hills Victoria 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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