Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 13 - Part 1 of 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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V138483 SGT. M. Billings, District Accounts Office, NEW GUINEA 27. 20 44 Darling Kay, Preliminary to starting the inside dope that usually sives rise to a G.E.screed, first let me bid you good-day and send my fondest sxectings to wee Richard and yourself. No more letters since yours of the 17th but any day now will bring a resumption of your slad tidings. As you were both getting into your stride again after the spanner had been removed from the waiks, I am confident that you are both goods at time of writing and will be even better when this reaches you. Lord Muck here is not so bad and with only a few nore months to 8o, I, hope, thinks his chances of rejoining you in a state of good health quite good although I have a notion that the trip down when it does materialise will stink. You have to be good to sleep on a troop train and survive it day after day. However, that's a condition attached to the Army'’s Kindness in doling it out. I have'nt heard anything further but an still optinistic that I shall be down not far out of schedule. As regards a prolonged stay after expiration of leave, well, 1 just don't know a thing for as far as I can find out, there's no hard and fast rule about it, your name just soes into the bat and it way be Melbourne or Mallacoota. Anyhow, my sweet, I think it will work out all right for usand if we don't expect too much. And if it is better than we expect, then think what a lovely surprise it will be First, though to get out of New Guinea. Am on duty today and have had to break off for a spot of toil but back to the machine again. athemata regoon for the lorter is connected with that burning question you discussed with me at length in your recent letter, that of our sexual relationship and conduct when we are together again. Anyhow, I'm glad you had a yarn to the Doc. about it even though the result did not suggest anything new to help as in our dilemma. It is no use beating about the bush and saying how Lady Luck or some such Lickle jade will look after as for that would be the ideal approach to landing us in just the mess we are trying to avoid. As well ask us to stop the old Farra from flowing as to mentally dictate that in view of the risk, we must more or less shun one another. Its so evident that both of us have and do more than ever, experience such a longing to be atterly loved by that person that only by a mucual surrender to the other’s demands that our minds and our happiness can be satisfied.
As you stress it, the time has long passed if it ever existed when obedience to convention dared harness that fire that burns within us and is fanned to flame when lying in the passionate enbraces of the other. True it is that we need each other but equally true that we, pach of us, just want the other and loving in all its fullness, just take what is our right. Praise he, our's id not a love confined to the boudoir, for 1 find in you not only all a man could desire but so many things not so directly associated with our love and 1 too look forward just as much as you, to just yarning, eating together and mny other of those litt1 things pore allied to friendship than love perhaps. stin thats another story and Fortunately one Phase of our joint life that is wholly pleasant and free from complication To do our atmost to combat the possibility of a further addition to our ranksuntil we have achieved some sort of hearth and home is a problem that must be tackled now. It's a pity of course thrt people like us who adore kids are forced to consider practices so foreign to our wholesome instincts but driven beyond endurance, the nost righteous are only as strong as they have been made by circumstance. Speaking for you, it inposes too great a burden on your physical and mental resources to so through all that again under present conditions while it is equally fatuous for either of as to suppose we are strong enough to refuse to gratify a passion grown stronger by repression. Unpalatable as it sounds, one must face up to taking preventive steps and there’'s where we must reach some unaninity. I think it will help if I explain as Mueldlyas I can the mis Viempoint on the subject. Frow what your Doctor has said you can't place any reliance on schenes planned under the cycle systen, particulatly in cases identical with yours. I do appreciate your diffidence in talking about a subject that to my perhaps prudish mind suacks of the beastly, However as you swallowed Your aversion, then must 1 too. As he pointed out the use of a sheath 1s pefectly reliable and without risk inasmuch as it is used as a counter to causing a pregnency in a woman but it comes a bit of a cropper when other aspects of the matter are taken into account.We have both experienced that rapturous sensation that accompanies the perfect merging of our own desires and it owes a good deal of its slory to the fact that we give to the other without reservation, we
forget the world without, everything rests in the present. Well, you can see that the use of a contraceptive is a sort of a intrusion into that world that consists of just us and I'n afraid that the Joy you derive from association with me. would not be capable of complete repetition. The point is, then will you be satisfied with something less 1 don't want to depict a big bogey-man that does not exist but I feel that I must bring that aspect to your notice. In view of what you were told, Is inclined to think that the risk of having another child before you are ready will diminish as your system reverts to its former tenor but until then, well it is up to as to determine our intent in the Witer. Also,pet, to a Sreater extent then fon, the use of a sherth will react against ne achieving complete satisfaction from you. I don't tell you that as a means of arguing against their use but nerely to put you in possession of my belief so that if we agree to have recours you will be forewarned against likely possibilities resulting and you can guard against it. I am still brooding over the business and cannot come to any other conclusion that what he recommended wiill be forced s upan. Howevernes it is an expedient to neet a pressing necessity do not let it grow into a black cloud and above all, you are not to set the idea that I am going to aut be the poor martyr whose pleasure is to disturked on account of his wife. Your health is far more precious to me than a postponement of the gratification of my wants. As there i is quite a bit of time between our next reunion, we will sleep on it a bit Longer and & reflection will stapitly our probien, Tn sure. 3o until I hear From you again, I will defer the subject. Please give the little toddler a big Fiss frot Daddy and if there’'s one clear sentence in this, it is that I love you so auch, precious so what else wattery Cheerio, porkey
JIB. NAIL Juty 19937 ACTIVE FOR USE ONLY BY MEMBERS of this envelang must not be used for money or ther valuablys. It cannot be accepted for 272. 46 Tistration. Erespedeffee in the envelope will not be hsoged infthe unit but is liable to examina- Pat the ppase. tolowing Certificate must be signed by ertify that the contents of this envelope refer to thing but private family or busines aatters and NOT refer wo any mayene ot a munary hane. Lscure Onty Belin 1616a SERVH THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FOR (Up to three letters may be forwarded in this envelope, but these must be all from the same writer. The Cover should be addressed in such case to Base Censor. . (Capial Ciry) The Covers of enclosed letters, must be left open by sender.] Address: MrS. A. Daeeingh 5H8. Barkers Hods East Hawthern
8000 o Mnd
Sx 38483 S9 A. O ming Diet accounts office New Fannea. 1.3.43. Darling Wille, up comet another month but there nothing to distingwith it from any other month except that a new name signalited anathe shep meand the by day. Nat wven a letter turned up to make it different and we appead to be in the thoses of anabled bamn mail peorod Now that aid paecious skins are Safe, I suppose the mot up here bering well out of right can be coniniently forgatten. At were, bletlea an the meek and I may be wshinging out of tuon. Shere it leaves a chap hard put it find material to write about licause this place is hardly conducnce to the production of good shuff out of the skull
unarded by a few paget from you Hisiny. Thy name is konatony. at least. I can alk you how you are and may the answed be a bight one. It was goent in youd last to read of a nsumption of Harket R1 hards capers so he should be dragging many loving smiled out of you am again. Ially little chap. unt he. The pho are being wwill thumbed ovid, I can here you for you make a llovely corle. I ar you. The oid man is feeling quite fit but at my time of life I find that not enough, mayle you know how it is, it? I had a letter from Doug Reid Iathed day. He was shu absut the peace but in the same frame of mind as me Althaugh disguiring it were sunded wit and bankd 7 a vinnt
Swen & Sulan wise both fine but misting Iad to0. O ile a few hud foraud gob Sutte into retirement. A bunct of my old chinaplates had been wook with one thing and anothed but of good news. there was none. He asked me to convy his warmest regards to yent Rihhards. I am luning a paid of boy lasator matie boat) which I think may look Ok as ornaements. I have one and am getting the athed as soon as it is made to shale pack them and whiy them along to you. The musts and agging ane paetly fragele to I hope they dont get smached. Ragarding that book for youd mather. I enquirie about iit and from what I gathened it should have reached had by now. If to, we had my love to go with it
4 Entertainment has been lonry thit last week of so and there are a fen good shows froating around. It looks like a spot of hitch- hisking for this baby for Im nind been so bond, I fel as tthough Ii in a vacuum at parsent. It wouldn't be safe to leave me neat a pub just aaw. two pots and the exciliment would flather me. The weather had been wred and woolly lately, the cooe peoiidd are heavinly though The gave blew are my wathing off the lone and now I have to do it again to get he mid out. F I hat from we have. Lamentable as it is. shut will have tto do until the ile brikd so for a little while cheeno, sweet. the usunl byg kill to R chard & se the only thing thats real to me But
344 7IR. MAIL H.rS. H. Billings 548 Barkeos Road East Hawthorn Fictoria

