Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 12 - Part 13 of 16

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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Want gen do Rnend chet i gen noant mnentg sptraer let nt nan as fen as met do Saintrer gand spennd eontert od cheontt sod cthr dake o a pban etkef einennis un tte fuher Aerrerd attrartise ut sondls at -feretiit: Dur ean spüg doo gueat shrerer det ette argentetren gematenat cthungt ett at dat get -octhe shitotophre paskanet ut muct dee dime sto ctar stortuang ung Shnt ant attemgt io Sten Ss to ckåt ethitt mgtbich fakes Sone deing etod cthe dentt herdd nöckat a dite: fo tahe it sang, Buntgthatet and de Lentg sfå amt eit dernne Anegt shrante de Rril eto ette tonetlid, den 60 Ihr fuggirt ant unhon, herd a lekt dohenth gon Da
ARMRA s. Sling 5 A7 Zarkers Rond Panthern 6a
VX 38483 Sgt. M. Billings, Dist. Accountw Office NEW GUINEA. 13. 2. 44. Darling Kay, Once more into the breach or something like that anyway but solemn and sour I be for you and the bebby have gone out of my life it seems. In my last screed, I charitably remarked that the mail position ponged. I understated the position for it has gone from bad to worse and I am hoping that the lack is solely due to postal failure and that you and Richard are in the best of health, you minus your blotches and he a mass of teeth. Rumor hath it that the mail has been going to you and I h trust such is not a furphy as a dislocation one way is bad enough .The latest good guts is hopeful and I wouldna be surprised if something came along tonight and it should be a hearty parcel of pages too. The absence of letters certainly does not make the work of writing any easier for it is rare indeed when your letters do not contain a couple of topics that inspire comment. I got a parcel of papers sent by Sheila this morning so there's a start in retrieving the position. Ghastly hole this at any time and not improving in mine or anyone else's sight as time goes on. Extremely hot the last few days and this morning the air was filled with ash like a snowstorm, probably a volcano has begun to erupt somewhere. At ten o'clock last night the temperature was 84 degrees so you can gues what it was like during the day. I went off to the beach early but you had to stay in the water when you got there for the sun up in the tropics is fierce and sunstroke would not be hard to acquire with the suntan. It was beaut in though and we collared a big log which served as a diving board etc. for our momentary friskiness. After I came back I wa ruined and lay in a stupor all afternoon. Just before tea Les Perkins x from my old show dropped in to seeme en route for Australia. Lucky cow, he getting a discharge as he nearly 40 and it seems you're washed up for anything strenuous when you get that old. This place certainly does'nt keep you young so I'm afraid my appearance will disappoint you when I blow in. Anyhow, we had a good yarn and I found out all the latest about their activities. From whay he said it looks as though they will beat me back but not by much I reckon. Les was the chap with whom I was billete in Adelaide and he's a very decent chap. The going home feeling must he in the air and I confess I'm not the least of those who are sniffing the air eagerly. Oh, it will be terrific to come back yo my darling bunlle and her adorable laddie. You know, I just cant imagine it being separated from you so long so if I am not in the seventh heaven of delight when the dream comes true, you can boot my backside hard Its a pity we have'y our own love nest but after nothing we would get along O.K. in a dog kennel. The great favorite with the wedded here is to hike off to quiet spot and relax properly so if you're on it looks as though the offer of some hospitality by Mr and Mrs George Lloyd will accepted with acclamation. In anticipation of receiving a healthy packet from one any time now I will tee up a green envelope for the week so make 'em long, and frank and everything. Well,well I tipped it right,the mail is in an and there's two for me,one from you the nd Feb and one from sister Dorc Pause while I see what's cookin. Damn, struck you on one of your busy days ,two pages and all. Well,two or twenty its broken the hoodoo and I see ydu both are goodo. Yep,that picture was alright, saw it here months ago and if it made you have a good guffaw, it was the right drill for you Glad the lit le chap is so well and not playing up on you. I suppose it i
to resist his wiles and whimpers when you desperately want to turn in yourself but your firm policy will certainly pay dividends now the young scamp sees you are not to be trifled with. I would'ny worry about his weight, old top,even though he does not gain as much as you desire, he is consistent with his quarter of a pound or so and even in my gross ignorance, just on 191b. is not so bad for a chappie not yet 8 months. I think you're a regular old fusspot,Mum. I'm awfully sorry you've has such rotten luck with your radio and watch. Well, I shall continue tomorrow as theybwant to close up now and I must go or else. So cheerio, my sweet and gite Richard a big kiss from his daddy who will be meeting him in person soon, To you, precious, loads of love from,
13244 MA No a: So Bning u 6 garked Knt ait Santkorn e n
