Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 12 - Part 4 of 16

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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H AUSTRALIA Last as were you feel so robust, my next symon will tax yand strength and Stamina to tthe llmit. It will be was on thefn he any wolud you sinng civiris. Howeve weary at I am from my many campaint (my fighting matte now is Rumembed EAst "Giisbane ot is it Peade Harbod?] and cacked by se fivs, heart your chance to clean me up. I wont mind as you wrre overpaied me by mithodsore subble than forceful if ppast experience is any guide. Dont go getting the idee I will be a puthaved though as the ald man is shll mry much alive and apped a monartiy instence of a year and more, I am tto make a stong mback as a lovin man. So while my condition halds out I will be no mean advistary, my bundle of chait. It were be one of dram stouggles, The lot of the vanquishen want be so baich.
5 AUSTRALIA Sanourly though, darling, the need for a pessonal dimonitation of you wonderful love for me is may for its rathe bring away ifon you betwee me, life is so cimply, nothing to mnefire a chap and nathing to fill that said. So my feelings for you are a confused mishine, I ost of want to ppostet you, yet be uttely Surbmistive to you, in short, are those feaming that anse in a man toward the one the loved. Io go om sublim to the Goobline, alose bext books pannt been parted yet. I'm waiting on a bloke for a husk of calis its sew the parcel in but theyse be offlo but you wont gelt it him yest awhile I have sint to the But store to get my kkit bay sent home but I dont think it were get further than Cambrowen Station. You might staot enguiring where after the end of February say when you are out
184 AUSTRALIA I suggest you dump my shapping dunnage anid with kum at your noot must be pably crowder out. Im not hve that I would not have been wiced to Iave beeen a competited at the pports oathes tthan an official for they cistainly uerd me up. what with caring bast, taking sane and taking usults to the Paels Got I was faw buckend out when They saunded the au Clead, just one of those occasions when the affacialt should have adjourned to the groggery and nderfea in a werked of mutual conjrattation and beed. I see you are sitill abbut sciplual about and Service & cvility but wut you qreated sydney as you example you diecine to bale bachel to prove a case by the principle of the exception proving the oule. Thires little about that dump that is any good except the habod are o put tthat there not Capt Cook as
AUSTRALIA I the inhabitants fondly imagine. At far as were concerne, that kidney are not much in evidence here, like there pouticians minist, & yockeyt and washing punters they wince little intuuest in real at potenliue battle grounds autside sydney stadium and fell were isstent to not on tend landers after coundly defeating hordd of soldieos ivives (de jure & de facto) and other doughty apporents in bloody combat. Its different up him with us with bomld busiting all asund part us and bullets inhelllinga youd eass (right the whire time), life is real life is eannest & Muummust gilt hed allatment come hell or high water. Tongie the zear with which I define and coops but you may depine upon it we thant lay down and pens until the last shot is fine are the last gack is pai to you stouggling mothers wre rally thapping fellows under and
8 AUSTRALIA 2 official gouffness. Tackny about Richands 3/6 Sacks (anhat a cacket), I hhave some thing Sacorial to report. I got a new yawr of pank last week, the sed goven anid just gave up the ghost and feel to bits and I got a new paid of lacks from the sawation anny to match. I now hav a yen for a new shist but you have to be prosstent to click. I shil have the ald pant & shiits I came up in and talk about a sight, The Green has fadid and the intemble is now a relians looking motley of patched. Huns a susprise for you, at last s have a snap of Poor Hicky ffor you t its enclosed. Rather a guntle, wrshful expecttion I would say, the product of intellict, beans and Spine-bashing. As Mum we to say, he looks a but long fawe but you cast you wifely scouting anid it and hell me what you think
AUSTRALIA and talking of photod amunds me that I can anticipcl some more from you soon. I hope those of you an poud on the specification I sent you some time ago If the purchase of some nn ands has elevatie youd spiak tthen it money wrre spent and just between us I hope you can get a few rags always as I do like my wife To look were groomet and you kknow, my dead whow anhoie one feels in last years gowns Dort let your orgy of spending departs you as I know you were enough to know that you wouldnt spend a cbon you couldnt geet value for and as I said earteed dont sacful yours ef enlisely for abbes, were not broke get for aithough you have neved fard me, I know Imn fully long and keep my eye to the mann chance the G.C. litter about to be put to paper, love housing and som gianel pact wese get ipside of.
14 10 AUSTRALIA pride of place. Whih reminds me that I'll a make this a paral if I dot shop soon One athing I omithed to tee you about. I now sport a mourtackend shis coming along fine Makes me look to military dammit, the chaps uckon I look like Gen Hortgomery were, my darting bundle I hope this helps chase done bluis away a triple. Carsy on and I'il be coming along to look R.chard & you avid Shake hands with him for me his los by I masculine now or this killng butiness your not though so I'll give you one that were make you kingle cos thers a powerful packet of clove concentoated in iit. yours aways Dats
12-1.44 JIR. MAIL H.SS. M. Billings 548 Barkers Roads East Hawthoon , pntie one
XX38483. Ct. H. Greeng Dect Accounts Office New Truna 15144 Darling Kay taughty gial, not sinding any more letter to your pood spance for five days day. OL. Oh, what can the matted be? E verybody as heaping impocations on the Postal Caopt this week for its sint of omiltion. Hope you faving better after you period of neglect, one moand it plinly in the one family. Anghow Sunday as ueually a luiky day to I look fooward to what Lomorrow may bring, Pitmet you are and Cather Rrchard are both radialing good heack and shll finding each other lots of fun. Shav be pleasee to head of the appearance of a molad of two to make his foothlels gaint bhine a bit more. Deat. Dread. no letters does cut down on the materice to yap about Thit epease it hardly a counbanns of new as you know. The weathed has been very wild and wostly the east few days, furce ain sqails and galet. It appear that faw & Fel an the woset two months up here and t suce looks like it. Peenty of mid, nie oogy shuff too. Idon' mid for its much casted while its on. The pictures Llast night were a hoce for the sst weathed candidated but after a while the rain stopped. Had a funy last night Cack Penny & Ann Shendan in Geo Wastiigton sleft here Exitra good show, giee, I cackled enfortunately the fight have been cut and and that leaved uo with only one kow a week. Shamefully treatis, asent we Got a few litters away this week ery belalesly sconfies to ada & Kake Rouling to sant them for good withes ste. Got rathe lagy & admit

