Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 11 - Part 10 of 24

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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2 Suing the dearth of encoming mad had left me bereft of tspical matte to talk of lets use one of the pasious G.E's at for a change I feel comparatively fresh mentally and physically, at least Sufficiently so to assognment tackle such a formilable I have a good few litters to write at the office and that usuary leaves me virbally imbarrased after hea moret the pity because I do want to infule a bit of life into my letters to you knowing from my own experence what a boon heey are. Had my daily swim and that pept me up a bit and keeps my postly person within reasonable limits. Like most chaps I am not as heavy as I was, the five skun meor a couple of stone and I'mn stell a long way below my normal twelve stone. Stue its a hot cauntry and I feel pritty good are things considerie Of cousse its a partly saft life and on
3 ought to be O.K. Reguead meall, rust and spircile for the body, a sufficiency of work for the mind. The main interest of isuoe is lacking and I would geadly live hav if it would get me back to my dead ond quicket. A ferlow must be in love with you because life up forward so plenty tough and most of those pood weary yokess would give me the harce laugh for espasising such Sinliments w hich brings me back to one of the purposes of this litter. From a dispatiionate standpoint you remarks in a recent litted about youd awakening consciousness of you own physical denses were very intinesting but I am not viewing them in that light at all. mine is an aborbing intirest because it is a question that I have to try and answer ophen. Thats cnothed thing I owe a lot to R. chanfod because while he was to dependent upon
t you. The mothed in you paidominatio to the partial eclifee at least of you lovirs instiucts. I could foresle only too clearly that as you inhered upon the concluding staget of that phace, the fulfillment of the pleasures of your marria estabet would recommence to play a big past, I know this much that some nights Ive cravee to be with you again to surrended myself utterly to the oney person who can Soothe and Satisfy the leaping passion that busns me like a fine. Its alking far too much fod a fulow so much in love with you ane so dependant and to sure that such love is requited + more to take a Phicosophical view always. I have my troubled nights I assure you with the image of you beloved self kind of mockingly taunting me. I hape are this is not appailing you but I love you so much and want you badly for you
5 are the fi and only relief that wie banish the forment of those lonely nights. I hiret fest nothing to take Your plaa except my lovely memoried of you of asticulanly in Gaisbane. They never fade but like all people the past dcesnt compentate for the passent howwid yoy our it was. Have I wid fold you how manvellous you were then above an otned times, The simple preasure of Setting town to meals with you, eating the choice things you prepared for me, the light heartie cit chat at the table. The fun we had buzging about, Supping goog in the city, shapping and dashing about trying to 9it a snack in that crowded peace I hen and cory libtle pienict to Sunny bank where your exculence as a cobbed was so apparent. I nen trudging back to the little love nest in which we resolvtely cut anoselves off from the naiy woree forgot such hoples as wass and just
just lived fod ourselves and by ourselves. Siace wonder, that bright white flame that has neved wavened brought in its train such a glarioud blelbing. 6 verything about and love there combined to produce such a fine happy specimen. Purhapt I'm wishing for the moon but I chirish the hope that when we are togethed again we wrre ricapture some of the threadl to enable us to be such perfect lovers again. I know we are the same to each other but cauld it possible for us to be so gloriously happy again, it just accent sum possible. Iere me please Ray without any resirvation that it can, just to read the words wrre ure mean such a lat. I know of cousse by rumintary biology that both of uo are feeling the nervous stoam of Signae depowvation but the important thing is it that uioge indissabubly linkid witl the attraction of and two prosonalities
To put it condely. I would be ashamed and harrified to think my yearning was just for a woman and not fod the woman. But it if three it anything sane and clead in this whiolpose it is and love and I'm suse its you I want and nea so badly. To hork back a little. I visuatise you like you do me witlout ond little son on and hosyou at are and no matter how bad it appears I think I would resent him if he had taken away you laueds qualities at are. For him I wovrd Sacrifice much but not that. you wrre ueale that often I bay to glovify you in youd taple role of mather, wife and Sweetheart, not without fuctification either. Ay attitude though it not to unselfish hough, you excellence in an Thrue dimensions I want for my self such a lot. Somitimes when you pant me as such a lowed of strength
and so on you flatted me. Of couser I want to be a bulwark when you have need of me but fee hardly worthy of your esteem. Often Im like a lonely boy and your mational comfort Something to desirable for me to suk. It's an owful thing to be away from a pioton who can and wants to do and be eery thing to you. You can siee ffrom this that I have laborie the frost person sing ulad but t is not entinely done Selfishly but with a view to invoking from you your sone feelings on the same scose. From your litters I can tere that you look forward to my homecoming and all it means by the paint you are it aking to preserve you youth. Though we have psited and thirtieth y ead we are young in heart and I icho you wish that we be swtheats again for I match you motherhor peno with my island sentence of Solitude
I too pervently hope that a furthed addition to and -anks wrie not be the aptrrmath to and return to the days of heady wooing. The last thing I want it fod t you to have to arprat that expeasince until I am home for good and we are est ablished in and own place. I love you too much to want you to go through that again untits you have fiell support at it wire. It would be asking for Something surpeahiman for us to love with reserve but well just have to take prnantions as may be available and be as cariful as we can. I neved thought you know that such a Supirb mothed wwould can it a day after proforming so will in the first act but you new eury assistance at times like that. I in not taying to be swing, but putuse occurrenced f any should not prove to painful of ichausting at the first
0 You know fad bethr than I why that should be so. I wickon its mighty fine of you to face up to the possibility are the same but I think we both want and to be lovemaking next time s omething just for anoselved without aftermath just say for this once. Ito really pequant, for in oasbone we wrre so eaged to choose the sight occasions to consummate out love and hire we wrre be eaged to bay and a chieve the opposite effect. Life sune it a pooblimt, Puss. I have a nation hin pages will just about cut out the statutory limet to had better clost down on it now to goodnight, my own Sweet Kay, Iwnt hell you again how much I love you for after wading through these I agst you showd arrive at that conceusion. (I do thought Kiss the chubby chisub for me Cheinio Day
A.F.W. 307s Adoed ACTWE HIR MH16 his envelofe muy not be used for or Veldabes, 3it Annot be accepted SSrotion PASSED responds y in this eoyelope need ceriped Regimentally.& The con- e Mas Wthmyton it te 15. Moung SM R br Hbit C. honour that Ene conceps ttnefor to bitths but privace 5 macierey oure O1 pad guling CmCo SERVICE 18.11.73 (Uo to three levters may be forwaded in this Cover, but these must be all m the same writer. The Cover should be addressed in such case to the Deputy Base Censor.& Cke Covers of enclosed letters must be left open by sender. 4 6 Relless: H1. H. G rlings 548 Barkers Road East Hawthern of ctoria