VX 38483 SGT. M. BILLINGS, DIST. ACCOUNTS OFFICE NEW GUINEA 15. 2..44 Darling, It is in a more chastened framex of mind that I commence for today marked the end of the mail drought with a positive avalanche of the stuff, I clicked for Six of which five were from you, those of the 27th,31st Jan,3rd,6th and 7th February. Quite a few were pretty bulky too, so I will have some good material to work on when writing now. I see in the paper that Forde was squaring off about the mail not coming through due to some warby cause or other but when it lengthens into weeks, you do not feel very interested in the cause the effect is quite sufficient. Likewise, I see you have come good too, so that will have a tonic effect on our testy tempers. I believe some new scheme is coming in to ensure a regular mail service so I trust we have said good-bye to these long gaps. As I passed down through you letters, I was pained to see your run of stiffness continued finishing up with the disastrous tidings that our poor little chappie hadx actually lost weight for the week. It's certainly a rotten time for teeth to come through, the middle of Summer and the pain and discomfort must be taking it out of the poor lad. He must be feeling poorly to go off his grub and if that's the case,x it explains his loss of weight togetherx with other handicaps. Very sorry it's upsetting you by day and by night too but there seems to be a gleam of hope as well as teeth that he 11 soon be sporting a peg or two. I can well picture your dismay and sympathy for him ,theress nothing to touch the heart more than a tiny, helpless child. It's jast as well he is a beaut kid because with one thing and another, he's certainly complicate your life and kept you on the run. I'll be more than willing to take your place as chief milk guzzler innthe family for in my mind milk fresh is one of thase luxuries the exiles up here dream about Almost comparable with beer, I'd say. It's hard to reconcile your moans about your appearance when I see you are still only a fairy just over 8 stone. Of course,the strain of keeping two people alive and healthywould lead you to tire easily and make you look a bit pinched but you'll get a shock when you wean the nipper.All your old vim and vigor will quickly revive you .Like you, I can't see any glamor in breast feeding a child, As a spectacle it could hardly be called pretty to say nothing of the everlasting claim it has on your time and energy. Treat it more as a essential thing that just has to be undergone for the welfare of your own flesh and blood. I'D hate to think of Richard brought up on the powdered stuff that is called milk up here. So the pram has got in your hair,eh. They are great cumbersome things to push about all right so speed on the stroller. I hope you have some luck in your search for a flat all for ourselves for it really is a necessity for us now and I realise that although the Sugdens have been wonderfully good to us the time is overdue for you to get a bit of your due as a good wife and motherin the shape of a couple of rooms at least of your own.Now I'm a sarge our income is healthier than in the old days so we can afford something moderate at least. So don't let that factor deter you as I know you won't get to hiring some luxury joint that would put us in the cart. I don't want to be a crab but I have a feeling you'll have your work cut out doing much good unless I have been misinformed about the housing situation down there.
To continue, you will see I 'm taking your letters in chronological order so that I shan't overlook any opportunity for profitable discussion and also,the possession of so many letters to answeris a luxury not to be dealth with lightly.Oh, yes, the intended acquisition of the flatlet-- if we cant afford it I'm afraid the outlook for owning a home would be pretty bräght. I have often thought of increasing your allotment but when you have not even implied that you were on the rocks, I've just let it mount up.My sergeant's pay has not come through yet but should so very soon now so that's another dee ner a day to the revenues.Of course my accumulayion is pretty small as yet but it goes ahead steadily and will be very handy for purposes such as we have in mind. That ' allotment I made to my bank as soon as I came here has grown to near the 240 mark and for a change my paybook is on the, good side. Practically,the only virtue about service up here, you can save some dough provided you earn enough of course. The arrival of the kitbag was earlier than I expected but I'm glad it is home. Nowmwhen you have emptied it, will you be a peach and send me the empty bag airmail as I will need it when I sling my hook out of here. It will cost a few bob but I really need it. Also, just to check up, will you tell me just what is in it . June certainly went through the mill and the grilling both she and the infant took sounded pretty grim .Very strange indeed that Fay, she and you all had a tough trot but you need to be lucky to deliver your first without some complications. I hardly agree with your contention that yon are not the right type for motherhood, your excellent handling of Richard really gives the lie to that and physically I would hardly call you frail. So you have been picking again and by now you nust be making a fine mess of yourself with your dirty claws. If I catch you at ir, l'Il tie your hands up for a day and see if that will cure your vile habit. I have'nt forgot that I owe you a sey of foundation garments but I have a problem to surmount before I can clinch. My ration book of coupons has disappeared and I've searched high and low for it in the quarters without a trace. I did'nt send it to you by any chance did I. I certaibly can't recall doing so but my concentration and memory misses a beat occasionally.To get more I shall have to sign a statutory declaration so just check up please sweet. By the way give me your bodily specifications x or otherwise I'll get in a stew when I go shopping, Well I can only echo your eagerness to get properly acquainted with me again but I must just counsel a bit more patience because I know not when I'll get marching orders,these important things are decided only by the mighty.Still it should not be very long now surely. Whooee, another letter from you justvarrived,that of the 1Oth a big 'un too so I'll take it up to my bunk to read quietly. Seten in three days is very healthy all right.So I hope opportunity to keep your letterbox filled is available. Hope you do'nt mind the typewriter but as I'm doing extra duty for a few days, I can think of no better way xof improving the shining hour than blowing down your ear. So on that inspiring note, I shall wend my way to tea sending Richard a big kiss,the puir laddie. For you, Bundle a fat instalment of love from, a o Australlan Mar Momarta
2 R 1S Mrs. Mr Baiing sgarke f 6art Fantker tet chona .

