Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 12 - Part 3 of 16

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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+ Danna Dialem in fard to hold was the big attraction and was quite a good show too. Naw litt cast an eye and you' letters. sun to be plunty of matienal for a good goup with you. I see Old Sae has been giiving you the once avid too but you suem to be holding your own against the penitating rays. The hat weather is Ok in it proper plaa but peopetal Summed is arget on the bugh Hardly the weathed to break in a pait of new sharl ethed, no nded you tooksus picked up a bit of a fust. Did they shink too? I m very pleasur that lylua and J.D have got away to a plying stant looks & like R.chase & you wire born unded the woong shad ad something. Shil are borked it
what you lote on the sivings you gain on the oundabouts. L is like that though ane confirms the belif that hawivu ham, Gou neved houd you beyond human induvance. I strongly disugaie with you that John is betted looking than and blaket; quite impossible my dead give. H is superior has y it to be born. Of cousse, I have not seen him but I lease my contention on three sound fact. 1 your praice 3. My conceit 3. Youd snapt. wt wthout doubt, hil the apple of youd eye and you impuet me with great enthusiasm anid him. ally good too for I can have a chan in the wealth of yoy and preasure every one seems to drawe from the wee angil. I m wid so puasid life lats of is
from for I'd have you to be saddled with a nipped that worned you instead of delighting you. Iony you shul have to continue fueding him yourself as it must be mone than usuary exhaucting ii the hat weathed. You know but haweve and as you put it the wisk of plycome infection and suh like unterperence with his grat upels you ito supply him from a souree you can be suce is not containinatio. You pood mothers bringing up a baby is fraught with so many difficulties and was time doisnt find to desreate them. I see a stheod of the first month had slipped by so were off to the start of the last lap of and separation and I sen let my mind enjoy the enjury f counting the checkins. I dont know how long I shall
be able to stay put in Mubsnone but post things first, let a bloke get down first and have him a chunk of leave fi. The heads wile diside future mavements in any case. n I don't bank on anything more than 24 days leave but I know that the prospects of an extention of time are quite faid. I hape your hunch of Something wonderful coming an way this gead is fully borne out. Cote on the cards too for I'u bet a mettion to a brick the doings this year were make an others look incignificant by companison, the paclimenciant are really oved now. to doubt about it, a fellow gets out of teuch with thingt. I had to think have before I could rememberd who Lne Horkham was, well, we, anathed hed it the Kingdom, yungle that specine levand
wce are you gids taking that giving you this urge to poplate. will. I'm an for it, I alwayd believed that was the true meaning of the white Australia palicy. What show is Iom Barkram in, do you know if his up this way. Purpase for a G. E. Sied within the next few days. I've has on the agenda are the week but have not felt quite up to doing it justice. Aow and again it get what I believe are mied yorts of marcon that make me lishlelt and aching for a comple of days. Ablem keept it in check unasmuch as at depart afted a day od two. Tue quite chanpy again so onward wid onward. C heris for the none, darting and I have you (aw shueks) you know a byg kit to Hicky you both.
44 9:1 AIR. MAIL H.S. M. Billings 548 Parker's Roads Hawthoon East Poctoor
PR00610 Agstratian War Memorial
121 14 AUSTRALIA NX38483 Cxt M. Gellingl Dut Accounts Oiffin New Finnea Dasting Kay. Yep. the maie is doing much better for us of late for to cap your tatisfaction of landing a scaed from PM. I have bagged two today from you. Those of 5th & 6th fan both replete with much newly matted. Vry pleasee as ped uence that snookumg and yourself are waiting along nicely. Free you made tthe tup tto asbhust fourt and gueped a souiable cup of thad with such good halt. I oney just met his wife a few years ago. in fact, it was on the occasion of the debacl of at Aunt Liels place you will remember Pity and little chap gave vent to a lond hawl but the hieth must be poaying the poor mites timped. Im sice thatt theason why he has not ineans his wiight as much
& AUSTRALIA usuae, the sonness for one thing would tind to put him off his oath and wwith very hot wealked to add to his miny, he jjust doesnt ful oight at his lop. you wait until he can grin & display a peg of two and hill go along fine. Dout let it worry you, Seet. you know he can't be perfection all the time to How rother for the Sweet chiort to cut his pood plump finged, he may he more mhary about grabbing things now. Lake you, I will the mighty pleased when he can pettle down again, for it seeems are wrong for A bubbling lad like him tto oue pain and he is such a great fera isnt he? Glae you managed to get ind siee that picture, it was a clasm are right, Sung Richar bluefing snooged through it I can't see that theses any harm in you sreating yours if to an occasional vint. The almarphen does get a bit ant but
AUSTRALIA now and again it shoud not do him any haim. You must consider yourself occasionally, pinhead and a peck at a stow like Randam Havviet is at good for you as anything whats going these timed. I see quite eye to eye with you about making the lads will bing you first consideration but not at the expence of your swn receationa needs altogeshed. savy I conednt do anything to hilp you out on that athrd matter but ats sight out of the quittion, I'd have a coack at it of Iwas in the can at are Hat old Feackim down the road gone son't on you. S you oight fod leaving such will habils dusing youd Sunful youth but as one dwater to anabhed. I ha a sneaking sorrow for you in youpreicment. Your health mport wastr good reading, that about the best one uup to date and I yeam mightly to coose pwoods with you are see just hhow husky and lissame the biody beautiful is.

