Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 12 - Part 5 of 16

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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I hope to be able to sune you a few more snaps soon of a graup at two which I grace with my ppresence but it w will be a while yet. How did you like old Cantion your I sent last letter? Rathed goim I thought but how lovable he is (the ape). The Green Enorlage has not been done yet but Im on night duly on Tuelday to I'll go to town then fist havent had the grip this past wweek and on the haueing businett I want to think iit aved a bit frost. Shel as were as such material matters I thave tonch lovingly on safter things like youd b lept for instance at do you perfed the convertation to dwell solity on the wifity alfect of you life. and if perhance you s0, I'll change that when I get down there. A ow appoaching my 9 months on the illand so it must come along soon. - Speed the day. Iomaw I take any weekly halidyy so will have a hen at dat ol time alligion, washing clothed, Swimming & fine. bashing in hion Plenty of work steee to I'm not gutting ito any come furnt. Hope to go or a lugged excustion soon, they are very populad with the mob Well, y at I may. Im hanged if I can think of another ithing to write to were pos off to my lea new cos I'm famished Still parlly good on the boath, I am. Chuns old sport, bov the is to tirf and bassin but you know now it is. I love you so much, Sweetheart; to that all I can offit to compencate for this shoddy affect. Krens galose for you pudiel both M.cky
44 15 JIR. MAIL 2 M.rs. H. Zullings 548 Bankers Road nwthoon Pict East
XX38483. Cxe H. Fellings. Dist. Accounts Office. Naw Gruna tht 2 Daaling at cast the aptwoeded Ft les maket a start and for its inepiratien can thank ther whole letters from you shid morning, a pate of 7th 9M & 18 4 a long time an brantet but all the mow well because they bring to a cose a very ban period. It was puaing to see that you had clitker loo for I perceive that they exocise the same feeling of sadisfaction upon you they do to me. Sony to heat the bubly io upet by futh + heat, a formidable combination for any one. It is tough on such a small party to suffed, no wonder his taking a dun view. Now you are suchering down these, yrau a head for us poot cant who live in it perpetually with high humedity for good meatire feen shaking not the last few say I saat like a pig in be last night for about an hand Denced exhaushing, what! I see fond matur an begining to him you up too, posbably sy mpathy with your young charge fy all meant wrnit you dintict and have the necestary doings but hold have on thit crage setuene of having the lot out. As Iaase you altels quite a decent but of ipeg so wait unte your dinket gave you the word before you develof such coackpot notions as a peale wand of years standing, wake my ip and atae yend own fang as long as you I may be a bit neggly tonight dout I hardly agae that the sart leave was a waitant asthough and troubled were ill defined. I leasnd quite a few lessont on mannied life and has it borne ham forlat kilees. F Sumetne ill not an
Its athed pity and plans in handing & fuonishing are checknalie for the present but things being as they are its boodering on check to aesfect anything to come out way I enppose. Still we can't be worried just at parsent. as long at we knew and minds about the matter and keep and schemet fiomly implantio there we will come good when the apportunity offert. I we had a gander at the wat service Homed schime and its benefts as fad at we would be concerned an mainly monitary advances on what seems to be very favorable fromt, We both are in accore with the wtention to purchase at build and own peace but before we are home & hatd, quite a pigiable amount of Shawd pranning and fougal living wrie have to be pruomountie. The then factors to consider after the was are: (a) a man't income in reation to the cost of living. A) The amount, we can accumutate new to act. as and communcing capitar The sum we can borrow having byard to and exaparisty for apay mint. as argards the firt, it is probable that a vitsion to mornal paia livits will not be accomplishie for a tine, really. depending on the rinly of pprivate interprise as a deading factor so as to furnish the competition to lowe forced The second is rathed uncertain, the duation the wad bring the deciding factor but for the take of aoguement let us suppose that It it will go shll be halding pway at tthe send of this yad. By that time & anhupate that I shall have in e ircenity of
$150 in cash Ay defeend pay by that sime wrre agaiggate £143 so that we showd have affrot Lw at liast as and commucing capital when we sperate as a shome owning combination, bould be better of couse but not too bad nivithiled. Of cousle it presuppoiied fousom from heavy expence in other directions. Ste it will give something consute you which to ylan along the linet your fancy lut Broadly Graking, I incline to the apinio that it would be parpoable to build and own place but ad things are in sust a state of oplux, and imcliation must be greatly influeneed by condition that obtain at the time we are able to go into tthe market. Tohe mam atarm why I efeel fustified in giving an opinion is that a lause linet to the specificationt. of prople who desire and intend ito have a layge family would probably be designed to take additions to the onguce construction, I mary ifeet though, dead. that like conditions we must be yrepair to change and viewt without perhapt acting in and onginal determination, against the idee of building immediately after the was is the certainly tthat houses as well at fuonishing will not come back to nomal umhl aphda pense of aragustment and for people like in who have a limited capitit upon which to embark on such a profect, that may be the desiding factor. One athing we must mense that we dont pay hundreds of pusily thoough expedtiency apoundt more san i ne
