Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 13 - Part 5 of 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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take it easy and get your second wind although you may not need it. A Vast kiss and a hug for Richard and for you, little mother, all the love there is in me, Micky PROOOR Nstratin Oethaar
22344 MA 1 4 M. S. A. Suling 548 Barkers Road awthorn oast fistona
Vx38483 Sqr. H. Gunngl Dirst Amounts Opfiel New Taunea. 253. 44 Darling Tutings little woman, and how you be, along the wee pecaninny chile. As more litters Since yours of the 18th but at that only arrived two days ago, a chap mustal be too gridy. Bung Sunday tomorrow and a day o rest dicreed, perhapt the day will speced with one of your epicblet. Ben most pleasing of late to sead of the complite novery of the laddie, anathed hurdle you have surmaunted in keeping the first born well in the running for a happ and healthy childhou Good too, that the weaning stage is on the way out for if the iilacation from that can is not soon evident in you own self there must be a ply in the
2 sentment some place. Iu, I laughed at his capers at church the old girls Chrishan forbearanc must have been lased when he knocked hut Stitson askew. How flatteria I was to be mittaken for the neo fathed by him, afraid I'm hardly. The lype found in tthe pulpit though. What a uip. roaring rateal younn got, hew I love the little blighte. Too bad, Sweet, you house search has been fruitfuley but darling, don't let it take so much out of you as you will be a wrick. I know how it must dampen youd spirits to happen on so many Setbacks but with Things so bad, youre have to be as fine of patience as ald fob Leave it rest until you head from your uncle and maybe your delvingl were be ovit. Hap
so but, if you wash there, a spece from the chare well frishen you up. I eam me, what a sad dateful picture of you face + form you paunt me with, Ich Ach. That such havor could have been wwrought on that faid countenance. Shee I agan that went have not been mry conducive to the presevation of your parstine glory. Sant of cause and expect result. I expectand when Richard can stand on his own feet, you hane has become a reality and the old man is with you to lave you and appreciate you and all thele things you pusue. maybe you will feel and look a sight more spaightly. The fait ant youre gething is not doing you the good it should for its dashing hither full of full of
4 hope and returning defuctedly after another failure, concerned an the time about the nipped Wew as they say wouldn't it Could & accommend a dogn at so scalp martages to ristore the g lasly and life into your fading trelses followed by a vigarous rough and humble, to be rounded off by a delicious sparkling interlude of action and passion. What do you say. for I am yours to command in any stunts of ristorative value to you. E leven months nearly complited, law. so its looming larget now, a month, two months f ass quickly so keep your picked up. I head that there is a good chanceo gtting a break of six months in the home town so if its dinkum, that wire be swer Hayle the wat will be on it
5. say out by then as wele I aw the camera does not lie and you looked a partly Sweet bit of home- work in the snapt, particularly that mast becoming study brated on the patio +ail. Youre the lavetut thing in my hongon and bey and so just keep on with the good work, Swet. your do me mate. Let not wifely caset much you up Though, wire crack it properly soon but imembed worny and youth soon past company and it would be a dreadful tham for you to lose that youbhful side Nat much news from here as urual. Samie forth last night to the pictures, which monee out a good move. Saw First comes Courage with Heale O beron and Grean Aheo The wad reaut wit
6 the nose but it hard to get away from it. Site, we wes entertained by that. the dews and a Hucky House what a cap. Geen very wet this week and the mud is very thick. Warming up again now, in fact, its stinking hot tonight neved did see such a drathe holl. Famorrow, to tthe beach for a sun and salt cuse from my hinea which, like the pood is always with ut. Am trying to bee up those fant but they are a ranty in thele part. The native women weave them, I beluve so have chatte a boong who wrre try for them at his village. A care went, today. a weading here but geetting man here in wastime would not be my figeon. Lovks all right from a distance but


take it easy and get your second wind although you may not need it.
A vast kiss and a hug for Richard and for you, little
mother, all the love there is in me,


2 23 44
Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn



VX38483 Sgt. M. Billings
Dist Accounts Office
New Guinea. 25. 3. 44

Greetings little woman,
and how you be, along the wee
picaninny chile? No more letters
since yours of the 18th but as
that only arrived two days ago, a
chap mustnt be too greedy. Being
Sunday tomorrow and a day of
rest decreed, perhaps the day will
spiced with one of your epistles.
Been most pleasing of late to
read of the complete recovery of
the laddie, another hurdle you
have surmounted in keeping the
first born well in the running
for a happy and healthy childhood.
Good too, that the weaning stage
is on the way out for if the
relaxation from that care is not
soon evident in your own self
there must be a fly in the


ointment some place. Gee, I
laughed at his capers at church,
the old girls Christian forbearance
must have been taxed when he
knocked his Stetson askew. How
flattered I was to be mistaken
for the rev father by him, afraid
I'm hardly the type found in the
pulpit though. What a rip
roaring rascal you've got, how I
love the little blighter.
Too bad, Sweet, your
house search has been fruitfulless
but darling, don't let it take so
much out of you or you will be
a wreck. I know how it must
dampen your spirits to happen on
so many setbacks but with
things so bad, you'll have to
be as full of patience as old Job.
Leave it rest until you hear
from your uncle and maybe
your delvings will be over. Hope


so but, if you crash there, a spell
from the chase will freshen you
Dearie me, what a sad
doleful picture of your face &
form you haunt me with, tch!
tch! That such havoc could
have been wrought on that fair
countenance. Still I agree that
events have not been very conducive
to the preservation of your pristine
glory. Sort of "cause and effect"
result. I expect and that when Richard
can stand on his own feet, your
house has become a reality and
the old man is with you to
love you and appreciate you and
all these things you pursue,
maybe you will feel and look
a sight more sprightly. The fresh
air you're getting is not doing
you the good it should for it's
full of dashing hither full of.


hope and returning defeatedly after
another failure, concerned all
the time about the nipper.
Well as they say "Wouldn't it".
Could I recommend a dozen or
so scalp massages to restore the
glossy and life into your fading
tresses followed by a vigorous
rough and tumble, to be rounded
off by a delicious sparkling
interlude of action and passion.
What do you say. for I am yours
to command in any stunts of
restorative value to you. Eleven
months nearly completed, lass,
so its looming larger now, a
month, two months pass quickly
so keep your pecker up. I hear
that there is a good chance of
getting a break of six months
in the home town so if it's
dinkum, that will be swell.
Maybe the war will be on its 


way out by then as well. Now
the camera does not lie and you
looked a pretty sweet bit of home-
work in the snaps, particularly
that most becoming study seated
on the patio rail. You're the
loveliest thing in my horizon
and beyond so just keep on
with the good work, Sweet,
you'll do me, mate. Let not
wifely cares muck you up
though, will crack it properly
soon but remember worry and
youth soon part company and
it would be a dreadful shame
for you to lose that youthful side.
Not much news from here
as usual. Sallied forth last
night to the pictures, which
turned out a good move. Saw
"First comes Courage" with
Merle Oberon and Brian Aherne.
The war slant was a bit on


the nose but its hard to get
away from it. Still, we were
entertained by that, the News
and a Micky Mouse, what a
cap. Been very wet this week
and the mud is very thick.
Warming up again now, in fact,
its stinking hot tonight, never
did see such a dratted hole.
Tomorrow, to the beach for a
sun and salt cure from my tinea
which, like the poor is always
with us. Am trying to tee
up those fans but they are
a rarity in these parts. The
native women weave them, I
believe so have chatted a "boong"
who will try for them at his
village. A rare event, today.
A wedding here but getting
married here in wartime would
not be my pigeon. Looks all
right from a distance but 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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