Just as well you feel so robust, my next
sojourn will tax your strength and
stamina to the limit.  It will be war
on the home front,  the army versus
you smug civvies.  However weary as
I am from my many campaigns
(my fighting motto now is Remember
East Brisbane or is it Pearl Harbor?)
and racked by tropical fevers, here's
your chance to clean me up. I won't
mind as you will overpower me by
methods more  subtle than forceful
if past experience is any guide. Don't
go getting the idea I will be a
pushover though as the old man
is still very much alive and after
a monastic existence of a year and
more, I aim to make a strong
comeback as a lovin' man. So while
my condition holds out I will be no
mean adversary, my bundle of charms.
It will be one of those dream
struggles, the lot of the vanquished
won't be so harsh.


Seriously though, darling, the need for
a personal demonstration of your
wonderful love for me is very real
for its rotten being away from you
believe me, life is so empty, nothing
to inspire a chap and nothing to
fill that void. So my feelings for
you are a confused mixture, I sort
of want to protect you, yet be utterly
submissive to you, in short, all those
yearnings that arise in a man toward
the one he loves.
To go from sublime to the
Gorblime, those text books havent been
posted yet. I'm waiting on a bloke
for a hunk of calico to sew the
parcel in but they'll be off soon
but you wont get them yet awhile.
I have sent to the Kit Store to get
my kit bag sent home but I don't
think it will get further than
Camberwell Station. You might start
enquiring there after the end of
February say when you are out


shopping. I suggest you dump my
dunnage over with Mum as your nook
must be fully crowded out.
I'm not sure that I would
not have been wiser to have been a
competitor at the Sports rather than an
official for they certainly used me
up. What with raising bars, raking
sand and taking results to the
Press Box I was fair tuckered out when
they sounded the 'All Clear'. Just one
of those occasions when the officials
should have adjourned to the groggery
and indulged in a weekend of mutual
congratulation and beer.
I see you are still rather
sceptical about our Service & civility
but when you quoted Sydney as your
example you descend to base tactics
to prove a case by the principle of the
exception proving the rule. There's
little about that dump that is any
good except the harbor and God
put that there not Capt Cook as