VX38483 SGT. M. Billings,
District Accounts Office, 
NEW GUINEA  27.2.44 
Darling Kay, 
Preliminary to starting the inside dope that usually  
gives rise to a G.E.screed, first let me bid you good-day and send my  
fondest greetings to wee Richard and yourself. No more letters since  
yours of the 17th but any day now will bring a resumption of your  
glad tidings.  As you were both getting into your stride again after  
the spanner had been removed from the wioiks,  I am confident that you  
are both goodo at time of writing and will be even better when this  
reaches you. Lord Muck here is not so bad and with only a few more  
months to go , I hope, thinks his chances of rejoining you in a state  
of good health quite good although I have a notion that the trip down  
when it does materialise will stink. You have to be good to sleep on  
a troop train and survive it day after day. However, that's a condition  
attached to the Army's kindness in doling it out. I have'nt heard  
anything further but am still optimistic that I shall be down not far  
out of schedule. As regards a prolonged stay after expiration of leave,  
well, I just don't know a thing for as far as I can find out, there's no  
hard and fast rule about it, your name just goes into the hat and it may  
be Melbourne or Mallacoota. Anyhow, my sweet, I think it will work out  
all right for us and if we don't expect too much. And if it is better   
than we expect,then think what a lovely surprise it will be. First,  
though to get out of New Guinea. Am on duty today and have had to break  
off for a spot of toil but back to the machine again.  
The main reason for the letter is connected with  
that burning question you discussed with me at length in your recent  
letter, that of our sexual relationship and conduct when we are together  
again. Anyhow, I'm glad you had a yarn to the Doc. about it even though  
the result did not suggest anything new to help us in our dilemma.  
It is no use beating about the bush and saying how Lady Luck or some  
such fickle jade will look after us for that would be the ideal approach  
to landing us in just the mess we are trying to avoid.As well ask us to  
stop the old Yarra from flowing as to mentally dictate that in view of  
the risk,we must more or less shun one another.  It's so evident that both  
of us have and do more than ever,experience such a longing to be utterly  
loved by that person that only by a mutual surrender to the other's  
demands that our minds and our happiness can be satisfied. 