want you to know that if 
you want money please let 
me know as you are not to 
sacrifice your present comfort 
or health for the sake of a  
plan that remains in the future 
however attractive it sounds  
at present. One can pay too 
great price for the acquisition 
of material things.  
Well as I've got to the  
philosophic parlance it must 
be time to cease torturing my  
skull and attempt to sleep.  
It's so hot these nights it takes 
some doing for the first hour. 
What a life! So take it 
easy, Curly thatch and be  
lovely for me cos I crave for 
things beautiful. A big 
kiss for the toddler, love 
to the Suggies and whoa. how  
I'd like to be with you. Dad.


AIR MAIL  10.2.44 
Mrs M. Billings.  
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


VX 38483 Sgt. M. Billings, 
Dist. Accounts Office 
NEW GUINEA. 13.2.44. 
Darling Kay,  
Once more into the breach or something like that anyway 
but solemn and sour I be for you and the bebby have gone out of my life 
it seems.  In my last screed, I charitably remarked that the mail position 
ponged. I understated the position for it has gone from bad to worse and  
I am hoping that the lack is solely due to postal failure and that you  
and Richard are in the best of health, you minus your blotches and he a  
mass of teeth. Rumor hath it that the mail has been going to you and I h 
trust such is not a furphy as a dislocation one way is bad enough  . The 
latest good guts is hopeful and I woudna be surprised if something came  
along tonight and it should be a hearty parcel of pages too. The absence 
of letters certainly does not make the work of writing any easier for it  
is rare indeed when your letters do not contain a couple of topics that 
inspire comment.   I got a parcel of papers sent by Sheila this morning 
so there's a start in retrieving the position. Ghastly hole this at any 
time and not improving in mine or anyone else's sight as time goes on.  
Extremely hot the last few days and this morning the air was filled with  
ash like a snowstorm, probably a volcano has begun to erupt somewhere.  
At ten o'clock last night the temperature was 84 degrees so you can gues 
what is was like during the day. I went off to the beach early but you 
had  to stay in the water when you got there for the sun up in the xxxxx 
tropics is fierce and sunstroke would not be hard to acquire with the  
suntan. It was beaut in though and we collared a big log which served as  
a diving board etc. for our momentary friskiness. After I came back I was  
ruined and lay in a stupor all afternoon. Just before tea Les Perkins xx 
from my old show dropped in to seeme en route for Australia. Lucky cow, 
he getting a discharge as he nearly 40 and it seems you're washed up for  
anything strenuous when you get that old. This place certainly does'nt 
keep you young so I'm afraid my appearance will disappoint you when I  
blow in. Anyhow, we had a good yarn and I found out all the latest about  
their activities. From what he said it looks as though they will beat me 
back but not by much I reckon. Les was the chap with whom I was billetd 
in Adelaide and he's a very decent chap. The going home feeling must be 
in the air and I confess I'm not the least of those who are sniffing the  
air eagerly. Oh, it will be terrific to come back to my darling bundle  
and her adorable laddie. You know, I just cant imagine it being separated 
from you so long so if I am not in the seventh heaven of delight when 
the dream comes true, you can boot my backside hard  . Its a pity we have'n 
our own love nest but after nothing we would get along xx O.K. in a  
dog kennel. The great favorite with the wedded here is to hike off to xx 
quiet spot and relax properly so if you're on it looks as though the 
offer of some hospitality by Mr and Mrs George Lloyd will accepted with 
acclamation.  In anticipation of receiving a healthy packet from one any 
time now I will tee up a green envelope for the week so make 'em long,  
and frank and everything.  
Well  , well I tipped it right, the mail is in an 
and there 's two for me, one from you the 2nd Feb and one from sister Dorc 
Pause while I see what's cookin. Damn, struck you on one of your busy 
days  , two pages and all. Well, two or twenty its broken the hoodoo and I 
see you both are goodo. Yep, that picture was alright, saw it here months 
ago and if it made you have a good guffaw, it was the right drill for you 
