Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 12 - Part 8 of 16

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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TE AMUN FCOMSORRS FUN The lush fins sounded my minacing again this grearwith a don of damage I beg lats of life Ihall fency fea het you spake of made my month watd, I love im bth fist & stewed. Ive had tew enough of the tinme wanity I can tell you but I mind go for anything tued if the fash varety is about If you dishe up anything an of a Sin, it wrre constitute grounds tor dise w hat they car ut to a ha nowadays and the bet of the place is all last as for debydati suds+ meat. the names we have for those dibeacus an the aeme of aliscerity. Oneare with the regetable g ln, it bounds lake
119 Mitifstm the Garden of Edw to this famishes sane I m glad you have given up the idee of the Sttuty Iemple effect on the sads pate. Fom gaud accounts of his honly cast of conntinance, at wouldnt sem to fit. If it had been natural like yours it would have been Swen Shee Id much athd he had piotonality than good look. I didn't think you would inthuse and the snap of me, but I suppose the lack of many things is beginning to heel it tale an when that yoyour say comes along think I sean look pusntable anc again. The first thing that struck me when I got it was the John Odd ate your sl
18E that you did not commut on it I m really not very then except in the face. You now have fund not the reauty the Diggest Lan hetchit faus. Its for want of a gaod feed. Hawwed I fee that mynght s alled acpencily maintained. Due more to lack of e one eatig of starty and fattering staff like brid I chocalate. The pnciple of fattining without filling will, it wont be so long now untilmy youd honorable dieling is graced by my presince so your omantic, motherly are hausevifily inclinations were One thing i put bo the best against which Im holding my the oubles. shint
1826 Mssissft baid patches av disappearid and the cask aithough end farnt is unded contive. The tey casal frou very iffaint in inducing the contation but no bettr than Voder, my ald favorite. A visit to the bedt a conpe of hiit a week as very benefance, the chance to get out of sweaty clathed and soak up the stron Sunhine is a great boon ane keps the musclise but finn the famous horse a bit sanned. I s now looking forward to gatting youd next batch of snaps both of you and the bawn but particularly of you for in the eaches ones you look a I do long seat a back n
TIER Wrnn Hianos t to see you an weathering was timpests. It looks as though you will have to draw up a fram prishing rosted owhen I come down for I just love stoulling along lating a kiddy and when its my own son. I'll be very londly I dol went to dips gie of his faunt thaugh. The little dadial has brought a let of joy I meny feople sent he Wammeus eschis babis. The businees about the sunte was a blow, suppose you were set back guite opece. In my opinion it would be a bad business to git me of these austinty affaid onless its alsalutely nicestary fand frank discription of at appontd stedisusness I he what
0 AUSTRAUWCOMORS FUNO and 49 for such an aboution. To be quite canded, I dont think affore such a sum for sand that untels you was satts my absence Apper rading wpat you say Im an against atsweet lent being out of teuch wath thing I hardly ful justified in casting a definite sate te will have be thoow the decision back on you. I will say, that untill you have good grounds for believing you can get a place, it sums folly be buy such an asticle at such a faice well fin pages is about anI can exam unto the invilage to loddle new Bep siiting nth sport and Riss B.B from Daady H61ckyf Shooty with an
FTR MAIL 144 2 T.B. M. Bungh 548 Barkers Road Past Hawthorn fiill eton WGattons OUNN
4 XX38483 S9 H. Aug Dist Accounts Office New Fannea 301.47 Dading Saf ast pleasing for after reparting the amal of you two letters, that of 21st blew in late so ther in two day was a fine bag. I hape you gave fand as well soe or and mutual man usuls were pitiful fo awhile. Ihe nen from you too was lenghted all round with Knin shapped gogling and young Rihan back to abut health and fi with the to get acune a bit, I bet your not awike to him haling into the if it makes him go fto sleep aut
1129 UsIaL WCOMOS FUND 2 By this you wire have my sageword I pture poect eexcerning for which I hape intirests you. The latet propasition sounds a bit more attractive but sounds very tintative what with labor shortage. ste. your meaning, dading though asot quite chad pot you conclude by saying hope you approve of what Ian done. So how about letting me an on just what you tau done. As regars the pstfects of gietting anything decent in that line, at sums to be a matther of haw chaie between austicity junk of a Kathli Hovnmeen living lyfe fast for future eperince and as a guiein tndgsting you might sudge the lrams contain that ilynet
T AUSIM SCOMORS n of yours ane roughly work out the cast of furnishing and fithing out a house to suit and rquinents Faw duide the listito two one for for necsst and the athess fot thing we will requise but are not agnt. It would be sinmptions of a catte or to furnished flat but apts ceading & hearng of appaiting & thortages, forgue me f 4 is called peytiea as have you a trump up you sleave? Sun P'd like to meet your founds, The Halmes, sound lake ry nic pople The fromised es-aperation by diffrent falks in keeping a weathed life an Richare while we slep out will be mry welcome for I than wan


