Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 12 - Part 1 of 16

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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38483 Sp ei Dist. Accounts Office New Gaunca. 2.1. 44. Darling Ray. I ntroducing to you numberd one libted for the gaad and with it M. Mys best wishes & fondent love to R char and Humiy. The day is notable by the arrival of you seven page affort of the 26t and after eape of six days it was most wel come. I was glad to see you Chatmas day turned out much brighted than you ha anticipated your ihemised discription cestainly gave me those nostalge pang, it are sounded so lovely. It was a ppretty wan affaid here, just a good feed to distuguesh it from any other day. The religious signficance was the only part that move me and wwhen you are fat away
from home, the impost of the day cames home very forcubly and a chap feels greatly comportid I can wrre guess how Sylvial hardmness amagud you apted the bough hrot you had. Still she had that much coming to hid at least. to you are perjuring you immantal sane in weorpying the baron't likeness to his day. Oh well, it is a very white be and what doet it matted if it does t othed some good. At that early age. I'm bletted if I can wid see any likenels to anyone. The babes seem all puckers ane wwoukled to me X mas day marks the end of a chapted in and young lspefuld life the Aransition from the swaddling clathed to compers. I bet he looks regal in his new fining Fany a Salved drupping in or you, sun he waund Line, Si that
enjoy the warmth! hospitalit, displayea toware him by yo oe folk. Yep. I but they take a pood vind of young Joks second spell up here, its a pity but anather of those brasted things to be enduced. I like that bit wwhere you said I was constantly in youd thoughts as I was a paelly fortom day for ns broked and to know that is heartining. It well centainly be a tragedy if I reave an impty place next year and of you cany it a year fuathed I'm apraid &il be in the rathouse by then. At iinet now the strain levmet intolivable and its the expectation of seeling you in a fiw months that keept the Hail wagging My once sunny timped ain what at used to be and a few of tl shiny-artia Cammanded heve it the length of i my have
4 Longue lately. Anathed yead of thit and I would be a prycapathic subject but a decent speee under sand laving adminstration well quickly hear a buused ego for I suppose thats about au it amounts So. I dunns how these bloked go through life ummaraied, Iwe neend stapper metting you for over a year now so by a simple reasoning procees you can get an accuoate idra of new much I need you and what a tough pospoeho is in front of you when I get back. I possess intide me a great big vacuum and sheets not a thing here to fere iit, everything within my ken adiates from you It keeps me going I when I ard in youd letters show you long for me and I know then that youre be so houfe that a fellow might conceivably think all this was worth while
5 The last time I only had to come from Dusbane and if I looked a goubly customed then, Lord oney knows what a wrick I'll be aftrd this staip. Stile on a steady dut of your champion brand love and hospitality, I am its make a rapid comiback. I not so sun about making too many pland about iit, hang ut, we might be s cheduled to go visiting Someone and right on that day be lutter by the love bug. Howner I can vely on you to Safiguare and own extremily Selfish intirests ad else. We shovld have bitho luck this time for a Don Juan like me is not at his wst as the daily help even though the patint rickont he made a faid fist of it. Youll neved t know how close you in to been 7 pais
The book should mach youd motted shaatly, it was a bit late for Chantmas delivery when the bright thought penitrati my skull. a pity for Id have liked hed to The Lmas get at before the 25th Helegrams have fut to ane but thats not suppossing, they are shell aonow Govd heaveng, woman, has it taken you ale this time to net out why you honod me with youd love. I must say fot one im doubt you gave a shad performance. I must hartin & geet down, a slice of you sounds very exciting fare. I m glad you like me but if I have plasd you by shawing a little consideration you can be puse you more than disined it. Anyway your to sweet that my policy will pay me Landsome dividends.
I can not a py for your lack of pride pride is a sin anyway and I msold at golth before a fail and when I geet sound to charding you in my and youre going to get tosted around somehat. to much for paide for ot nobody evid was loved for being poand of themself. Hy. love for you has a simple exlanation, I love you for yours lf, what you ane and what you do and in both respects I have nived found you wanting: A lady, a give, a woman, a wife and a mothe. sarly on an counts so what more could a ferow xpect I did alright for myself in the marriage business, I can tell you and I wore this wad for ataoding a puture that suld wit in ery capable hands. Theas bun a blue
Somehen for I see you propase leying a diary with the chept I sent you. A More than a week byou Christmas I sent. C has a registind letter to buy you my customary gift. How could you think I could forget it, fit. I wonded if he has got the letter yet and delivesed the goods. Lit me know what transpins. I m annoynd about that for I know how you have always freaund that iparticulad anmembrance and I sent the money in plenty of time. bast go any more, lights out so close laving Richard & you wid so much. Cheens, Swethent Dat Morie
44 2 7R MAtL H... A. Billing 48 Barkers Roads Hawthomn ast il eton
pR00610 Australlan Her Henorts 96 Sletches for langer sige add statches yours, 6 hows plann. Start patter with row of perl 3 togethes but 3 ties uts the met shitcle ol pr sl. inpert plain pet plan into bec ther perl 3 together pert yow

VX38483 Cpl. M.Billings 
Dist. Accounts Office 
New Guinea 2.1.44. 

