Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 11 - Part 8 of 24

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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Fsil 4 1) H.H. M. Billings 548 Barkers Road East Hawshoon Victona
VX38483. Cpe. H. Guirings Disbrt accounts Office New Funea 14 11 H3. Davling Kay, t0 more of your tasty sineds Since I last wrote but as some tit maie is in today I m very hopefue Hope you are doing 0.1 for letters to farou those I in glas to Su have been reaching you in realorably good time. Any how them was a goodly amount of itimt left over from you last theu leteers to g we ample seope for a few paget Froht though I send R.chard & Ray are my llove and provently hope this finds you both just as wree and happy if not bitted The tidings conveyed about the ladt action to form was very heartening and it looks as though he is now distran for greated trmpht. I must say the churfue o of you last few litters
2 is in Shaiking contrast to earlied efforts and let me say that to me that autshowe every other stim. Of course & knew you would saldied on O'K but the confirmation of the thaught i what ling hlent me up Well it wont be to long now until I wel have the privilige of helling you personally and dimonstrating too what a lovely give you are. I promise it were have a sweeted savod than that which there lame woods wn have I dont wonded that I um laves ond little chap so, its plain to per from youd vivid ihumbracl Sketches that he is a very lovable chap. Sit it inasvereand though to have a son who g wis to little trouble and is a feast of fun and inhatarnment as were. So much for those wrreacaes who coueant imagine you with a baby, C am you teel me what they did espect you to
be a success with I rett as well you pay no athention to such pipple but then lack of peoception is not so uncommen and you have undimably confounded the carlies Imn so thailled that you look forward to playing lauos again for so do I Howwed Ile have a reac pow wow with you in my next G.C. Scand One can let the plails down in thate and 9et away from that constrained lhyle that inhibits litters you know a thisd party is going to read. Ihadh where you have the advantage of me, 79 out of 100 of youd litters are not seen except by the one to whom they are addsessed. That bank receipt for the cheque you can bumn, dont evid clubbed up your passn with funk. The Holmed clan See to be decent friendly folk and it it decent for somone to keep on eye on the libtle beare while you have aa
about in the city. Sunns about the caws patch we dont sum to have one old bean so you had better Skip it for a while. The a a Pl have one so peohaps thats the right one. At the frot of this letter is a diagram of it so may be it will be O.K. Io have that put an it. & unny outfit this that way but if its the wrong one for up here it will be Ok for when I come down and the one you pent primansly wern be O'R while Im here. It's a bit have to say definitely bent I feel it would be mn racious to Knock such a kind gestun back. On any case, it Shaved have the miniature aid and blue one above nt, so what do you say. H usit have that one on at that autfit has a Sentimental 8 he for me whereas to be candid this show is one of those bits and pieces shows and I suppose it stinks in dinkum quarteor.
5 yand wearth of detaie concinning ond proposed residinc confused up many wishful visions. Vt an souds like Heaven to me and cirtainly worth adproing to suse it wire take us a fiece of sime to get eeverything to out liking. Shill life were be inhearting while we painfully acquise are the firet but will make out aloight. I ell you more about it in the G.E As usual things dee just humdrum. Sunday today my day off and I keep it that way and have a good break. Spent ar morning Sunbaking and reading and vray nice for. I oing for a suem eased on to sho up the circulation. Has and usual boving ane prctuns the last two nights and you wond be ashonishic at the pleasure we got from a bit of sport and entertainment. Ramea like heel for the
6 bosng, I got wit to the fail but the shaw was well worth it. Saw Ros Russice & Fred Mr Burray in Fright to Faredom. A part of the action look plaa in Pud Tuinea to the bystandiot Joy- Saw the Caurfied Cup too Had a Sweep on the H ilb. Cup but my poad faaid the same as usual. Well after that heelic wiek I in werl nigh whanshd so ttake my leave of you, paccious Cheerw ane thank Richan for his suped pmite, poke a funny face at him for me. tan ustoa by kell for your Ray from that powerful lovnn men Hrcky
7i pai 14 M.S. H. Fillings 548 Zarkers Road East Hawthion ictoria

11 11 43 
Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 



VX38483. Cpl. M. Billings 
District Accounts Office 
New Guinea. 

