Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 13 - Part 8 of 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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RFN3 0 (Adspied.) Aened 14 1881 SERVICE ACTIE Pee of MnS OF THL AvTRAIAN MMIAEY FMCt This envelope must not be used for money or (Up to three levers may af other valuables. It cannot be accepted for envelope, but these must be all from resistration. The Cover should be addressed "Base Censor ME.E. S. (Capica Correspondence in the envelope will not be censored in the unit but is liable to examina- The Covers of enclosed letters tion at the Base. by sender. The following Certificate must be signed by 441 the writer:— Address: 1 cerpty chaetpe corepes of this envelope refer to noching busbribale famity ix business matters and do NOT refoli ar draciors of, a milicary nacure. H.A.M. 4 Sisnacure J. Jarkerd Name Only) pant. Haneth Mo1. sh
Vx38483 Sq H. Bullingh Dist accounts Office New Siince. 4.4. 44 Darting Ray Thanks again for andthid litter for Yours of the 30h amow yetterday, making very good tine. I was the one in which to phrate it oulganty, you pt the hard word over and at luck wowe have it, I was just papping my powisred letter into the bol and thut managed to include the necestary Oscad with it. I wis walk you dough sanding wind up here, a litter git here quicket So. Thats what The date today drays from tthe dim secises of my mimory the fact that it is frother 6har Wirthday. his 35th I think. I if you oun acrosd him oved at Mrumt, with him fratirnal gautings. you arpart good proguess for your profectie departure into the wieds of Hont Albert with the acquestion of a few more possessions tthat will make the spot cary. On well, S wiit, let not their coarse listue worry you. I have a suspicion that one stim of austerity we wont even notice you soune like a braithat, moving here, directing Well, if you start ffilling you poetty skie these. with the gooy dibaill of the alley.
caspus delict. Servet you right if the new joint givel you the creept. Silly Sauage! Anyhow from the few bitt Tiiner Iold put out. I can't decide who the unfortunate women really is but then that puggle is the spice of the whole case. Sory to sie we Richard is off- colod again, I do hope it was a thort lived yrom At at like him to be lick though. The Francition stage in his dut must be causing an untimal distunbance I bet you took a dim view of his Hantriemt when the finate was such a metty one I hape his back to form wthin you shore off so at to sprowde favorable condition for a commencement it ow att sporbly will accomplished, I hape it wont be long undil I fou you. I dont thase your years but it wire be lonely for you at timed and you must have had a bellyful of that already. Funny. rimarking on youd wroleht acently and then to bee you had succudid in getting it appained. Pry. timely too fod the ord radis is worth its weigh aon gold f you have the atmol here and quiet to enjoy its vanity. Getting back to the laddie. Iagai will you that hed approaching the lime when thes a handful to manage but I wilow you more than a match for him but looking apted
3 appt the kidd divalues upon both Moum &Dad a spot of rete were no doubt meet with you approval Little farst gatly for this dump. Had a few words from the big man and he samed to think the prospects of getting away reatorably soon are not so bad. Weather is plunly nat giving one forquent wret to the wash tub. On the while, life is very duany adue. Theres a ppot of inns cor up soon but not having play for a while I am not so ken Too hat as well for may violent inocise Pretly medeowe effort tonight but you know how it is new and then Cheers little mothed will have another crack soon Big kess to the little chap and are my love for you sweet fnke Micky
4 444 f 4184714 H.H. M. Billings 548 Barkers Road East Hamthorn ctone
VX38483 Sqr H. fillingt Dist Accounts Offfice New Tuinia. 6.4. 44 Iarling pay Heres that man, you remember him of course, uned to be known at pood H. My. His a damn sight more to now apted a yread in this ding blachee place. Howwed, he can siull +wise a lickly gain occationatly. How are you rosibud! Filly immersed in matters of housed & accellories etc. I se, fod another letter foom you, that of 31 st Harch came along y etterday and I am thut werl pasted of your plank and proguess Pery please that R1 chards indusposition was of short duration, like one of our storms, shoot but violent while it easts. Good newt, The oice on the Scalet. Haybe, his increaset are a bit on the slaw side but his on the right track again. Difficiet period just now and you cant expect the ideal, if he dinid riguearly and co keep up a men thirken hourt sleep ped dum, his more than holding his own. Wonded how he were cotton on to his change of residence youre going to look fine if you don't git that foolish absistion that being alone is going to be to too umneaving. If you talk and think about it any more youe persuade yourself into a nightly pame
2 Fre upon you, villam. I reprate. Puust, that if I fine you a mals of Loilwon hands, wounkles and gay hairs, wee betide you, and those eyetons are the isuct of too much housework and unwarranted seight of ghaulish imag nation I concise that you have had a most baying youd but thears a limit to the scale of deprecention to be account, only faid wend and head see. To right I will ladle out great slabs of massage but I must on the preceovation of the matuise How put yoursey in my place; don't you think day cvare haid and carloused hands nd to spore the prosing pleasure. Of couse. you do to se that the marstor, the dayen of back and head subbess can do his stuff as were at in the hallyon days. At out be long now lither. Hummy, hiee we do have a fine time, Im quite self pocteca about it, at parsent. but were start to go gooen when I get a-movin, Nothing furhhed in the way of an apportumate date to lell you but it would have to be a meracle to make it by May 2, worke luck, is but will be feat out to muke it by the second date. Hang you, mentioning that date you see its a well known of allacy that husbands are prone to anlack such a day to you and I was going to dimonstrate
that it just sent to, See. Twwo years, wwhat a jottin shame to mie both annwirsans not days to mention the hundrrds of unteavening y Ot. the game stinks, and just thow much when I in the rackets promitted to flousich back home, all of them at the sepence of the little people Thanks for your new address, put, this wice by the first to go whese and I hope it will not be necessary it for very many to fallow it. This married life by carrespondence has definite limitations; I was never the type of man to go keeping two homet, fad too honorable. I got youd letter about the house O.K. I hope mine sending the wherewthat tnons up quickly. Feeling quite D.R, asthought t vrry hot and clammy. The ford has improved lately such things at an 199. fout meat and appees being se about a bit Ht three bundles of papers and the kib Hor, thanks a lot sweet. Gove Lordy tomorrow to a visit to the Chunt will be tamely Hell, well time for the cot to chuis, Ray a big un for the laddie and are my love for you prel A.CRy
AIR. MAIL 6444 M.SS. M. Rillings 336 Whitehorse Road Surney Hiels fctoria

