Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 12 - Part 10 of 16

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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4 VAUSIRMIMI ECOMSIMS FUNO 8 others race but the adoption of yaut an hile ineing you a bbut more steep pishaps would hardly prove very bnfinae to rtees of us. I heartily agae with you that it would be the reme of foulishness fot you to be sitting up ute the smarl houss weiting to me. I me me codifor fully appriciating the exacting demands made in yud time, for that rason you are perpectly justifice in sriting to you me scrappy letters and if at means that it ne keep you light & hearthy and the laddie soe I applans your midom in placing you wre bun first and can distinctly wean chiding you about teying to seem two martics. I above an things don want to come t find ither £ of you sekd.
VIC MISTittf MIISINS One will be puunty. I was get the idea howeved, that wthes you ad youd letters lack importance to me. If you saw me get one you would change yourindsmally Deprivation of many thingh duning the last few years have somewhat amnd me to expect little and when the cause is the werfare of the hs people I love so much were a chap ou be a heel to whene about mising out on a suttes new then I waned have dismissed mast of what you said, allt cfy but one sentence stuck in my guieet Dape that I am. If that was meant to tust you have the satisfaction newing it did L again with you but not in the sense you intende
V TTt WMMSMS FUNO Im pleased that you have not puited your puinched and if I csued fuel you aere just toward me I wmed act the gentlemen and bay to make amends Iit's not the fact of gesting a steaping from you that huall bent you awn wnthen confeltion of a lack of failh in me. I had gathered that you thought beths of me cas sarly Roy In not such a bad blake. After getting this fad you will See I have taken a leaf from you book and caud a spade a space If it anneys you I shaw be giae, if it aounds you at least be assured tthat you wmnt the ony me. Pushaps I sam now head it up and square off but sopet (at timpirment and
VIC M MO prssent) is not the sort that sums the other check and when I m exacked I but back if I have asg to stand on Ian sunding this in a Your Envlape and will sand affne y ordinary part tomeeond Ill say I an gead this is and but far bitter that e edeal the ard ponts than be mecking a grudge Naughty give that you are I shll uton you the lust laved wife & mathed there is an I love yound the libtle daalent like here and tthat isnt yewalh wthet. To to bedy and in pace, Swithent 11chy
AIR. AAIL. 14104 ACTIE -FOR USE ONLY BY MEMBERS OF Eiclope must not be used for money or Baluables. It cannot be accepted for Bteaion pprespondence in the envelope will not be Penfored in the wnit but is liable to examina- ion at the Base. ThEChowins Ceffticate must be signed by the writer: A ceriss that the Ccontents of this Envelope refer t ntig but privace family or business maners and N0 T refer t0 any marters of a milicary nacure. as 10n 244 1 SERVICH E AUSTRALIAN MIIARV V [(Op to three letters may be forwarded in this envelope, but these must be all from the same writer. The Cover should be addressed in such case to Base Censor (Capial City) The Covers of enclosed letters must be left oven by sender.] Address HSS. M. Puungh S.H.O. Banpers Road East Hawthoon to
CRORIC Restralian Far Memoriat
1129 MMAHWMMIS FUN VX38483 Sgt M fing Dastuel Accounts Office New Gunnea 22 42 Dailing Ray. In a more aniableframe of mind to lest in which I snt you a Guen Emilape litter last night, I thast this one so that I may cale up on the sanity of Aspies contained in your secet letters. I hape this finds the labe & younsef fuling pirky for with the nips long delayed teith and one thing and anothe you se taking a pale vew of thing in general. Now that the mad senice has enght up a sul bring Ihope but
146 D 2 betled reports of youd wyfan. I shel be puand and you too I bet wher you can put paid tto the incitent demands of meting young Richan. I mu swll how the hat weal falin favt an gaid eyes po with the adder dam on yend stow of urtatily, summed can get to shell out of it for yours I ean wll detuve you win incente at the impistinence of some dope who diignes to tell you you toathed goune up for adventure There are sim d ie in the world just sl in pag saitnto wound Of couste ap any blake worthy of his sait full the cae or adventewhohe is young but greated considerations t keep eryo suffcient.
11286 TAS FIOARNS dathing off to the ends of the ath just because a common lings gunt a but of a lite. That a can that was strong enough to head them from are thrre they held dead indirectly funnishe them with an aullit for that advintunousge is pusily incidentae. Anyway a thost done moder was soon least to latters Tthat glamarous advent Swaddle Lts lisible that we have to enduce such goods but I find that most peaple ane just not bg monge them silves te understand things like paide Isacufice, let alone appunate them dont set that llge even get you wrre ini lads who had a go will come out Itop. Isee you have a bit of I mele Noom gany 2
IIE TAMAtECOMSM FUHO Hanis. You don't seem to like him much dent badam plean umimen you are upriing to my supersod officer ane as such were bruct him with the infut due to his rank Hongh! By fuve you cetainly disped it out i that litter the shin of the Pay Cosps to the musuae dranhoen next dool. Howed I shaw leave my defence of and icustoioled body l I cam down but go lary that Chase shalf Youre too ie I the mark for one thing and I she ha the vertige of seef respect. She unt dont cany Pay aas oments I can be you and right up forward you can send tam a tennit if youve sand book. got that much in