Seeing the dearth of incoming mail has
left me bereft of topical matter to talk of
let's use one of the precious G.E's as for a
change I feel comparatively fresh mentally
and physically, at least sufficiently so to
tackle such a formidable assignment. I have a good
few letters to write at the office and that
usually leaves me verbally embarrassed
after tea more's the pity because I do
want to infuse a bit of life into my
letters to you knowing from my own
experience what a boon they are. Had my
daily swim and that peps me up a
bit and keeps my portly person within
reasonable limits. Like most chaps I am
not as heavy as I was, the fever skun
me for a couple of stone and I'm still
a long way below my normal twelve
stone. Still its a hot country and
I feel pretty good all things considered.
Of course it's a pretty soft life and one


ought to be O.K. Regular meals, rest and
exercise for the body, a sufficiency of work
for the mind. The main interest of course
is lacking and I would gladly live hard
if it would get me back to my dear ones
quicker. A fellow must be in love with you
because life up forward is plenty tough
and most of those poor weary jokers would
give me the horse laugh for expressing such
Which brings me back to one
of the purposes of this letter. From a
dispassionate standpoint your remarks in a
recent letter about your awakening consciousness
of your own physical desires were very
interesting but I am not viewing them in
that light at all, mine is an absorbing
interest because it is a question that I
have to try and answer often. That's
another thing I owe a lot to Richard for
because while he was so dependent upon


you, the mother in you predominated to the
partial eclipse at least of your lovers
instincts. I could foresee only too clearly that
as you intoned upon the concluding stages
of that phase, the fulfillment of the
pleasures of your married estates would
recommence to play a big part. I know
this much that some nights I've craved
to be with you again to surrender myself
utterly to the only person who can
soothe and satisfy the leaping passion
that burns me like a fire. It's asking far
too much for a fellow so much in love
with you and so dependant and so sure
that such love is requited & more to take
a philosophical view always. I have my
troubled nights I assure you with the
image of your beloved self kind of
mockingly taunting me. I hope all this
is not appalling you but I love you so
much and want you badly for you