The bush fires sounded very
menacing again this year with
a ton of damage & big loss of life.
Those juicy peaches you spoke of
made my mouth water, I love
'em both fresh & stewed. I've
had more than enough of the
tinned variety I can tell you
but I never go for anything tinned
if the fresh variety is about.
If you dish me up anything out
of a tin, it will constitute grounds
for divorce. What they can't put
into a tin nowadays and the
best of the flavor is all lost. As
for dehydrated spuds & meat,
the names we have for those
delicacies are the acme of
obscenity. Onward with the
vegetable garden, it sounds like



the Garden of Eden to this famished
I'm glad you have given
up the idea of the Shirley Temple
effect on the lad's pate. From
your accounts of his homely cast
of countenance, it wouldn't seem
to fit. If it had been natural
like yours it would have been
swell. Still I'd much rather he
had personality than good looks.
I didn't think you would
enthuse over the snap of me, but
I suppose the lack of many things
is beginning to tell its tale and
when that joyous day comes along
I think I shall look presentable
once again. The first thing that
struck me when I got it was the
th resemblance to young John. Odd



that you did not comment on it.
I'm really not very thin except
in the face. You now have found
out the reason why the Diggers
have hatchet faces. It's for want
of a good feed. However I feel
that my weight is rather artificially
maintained. Due more to lack
of exercise and eating of starchy
and fattening stuff like bread
& chocolate. The principle
of 'fattening without filling."
Well, it won't be so long now
until my your honorable
dwelling is graced by my presence
so your romantic, motherly and
housewifely inclinations will
be put to the test. One thing
against which I'm holding my
own is the skin troubles. The



bald patches have disappeared
and the rash although ever
present is under control. The
Mycorsol proved very efficient
in reducing the irritation but
no better than Iodex, my
old favorite. A visit to the
beach a couple of times a week
is very beneficial, the chance
to get out of sweaty clothes and
soak up the strong sunshine
is a great boon and keeps the
muscles a bit firm and the
famous torso a bit tanned.
I'm now looking forward to
getting your next batch of snaps
both of you and the bairn
but particularly of you for
in the earlier ones, you took a
very back seat and I do long



to see you how are weathering war's
tempests. It looks as though
you will have to draw up a pram
pushing roster when I come down
for I just love strutting along
taking a kiddy and when its my
own son, I'll be very lordly.
I don't want to deprive Bill of
his jaunt though. The little
darlint has brought a lot of joy
to many people hasn't he?
Marvellous creatures, babies!
The business about the suite was
a blow, I suppose you were set
back quite apace. In my opinion,
it would be a bad business to
get one of those Austerity affairs
unless its absolutely necessary. Your
frank description of it affronted
what fastidiousness I have left



and £49 for such an abortion.
To be quite candid, I don't think
we could afford such a sum for
that unless you've won Tatts in
my absence. After reading what
you say, I'm all against it, sweet,
but being out of touch with things,
I hardly felt justified in casting
a definite vote so will have to
throw the decision back on you.
I will say, that, unless you have
good grounds for believing you can
get a place, it seems folly to
buy such an article at such a
Well ten pages is about all I
can cram into the envelope so
will toddle now. Keep smiling
sport and kiss R. B from Daddy.
With all my love Micky (Shooty)  






Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barker's Road
East Hawthorn


VX38483 Sgt. M Billings
Dist. Accounts Office
New Guinea 30.1.44

Darling Kay,
Most pleasing, for
after reporting the arrival of your
two letters, that of 21st blew in
later so three in two days was a
fine bag. I hope you have fared
as well too, for our mutual
mail results were pitiful for
awhile. The news from you too
was brighter all round with
Mum stopped grizzling and young
Richard back to robust health
and fired with the ambition to
get around a bit. I bet you're
not averse to him hoeing into
the exercise if it makes him go
off to sleep nice and early.



By this, you will have my sage words
concerning your furniture project,
which I hope interests you. The
latest proposition sounds a bit
more attractive but sounds very.
tentative what with labor shortage,
etc. Your meaning, darling though
is not quite clear for you conclude
by saying 'hope you approve of
what I've done'. So how about
letting me in on just what you
have done. As regards the prospects
of getting anything decent in that
time, it seems to be a matter of
hard choice between austerity
junk or a Kathleen [[Mavourneen?]]
luxury type. Just for future
reference and as a guide in
budgeting, you might cudgel the
brains contained in that curly nut



of yours and roughly work out the
cost of furnishing and fitting out
a house to suit our requirements.
Then divide the list into two,
one for primary necessities and
the others for things we will
require but are not urgent.
It would be scrumptuous if
we could cotton on to a furnished
flat but after reading & hearing of
appalling d shortages, forgive me
if my tone is rather sceptical
or have you a trump up your
sleeve? Sure I'd like to meet
your friends, the Holmes', sound
like very nice people. The promised
co-operation by different folks in
keeping a weather eye on Richard
while we step out will be very
welcome for we shall want to

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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