others race but the adoption of your
plan, while ensuring you a bit
more sleep perhaps would hardly
prove very beneficial to either of us.
I heartily agree with you that it
would be the acme of foolishness
for you to be sitting up until the
small hours writing to me. Give
me credit for fully appreciating the
exacting demands made on your time,
for that reason, you are perfectly
justified in writing to you me scrappy
letters and if it means that it will
keep you bright & healthy and the
laddie too, I applaud your wisdom
in placing your well-being first and
can distinctly recall chiding you
about trying to serve two masters. I
above all things don want to come
down to find either of you crocks.



One will be plenty. Never get the
idea, however, that either you or
your letters lack importance to
me . If you saw me get one you
would change your mind smartly.
Deprivation of many things during
the last few years have somewhat
inured me to expect little and
when the cause is the welfare of
the two people I love so much, well
a chap would be a heel to whine
about missing out on a letter now
and then.
I would have dismissed most of
what you said, albeit ruefully but
one sentence stuck in my gullet
'Dope that I am'. If that was
meant to hurt, you have the satisfaction
of knowing it did. I agree with you
but not in the sense you intended


I am pleased that you have not pulled
your punches and if I could feel
you were just toward me I would
act the gentlemen and try to make
amends. It's not the fact of getting
a strafing from you that hurts but
your own written confession of a
lack of faith in me. I had gathered
that you thought better of me 'cos
really, Kay I'm not such a bad
After getting this far you will
see I have taken a leaf from your
book and called a spade a spade.
If it annoys you I shall be glad,
if it wounds you, at least be
assured that you weren't the only
one. Perhaps I should now
head it up and square off but
my temperament and temper (at



present) is not the sort that turns
the other cheek and when I'm
cracked I hit back if I have
a leg to stand on.
I'm sending this in a
Green Envelope and will send
off one by ordinary post
I'll say I'm glad this
is over but far better that we
clear the air pronto than be
nursing a grudge.
Naughty girl that you are
I still reckon youre the best
lover, wife & mother there is and
I love you and the little darlint
like hell and that isnt eyewash
either. Go to  bed early and in
peace,  sweetheart.


1-2 44


[ Up to three letters may be forwarded in this
envelope, but these must be all from the same writer.
The Cover should be addressed in such case to
"Base Censor" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Capital City).
The Covers of enclosed letters must be left oven
by sender.]

Address :- Mrs. M.  Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial


VX38483 Sgt. M. Billings
District Accounts Office
New Guinea
2. 2. 42

Darling Kay,
In a more amiable frame
of mind to that in which I
sent you a Green Envelope
letter last night , I start this
one so that I may catch up
on the variety of topics contained
in your recent letters.
I hope this finds the
babe & yourself feeling perky for
with the nips long delayed teeth
and one thing and another, you
were taking a pale view of
things in general . Now that the
mail service has caught up a
bit , I hope tomorrow will bring



better reports of your welfare . I
shall be pleased and you too I bet,
when you can put paid to the
insistent demands of nursing Young
Richard . I mind well how the
hot weather failed to find favor in
your eyes so with the added drain
on your store of vitality, Summer
can get to hell out of it for yours.
I can well believe you were
incensed at the impertinence of
some dope who deigned to tell you
your brother joined up for adventure.
There are some decent lice in the
world, just evil in pouring salt into 
an open winde wound. Of course  we
any bloke worthy of his salt feels
the call for adventure when he
is young but greater considerations
are sufficient to keep everyone from 



dashing off to the ends of the earth
just because a common bugs gives a
bit of a bite. That a call that was
strong enough to tear them from
all those they held dear indirectly
furnished them with an outlet for
that adventurous urge is purely
incidental . Anyway a short dose
of modern war soon tears to tatters
that glamorous adventure twaddle.
It's terrible that we have to endure
such goats but I find that most
people are just not big enough them
selves to understand things like pride
& sacrifice , let alone appreciate them.
Dont let that bilge even get you wild,
in the final reckoning those fine
lads who had a go will come out
on top . I see you have a bit of
gossip about your old mate Norm 



Harris. You don't seem to like him
much but Madam please remember
you are referring to my superior
officer and as such will treat him
with the respect due to his rank.
Hoomph!  By Jove, you certainly
dished it out in that letter from
the shortcomings of the Pay Corps
to the musical  diarrhoeia from
next door.  However I shall leave
my defense of our illustrious body
until I come down but go easy 
on that Choco stuff. You're too
near the mark for one thing and
I still harbor the vestige of self 
respect. Still units don't carry Pay
Sgts around as ornaments I can tell
you and right up forward you can
send Mum a tenner if you've
got that much in your book.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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