Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 13 - Part 7 of 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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on the looth, theres nothing to be wornied about. He five ahead O.K. that funny little guy. suppose you are full of plans for youd first move and subrequent afforts to infuse into the goint that elusie flavod that is defince as home. Well now its on, I i faid panting to get dawn to grab me a goodly measual of its charms and comforts, not to mention coyly. Those of it occupants. One thing. Army life is so dwvard of the essentials that make life lus & a bothed than it is, that the sweetheart, the wife the bawn and the home ane pooperly appriciato when a chap it fortunate enough to get amongst them. Will. if you approve and t other does too. The plan is O.K for women an the hardist proposition to please in such
4t matters. Im not taking a shot at you, old bean, its just as well fout off you are for they would probably, any old cuib off on to the ord man if he had the chasting. It wire be goods if facks will bunk in with you for a while until your noble protector moves in. Howeved, I think youd windy peases are a bit of a snon for I neved thought you the type to scan too easily you hellcat. Its your imagination running away with you, the place is to rmale youll be lucky to have anyone nead the place. Pity your radie is cronk, any hope of geetting it find or did you manage to get it going again. Just sattle in and bide a little while longed and Sweetheast, were get and mony's worth out the thack. Whosce, it will be grouse
Back again to the old rantine now dayright saving has cut out. all for at my self up here, sume to have much more time of to yourself then Now its dark afted Sea which is now earlied and the night seems terribly long for there's pouians little from and games on and no place to go. If it were as in the good ald times. a chap would be lounging on the porch of the locae, lusually sipping a coldy and g asriping with the fally pplanters. Fetting a fair bit of forst frint now, always seemt to be a case onathand in the mess. Sick to death of tined stuffin fact any gonb out of a tin but a chap must keep up the strungth. Told in you in my last letter about whacking up you all Smnt by a couple of bob
6 this wirl confirm it so that will increate your chique by 28/ a pay. Hope it were suffice until I get down anyway, but oother in any case, thered no to source of wealth to hap except that prece taped out for and long range plan and I would be very loth to bust into that for anything bad imergencied. Lit it go for now, well oon it out sweettfully. One other matter, my inturance should be uenuv in March but Ive heard nothing of it Wauld you alk knim about the it ane if knows nothing about it. ark hed to enquire from Chas. Pa pwret. I oodnight once more, will whe along another Sunday. A big kelt for the foothy scamp and as wed. all my love to you, little Hicky Me other
31 344 AIR MAIL &. Billings (s3 H6. C. 548 Barkers Road East Hawthorn mstie ctone
Vx 38483 Sqr. M. Gauingt Dist Accounts Offfici Now Trunca. 2.4.44 Darting How are you, sont? Goods, suh at just to- so. Had your of the 27th yesterday to am gratefil for it and the respectable length ar Thit would pited out very Smartly for lack of something to write about. Hope the lhsot sime clapsing between the dates of writing and receipt kup up. Contrary young divie, young R. chane not daing the right thing by the plate and bed but apart from a standitice in the matter of weight, his dwelapment and sprogurs remain unimpained, must fiel there are more amuting things to do than eating. Stell, his not lating a salitary ounce and then can't be mush at fauit with a tiny dyname like that. Time it do the biscuit when het on the dull and listlett stunt. Aithough Iin neve met the blig hte. + I uckon hes very soune keeping on his fort to were, for the change ove from the type of nowrishment hit had from birth to the more advanced dut would be athed awalutionary to the intimai apparatus. Very glad you ful s.H you wrre need to if your proposifiu oo.
