Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 11 - Part 7 of 24

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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5 out of peeing him, for some eccentaii shis another party who takes a rasy lw of me. What is it that I we got that makes the ladies go my way. M not be bullsh as charm, I spose depends on what school you went to Gead the old folks are good-oh, although I believe the pape pins an stice a bit dicky Oh. The humble buthday gyt has reached you from your old (and not so old either) flame the shape of a book you like In to take the symbolic view if you gat ny meaning and plumped for aage volume for little Kathie. Hat it been a pair of scantees purhaps my matioes would have been mesunderstood, Sune I le write an epigeam of Something in it, who the hul gave you the book any way. I veen you comment that I'm your favoute boy foiend with mised feeling. can it
be that you have succumbed to the blandishments of the yanks of the uniform of the R.A.H.F. and have stooged for me. Lit it be known that I am youd only boy friend at else I outh will head about it and you know what frightful photographs they take Pead you have heard from Katie, its good to hed they are are were once more I cirtainly will be glad to head from that quanted once again my accital is Sums it minute now due to conclude and talented so to you, be and mighht creature, I bid you addition and good fortune. I would be grateful if you bestow upon the comely counterancy K.chas a busdie from his guvnod I love you too, Swetheast, Dal 000610 Tutilt Austration for benol
And pstill A Aail Hrs. F. M. Billings 548 Barkers Roar East Hawthom ctonia
PR006l0 Restrakian Ber Mone
Vx 38483. Copl. H. Jillings Drabout accounts Offfice New Finnea 11.11.43. Darling Kay. I oney with the date today. had the same meaning for thes was at it did for the east. Howrrt as iit doet not theaes not much paint in pussuing that line furthed as its hardly a posped theme with which to commina a letter The last two days have been very productive of letters from you, those of 2n 4th & 5th gladdining most miserable life of devited husband. Very pleasing to recate thesis quite a few items upon which I can discousse so lets not bavy. I m delightea you are both so well particularly so you for the gayed nate in these letters is mry promounced and to me thats a good sign that you have agained you equilitrium and dont feel so much a odds with the world. Off ide, I dont
think you were fad attray when you atcribed the feeding of the young chap as a reason for lack of Sparkle. To whally provide for such a big lump of a lad is a big drain on your veitality and when the time arowed fod him to go on the salids Im game to bet your ricaptune wrry vishige of youd youth: at any rate its bun expended in a good cause as the sturdiness of your charge is ample histimony to your own innet Loughness + ffitness. Keep gwing yourself plinly of hah aid + dercite and you will rwal Hasher Kchard for rosy cheeks and atled evidences of good hearth. I think you are on the right track 9 etting out and about as often as you can, no good maping about the peace when your daily Fasks ane done. In fact adoting, you are doing a fine gob the oight way so go your handest So the young ralide
hickons the srange guice it on the bugh but to spit the offending pation ovir pood mummy is maet uncouth and then grimacing at you in my spictauital father. Fell him to cut out penching my act. Iund you feat that we wont but it. off, my friend, youn probably have to sue him for alunation of affections, It will be manmant to come kome though Io have both of you, how I dream of the day, that wision splendid fortifued me every day. I chanks so much for the forlit goods impending, those port of. things an alwayt wrecome cas I'm such a clean Rid, thrue showers a day contumed a faid bit of thou kind of goods. Had a beaut swim tonight, went a quarte of a mill and ther back to ha. Do you know what was on, ham & Homatois. Someone must have made a bloomet Samewhine. HAM- I said
4 6ancerning health centret, I m glad you have not taken to patronising thale peacet, they are alright for thole hilplets damet who dont seem to have been endowed with Sufficient interligence ar self. ailiance to follow the dictates of thus natural instiucts. Your commontence abhilude has boone good fruit so what can they tell you that you have not already learnid by experience. I always think the people who haunt these peaces just do so to have a gassip, the same sort who always imagine thimbeluet of thus proging prone to ar poots of ailmints to I don't think you are the tmnist but add for Shunning such places, quite the contrary. your repeated alyt upon the woman next doot for his divotion to hid music are pooof pasitive that she + shinks. Perhaps though the pound of your singing has filli through the
5 then walls and hid actions are of a retatiatory nature. It ar mnds me of one of my fet avirsions, Community singing. Dreadfue, a mob of honble voices murdering music braying like assed. Its a manifistation of the head inshinet, I nickon. Sometimes I maovel at mans colaltal ego, when in a prchuse you Sece ad head something beautiful and astialic the nearby commnts of these boors, who are the condest Sceichers at community singing, io illuminating by its chiedish navoownels. I alk about cashing peares before Swine. You would think that in a world of so much ugliness lanty if oney in an anmata celtulard foom would be appriniated. You will aboove from the forigoing that my critical facuety has not entialy lost its edge. I head your commints att The famous was Bond + with the evid
growing conviction that I am a fathead pearfully patnatic, what! After posing avid your capably presented case as te why you should consign my suggestion to the achean, I agae as they say in Parliament that it was ell-considered and unwarranted perhaps presumptuout. eoen. with such a Slendes resirv, what a nut I am to think you had bennert proating about. Youe imploying you income, very poudently so forget se about it were old bean thises a lot more to write absut but time marchet on so wll have to leave it until my next effersion. Gordnight, my bonny lass and more powed to you Thank Richard for his Salutation and action with intirest. A mighly Rist and ting for you to remind you haw I love you N.Cky-