A.F.W. 3078

(Revised July 1943)   (Crow

1. This envelope must not be used for money or             
other valuables. It cannot be accepted for                   
2. Correspondence in the envelope will not be           
censored in the unit but is liable to examination            
at the Base.                                                                              

3. The following Certificate must be signed by                               
the writer:—                                                                             
I certify that the contents of this envelope refer to                   
nothing but private family or business matters and                
do NOT refer to any matters of a military nature.                      

Name Only

Michael Billings

(Up to three letters may ..
envelope, but these must be all from
The Cover should be addressed
"Base Censor"  MELB (Capita
The Covers of enclosed letters
by sender.)
Mrs. M. Bi
548 Barkers
East Hawth


VX38483 Sgt. M. Billings
Dist. Accounts Office
New Guinea.    4.4. 44

Darling Kay
Thanks again for another letter for
Yours of the 30th arrived yesterday, making very good
time.  T'was the one in which, to phrase it
vulgarly,  you put the hard word over and as
luck would have it, I was just popping my previous
letter into the box and thus managed to include
the necessary 'Oscar' with it.  Never waste your dough
sending wires up here, a letter gets here quicker.
So Thats that.
The date today drags from the dim
recesses of my memory the fact that it is brother
Chas birthday, his 35th I think. If you run
across him over at Mums, wish him fraternal
You report good progress for your
projected departure into the wilds of Mont Albert
with the acquisition of a few more possessions that
will make the spot cosy. Oh well, Sweet, let not
their coarse texture worry you. I have a suspicion
that's one item of austerity we wont even notice.
you sound like a brasshat, moving here, directing
there. Well, if you start filling your pretty skull
with the gory details of the Albury