2 determination to trantfe the prospective H.Q into a palac. I can picture a fura medly of broomt, f and buckets and thingt when you move in. H ow dont go busting yourself and try to gut it all done in a frice but then, patience was neve a throngpaint with you so I may at were shut up. Stell. if I camn home and find you hicking out, even though the place is like a new pin, thrrele be a blu. You See that although we have been marriee but nearly two years, were handly had much time living as man and wife to at the long has it Stt you Im apter and if you are the darting tumdte of 1942 the bundle of Gusbane beauty well I probably went even notice where the house it at how many roomt it hat. I observe a stout priority in the orded of you 2R. chare, the rest of things in the perspective the thow of ut pput them I not get to thinking youd fine acquisstion leaved me cold but after a long time for clead reflection, I inlist on a proper since of propartion, and thing living are much better to love than inanimate pattilemt. One thing about your flat I notic you Sedneausly rfure to disculd beyond the baw unnouncement, to wit the sent. I think I can dopt that out tthis way. When planning you life marriage & bit you munt imagined you would fort 47/6 a mick for sent and when you were out
confronted with that sum for a shop cum-house munm; quath you to yourself, Thit is pplinly tough and Pa wire think it highway roblury too so I will saft pidal on that atpect and concentrate on the fracit aminitiet as an offsit. It is inequitont too but tthey have got you just where they want you there days, its firtte for the blackmarkihurs, and profitirs, the swine but werl have ont day to hawe and while Im in the Army we should have enough to keep the play hy plying. I ts a bnd show though. they bring the minfork well away and then tard ther wived to the wolves. Im afraid the AIF did a fad bethr job for thid ouppt than it doe and will do for them. At were, enough of controverly, no good getting steamee up and if I ffind my darling Pay sweet & lovable and R.ard as good as he bounds. I'ill host in New Guinea. The vent and charge them against experience. Got a foothald on afrie now and bay brings my tote to twelve months. I than the start pistering the byg thats then about a change of scenury but like are delectable visions it will take a while to get some action. Sitee and are, it it can't be very fad off. Hope youd move is not fraught with any iintation although you havent so much to transfed as yet. am looking forward to your first rccupation. imprettions as the Tinant
I see I orcas had already arrived on the scine building up for hid hum. But why the poor Dore angle when she is heosibly bucked about it. Don't you know this is the open seaton for sufpesing and a Salutary dos of ppain and childberth is the only clast known that it productune of any gooe, Frankly I we grow quite cauous of the bodily miious ofe frail mankind, Seen too much of the mell and sampled one ad two varieties, it wthid goes away at bumps you off and except for those you love and who love you, who gives a hoot. Tue. I m making a hue of a lot of digressions, lit keep to to the subject. I wouldnt fuel baily about having to b a few things necestary t have some comfort buy f articularly when they are stems ofa capital nature, provided you have the coin, of courte Well always have to have a home so theats little oads in getting a few stecks now instead of lated. Its things that were have no lated ule that are the bane for they eat into and slanded visouous and give no promanent ution Pery interested in youd lynophes of the Torronga Roals s cheme. You are certainly exploace the prospects but barring an unlikely doulity on the part of the occupiers, the machining to loss im out is very postracted and cumbersome,
It Seimt hardly worth white to purtue the matted the array of cants and ift is formidable and one thing I have opton thaught about, as that whatwed way it prons. Some imbarrathement must be caused you mathed and I wont have hed place distabed on and account. By the way that X mad gook for you mothed will be O.R. The orded as duly received in Hill but the demand for the book far antoon the supply to there a waiting list until more are publishe. Sunday today and a lagy day is hav being had by an Slept like & hop last night for a wonded, the chapt iel me Vaitually boss and glll out half the night. Casit be my conscuence for I cant find and hin tto get in hese Ouite vistuously I can say I have hadly talhed good for a yead not gone out with women, yood od bac, wpat a model husband you have but I incongondet as the altociation is, I look forward to renewing my acquaintance with both soon. shame on you picking a place to fad from a Havion, I'll be worn out traveeling between them. With those heavy pleasantaris, I now porpare for the wining banquet, wire first lave the body with a pait of wated. Chuess. Sweetheast and Fathers Spence gaisting. For you parcious, I give the imp just want to bay I love you to buts. Daddy Bicky