are the full and only relief that will banish
the torment of those lonely nights. There's
just nothing to take your place except
my lovely memories of you particularly in
Brisbane. They never fade but like all people
the past doesnt compensate for the present
however joyous it was. Have I ever told you
how marvellous you were then above all
other times, the simple pleasure of sitting
down to meals with you, eating the choice
things you prepared for me, the light
hearted chit chat at the table. The fun
we had buzzing about, sipping grog in the
city, shopping and dashing about trying
to get a snack in that crowded place.
Then our cosy little picnics to Sunnybank
where your excellence as a cobber was so
apparent. Then trudging back to the
little love nest in which we resolutely
cut ourselves off from the noisy world
forgot such trifles as wars and just


just lived for ourselves and by ourselves.
Small wonder, that bright white flame
that has never wavered brought in its
train such a glorious blessing. Everything
about our love there combined to produce
such a fine happy specimen. Perhaps I'm
wishing for the moon but I cherish the
hope that when we are together again
we will recapture some of the threads to
enable us to be such perfect lovers again.
I know we are the same to each other but
could it possible for us to be so gloriously
happy again, it just doesn't seem possible.
Tell me please Kay without any reservation
that it can, just to read the words will
will mean such a lot. I know of course
by elementary biology that both of us
are feeling the nervous strain of sexual
deprivation but the important thing is
is that urge indissolubly linked with the
attraction of our two personalities


To put it crudely. I would be ashamed
and horrified to think my yearning was
just for a woman and not for the
woman, But of if there is anything
sane and clear in this whirlpool it is
our love and I'm sure its you I want
and need so badly. To hark back a little, 
I visualise you like you do me without our
little son on our horizon at all and 
no matter how bad it appears I think I
would resent him if he had taken away
your lovers qualities at all. For him I
would sacrifice much but not that.
You will recall that often I try to glorify
you in your triple role of mother, wife
and sweetheart, not without justification
either. My attitude though is not so
unselfish though, your excellence in all
three dimensions I want for my self
such a lot. Sometimes when you
paint me as such a tower of strength


and so on you flatter me. Of course I
want to be a bulwark when you have need
of me but feel hardly worthy of your
esteem. Often I'm like a lonely boy
and your maternal comfort something so
desirable for me to seek. It's an awful
thing to be away from a person who
can and wants to do and be every thing
to you. You can see from this that I
have labored the first person singular but
it is not entirely done selfishly but with
 a view to invoking from you your true
feelings on the same score. From your
letters I can tell that you look forward
to my homecoming and all it means
by the pains you are taking to preserve
your youth.  Though we have passed our
thirtieth year we are young in heart
and I echo your wish that we be sweethearts
again for I match your motherhood period
with my island sentence of solitude.


I too fervently hope that a further
addition to our ranks will not be the
aftermath to and return to the days of
heady wooing. The last thing I want is
for I you to have to repeat that experience
until I am home for good and we are
established in our own place. I love you
too much to want you to go through that
again unless you have full support as 
it were. It would be asking for
something superhuman for us to love
with reserve but will just have to take
precautions as may be available and
be as careful as we can. I never thought
you know that such a superb mother
would call it a day after performing so
well in the first act but you need
every assistance at times like that. I'm
not trying to be smug, but future
occurrences if any should not prove so
painful or exhausting as the first.


You know far better than I why that
should be so. I reckon it's mighty fine
of you to face up to the possibility all the
same but I think we both want our
lovemaking next time to be something just for
ourselves without aftermath just say for
this once. It's really piquant, for in
Brisbane we were so eager to choose the
right occasions to consummate our love
and here we will be eager to try and
achieve the opposite effect. Life sure is a
problem, Puss.
I have a notion ten pages will
just about cut out the statutory limit so
had better close down on it now. So
goodnight, my own sweet Kay, I won't
tell you again how much I love you for
after wading through these pages you should
arrive at that conclusion. (I do though).
Kiss the chubby cherub for me.
Cheerio.  Dad 


A.F.W. 3078 [Crown Cop

AIR MAIL 18.11.43. 

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[ Up to three letters may be forwarded in 
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18.11 43

Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn 

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