Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 12 - Part 16 of 16

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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have been the mite o circulard and again, he looks bigged and better every time. It wont be so long now hue me fau all and one anothed in shee joy. Thanks so much my Sweetheart, the imaget of you & R.chard wire like wrted to the parched wayfand. Im glad Sime been able to get a fiw back to you too. This were slay you but apped much s continuing, I have come to the conclusion that the lad is goowing a lot more like you, a strong resimblance in some of the snaps, and I must confers his not tthe least but like me so thinet a feathed in your cap, bundle Savry to head sisted Fay has had to go to hospitl stilf it they have
and its very have for young maria people to keep going when one or both are crook Rumimbed me to George & Fay when you are writing Gead to know the Sundry parcels and bundled have turned up, particularly the smanl are. Aia old bugged. amnt I, you know I am too Wen, my pricious Pust. it would appad tthat the authoritied denre the lights to be estinguished so I than make a brif pause and send a shirf of paged in a vray short time. Lor the present. I seend you love and Billel by the million and most affection & admin A.cry
22264 JIR. NAIL .S. M. Billings 548 Barkers Hoar uthorn East
X38483 S9 H. Dulig Dist Accounts Office Aew Trinea. 24.2.44 Daring Kay. Whatho, dead lady and how are you this fine summers day. How painfinly funny saring that you are probably cursing the sumn and are its works. Anyhow we cant and the weather so shall us pass on to more interesting subjects. I Since my last, anathed from you, that of the 17th had been geadly recuived and I was very glad to read that both of you are definitely back on the upgade again. A new sintation for you to be bithen by that young s camp but after suppering his athed onelaught I guild you took it as a matter of Course. By new, you should have my scrud deating with the photographs and once again I sent a pason of fracre. They
have gone the rounds and the flatting bettowed upon you both should pasitively make you bluth. As for me, I he have them worn out if I dont ent d w the numberd of ionspections. Rathed good to get set for a playpen just at tthe time you were needing one - and how rumt the word all right but what an awful thing for the las to have a humble like that. As I read that part I was nearly too timped to go further for fear of the consequences. I can bee you tthe incident plashed before my eyes very vividly and I deflate with relief when I saw no harm was done but its almost unbelivvable that he escaped, such a small seft package. So like a good family m are got a hell of a scan, thank Gou it was no more. Gelling fad too vinturetome all right, bring on the playp
Perhapt you had beths get a collal and chain too Pity a pood mather Thanks for the papers en out, Sweet. They will be very welcome for the supply has been light on lately. I acked to sand my Kelbay uup sumar but if you have not done so get just sand it ordmary mai but argisting of possible. Ghad my parcels reached you and the contents please you not t mention the heavid plaw of letters, I bet the lad is a difficult photo subject fot if wed It behied a laughing squioming fiel of mutchif ats Haster R:chard. That wwhat I meant in ppatting you on the back fit goud exlended arrangement of the mapt Regarding the mode of geetting out of the armys clutches in Melbonmne for some leave, I m apraid I don't know the
current arrangements but depend upon it, uts suce to be the hav way. Anyhow, that not tthe point, what is important is to get these and its nearly the nd of anothermonth By the way you mimberprete my matived in returning that contentiond letter what was intendie was tto convey to you that at fad at Iwat concerned, it had neved been written and for you to distray it wased at completely from and minds & accords. Im Suce Einii Du Crot would be wery yuan to castan aye ourd Richar. Gad luck, he was away wwhen you drapped in but Gordon Suckett would be a good Substitute. You have met his wife you know, she was Carmin apd who worked there for many years They have a chied who would be two of to now and I m sun you would have a good time visiting them
5 When you see Eon, that is if you do. teel the buggad his swed me a letterd for a long time. Hum sent me a cutting from the sun giving him a good wray up Will, you maustache is flawed again, busdy and progulles a bit each day. Its only a littley thaugh, I debert thall huge goowths In any cases, any addemblance to 6. Gable Esq. well becifigment of you imagination but between you and I. its looks just to to dathing. yand hands in that snap looked very paetly so youd gloving finss are definitily exaggerated Ragarding that athed mathe I shan write a 8.6 on that as its a big and intimate question and a few exchanget between us would sem to be necessary. Howweed, don't let it worny you, pet, we were find a Salution. In addition you need
feat the prying eye of a third party bercause its may are for youd letters tto be apund by the cintor. Well nived ion it out unters and veiwe are communication candidly & fully, sum though its a distarteful matted to decent people. Aeds must haugh Ray.I I with you every Sinceers in youd quest for a feat the announcement of tthe end of the search would make mighty fine reading. Please don't tue yourssy looking though for youve had a stumand time as it id and I dont think you need forrgs youd salitary wice wthed. Sm a kindoed epint with you then. as we as yours. Ive has letters from Maum, Doreas. Shula & John Lately. Jahn's came today, and he was ver it at his new address. Hadn't
heard anything of his transfed of it but like me stle hopiful There things take time to get fixed. He gave one astounding price of news though that brother Tom had joined the Provalts. Fee, I nearly dud fighting laughing when I read that. What a fine warrios family, a shiny-ase. a copped and another base walloped to come. Realy, Shula is the fightingest one of us all. But really my dead, the provort is et it a bit which, what Well, my pretlyo ne it for a piece of steep sume is to I deid you and the borny ad cheens and kilt you both An my love to findly to you, dain Hicky retell
24. 244 1 JIR. MAIL 245 H.H. M. Brllings 2548 Parkers Road ast Hawthirn trel Pictoria