on the tooth, there's nothing to 
be worried about. . He fine ahead
O.K. that funny little guy.
Suppose you are full of
plans for your first move and
subsequent efforts to infuse into
the joint that elusive flavour
that is defined as home. Well now
its on, I'm fair panting to get
down to grab me a goodly measure
of its charms and comforts, not
to mention coyly, those of it's
occupants. One thing, Army life
is so devoid of the essentials that
make life less of a bother than it
is, that the sweetheart, the wife
the bairn and the home are
properly appreciated when a chap
is fortunate enough to get amongst
them. Well. if you approve and
mother does too, the plan is
O.K for women are the hardest
proposition to please in such


matters. I'm not taking a shot at
you, old bean, its just as well
you are for they would probably foist off
any old crib off on to the old
man if he had the choosing.
It will be goodo if folks will
bunk in with you for a while
until your noble protector moves
in. However, I think your windy
scares are a bit of a turn for
I never thought you the type to
scare too easily, you hellcat. Its
your imagination running away
with you, the place is so remote
you'll be lucky to have anyone
near the place. Pity your radio
is cronk, any hope of getting it
fixed or did you manage to
get it going again. Just settle
in and bide a little while longer
and sweetheart, we'll get our
money's worth out of the shack
Whooee, it will be grouse.


Back again to the old routine now
daylight saving has cut out. All
for it myself up here, seemed
to have much more time f to
yourself then. Now its dark after
tea which is now earlier and the
night seems terribly long for
there's precious little fun and
games on and no place to go.
If it were as in the good old
times, a chap would be lounging
on the porch of the local,
leisurely sipping a 'coldy' and
gossiping with the jolly planters.
Getting a fair bit of fresh fruit
now, always seems to be a case
of Jonathans in the mess. Sick
to death of tinned stuff, in
fact any grub out of a tin but a
chap must keep up the strength.
Told in you in my last letter
about whacking up your
allotment by a couple of bob.


this will confirm it so that
will increase your cheque by
28/- a pay. Hope it will suffice
until I get down anyway, but
in any case, there’s no more other
to source of wealth to tap except
that piece taped out for our
long range plan and I would be
very loth to bust into that for
anything bad emergencies. Let
it go for now, will iron it out
successfully. One other matter,
my insurance should be renewed
in March but I've heard nothing
of it. Would you ask Mum about
it and if she knows nothing about it,
ask her to enquire from Chas.
Ta Sweet. Goodnight once
more, will whizz along another
Sunday. A big kiss for the
toothy scamp and as well
all my love to you, little


31.3 44

Mrs. C. H Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn



VX 38483 Sgt. M. Billings
Dist Accounts Office
New Guinea. 2. 4. 44

How are you, sweet? Goodo, huh or
just so-so. Had yours of the 27th yesterday so
am grateful for it and the respectable length or
this would peter out very smartly for lack of
something to write about. Hope the short time
elapsing between the dates of writing and receipt
keep up.
Contrary young devil, young Richard,
not doing the right thing by the plate and
bed but apart from a standstill in the matter
of weight, his development and progress remain
unimpaired, must feel there are more amusing
things to do than eating. Still, he's not
losing a solitary ounce and there can't be much
at fault with a tiny dynamo like that. Time to
do the biscuit when he's on the dull and
listless stunt. Although I've never met the
blighter, I reckon he's very sound keeping on his
toes so well, for the change over from the type
of nourishment he's had from birth to the more
advanced diet would be rather revolutionary to his
internal apparatus. Very glad you feel Ok
too. You will need to if your purposeful