corpus delecti. Serves you right if the new joint gives
you the creeps. Silly Sausage! Anyhow from the
few bits Guinea Gold put out I can't decide who
the unfortunate woman really is but then that
puzzle is the spice of the whole case.
Sorry to see wee Richard is off-color
again, I do hope it was a short lived spasm.
Not like him to be sick though. the transition
stage in his diet must be causing an internal
disturbance. I bet you took a dim view of his
tantrums when the finale was such a messy one.
I hope he's back to form when you shove off so as
to provide favorable conditions for a commencement.
Now its pretty well accomplished, I hope it won't
be long until I join you. I don't share your fears
but it will be lonely for you at times and you
must have had a bellyful of that already. Funny,
remarking on your wireless recently and then to see
you had succeeded in getting it repaired. Very
timely too for the old radio is worth its weight
in gold if you have the atmosphere and quiet to
enjoy its vanity.
Getting back to the laddie. I agree
with you that he's approaching the time when
hes a handful to manage but I reckon you're
more than a match for him but looking after


after the kids devolves upon both
Mum & Dad so a spot of relief
will no doubt meet with your
Little fresh gossip from
this dump. Had a few words from
the big man and he seemed to
think the prospects of getting
away reasonably soon are not
so bad. Weather is plenty hot
giving one frequent visits to the
wash tub. On the whole,
life is very dreary and dull. Theres
a spot of tennis coming up soon
but not having played for a
while I am not so keen. Too hot
as well for very violent exercise
Pretty mediocre effort tonight
but you know how it is now and
then. Cheers little mother, will
have another crack soon. Big kiss to
the little chap and all my love
for you, sweet.   Micky   


4 4 44 
Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


VX38483 Sgt. M. Billings
Dist Accounts Offfice
New Guinea. 6. 4. 44

Darling Kay
Here's that man, you remember him
of course, used to be known as poor Micky. He's
a damn sight more so now after a year in
this dang blasted place. However, he can still
raise a sickly grin occasionally. How are you
rosebud?  Fully immersed in matters of houses
& accessories etc. I see, for another letter from
you, that of 31st March came along yesterday
and I am thus well posted of your plans and
Very pleased that Richards indisposition
was of short duration, like one of our storms.
Short but violent while it lasts. Good news, the
rise on the scales. Maybe his increases are a bit
on the slow side but he's on the right track
again. Difficult period just now and you can't
expect the ideal, if he dines regularly and can
keep up a mere thirteen hours sleep per diem,
he's more than holding his own. Wonder how
he will cotton on to his change of residence. You're
going to look fine if you don't get [[?}]that foolish
obsession that being alone is going to be too too
unnerving. If you talk and think about it any
more you'll persuade yourself into a nightly panic.


Fie upon you, villain. I reiterate, Puss, that if
I find you a mass of toilworn hands, wrinkles
and grey hairs, woe betide you, and those
eyesores are the result of too much housework
and unwarranted flights of ghoulish imagination.
I concede that you have had a most trying year
but there's a limit to the scale of depreciation
to be allowed, only fair wear and tear see. Too
right I will ladle out great slabs of massage
but I insist on the preservation of the material.
Now put yourself in my place; don't you think
dry coarse hair and calloused hands tend
to spoil the pursuing pleasure. Of course. you
do so see that the maestro, the doyen of back
and head rubbers can do his stuff as well
as in the halcyon days.  Won't be long now
either, Mummy, till we do have a fine time.
I'm quite self possessed about it, at present,
but will start to go 'goosey' when I get a-movin,
Nothing further in the way of an approximate
date to tell you but it would have to be a
miracle to make it by May 2, worse luck,  so but
will be flat out to make it by the second
date. Hang you, mentioning that date.
you see its a well known fallacy that
husbands are prone to overlook such a day
and I was going to demonstrate to you 


that it just isnt so, see. Two years, what a
rotten shame to miss both anniversaries not
to mention the hundreds of intervening  years days.
Oh, the game stinks, and just how much when
I see the rackets permitted to flourish back
home, all of them at the expense of the little
Thanks for your new address, pet,
this will by the first to go there and I hope
it will not be necessary it for very many
to follow it. This married life by
correspondence has definite limitations; I
was never the type of man to go keeping two
homes, far too honorable.
I got your letter about the house
O.K. I hope mine sending the wherewithal
turns up quickly.
Feeling quite O.K. although its
very hot and clammy. The food has
improved lately such things as an egg, fresh
meat and apples being seen about a bit.
Had those bundles of papers and the kitbag
too, thanks a lot sweet. Good Friday tomorrow
so a visit to the Church will be timely.
Well, well, time for the cot so cheerio, Kay
a big un for the laddie and all my love for you


AIR. MAIL   6. 4.44
Mrs. M. Billings
536 Whitehorse Road
Surrey Hills


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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