Deanna Durbin in 'Hers to hold'
was the big attraction and was 
quite a good show too.
Now let's cast an eye over 
your letters. Sure to be plenty of 
material for a good gossip with 
you. I see Old Sal has been 
giving you the once over too but 
you seem to be holding your own 
against the penetrating rays. The 
hot weather is all O'K in its
proper place but perpetual 
Summer is right on the bugle. 
Hardly the weather to break in
a pair of new shoes either, no 
wonder your tootsies kicked up a 
bit of a fuss. Did they stink 
too? I'm very pleased that Sylvia 
and J.D. have got away to a flying
start, looks I like Richard & 
you were born  under the wrong  
star or something. Still all 
boiled down its a case of 


what you lose on the swings  you
gain on the roundabouts. Lifes 
like that though and confirms the 
belief that however hard, God 
never tries you beyond human 
endurance. I strongly disagree 
with you that John is better looking
than our bloke; quite impossible 
my dear girl. His superior has 
yet to be born. Of course, I have
 not seen him but I base my 
contention on these sound facts:-

  1. Your praise
  2. My conceit
  3. Your snaps

Without doubt, he's the
apple of your eye and you infect me 
with great enthusiasm about him. 
Jolly good too for I can have a 
share in the wealth of joy and 
pleasure every one seems to derive 
from the wee angel. I'm ever 
so pleased he finds life lots of


fun for I'd hate you to be saddled 
with a nipper that worried you 
instead of delighting you. Sorry 
you still have to continue feeding 
him yourself as it must be more 
than usually exhausting in the
hot weather. You know best
however and as you put it the 
risk of flyborne infection and such 
like interference with his grub
impels you to supply him from a 
source you can be sure is not 
contaminated. You poor mothers, 
bringing up a baby is fraught
with so many difficulties and 
war time doesn't tend to decrease 
I see a third of the first 
month has slipped by so we're
off to the start of the last lap of 
our separation and I even 
let my mind enjoy the luxury 
of counting the chickens. I 
don't know how long I shall 


be able to stay put in Melbourne
but first things first, let a bloke
get down first and have him a 
chunk of leave. first. The heads
will decide future movements 
in any case. I know I don't bank
on anything more than 24 days
leave but I know that the 
prospects of an extension of time 
are quite far. I hope your hunch 
of something wonderful coming our 
way this year is fully borne out. 
Quite on the cards too for I'll bet 
a million to a brick the doings this
year will make all others look 
insignificant by comparison, the 
preliminaries are really over now. 
No doubt about it, a fellow gets out
of touch with things. I had to think 
hard before I could remember who 
June Markham was, well, well, 
another heir to the kingdom, 
what special brand of jungle 


juice are you girls taking thats 
giving you this urge to populate. 
Well, I'm all for it, I always
believed that was the true meaning
of the white Australia policy. 
What show is [[Tom?]] Markham in, 
do you know if he's up this way.
Prepare for a G.E. screed
within the next few days. I've had
on on the agenda all the week but 
have not felt quite up to doing it 
justice. Now and again I get what I 
believe are mild bouts of malaria 
that make me listless and aching
for a couple of days. [[Atabrin?]] keeps 
it in check inasmuch as it departs 
after a day or two. Feel quite 
chirpy again so onward and 
onward. Cheerio for the nonce, 
darling and I love you (aw
shucks) you know.. a big kiss to 
you both. Micky


AIR MAIL.  9.1.44

Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial


Church of England Federated War Work Council Australia

VX38483  Cpl  M. Billings
Dist. Accounts Office
New Guinea

Darling Kay,
Yep, the mail is doing 
much better for us of late for to 
cap your satisfaction of landing a 
screed from P M, I have bagged 
two today from you, those of 5th & 
6th Jan both replete with much 
newsy matter. Very pleased as per
usual that Snookums and yourself
are coasting along nicely.  I see you
made the trip to Arthur's joint and
gulped a sociable cup of char with
such good hosts.  I' ve only just met
his wife a few years ago, in fact, it
was on the occasion of the debacle of
at Aunt Lili's place you will remember.
[[Pity?]] and little chap gave vent to a 
loud howl but the tooth must be
fraying the poor mites temper.  I'm
sure that's the reason why he has
not increased his weight as much


Church of England Federated War Work Council Australia

usual, the soreness for one thing
would tend to put him off his oats
and with very hot weather to add
to his misery, he just doesn't feel
right at his top.  You wait until he
can gain & display a peg or two and
he'll go along fine.  Don't let it
worry you, sweet, you know he
can't be perfection all the time.
F How rotten for the sweet cherub to
cut his poor plump fingers, he may
be more wary about grabbing at things
now.  Like you, I will be mighty
pleased when he can settle down
again, for it seems all wrong for
a bubbling lad like him to face 
pain and he is such a great fella
isn't he?  Glad you managed to get
in and see that picture, it was a 
classic all right.  Seeing Richard
blissfully snoozed through it I can't see
that there's any harm in you treating
yourself to an occasional visit.  The 
atmosphere does get a bit rank but


Church of England Federated War Work Council Australia

now and again it should not do him
any harm.  You must consider yourself
occasionally, [[pinhead ?]]and a peek
at a show like Random Harvest is as
good for you as anything that's going
these times.  I see quite eye to eye with
you about making the lad's well-being your
first consideration but not at the expense
of you own recreational needs altogether.
Sorry I couldn't do anything to help
you out on that other matter but it's
right out of the question, I'd have a
crack at it if I was in the race at all.
Has old Flackam down the road gone
sour on you.  Serves you right for
learning such vile habits during your
sinful youth but as one [[dwa?ee]] to
another, I have a sneaking sorrow for
you in your predicament.  Your health
report was extra good reading, that's
about the best one up to date and
I yearn mightily to cross swords with
you and see just how husky and
lissome the body beautiful is.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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