out of seeing him, for some eccentric reason
she's another party who takes a rosy view
of me. What is it that I've got that
makes the ladies go my way? Must be
[[bullsh?]] or  charm, I s'pose depends on what
school you went to.  Glad the old folks
are good-oh, although I believe the pop's
pins are still a bit dicky.
Oh, the humble birthday gift
has reached you from your old (and not so
old either) flame in the shape of a
book you like. [[Try?]] to take the symbolic
view if you [[gather?]] my meaning and
plumped for a [[young?]] age volume for little
Kathie.  Had it been a pair of scanties
perhaps my motives would have been
misunderstood.  Sure I'll write an
epigram or something in it, who the hell
gave you the book any way.  I view
your comment that I'm your favorite
boy friend with mixed feelings, can it


be that you have succumbed to the blandishments
of the yanks or the uniform of the R.A.A.F.
and have stooges for me.  Let it be known
that I am your only boy friend or else.
Truth will hear about it and you know
what frightful photographs they take.
Glad you have heard from Katie, its
good to hear they are all well once more.
I certainly will be glad to hear from that
quarter once again.
Seems [[like?]] my recital is
due to conclude [[any?]] minute now
so to you, [[beautiful?]] and talented
creature, I bid you [[good?]] night
and good fortune.  [[In?]] addition
I would be grateful if you bestow
upon the comely countenance of Richard
a birdie from his guvnor.
I love you too, sweetheart,



Air Mail

Mrs M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn




War Memorial


VX38483 Cpl. M. Billings
District Accounts Office
New Guinea 11.11.43

Darling Kay,
I only wish the date today
had the same meaning for this war as
it did for the last.  However as it does
not theres not much point in pursuing
that line further as it's hardly a proper
theme with which to commence a letter.
The last two days have been very
productive of letters from you, those of
2nd 4th & 5th gladdening most miserable
life of devoted husband.  Very pleasing to
relate there's quite a few items upon which
I can discourse so let's not tarry.  I'm
delighted you are both so well particularly
so you for the gayer note in these letters
is very pronounced and to me that's a 
good sign that you have regained your
equilibrium and don't feel so much at
odds with the world.  Of course, I don't


think you were far astray when you
ascribed the feeding of the young chap as
a reason for lack of sparkle.  To wholly
provide for such a big lump of a lad
is a big drain on your vitality and when
the time arrives for him to go on the
solids I'm game to bet you'll recapture
every vestige of your youth.  At any rate
it's been expended in a good cause as
the sturdiness of your charge is ample
testimony to your own inner toughness
& fitness.  Keep giving yourself plenty of
fresh air & exercise and you will rival 
Master Richard for rosy cheeks and other
evidences of good health.  I think you are
on the right track getting out and about
as often as you can, no good moping
about the place when your daily tasks 
are done.  In fact, darling, you are
doing a fine job the right way so
go your hardest.  So the young rascal


reckons the orange juice is on the bugle
but to spit the offending potion over poor
mummy is most uncouth and then grimacing
at you in my spectacular fashion.  Tell him
to cut out pinching my act. Never you fear
that we won't hit it off, my friend, you'll 
probably have to sue him for alienation of
affections.  It will be marvellous to come
home though to have both of you, how I
dream of the day, that vision splendid
fortifies me every day.
Thanks so much for the
toilet goods impending, those sort of.
things are always welcome 'cos I'm such
a clean kid, three showers a day consumes
a fair bit of those kinds of goods.  Had a
beaut. swim tonight, went a quarter of
a mile and then back to tea.  Do you
know what was on, ham & tomatoes.
Someone must have made a bloomer
somewhere.  HAM - I said.


Concerning health centres, I'm glad you have
not taken to patronising those places, they are
alright for those helpless dames who don't seem
to have been endowed with sufficient
intelligence or self-reliance to follow the
dictates of their natural instincts.  Your
commonsense attitude has borne good fruit
so what can they tell you that you have
not already learned by experience.  I always 
think the people who haunt those places
just do so to have a gossip, the same
sort who always imagine themselves  or
their progeny prone to all sorts of ailments.
So I don't think you are the tiniest bit
odd for shunning such places, quite the
Your repeated [[alyurgations?]] upon
the woman next door for her devotion
to her music are proof positive that she
t stinks.  Perhaps, though the sound of
your singing has filtered through the


thin walls and her actions are of a
retaliatory nature.  It all reminds me of
one of my pet aversions, Community 
Singing.  Dreadful, a mob of horrible
voices murdering music braying like
asses.  It’s a manifestation of the herd
instinct, I reckon.  Sometimes I marvel
at man's colossal ego, when in a picture
you see or hear something beautiful and
artistic the nearby comments of these
boors, who are the loudest screechers at
community singing, is illuminating by its 
childish narrowness.  Talk about casting
pearls before swine.  You would think
that in a world of so much ugliness,
beauty if only in an animated celluloid form
would be appreciated.  You will observe
from the foregoing that my critical 
faculty has not entirely lost its edge.
I read your comments about
the famous War Bond with the ever


growing conviction that I am a fathead,
fearfully patriotic, what!  After poring
over your capably presented case as to
why you should consign my suggestion to
the ashcan, I agree as they say in
Parliament that it was ill-considered
and unwarranted perhaps presumptuous
even.  With such a slender reserve, what
a nut I am to think you had tenners
floating about.  You are employing your
income very prudently so forget all
about it.
Well old bean theres a lot
more to write about but time marches
on so will have to leave it until my
next effusion.  Goodnight, my bonny
lass and more power to you.  Thank
Richard for his salutation and return
with interest.  a mighty kiss and
hug for you to remind you how I love
you. Micky.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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