have seen the smile on celluloid
and again, he looks bigger
and better every time. It
won't be so long now till we
fall all over one another in
sheer joy. Thanks so much
my sweetheart, the images of
you & Richard were like water
to the parched wayfarer. I'm
glad I've been able to get a few
back to you too.
This will slay you but
after much scrutinising, I have
come to the conclusion that the
lad is growing a lot more like
you, a strong resemblance in
some of the snaps, and I
must confess he's not the least
bit like me so there's a
feather in your cap, bundle.
Sorry to hear Sister 
Fay. has had to go to hospital,
they have had a stiff trot 


and its very hard for young
married people to keep going
when one or both are crook.
Remember me to George & Fay
when you are writing.
Glad to know the
sundry parcels and bundles have
turned up, particularly the
small one. Nice old bugger,
aren't I, you know I am too.
Well, my precious
Puss. it would appear that
the authorities desire the lights
to be extinguished so I shall
make a brief pause and
send a sheaf of pages in a
very short time. For the
present, I send you love and
kisses by the million.
Your most affectionate
& admiring.



22 2 44

Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


VX38483 Sgt. M. Billings
Dist Accounts Office
New Guinea. 24.2.44

Darling Kay.
Whatho, dear lady and
how are you this fine summer's
day. How painfully funny seeing
that you are probably cursing the
sun and all its works. Anyhow
we can't alter the weather so shall
us pass on to more interesting
subjects. Since my last, another
from you, that of the 17th has
been gladly received and I was
very glad to read that both of you
are definitely back on the upgrade
again. A new sensation for you to
be bitten by that young scamp
but after suffering his other
onslaught I guess you took it as a
matter of course. By now, you
should have my screed dealing with
the photographs and once again I
sent a poem of praise. They


have gone the rounds and the
flattery bestowed upon you both
should positively make you blush.
As for me, I'll have them worn
out if I don't cut down the number
of inspections. Rather good to get
set for a playpen just at the time
you were needing one - and how.
Mum's the word all right but what
an awful thing for the lad to have
a tumble like that. As I read that
part I was nearly too terrified to
go further for fear of the consequences.
I can tell you the incident flashed
before my eyes very vividly and
I deflated with relief when I saw no
harm was done but its almost
unbelievable that he escaped. Such
a small soft package. So like a
good family we all got a hell of a
scare, thank God it was no
more. Getting far too venturesome
all right, bring on the playpen


Perhaps you had better get a collar
and chain too. Pity a poor mother,
Thanks for the papers en route,
Sweet. they will be very welcome
for the supply has been light on
lately. I asked to send my kitbag
up airmail but if you have not
done so yet just send it ordinary
mail but registered if possible.
Glad my parcels reached you and
the contents pleased you not to
mention the heavier flow of letters.
I bet the lad is a difficult photo
subject for if ever I beheld a
laughing squirming piece of mischief
its Master Richard. That's what I
meant in patting you on the back
for your splendid arrangement of the
Regarding the mode of
getting out of the army's clutches
in Melbourne for some leave,
I'm afraid I don't know the


current arrangements but depend
upon it, it's sure to be the hard way.
Anyhow, that's not the point, what
is important is to get there and
its nearly the end of another month.
By the way, you misinterpreted my
motives in returning that contentious
letter. What was intended was to
convey to you that as far as I was
concerned, it had never been written
and for you to destroy it erased it
completely from our minds & records.
I'm sure Ernie Du Cros
would be very pleased to cast an eye
over Richard. Bad luck, he was
away when you dropped in but
Gordon Trickert would be a good
substitute. You have met his wife
you know. She was Carmen Major
who worked there for many years
They have a child who would be
two of so now and I'm sure you
would have a good time visiting them


When you see Ern, that is, if you do,
tell the buggar he's owed me a letter
for a long time. Mum sent me a
cutting from the Sun giving him
a good wrap up.
Well, your moustache is in
flower again, buddy and progresses
a bit each day. It's only a littley
though, I detest those huge growths.
In any cases, any resemblance to C.
Gable Esq., well be a figment of your
imagination but between you and
I, it looks just too, too dashing.
Your hairdo in that snap looked
very pretty so your gloomy fears
are definitely exaggerated.
Regarding that other matter I
shall write a G.E on that as it's
a big and intimate question and
a few exchanges between us would
seem to be necessary. However, don't
let it worry you, pet, we will find
a solution. In addition, you need


fear the prying eye of a third party
because its very rare for your letters
to be opened by the censor. We'll
never iron it out unless our views
are communicated candidly & fully,
even though its a distasteful matter
to decent people. Needs must
though, Kay. In
I wish you every
success in your quest for a flat,
the announcement of the end of the
search would make mighty fine
reading. Please don't kill yourself
looking though for you've had
a strenuous time as it is and I
don't think you need forego your
solitary vice either. I'm a kindred
spirit with you there.
As well as yours, I've had
letters from Mum, Dorcas,
Sheila & John lately. John's
came today, and he was very
well at his new address. Hadn't


heard anything of his transfer
yet but like me still hopeful.
These things take time to get
fixed. He gave one astounding
piece of news though that brother
Tom had joined the Provosts. Gee,
I nearly died fighting laughing
when I read that. What a fine
warrior family, a shiny-arse,
a copper and another base-
walloper to come. Really, Sheila
is the 'fightingest' one of us all.
But really, my dear, the provost is
et-it a bit thick, what!
Well, my pretty one,
time comes for a piece of sleep
so I bid you and the bonny
lad cheerio and kiss you both 
so fondly. All my love
to you, darling


24. 2.44

Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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