Glad the little chap is so well and not playing up on you. I suppose it i


hard to resist his wiles and whimpers when you desperately want to turn in  
yourself but your firm policy will certainly pay dividends now the  
young scamp sees you are not to be trifled with. I wouldn't worry about 
his weight, old top, even though he does not gain as much as you desire, 
he is consistent with his quarter of a pound or so and even in my 
gross ignorance, just on 19lb. is not so bad for a chappie not yet 8  
months.  I think you're a regular old fusspot, Mum. I'm awfully sorry 
you've has such rotten luck with your radio and watch.   
Well, I shall continue tomorrow as theybwant to close 
up now and I must go or else. So cheerio, my sweet and give Richard a  
big kiss from his daddy who will be meeting him in person soon,  To you, 
precious, loads of love from, 


AIR MAIL  13.2.44 
Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn. 


It is in a more chastened framex of mind that I commence 
for today marked the end of the mail drought with a positive 
avalanche of the stuff, I clicked for six of which five were from  
you, those of the 27th, 31st Jan, 3rd, 6th and 7th February. Quite a few 
were pretty bulky too, so I will have some good material to work on 
when writing now. I see in the paper that Forde was squaring off about 
the mail not coming through due to some warby cause or other but when 
it lengthens into weeks, you do not feel very interested in the cause 
the effect is quite sufficient. Likewise, I see you have come good too, 
so that will have a tonic effect on our testy tempers. I believe some  
new scheme is coming in to ensure a regular mail service so I trust 
we have said good-bye to these long gaps. As I passed down through your 
letters, I was pained to see your run of stiffness continued finishing  
up with the disastrous tidings that our poor little chappie had xxxxx 
actually lost weight for the week. It's certainly a rotten time for  
teeth to come through, the middle of Summer and the pain and discomfort 
must be taking it out of the poor lad. He must be feeling poorly to  
go off his grub and if that's the case, xxxxxx it explains his loss  
of weight togetherx with other handicaps. Very sorry it's upsetting you 
by day and by night too but there seems to be a gleam of hope as well 
as teeth that he'll soon be sporting a peg or two. I can well 
picture your dismay and sympathy for him , there's nothing to touch 
the heart more than a tiny, helpless child. It's just as well he is a  
beaut kid because with one thing and another, he's certainly complicate 
your life and kept you on the run. I'll be more than willing to 
take your place as chief milk guzzler innthe family for in my mind 
milk fresh is one of those luxuries the exiles up here dream about 
Almost comparable with beer, I'd say. It's hard to reconcile your 
moans about your appearance when I see you are still only a fairy 
just over 8 stone. Of course, the strain of keeping two people alive  
and healthywould lead you to tire easily and make you look a bit 
pinched but you'll get a shock when you wean the nipper. All your old 
vim and vigor will quickly revive you . Like you, I can't see any  
glamor in breast feeding a child,  As a spectacle it could hardly be  
called pretty to say nothing of the everlasting claim it has on your 
time and energy. Treat it more as a essential thing that just has to  
be undergone for the welfare of your own flesh and blood. I'D hate to  
think of Richard brought up on the powdered stuff that is called  milk 
up here. So the pram has got in your hair, eh. They are great 
cumbersome things to push about all right so speed on the stroller.  
I hope you have some luck in your search for a flat all for ourselves 
for it really is a necessity for us now and I realise that although 
the Sugdens have been wonderfully good to us the time is overdue for  
you to get a bit of your due as a good wife and motherin the shape 
of  a couple of rooms at least of your own.Now I'm a sarge our income 
is healthier than in the old days so we can afford something moderate 
at least. So don't let that factor deter you as I know you won't get 
to hiring some luxury joint that would put us in the cart. I don't 
want to be a crab but I have a feeling you'll have your work cut out 
doing much good unless I have been misinformed about the housing  
situation down there. 


