Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 12 - Part 6 of 16

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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221 1914 AUSTRALIA Xx38483 Sqt H. fellingt Dart accounts office New Tenea Dading Kay. It awful to uae constantly that you are being dis- appointed in you mad exfectations Hang them, I'm writing often enough to cant understand what amist with the delivery, Iope by the time hhis ached you sevrne of ite pre- decisors wre have reached you for absence of word from onet sale lave is not eary to induce. I'm not able to do much to brighten your lanely days and wuh that libble I can do fails to matinate & fil weifely madequate. I ve been more fortunate fot I had yours of the 15th Loday to break the bilence. The man pontion of late has been most untalisf actory and it seimt to be worl going in the swile duection. I porte a G.6 away be
2 AUSTRALIA you two days ago o a little wanty, I think the contents were please you. Your pewious kind reception to my refforts encourage me to ful that those letters asent fubile by any means. Shall pop off another next week. Sorry that tastd Richard is not sthowing quite so were as you wish but after are, pit. he is gaining. Mayle he got a lit ahead eadly in tthe fiew ane has slavng up slightly to balance things. I have a chunc the heat approaching teeth ave a lot to do with it. Male signorance lut you must admit its reasonable Talkg about leith, I wouldnt be a but suspure of yond ttrouble is not causid by a calcum defiering you must remembed youvg been musting a boly for 7 months one as you have to supply that esuntial to the bai as were as provide for yoursself my sheory sounds plansible. You see
134 AUSTRALIA what happins when he ditches you for the salids. a them that day comet you wire find yourseef possissed of a lot more vitality an vigod so dont worry your casly thatl just y it. ther minod subbacks and ailments are arl part of the weaning cycle.a you I avet any knowledge about such things but I sun its are due to natue causes and theres nathing wrong with either of you that a but more time int cuse. That are sanes a bit impeace o citicularly as both of you are missing out on the spine batking but you kknow any how I dont ful tthat way at all for I want nabling mose than or you both to have things as sary for you as possible A.c fot you to see you little sishs apter so long particularly to fine his looking vrry werl she had a bead iun of aut for
184 AUSTRALIA a very long time. Hanewed thert nathing tike the pwent truch to act as a healing agaent. Naluis kind to thare who lenome hid subpects. Fancy old George having such a hoasy complaint like chenmation. Dont found much like a chapwho was so fond of the violent sports not so long ago. Wee must be aging of has he been on the plank. Pary nice of them to invile us be pay a visit. I think ut a good wherge and we should be make it ceasily enough I would like you to get away from the aly and get some fresh and uto you apter batbling through stamious yead. As you are waiting to hear from me before committing yours eef, I give the de my unqualified blitting for for my part the prospect of a quiit bludge in dea old Gippsland somes veery atteactive. I which your plant to dispase of the from when I
182 5 AUSTRALIA nipped autgoous it is as usual found for an infirrod anticle were only depriciate are the timeore to in adliness and as fa as space is concernes I oppen wodd how the here you have managed to coam yourkillln, the las ane an youd straps into that one room God knows what it will be like when that great saf of a husband of yours move in with his funk. Anather lundle of papist from you has acowed so thanks that provides my week ent cuding. after my heche endeavors of the week I let down my plaik on Sunday. Not much alll in the way of newt, the ptu last night se good. The bajot & the Kinod Genge Rogeos & Ray Bulland Pery funy show, hat give is some comedienne. Se witon & Edwi styles give a shew last Thursday but Tmas on duly so misled it
6 AUSTRALIA I had a litter from John writhen from Sausute so it appeass his coming across the wats for a second dare. He was very pand -that place but the benifit of his speel was appaaint in the ton of his letter. so that boings anothed litter to a close.Igo now to seek salace in a powerful snooge although it so hot getling off is an task. Cheow, my dading Pailt, every scrap of my lave and heapt of ketes to my two ipas one Dat
vor AUETRAPIEN AILITARY FORGEE 22 44 PASSED OY CEN TBAHAT H.H. A. Gseling 548 Barkers Road anthorn oact ctoo
Vx38483 Sqr. M. guing Dut accounts offic New Gannea 25 1. 44 Ay. Darling, One again, pray accept my fordest gutings to you and the boy R. chard. Very sorry I cannot report the arrival of a wad letters from you but since the There solitary one of the 15t have been no more. I fead out once of rigied mai Service has deteriorated for keeps and and morale with it too. I have now swbed but adopted the rote of M. at Seems all too ase when some thing im the chape of letters from you hums up. Haddining when I know you are opten sulling up late at night to write them to me. Enough of inchinging for tonight tomorrow may be a different day. By the way, the parcel of but keep it way to books is
you es upen for the calo coursed parce. You were sty saying that when and if my kilbag rached you. You would leave the picking of the lock until my arrival. I admire youd scoupled but you must realise that the funk innide has been cooped up in them for nearly a yread and naturally th contents must be getting a bit musty. So please play burglad and let the sweet aid in and save at least the two good shirk I left in it. So at Daddy alks and be a good give. The arrival of your next letter will be a godrine for I feel literally starma for some good guits of the family. The little blake haint been the lust lately to I look forward to the feash that he has a boot As for you. you have been a but skimpy of late argarding