As you stress it, the time has long passed if it ever existed when  
obedience to convention dared harness that fire that burns within us  
and is fanned to flame when lying in the passionate embraces of the  
other. True it is that we need each other but equally true that we ,each  
of us, just want   the other and loving in all its fullness,just take  
what is our right. Praise be,our's is not a love confined to the boudoir,  
for I find in you not only all a man could desire but so many things not  
so directly associated with our love and I too look forward just as  
much as you , to just  yarning,eating together and many other of those littl  
things more allied to friendship than love perhaps.
Still that's another story  and fortunately one  
phase of our joint life that is wholly pleasant and free from complication 
To do our utmost to combat the possibility of a further addition to  
our ranksuntil we have achieved some sort of hearth and home is a  
problem that must be tackled now .It's a pity of course that people  
like us who adore kids are forced  to consider practices so foreign to  
our wholesome instincts but driven beyond endurance, the most righteous  
are only as strong as they have been made by circumstance. Speaking for  
you,it imposes too great a burden on your physical and mental resources  
to go through all that again under present conditions while it is  
equally fatuous for either of us to suppose  we are strong enough to  
refuse to gratify a passion grown stronger by repression.Unpalatable  
as it sounds,one must face up to taking preventative steps and there's  
where we must reach some unanimity. I think it will help if I explain  
as lucidly as I can the male viewpoint on the subject. From what your  
Doctor has said you can't place any reliance on schemes planned under  
the cycle system,particularly in cases identical with yours. I do  
appreciate your diffidence in talking about  a subject that to my  
perhaps prudish mind smacks of the beastly, However as you swallowed  
your aversion, then must I too. As he pointed out the use of a sheath  
is pefectly reliable and without risk inasmuch as it is used as a  
counter to causing a pregnancy in a woman but it comes a bit of a  
cropper when other aspects of the matter are taken into account.We  
have both experienced that rapturous sensation  that accompanies the  
perfect merging of our own desires and it owes a good deal of its  
glory to the fact that we give to the other without reservation, we