84 Fod it is apparent that we thall have to borrow quite a bit and I do not want a debt changing arount my neck for the oust of my life W hich brings me to the Shird alpect I am sending you the booklet and you can see how it is worked out. If we take a figuse that would approsimate the sum we were be prepand to pay as a weekly untal we can then git an idea how much we couse borraw repayable within a reasonable time. A untal of 30/ yid week is L78 a yord which duvided by 12 gives us £6.10 fit mote. On wp. Homes plan, £700 or $$800 could be borrowed for lett then that amount aspayable Ctaking it on a monthly vental of $6.10) 15 yetast. Taking at dy and large, The awnirshep ttahes appears to be preperable lem allawing for liabilities astociated with awnioth of such as rates & itake, repairs itc I havent got as far get as design + sige, my accounting instructs having got therd. say in frost. For the nonce, the foorgoing were give you food for thought and apter inwardly dijesting the fact & figuall. You may have a few anglet a mere male would averlook. So I chan cal a pause in he housing affaid and falt on to athed wughly mathers. And appe wading through this malt of disjamntid proce I can think of nothing bethd Than to talk of love and thing
I appricated youd viet on what theme contitute an ide al away of quitting in and bit of sime now looming clared. One thing & vow that the whole atinaiphiae of army life must be removed for I'm uttnly ful up with being here and doing this at some statio hand, of bung fold what I can do & con't do and to out. We shall be very much togethed I atture you, the only timet I can invitage being aay from you is to smeak off to the local put for a quickie are then maytie I can gut you mistaged for you and probably a flying wint ot two to town to straighten up a few of my affairs. O therwise I in All yours and as youre wiped the vieiting of athed tthem nea of ulative and intimute finened we thoe make very merry. Too right wee thau do a bit of gadding about, I'm looking forward to esevating my charming, actinctive wife about quite a bit you may be feeling a lit excitid about my impending wition, you'll be fad man so when the pent up longing of 18 months is lookd upon you. I'm afraid I can't than youd phelsphy that theses a great deal in this loving at a distance busineth you fauet too laun youre to lovely to make los to that to be deprived of your ppiier has no compentations that I know of. Putly perfet altituse of mine but the appressing atmorphine of this ylea maket you indifferent ito wrry one elei worl but youd own sie. I ner gand saptering iipluence ery badly Dout be atarmed thought, darling of
of the redieming iatuet of humanity and I know youd solicitude and love will soon intose my peospective. I can bee the funny side and the humbng of most things to will that I havent let myself get bitted. A sharp tongue and a lunch of fivet keep me from being unduly havasled. You must have great fortlude at be impeovious to stinks when all these adost you detaie shill make me a great guy in youd syes I think and nilt clote up will be histonear, if you only knew how I yeam to hald you in my ans and be hell in yours, my bone heae cradled in the enticing curve of gent breasts, ito cane youd paftneld and feet your lyt sranching for mine o the shorce when they find them. To since that amopaniing urge to complitily pollels the whrobling loved vesise me and to feel hed equarly oaltecive of hed man Tihe mounting climal, tthe raphed and tthen a feeling of place and contentment nothing use con equal. At yeud hands. I patt ithrough a gamut, of emation and emerge ensichened by youd fren love. How dilinanly happy we shall be. and new my licasure its time to go and dream of you aniw. May God & his mothed watch aved you & R. car so that in a little while I can come to you and love you both hll CROOO0 it shusts. Rstralan H4cky Wex Memorial
W 25 RC used July 1943) SERVICE ACTIVE LSE ONLY SY MEMSERS OF THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCEY NA [Uo to three letters may be forwarded vt Phis Envellpe must not be used for money or envelope, but these must be all from the sai Tomer other valudles. It cannot be accepted for Castat Esteration The Cover should be addressed in such case to Base Censor .(Capial Cit) Correspondence in the envelope will not be kensored in the unit but is liable to examina- The Covers of enclosed leters must be lefe over tion at the Base. by sender. 44 The following Certificate must be signed by the writer: Address certify that the contents of this envetobe refer to noching but privace family or business maners and do Nor refer t0 pry maners of a miliary namree Mrs. M. Gulingl pature 548 Baokers R.Sas me Only Bichad filling East Hawthorn Victone
P200610 ReSSR Fer Henorkl

