Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 12 - Part 2 of 16

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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VX38483 CYe H. Buing Dest accounts Office New Frunca. 6.1.43 Davling Kay. Greetings, honey chil to you and one small boy from Poot Bicky and with them thanks for youd letter of 29th to hand Since I last work. Gead you are both in good shape as I am at the mament. I see too that you are not being entrarly neglected for letters too. This week I have also had letters from Rahie Rowling & Ada and Telegrams from um & the sugdin family will you thank the suggiss for me & leel ade I shan send het a not shortly. We are off to a good shast for another yead and I dwvently hape that it wont get for fad advanced before I gaze upon your faid face onee more. A few mon months shall be sniffing the 8 and
2 and that I might add is my design for living just now. The slight indisposition Irepeond to passed away speedily, I believe the wand was the trouble and at the fistwe board S performed very capably. Very pleased to leavn the diary duly arrived from my Helsurne agents thus clearing up the daubts of my letter going astoay. Avent I a good boy and so clived to think of such a apt phoate for the card. To my reproach to you about iit in my last letter can pals but just you don't forget that thea a few duted in the calended I keep tab on Dont yam woman. Glad to leave the stude partraits of Richane & you have moned out trumps The copy for me will be somebling good to cook forward to say next month. Fauny you ouenning acoosd asthe adams like that feak, suppose he must be something like
Jjudging by the hundreds of times and respective mathers uled to ttand us up and discust us in the manner of judges of stud cattle. How &ueed to squesm and curse them for that foightful habit. Willl, it should be nice for you giols to go and munch a scone at their joint and spue out a few Shans and words ad so. So Gladys had a few words about the poot civvies scrambling for a trip on the iron trail. I heard a lot worse than that going on down there but I suffor those who have carme a handay get cald shouldered as usual and the bludgers get the cap your conclusion about pavcild it right on the mark just mack time and you can by for something! I can't angl here, w hich armindd me will you port me another gad of Fodet not awmar ad Iwe some left and it cast a gove while. &a.
4 The parcel and papers man has been kind lately, two caked, one from you and am from t um anin and will angment the goub valuably. bost of the papers came from you too so I think youre the brautest give there it. I heard a whisped that some of tthe ald crowd have capped it for leave so Owd gob had the good guts. I believe they have changed thei residence up her too but the game is just about Sewn up now so one place is as good as anathed I suppose Not much in the way of news, life is a mery humdrum affaid. It is a coue to be spending it up here when then so much we come be doing I don't envy young John having to staot another year in the dump, I hape I can stay put for a while so I can himan being live like
5 I am writing to the kit store at which my Kibbag was left i O'ld to pee if they will forward it on to Hilboumne. I shall have it addressed to you and perhaps it will be sent to Cambowi Station. I'll let you know of furthed dwilapments. I dont think theard a great dial in at so if it get to Cambrowell you cauld get someon to collect it. I ve lost the key but the loct is a cheap one you could pick easily so if it hurns up, well you emply it and toss out anything that gone bad of is uevits. well, Southeadt, I m apraid that all so I'll get off to bea, one place thats aloight in any land. A byg kild to you both and I love you such a lot Hcky
6.1.44 AIR. MA1L M.S. H. Billingt 5.47 Baokeos Road East Hawthorn Pictoria
PR00610 Restrallan Mar Mamorial
x38483 O H. Billing Dust. Accounts Office New Grnca. 9.1.44 Danling Ray. Hawdy, Hum, how are you going down there with fund. fiw evory casters any eign inside young Rchards guming gash. Gee, the mai has come good with a vinguance the last two days and I beheed with pleasure the nwd that you had had a couple from me to end the drought Hevis a list of mine. Two from you Jan, and me eeach the 31st Dun& I from Hum, Dad, Fom, Syd and Rath Skinned (the folks I enee with in advaide?. That was the bad news one for it was to hee me that hed only brothed, a £/0 in the R.A. I had been shot down andd the atlantic chasing yeor subl. All his facks idolid him so I can imagine the sadnels it has
spread among those good people and you even more so. So twas a lumped maie day Syd was in chospital again having strained his knee doing a P.T this time but very cheeful dispite all. He sent R:chard & you his love His wrothed Les who was aepatati from Geomany wook is home lent the seneld he suffend has left him deaf, pood chap. Some more of the peotsam of this great pastime. Hum & Dad were O.10 but were feeling the depaature of John very keenly. I uckon that ald rle where the youngert son shoud be iimplee thoue shee apply for the sake of the parents. Nat much from for them slouggling are thut lived tto aise a family to have not one of them about the presina of one would
3 mean such a lot. I was pleased to learn that the guinod was O.K again and able to go back to wank. The quata of news for here is leet than usual of that is pattible. The weathed is not as bad as it has been, a breath of wind is on tap at Someti duving the day ad night, but its nly when you can strip off and get under the net. that its any good for mside shiits, long pant and garters, its slifting by day Probably pavis a lot of malana and styphes but thats offect by a host of skin troubled. Life is so have nearly at year. In fact companie to the fighters, wrre on vilvit ias such as it is. cat regulad and fine a day peace to sleep. Proceedings w encioined Friday by the slicks