Darling Kay, 
No more of your tasty screeds 
since I last wrote but as some Vict  
mail is in today I'm very hopeful.  
Hope you are doing O.K for letters to follow  
those I'm glad to see have been reaching  
you in reasonably good time.  Any how  
there was a goodly amount of items left  
over from your last three letters to give  
ample scope for a few pages.  First though  
it send Richard & Kay all my love  
and fervently hope this finds you both  
just as well and happy if not better.   
The tidings conveyed about the lads  
return to form was very heartening and  
it looks as though he is now destined  
for greater triumphs.  I must say the  
cheerful tone of your last few letters


is in striking contrast to earlier efforts  
and let me say that to me that  
outshone every other item.  Of course I know  
you would soldier on O.K but the confirmation  
of the thought is what brightens me  
up.  Well it won't be so long now  
until I will have the privilege of telling  
you personally and demonstrating too  
what a lovely girl you are.  I promise it  
will have a sweeter savor than that which  
these lame words will have.   
I don't wonder that Mum  
loves our little chap so, its plain to see  
from your vivid thumbnail sketches that  
he is a very lovable chap. It is  
marvelous though to have a son who  
gives so little trouble and is a feast  
of fun and entertainment as well.  So  
much for those wiseacres who couldn't  
imagine you with a baby.  Can you  
tell me what they did expect you to 


be a success with?  Just as well you pay no  
attention to such piffle but their lack of  
perception is not so uncommon and you  
have undeniably confounded the critics.   
I'm so thrilled that you  
look forward to playing lovers again for  
so do I.  However I'll have a real pow  
wow with you in my next G.E. Scrud.   
One can let the plaits down in those  
and get away from that constrained style  
that inhibits letters you know a third  
party is going to read.  That's where you  
have the advantage of me, 99 out of 100  
of your letters are not seen except by the  
one to whom they are addressed.   
That bank receipt for the cheque  
you can burn, don't ever clutter up your  
possie with junk.  The Holmes clan seem 
to be decent friendly folk and it is  
decent for someone to keep an eye on the  
little bloke while you have a potter


about in the city.  Dunno about the  
color patch we don't seem to have one  
old bean so you had better skip it  
for a while.  The AAPC have one  
so perhaps that's the right one.  At the  
foot of this letter is a diagram of it so  
maybe it will be O.K to have that put  
on it.  Funny outfit this that way -  
but if it's the wrong one for up here it  
will be O.K for when I come down and  
the one you sent previously will be O.K  
while I'm here.  It's a bit hard to say  
definitely but I feel it would be ungracious  
to knock such a kind gesture back.  In  
any case, it should have the miniature  
red and blue one above it.  So what do you  
say?  It must have that one on as that  
outfit has a sentimental o tie for me  
whereas to be candid this show is one of  
those bits and pieces shows and I  
suppose it stinks in dinkum quarters.


Your wealth of detail concerning our  
proposed residence conjured up many  
wistful visions.  It all sounds like  
Heaven to me and certainly worth  
aspiring to.  Sure it will take us a  
piece of time to get everything to our  
liking.  Still life will be interesting while  
we painfully acquire all the pieces  
but we'll make out alright.  Tell you more  
about it in the G.E.   
As usual things are just  
humdrum.  Sunday today my day off  
and I keep it that way and have a  
good break.  Spent all morning sunbaking  
and reading and very nice too.  Going for  
a swim later on to stir up the  
circulation.  Had our usual boxing and  
pictures the last two nights and  
you would be astonished at the pleasure  
we get from a bit of sport and  
entertainment.  Rained like hell for the 


boxing, I got wet to the tail but the  
show was well worth it.  Saw Ros.  
Russell & Fred McMurray in Flight  
to Freedom.  A part of the action took  
place in New Guinea to the bystanders  
joy.  Saw the Caulfield Cup too.   
Had a sweep on the Melb. Cup but  
my prad fared the same as usual.   
Well after that hectic  
week I'm well nigh exhausted so  
take my leave of you, precious.   
Cheerio and thank Richard for his  
super smile, poke a funny face at  
him for me.   
An extra big kiss for you  
Kay from that powerful lovin  
TM Hill


Air Mail 
Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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