the inhabitants fondly imagine. As
far as we're concerned, that Kidney are
not much in evidence here, like
their politicians, miners, & jockeys and
dashing punters they evince little
interest in real or potential battle
grounds outside Sydney Stadium and
feel well content to rest on their 
laurels after roundly defeating hordes
of soldiers wives (de jure & de facto)
and other doughty opponents in bloody
combat. It's different up here with
us with bombs bursting all around
us and bullets whistling past passed past
your ears (right the third time), life
is real life in earnest & Mum must
get her allotment come hell or high
water. Forgive the zeal with which
I defend our corps but you may
depend upon it we shan't lay down
our forms until the last shot
is fired and the last zack is
paid to you struggling mothers.
We're really stopping fellows under our


official gruffness.
Talking about Richards 3/6
socks (what a racket), I have something 
sartorial to report. I got a new
pair of pants last week, the old
green ones just gave up the ghost 
and fell to bits and I got a new pair
of socks from the Salvation Army
to match. I now have a yen for
a new shirt but you have to be
persistent to click. I still have the
old pants & shirts I came up in
and talk about a sight, The Green
has faded and the ensemble is now
a bilious looking motley of patches.
Here's a surprise for you, at last I
have a snap of Poor Micky for you &
it's enclosed. Rather a gentle,
wistful expression I would say, the
product of intellect, beans and
Spine-bashing. As Mum used to
say, he looks a bit long-jawed but
you cast your wifely scrutiny over it
and tell me what you think.


And talking of photos reminds me that
I can anticipate some more from you
soon. I hope those of you are posed
on to the specifications I sent you some
time ago.
If the purchase of some new
duds has elevated your spirits then its
money well spent and just between us
I hope you can get a few rags always as
I do like my wife to look well
groomed and you know, my dear, how
archaic one feels in last years gowns.
Don't let your orgy of spending depress you
as I know you well enough to know
that you wouldn't spend a trey you
couldn't get value for and as I said
earlier don't sacrifice yourself entirely
for others. We're not broke yet for
although you have never told me, I
know I'm pretty lousy and keep
my eye to the main chance.
In the G.E. letter about to be put to
paper, love housing and some
financial facts will get pride of.


pride of place. Which reminds me
that I'll make this a parcel if
I don't stop soon.
One thing I omitted to
tell you about. I now sport a
moustache and she's coming along
fine. Makes me look so military
dammit, the chaps reckon I look like
Gen Montgomery.
Well, my darling bundle,
I hope this helps 'chase dose blues
away' a trifle. Carry on and I'll
be coming along to look Richard
& you over.  Shake hands with him
for me, he's too big & masculine
now for this kissing business now.
Youre not though so I'll give you
one that will make you tingle
'cos there's a powerful packet of
love concentrated in it.
Yours always.


Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn



War Memorial


VX38483. Cpl. M. Billings
Dist. Accounts Office New Guinea
15. 1. 44.

Darling Kay
Naughty girl, not sending any more letters to
your poor spouse for five days day. Oh Oh, what can the
matter be? Everybody is heaping imprecations on the
Postal Corps this week for its sins of omission. Hope
you faring better after your period of neglect, one moaner
is plenty in the one family. Any how Sunday is usually a
lucky day so I look forward to what tomorrow may bring.
I trust you on and Master Richard are both radiating
good health and still finding each other lots of fun. Shall
be pleased to hear of the appearance of a molar or two to
make his toothless grins shine a bit more. Dear. Dear.
no letters does cut down on the material to yap about.
This place is hardly a fountain of news
as you know. The weather has been very wild and woolly
the last few days, fierce rain squalls and gales. It appears
that Jan & Feb are the worst two months up here and it
sure looks like it. Plenty of mud, nice oozy stuff too.
I don't mind for its much cooler while its on. The pictures
last night were a trial for the wet weather candidates but
after a while the rain stopped. Had a funny last night
Jack Benny & Ann Sheridan in 'Geo Washington slept here'.
Extra good show - gee, I cackled. Unfortunately the fights
have been cut out and that leaves us with only one show a
week. Shamefully treated, aren't we?
Got a few letters away this week very
belatedly I confess, to Ada & Katie Rowling to thank them
for good wishes etc. Got rather lazy I admit. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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