VX38483 Cpl. M. Billings 
Dist. Accounts Office 
New Guinea.  6.1.43 

Darling Kay. 
Greetings, honey chick to  
you and our small boy from  
Poor Micky and with them thanks  
for your letter of 29th to hand  
since I last wrote. Glad you are 
both in good shape as I am at 
the moment. I see too that you 
are not being entirely neglected 
for letters too. This week I have 
also had letters from Katie Rawling 
& Ada and telegrams from 
Mum & the Sugden family. Will 
you thank the Suggies for me &  
tell Ada I shall send her a 
note shortly. We are off to a  
good start for another year and I 
devoutly hope that it won't get too far 
advanced before I gaze upon your fair 
face once more. A few more months 
and I shall be sniffing the air


and that I might add is my design for  
a living just now. The slight indisposition 
I referred to passed away speedily, I  
believe the water was the trouble 
and at the festive board I performed 
very capably. Very pleased to learn the 
diary duly arrived from my Melbourne 
agents thus clearing up the doubts 
of my letter going astray. Aren't I a good 
boy and so clever to think of such 
an apt phrase for the card. So my 
reproach to you about it in my last 
letter can pass but just you don't 
forget that then a few dates in the 
calendar I keep tab on. Don't panic, 
woman! Glad to learn the studio  
portraits of Richard & you have 
turned out trumps. The copy for me 
will be something good to look 
forward to say next month. 
Funny your running across 
Arthur Adams like that. Yeah, I 
suppose he must be something like


judging by the hundreds of times our 
respective mothers used to stand us 
up and discuss us in the manner 
of judges of stud cattle. How I used to 
squirm and curse them for that 
frightful habit. Well, it should be 
nice for you girls to go and munch a 
scone at this joint and spill out a few 
thousand words or so. So Gladys had 
a few words about the poor civvies 
scrambling for a trip on the iron 
trail. Theres a lot worse than that 
going on down their there but I 
suppose those who have earned a  
holiday get cold shouldered as 
usual and the bludgers get the 
cup. Your conclusion about parcels is  
right on the mark just mark time 
and you can try for something's I can't 
wangle here. Which reminds me, 
will you post me another jar of Iodex 
not airmail as I've some left and 
it lasts a good while. Ta.


The parcel and papers mail has been 
kind lately, two cakes, one from you 
and one from Mum are in and 
will augment the grub valuably. 
Most of the papers come from you 
too so I think you're the beautest 
girl there is. I heard a whisper 
that some of the old crowd have  
capped it for leave, so Owd Bob had 
the good guts. I believe they have 
changed their residence up here too 
but the game is just about sewn  
up now so one place is as good as  
another I suppose. 
Not much in the way of 
news, life is a very humdrum  
affair. It is a crime to be spending  
it up here when there's so much  
we could be doing. I don't envy 
Young John having to start another 
year in the dump. I hope I can 
stay put for a while so I can 
live like a human being. 


I am writing to the Kit Store at 
which my kitbag was left in Qld 
to see if they will forward it on 
to Melbourne. I shall have it 
addressed to you and perhaps it 
will be sent to Camberwell 
Station. I'll let you know of further 
developments. I don't think there's a 
great deal in it, so if it gets to 
Camberwell you could get someone 
to collect it. I've lost the key but 
the lock is a cheap one you could 
pick easily so if it turns up, will 
you empty it and toss out anything 
thats gone bad or is useless. 
Well, Sweetheart, I'm 
afraid thats all so I'll get off 
to bed, one place that's alright 
in any land. A big kiss to you 
both and I love you such 
a lot. 



6.1 44 
Mrs. M. Billings, 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 



War Memorial


VX38483 Cpl. M. Billings 
Dist. Accounts Office 
New Guinea.  9.1.44 

Darling Kay. 
Howdy, Mum, how are you 
going down there with Junior. 
any sign of a few ivory castles 
inside young Richards gummy gash? 
Gee, the mail has come good with  
a vengeance the last two days  
and I beheld with pleasure the 
news that you had had a couple  
from me to end the drought. 
Here's a list of mine, two from you 
the 31st Dec & 3rd Jan, and one each  
from Mum, Dad, Tom, Syd and  
Kath Skinner (the folks I lived  
with in Adelaide). That was the 
bad news one for it was to tell 
me that her only brother, a F/O 
in the R.A.F had been shot down  
over the Atlantic chasing Jerry  
subs.  All his folks idolised him  
so I can imagine the sadness it has


spread among those good people and 
you even more so. 
So t'was a bumper mail day. 
Syd was in hospital again having 
strained his knee doing a P.T 
this time but very cheerful despite 
all. He sent Richard & you his love. 
His brother Les who was repatriated 
from Germany crook is home but  
the illness he suffered has left 
him deaf, poor chap. Some more  
of the flotsam of this great  
Mum & Dad were O.K 
but were feeling the departure of  
John very keenly. I reckon that  
old rule where the  youngest son  
should be  exempted should still  
apply for the sake of the parents. 
Not much fun for them struggling  
all their lives to raise a family  
to have not one of them about  
whom the presence of one would


mean such a lot. I was pleased  
to learn that the governor was  
O.K again and able to go back  
to work. 
The quota of news from  
here is less than usual if that  
is possible. The weather is not 
as bad as it has been, a breath 
of wind is on tap sometime 
during the day and night, but it's  
only when you can strip off and  
get under the net, that it's any 
good for inside shirts, long pants  
and gaiters, its stifling by day.  
Probably saves a lot of malaria  
and typhus but that's offset by a  
host of skin troubles. Life is  
so hard really, oh yeah. In  
fact, compared to the fighters,  
we're on velvet 'cos such as it is, 
we eat regular and find a dry  
place to sleep. Proceedings were  
enlivened on Friday by the flicks

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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