VX 38483 Sgt. M. Billings  
Dist. Accounts Office 
New Guinea 

Darling Kay, 
Its awful to read 
constantly that you are being disappointed 
in your mail expectations. 
Hang them, I'm writing often enough 
so can’t understand what’s amiss 
with the delivery. I hope by the time 
this reaches you several of its predecessors 
will have reached you for 
absence of words from one’s sole 
love is not easy to endure. I’m  
not be to do much to brighten your  
lonely days and when that little I  
can do fails to materialise I feel  
woefully inadequate. I’ve been more  
fortunate for I had yours of the  
15th today to break the silence. 
The mail position of late has been 
most unsatisfactory and it seems  
to be worse going in the reverse  
direction. I posted a G.E. away to


you two days ago to  and a little 
vainly, I think the contents will 
please you. Your previous kind 
reception to my efforts encourage me 
to feel that those letters arent futile 
by any means. Shall pop off another 
next week. Sorry that Master  
Richard is not thriving quite so 
well as you wish but after all, pet,  
he is gaining. Maybe he got a bit 
ahead early in the piece and has 
slowinged up slightly to balance 
things. I have a hunch  the heat 
and approaching teeth have a lot 
to do with it. Male ignorance but 
you must admit it’s reasonable. Talking 
about teeth, I wouldn’t be a bit  
surprised if your trouble is not 
caused by a calcium deficiency. You 
must remember you’ve been nursing 
a baby for 7 months and as you 
have to supply that essential to the 
bairn as well as provide for yourself ,  
my theory sounds plausible. You see


what happens when he ditches you 
for the solids. When that day comes 
you will find yourself possessed  
of a lot more vitality and vigor. 
So don’t worry your curly thatch
just yet, these minor setbacks and 
ailments are all part of the weaning 
cycle. Mind you I haven’t much any 
knowledge about such things but I’m  
sure it’s all due to natural causes 
and there’s nothing wrong with 
either of you that a bit more time 
won’t cure. That all sounds a bit 
impersonal, particularly as both of 
you are missing out on the Spine 
bashing but you know anyhow I 
don’t feel that way at all for I 
want nothing more than for you 
both to have things as easy for you 
as possible. 
Nice for you to see your 
little sister after so long particularly 
aft to find her looking very well. 
She had a bad run of outs for


a very long time. However there’s 
nothing like the sweet bush to  
act as a healing agent.  Nature's kind 
to those who become her subjects. 
Fancy old George having such a  
hoary complaint like rheumatism. 
Don't sound much like a chap who 
was so fond of the violent sports not 
so long ago.  We must be aging or 
has he been on the plonk?  Very  
nice of them to invite us to pay a 
visit.  and  I think its a good wheeze 
and we should be make it easily 
enough.  I would like you to get away 
from the city and get some fresh 
air into you after battling through 
a strenuous year. As you are  
waiting to hear from me before 
committing yourself, I give the idea 
my unqualified blessing for for  
my part the prospect of a quiet bludge 
in dear old Gippsland sounds 
very attractive.  I think your plans 
to dispose of the pram when the 


nipper outgrows it is as usual sound  
for an inferior article will only 
depreciate all the time more so  
 in idleness and as far as space 
is concerned I often wonder how the 
hell you have managed to cram 
yourself and , the lad and all 
your traps into that one room. 
God knows what it will be like 
when that great oaf of a husband 
of yours moves in with his junk. 
Another bundle of papers 
from you has arrived so thanks 
that provides my weekend reading. 
After my hectic endeavors of this 
week I let down my plaits on 
Sunday.   Not much else in the way 
 of news, the pictures last night 
were good.  The Major & the Minor 
with Ginger Rogers & Ray Milland. 
Very funny show, that girl is some 
comedienne.  Strella Wilson & Edwin 
Styles gave a show last Thursday but  
I was on duty so missed it.


I had a letter from John written 
from Townsville so it appears he's 
coming across the water for a  
second dose.  He was very bored 
on that place but the benefit of 
his spell was apparent in the tone 
of his letter. 
So that brings another 
letter to a close. I go now to  
seek solace in a powerful snooze 
although its so hot getting off is 
a hard task. Cheerio, my 
darling Puss, every scrap of my 
love and heaps of kisses to 
my two precious ones. 


Mrs M Billings  
548 Barkers Road,  
East Hawthorn  


VX38483. Sgt M Billings
Dist. Accounts Office New
Guinea, 25.1.44 
My Darling,  
Once again, pray accept 
my fondest greetings to you and  
the boy Richard. Very sorry I  
cannot report the arrival of a wad 
of letters from you but since the  
solitary one of the 15th there 
have been no more. I fear our  
once if rigid mail service has  
deteriorated for keeps and our  
morale with it too. I have now  
adopted the role of Micawber but 
it seems all too rare when some- 
thing in the shape of letters from  
you turns up. Maddening when  
I know you are often sitting up 
late at night to write them to  
me. Enough of whinging for tonight,  
tomorrow may be a different day.  
By the way, the parcel of list 
books is on its way so keep


your eyes open for the calico covered 
parcel. You were stay saying that 
when and if my kitbag reaches  
you, you would leave the picking  
of the lock until my arrival. I 
admire your scruples but you 
must realise that the junk inside  
has been cooped up in them for 
nearly a year and naturally the 
contents must be getting a bit 
musty. So please play burglar 
and let the sweet air in and 
save at least two good shirts 
I left in it. Do as Daddy asks  
and be a good girl. The arrival  
of your next letter will be a godsend 
for I feel literally starved for  
some 'good guts' of the family. The 
little bloke hasn't been the best 
lately so I look forward to 
the 'flash' that he has a 'toof'. 
As for you, you have been a  
bit skimpy of late regarding 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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