forget the world without,everything rests in the present.Well,you can  
see that the use of a contraceptive  is a sort of a intrusion into  
that world that consists of just us  and I'm afraid  that the joy  
you derive from association with me  would not be capable of complete  
repetition.The point is,then will you be satisfied with something less  
I don't want to depict a big bogey-man that does not exist but I feel  
that I must bring that aspect to your notice.In view of what you were  
told, I'm inclined to think that the risk of having another child before 
you are ready will diminish as your system reverts to its former tenor  
but until then,well it is up to us to determine our intent in the  
matter.  Also,pet,to a greater extent than you,the use of a sheath  
will react against me achieving complete satisfaction from you. I don't  
tell you that as a means of arguing against their use but merely to  
put you in possession of my belief so that if we agree to have recourse  
you will be forewarned against likely possibilities resulting and you  
can guard against it. I am still brooding over the business and cannot  
come to any other conclusion that what he recommended will be forced  
upon us. However as  it is an expedient to meet a pressing necessity do  
not let it grow into a black cloud  and above all ,you are not to get  
the idea that I am going to xxx be the poor martyr  whose pleasure is  
to disturbed on account of his wife. Your health is far more precious  
to me than a postponement of the gratification of my wants. As there i  
is quite a bit of time between our next reunion,we will sleep on it  
a bit longer and x reflection will simplify our problem, I'm sure. 
So until I hear from you again,I will defer  
the subject. Please give the little toddler a big kiss from Daddy  
and if there's one clear sentence in this, it is that I love you  
so much,precious so what else matter,s


Air Mail 
Michael Billings 
Mrs M Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn Vict


War Memorial


VX 38483 Sgt. M. Billings 
Dist Accounts Office 
New Guinea. 1. 3. 43 
Well, up comes another  
month but there's nothing to  
distinguish it from any other  
month except that a new name  
signalises another step nearer  
the big day. Not even a letter turned  
up to make it different and we  
appear to be in the throes of  
another barren mail period.  
Now that their precious skins are  
safe, I suppose the mob up here  
being well out of sight can be  
conveniently forgotten. Ah well,  
blessed are the meek and I may  
be whinging out of turn. Still  
it leaves a chap hard put to  
find material to write about  
because this place is hardly  
conducive to the production of  
good stuff out of the skull


unaided by a few pages from you.  
Misery, thy name is Monotony!  
At least, I can ask you how you  
are and may the answer be a  
bright one. It was great in your  
last to read of a resumption of  
Master Richard's capers so he should  
be dragging many loving smiles out  
of you once again. Jolly little  
chap, isn't he? The photos are  
being well thumbed over, I can  
tell you for you make a lovely  
couple, I assure you. The old  
man is feeling quite fit but  
at my time of life I find that  
not enough, maybe you know  
how it is, eh? 
I had a letter from Doug  
Reid t'other day. He was still  
about the place but in the  
same frame of mind as me  
although disguising it well under  
a veneer of wit and banter.


Gwen & Susan were both fine  
but missing Dad too. Quite a  
few had followed Bob Sutton  
into retirement. A bunch of my  
old chinaplates had been crook  
with one thing and another  
but of good news, there was none.  
He asked me to convey his  
warmest regards to you & Richards.  
I am buying a pair of toy  
lakatoi (native boats) which  
I think may look O'K as ornaments.  
I have one and am getting the  
other as soon as it is made so  
shall pack them and whizz them  
along to you. The masts and  
rigging are pretty fragile so I  
hope they don't get smashed.  
Regarding that book for your  
mother. I enquired about it and  
from what I gathered it should  
have reached her by now. If so,  
give her my love to go with it. 


Entertainment has been lousy this  
last week or so and there are a  
few good shows floating around.  
It looks like a spot of hitch- 
hiking for this baby for I've  
never been so bored, I feel as  
though I'm in a vacuum at  
present. It wouldn't be safe to  
leave me near a pub just now,  
two pots and the excitement would  
flatten me. 
The weather has been wild  
and woolly lately, the cool periods  
are heavenly though. The gale  
blew all my washing off the  
line and now I have to do it  
again to get the mud out. From  
What fun we have. 
Lamentable as it is, that                         
will have to do until the ice breaks  
So for a little while cheerio, Sweet.  
The usual big kiss to Richard &  
you're the only thing that's real to me      Micky 


Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn. 


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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