Darling Kay, 
Introducing to you 
number one letter for the year 
and with it Micky's best wishes 
& fondest love to Richard and  
Mummy. The day is notable by 
the arrival of your seven page  
effort of the 26th and after a  
lapse of six days it was most  
welcome. I was glad to see 
your Christmas day turned out 
much brighter than you had 
anticipated; your itemised 
description certainly gave me those  
nostalgic pangs, it all sounded  
so lovely.  It was a pretty wan 
affair here, just a good feed 
to distinguish it from any other 
day. The religious significance was  
the only part that moved me 
and when you are far away


from home, the import of the 
day comes home very forcibly and
a chap feels greatly comforted.
I can will guess how Sylvias hardiness
amazed you after the tough trot you
had.  Still she had that much
coming to her at least.   So you are
perjuring your immortal soul
in comparing the bairns likeness
to his dad.  Oh well, it is a 
very white liu lie and what does
it matter if it does Mother some
good.  At that early age, I'm blessed
if I can ever see any likeness to 
anyone, the babes seen all 
puckered are wrinkled to me.
Xmas day marks the end of a 
chapter in our young hopeful's life
the transition from the swaddling
clothes to rompers.  I bet he looks
regal in his new finery.  Fancy
old [[Silver?]] dropping in on you,
that's fine.  I'm sure he would


enjoy the warmth & hospitality 
displayed toward him by you
good folk.  Yep, I bet they take
a poor view of young John's 
second spell up here, it's a pity
but another of those blasted
things to be endured.  I liked that
bit where you said I was constantly 
in your thoughts as twas a pretty
forlorn day for us blokes and
to know that is heartening.  It
will certainly be a tragedy if I leave
an empty place next year and if
you carry it a year further I'm
afraid I'll be in the rathouse
by then.  at times now the strain
becomes intolerable and its the
expectation of seeing you in a few
months that keeps the tail wagging.
My once sunny temper aint what
it used to be and a few of these
shiny-arsed Commandos here
have felt the length of it my


tongue lately.  Another year of this 
and I would be a psycopathic
subject but a decent spell under
your loving administration will
quickly heal a buised ego for I
suppose that's about all it amounts
to.  I dunno how these blokes go
through life unmarried, I've never
stopped missing you for over a year
now so by a simple reasoning process
you can get an accurate idea of how
much I need you and what a tough
proposition is in front of you when 
I get back.  I possess inside me a 
great big vacuum and there's not a 
thing here to fill it, everything
within my ken radiates from you.
It keeps me going I when I read 
in your letters how you long for 
me and I know then that
you'll be so terrific that a fellow
might conceivably think all this
was worth wi while.


The last time I only had to come 
from Brisbane and if I looked 
a grubby customer then, Lord only
knows what a wreck I'll be
this trip.  Still on after a steady
diet of your champion brand of
love and hospitality, I aim to 
make a rapid comeback.  I'm 
not so sure about making too many 
plans about it, hang it, we 
might be scheduled to go visiting
someone and might on that day
be bitten by the love bug.
However I can rely on you to 
safeguard our own extremely 
selfish interests or else.  We
should have better luck this time,
for a Don Juan like me is not 
at his best as the daily help
even though the patient reckons
he made a fair fist of it.  You'll
never tr know how close you
were to being poisoned.


The book should reach your mother 
shortly, it was a bit late for 
Christmas delivery when the bright 
thought penetrated my skull.
A pity for I'd have liked her to 
get it before the 25th. The Xmas
telegrams have yet to arrive but
that's not surprising, they are still 
Good heavens, woman, 
has it taken you all this time
to nut out why you honor me
with your love.  I must say for
one in doubt you gave a star
performance.  I must hasten & 
get down, a slice of you sounds 
very exciting fare.  I'm glad you
like me but if I have pleased
you by showing a little consideration,
you can be sure you more than 
deserved it.   Anyway you're so 
sweet that my policy will pay
me handsome dividends.


I care not a fig for your lack of pride
pride is a sin anyway and I'm told
it goeth before a fall and when I 
get round to holding you in my arms
youre going to get tossed around
somewhat. So much for pride for
noth nobody ever was loved for 
being proud of themself.  My
love for you has a simple explanation,
I love you for yourself, what you 
are and what you do and in
both respects I have never found
you wanting : a lady, a girl,
a woman, a wife and a mother.
classy on all [[?]] counts so
what more could a fellow expect.
I did alright for myself in
the marriage business, I can
tell you and I curse this war
for retarding a future that 
would rest in very capapable hands.
There's been a 'blue'


Somewhere for I see you propose 
buying a diary with the chips
I sent you.  A More than a 
week before Christmas I sent
Chas a registered letter to buy
you my customary gift.  How
could you think I could forget
it, pet.  I wonder if he has
got the letter yet and delivered
the goods.  Let me know what
transpires.  I'm annoyed about 
that for I know how you have
always treasured that particular
remembrance and I sent the 
money in plenty of time.
Can't go any more, lights 
out  so close loving Richard 
& you ever so much. 
Cheerio, sweetheart 


Mrs. M. Billings 
548  Barker's Road 
East Hawthorn 



96 stitches for larger size
and stitches in fours   
6 Rows plain 
1st. Start pattern with row of
perl 3 together.  Knit 3 lines into
the next stitch (pl pr sl)   
2nd now perl   
3rd plain perl plain into 1st stitch
then perl 3 together   etc  
4th row perl 
War Memorial

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