determination to transfer the prospective H.Q into a
palace. I can picture a fierce medley of brooms, pans
buckets and things when you move in. Now don't
go busting yourself and try to get it all done in a
trice but then, patience was never a strong point
with you so I may as well shut up. Still, if I come
home and find you tuckered out, even though the
place is like a new pin, there'll be a blue. You
see that although we have been married but
nearly two years, we've hardly had much time
living as man and wife so as the song has it
'It's You I'm After' and if you are the darling
bundle of 1942, the bundle of Brisbane beauty, well
I probably won't even notice where the house is
or how many rooms it has. I observe a strict
priority in the order 1/ you 2/ Richard, the
rest of things in the perspective the three of us put them.
Don't get to thinking your fine acquisition leaves me
cold but after a long time for clear reflection, I
insist on a proper sense of proportion, and things
living are much better to love than inanimate
possessions. One thing about your flat I notice
you sedulously refuse to discuss beyond the bare
announcement, to wit the rent. I think I can dope
that out this way. When planning your life after
marriage I bet you never imagined you would fork
out 47/6 a week for rent and when you were


confronted with that sum for a shop cum-house,
mmm; quoth you to yourself, 'This is plenty tough
and Pa will think it highway robbery too so I will'
Soft pedal on that aspect and concentrate on the
place's amenities as an offset. It is iniquitous too
but they have got you just where they want you these
days, its fiesta for the blackmarketeers, and
profiteers, the swine but we'll have our day to
have and while I'm in the Army we should have
enough to keep the flag flag flying. It's a bad show
though, they bring the menfolk well away and then
toss their wives to the wolves. I'm afraid the AIF
did a far better job for their outfit than it does
and will do for them. Ah well, enough of
controversy, no good getting steamed up and if I
find my darling Kay sweet & lovable and Richard as
good as he sounds, I'll toss in New Guinea, the
rent and charge them against experience. Got a
foothold on April now and May brings my total
to twelve months. I shall start pestering the
big shots then about a change of scenery but like
all delectable visions, it will take a while to get
some action. Still and all, it it can't be very
far off. Hope your move is not fraught with any
irritations although you haven't so much to transfer
as yet. Am looking forward to your first
impressions as the tenant in occupation.


I see Dorcas has already arrived on the scene,
building up for her turn. But why the pour Dorc
angle when she is terribly bucked about it. Don't you
know this is the open season for suffering and
a Salutary dose of pain and childbirth is the only
class known that is productive of any good, Frankly
I'll grow quite callous of the bodily miseries of the
frail mankind, Seen too much of the mess and
sampled one or two varieties, it either goes away
or bumps you off and except for those you love
and who love you, who gives a hoot. Gee, I'm still
making a hell of a lot of digressions, let’s keep to
to the subject.
I wouldn't feel badly about having to
big buy a few things necessary to have some comfort
particularly when they are items of a capital
nature, provided you have the coin, of course. We'll
always have to have a home so there's little odds
in getting a few stocks now instead of later. Its
things that we'll have no later use for that are the
bane for they eat into our slender resources and
give no permanent return.
Very interested in your synopsis of
the Torronga Road scheme. You all certainly
explored the prospects but barring an unlikely docility
on the part of the occupiers, the machinery to
toss 'em out is very protracted and cumbersome,


It Seems hardly worth while to pursue the matter
the array of ‘cants’ and ‘ifs’ is formidable and one
thing I have often thought about, is that whatever way
it turns, some embarrassment must be caused your
mother and I won't have her peace disturbed on our
By the way, that Xmas Book for your mother
will be O.K. The order was duly received in Melb. but
the demand for the book far outran the supply so 
there's a waiting list until more are published.
Sunday today and a lazy day is
havin being had by all. Slept like a top last
night for a wonder, the chaps tell me I usually
toss and yell out half the night. Can't be my
conscience for I can't find any sin to get in here.
Quite virtuously I can say I have hardly tasted
grog for a year nor gone out with women, good or
bad, what a model husband you have but I
incongruous as the association is, I look forward
to renewing my acquaintance with both soon.
shame on you picking a place so far from a tavern,
I'll be worn out travelling between them.
With those heavy pleasantries, I now
prepare for the coming banquet, well first lave the
body with a pail of water. Cheers. Sweetheart and give the 
imp Father's Special greeting. For you, precious, I
just want to say I love you to bits. Daddy Micky

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