I hope to be able to send you a few more snaps soon
of a group or two which I grace with my presence but it
w will be a while yet. How did you like old lantern jaws
I sent last letter? Rather grim I thought but how lovable
he is (the ape).
The Green Envelope has not been done yet
but I'm on night duty on Tuesday so I'll go to town then.
Just haven't had the grip this past week and on the
housing business I want to think it over a bit first. Still
as were as such material matters  I shall touch lovingly on
softer things like your si lips for instance or do you
prefer the conversation to dwell solely on the wifely aspect of.
your life and if perchance you do, I'll change that when
I get down there. Now approaching my 9 months on the
island so it must come along soon - speed the day.
Tomorrow I take my weekly holiday so will have a turn at
dat ol' time religion, washing clothes, swimming & spine 
bashing in turn.  Plenty of work still so I'm not getting up
to any comic turns. Hope to go on a bigger excursion soon,
they are very popular with the mob.
Well, try as I may, I'm hanged if I
can think of another thing to write so will pop off to
my tea now 'cos I'm famished.  Still pretty good on
the tooth ,I am. Cheerio old sport , sorry this is so
brief and barren but you know how it is. I love you
so much, sweetheart; so thats all I can offer to
compensate for this shoddy effort. Kisses galore for you



15 1 44

Mrs. H. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn Vict




VX38483. Cpl M. Billings.  Dist. Accounts
Office.   New Guinea.   19 . 1 . 44

At last the oft heralded G.E. letter makes a
start and for its inspiration can thank those whole
letters from you this morning, those of 7th, 9th & 10th. A
long time in transit but all the more welcome because
they bring to a close a very bare period. It was pleasing
to see that you had clicked too for I perceive that they
exercise the same feeling of satisfaction upon you they do
to me. Sorry to hear the bubby is upset by teeth &
heat, a formidable combination for anyone. It is tough
on such a small party to suffer, no wonder he's taking a
dim view. Now you are sweltering down there, spare a
head for us poor cows who live in it perpetually with
high humidity for good measure.  Been stinking hot the
last few days. I sweated like a pig in bed last night
for about an hour.  Damned exhausting, what! I see
your molars are beginning to turn you up too, probably in
sympathy with your young charge. By all means, visit your
dentist and have the necessary doings but hold hard on
this crazy scheme of having the lot out. As I recall you
possess quite a decent set of pegs so wait until your dentist
gives you the word before you develop such crackpot notions.
As a plate wearer of years standing, take my tip and
treasure your own fangs as long as you can.
I may be a bit niggly tonight but I
hardly agree that the last leave was a washout although
our troubles were ill timed. I learned quite a few lessons
on married life and had it borne home forcibly that
it's not all love and kisses & sunshine.


Its rather pity our plans on housing & furnishing are
checkmate for the present but things being as they are
its bordering on cheek to expect anything to come our way.
I suppose. Still we can't be worried just at present.
as long at we know our minds about the matter and keep
our schemes firmly implanted there we will come good
when the opportunity offers. Ive had a gander at the
War Service Homes Scheme and its benefits as far as we
would be concerned are mainly monetary advances on
what seems to be very favorable terms. We both are in
accord with the intention to purchase or build our own
place but before we are home & hosed, quite a sizeable
amount of shrewd planning and frugal living will have
to be surmounted. The three factors to consider after the
war are:
(a) A man's income in relation to the cost of
(b) The amount we can accumulate now to
act. as our commencing capital.
(c) The sum we can borrow having regard to
our capacity for repayment.
As regards the first, it is probable that a return to normal
price levels will not be accomplished for a time, really.
depending on the re-entry of private enterprise as a leading
factor so as to furnish the competition to lower prices.
The second is rather uncertain, the duration of
the war bring the deciding factor but for the sake of
argument let us suppose that as it will go still be
holding sway at the end of this year. By that time I
anticipate that I shall have in vicinity of.