To continue, you will see I 'm taking your letters in chronological  
order so that I shan't overlook any opportunity for profitable discussion 
and also, the possession of so many letters to answeris a luxury not to  
be dealth with lightly.Oh, yes, the intended acquisition of the flatlet-- 
if we cant afford it I'm afraid the outlook for owning a home would be 
pretty bright. I have often thought of increasing your allotment but when  
you have not even implied that you were on the rocks, I've just let it 
mount up .My sergeant's pay has not come through yet but should so very 
soon now so that's another dee ner a day to the revenues.Of course my  
accumulation is pretty small as yet but it goes ahead steadily and will be  
very handy for purposes such as we have in mind. That 2/' allotment I made  
to my bank as soon as I came here has grown to near the £40 mark and for 
a change my paybook is on the good side.Practically, the only virtue about  
service up here, you can save some dough provided you earn enough of course. 
The arrival of the kitbag was earlier than I expected but I'm glad it is 
home. Now,when you have emptied it, will you be a peach and send me the 
empty bag airmail as I will need it when I sling my hook out of here. It  
will cost a few bob but I really need it. Also, just to check up, will you 
tell me just what is in it . June certainly went through the mill  and 
the grilling both she and the infant took sounded pretty grim . Very strange 
indeed that Fay, she and you all had a tough trot but  you need to be  
lucky to deliver your first without some complications. I hardly agree with  
your contention that you are not the right type for motherhood, your 
excellent handling of Richard really gives the lie to that and physically 
I would hardly call you frail.  So you have been picking again and by now 
you nust be making a fine mess of yourself with your dirty claws. If I 
catch you at it, I'll tie your hands up for a day and see if that will  
cure your vile habit. I have'nt forgot that I owe you a set of  
foundation garments but I have a problem to surmount before I can clinch. 
My ration book of 25' coupons has disappeared and I've searched high and  
low for it in the quarters without a trace. I did'nt sendx it to you by  
any chance did I. I certainly can't recall doing so but my concentration  
and memory misses a beat occasionally.To get more I shall have to sign a  
statutory declaration so just check up please sweet. By the way give me 
your bodily specifications xx or otherwise I'll get in a stew when I go  
Well I can only echo your eagerness to get properly 
acquainted with me again but I must just counsel a bit more patience 
because I know not when I'll get marching orders, these important things 
are decided only by the mighty.Still it should not be very long now 
surely. Whooee, another letter from you justvarrived, that of the   10th 
a big 'un too so I'll take it up to my bunk to read quietly. Seven in  
three days is very healthy all right. So I hope opportunity to keep your 
letterbox filled  is available. Hope you do'nt mind the typewriter but 
as I'm doing extra duty for a few days, I can think of no better way xof 
improving the shining hour than blowing down your ear. 
So on that inspiring note, I shall wend my way to tea 
sending Richard a big kiss, the puir laddie. For you,Bundle a fat 
instalment of love from, 


AIR MAIL  15.2.44 
Mrs. M. Billings.  
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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