£150 in cash.
My deferred pay by that time will
aggregate £143 so that we should have approx £300
at least as our commencing capital when we operate
as a home owning combination. Could be better
of course but not too bad nevertheless. Of course
it presupposes freedom for from heavy expenses in
other directions. Still it will give ^you something concrete
upon which to plan along the lines your fancy lies.
Broadly speaking, I incline to the opinion that it
would be preferable to build our own place but
as things are in such a state of flux, our inclinations
must be greatly influenced by conditions that obtain
at the time we are able to go into the market.
The main reason why I feel justified in giving an
opinion is that a house built to the specifications.
of people who desire and intend to have a larger
family would probably be designed to take additions
to the original construction, I really feel though, dear,
that like conditions we must be prepared to change
our views without perhaps acting in and original
determination. Against the idea of building immediately
after the war is the certainly that houses as well as
furnishing will not come back to normal until after a
period of adjustment and for people like us who
have a limited capital upon which to embark on
such a project, that may be the deciding factor. One
thing we must ensure that we dont pay hundreds of
pounds more than we need purely through expediency.


3 4
For it is apparent that we shall have to borrow quite
a bit and I do not want a debt hanging around
my neck for the rest of my life.
Which brings me to the third aspect .
I am sending you the booklet and you can see how
it is worked out. If we take a figure that would
approximate the sum we would be prepared to pay
as a weekly rental we can then get an idea how
much we could borrow repayable within a reasonable
time. A rental of 30/-  per week is £78 a year which
divided by 12 gives us £6.10 per month. On W.S.
Homes plan, £700 or £800 could be borrowed for
less than that amount repayable (taking it on a monthly
rental of £6.10) in 15 years. Taking it by and
large, the ownership status appears to be preferable
even allowing for liabilities en associated with
ownership such as rates & taxes, repairs etc.
I havent got as far yet as design &
size, my accounting instincts having got their
say in first. For the moment, the foregoing will give
you food for thought and, after inwardly digesting
the facts & figures, you may have a few angles
a mere male would overlook. So I shall
call a pause in the housing affairs and pass
on to other weighty matters. And after wading
through this mass of disjointed prose I can
think of nothing better than to talk of love and things


I appreciated your views on what should constitute an
ideal way of putting in our bit of time now looming
closer. One thing I vow that the whole atmosphere
of army life must be removed for I'm utterly fed
up with being here and doing this at some stated
hour, of being told what I can do & can't do
and so on. We shall be very much together I
assure you, the only times I can envisage being
away from you is to sneak off to the local pub for
a quickie are then maybe I can get your messages for
you and probably a flying visit or two to town to
straighten up a few of my affairs. Otherwise I'm
all yours and as youve wiped the visiting of other
than nearest relatives and intimate friends we should
make very merry. Too right we shall do a bit of gadding
about, I'm looking forward to escorting my charming,
attractive wife about quite a bit. You may be feeling
a bit excited about my impending return, you'll be far
more so when the pent-up longing of 18 months is
loosed upon you. I'm afraid I can't share your philosophy
that theres a great deal in this loving at a distance
business. Your fault too because youre so lovely to make
love to that to be deprived of your presence has no
compensations that I know of. Pretty selfish attitude of
mine but the oppressing atmosphere of this place makes
you indifferent to every one else's woes but your own.
See, I miss your softening influence very badly.
Don't be alarmed though, darling for I retain many


of the redeeming virtues of humanity and I know your
solicitude and love will soon restore my perspective.
I can see the funny side and the humbug of most
things so well that I havent let myself get bitter.
A sharp tongue and a bunch of fives keep me from
being unduly harassed. You must have great
fortitude or be impervious to stinks when all those
adoos you detail still make me a great guy in your eyes.
I think our next close up will be historical, if you
only knew how I yearn to hold you in my arms and
be held in yours, my, bone head cradled in the
enticing curve of your breasts, to caress your softness
and feel your lips searching for mine, the thrill
when they find them. To sense that overpowering
urge to completely possess the throbbing lover beside
me and to feel shes equally possessive of her man.
The mounting climax, the rapture and then a
feeling of peace and contentment nothing else can
equal. At your hands,. I pass through a gamut, of
emotion and emerge enrichened by your firey
love. How diliriously happy we shall be.
And now my treasure its time to
go and dream of you anew. May God & his mother
watch over you & Richard  so that in a little
while I can come to you and love you both till
it hurts.

War Memorial 



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Michael Billings


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19 1 44

Address :-
Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn Victoria


War Memorial

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