Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 11 - Part 23 of 24

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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From No: Name: V Ualt. WEMMS FUNO Oate: USE MMIAET ACMAS OMT. longed the invuncy of youth to act as a bupped against heavy blowd I do hope the quick recovery of Lylure from hed confinement, the bourecant dibut of the little chap ushes in a exa of faudom for the sling anois of Late. No more now, dailing, I close knowing that God bleses you and yours and finit you pleasing in his sight bore than ususe I know hew manesus and necessary you an to me so kit you and you mattespren Re char wth a heart fine of love Daes The name of your trenspert, or other transports in your convoy... dates of salling. ports of call, destination, descriptions of hoops, or other intermation which, I itercepted, will be of velve to the enemy
1911 o 38 peed.) ACTIVE 71R 2 s ehvelope fiust not be used for or pesuables. IIt cannot be accepted Jation 5C Cotordele in this envelope need tbe cenfored Regfmentally. The con- s at lable to Examination at the the tollowing Certificate must be ed by the writer cerut on my honour char cho. concenes his teniddove refer to thotking bh privace Lambymaners LCrO Sismacure Jane 5 char Belling ICrown S. SERVICE [Up to three lene Logate toryordet in this Cover, but chese mui same writer. The Cover should be addressi in such case to the Depury Base Censor. Ghe Covers of enclosed letters must be left of by sender.) 43 25.12 Address. H.S. H. Bessing 548 Barkers Ro. authh East &cor
From No: Vx3 8&8s Nome: Cpe. H Guieing L TA Vatt. Dact Account office AUSIRALNECOMTORIS New Tunner FUNO Oate: 28 12 73. Use Muner ACORESS MMIT Davling Kay. apted speeding my Xmad spicial on its way to you, guat has been my joy to receive two man letters from you, those of. 21 st &230, I mey have nach me very quiekly so I cant savy. why you are not getting mine. I hope by tthit the aas have been made up for its come hav for you to be left out in the cald. I hape too 5th a few hme up before thed for a chiley Slence would be right on the nate. Howwed on This sage comment is not getting you you letters to Ie secif tht will be worth arading whent at INVOUR LEITER DO NOT REFERAO. The name of your trenspert, or other transports in your convoy.. dates of salling. ports of call. destination, descriptions of hroops, or other intormation which, I intercepted, will be of valve to the enemy.
From No.: Mome 11286 Unit: MCAMONS FON Dote:- 2 USEMMITARY AODRESS OMIY. shows up I was ry sympathihe toward you whin you accountd youd tharough contine before tuoning is for the night for you have a kindoed Spieat there. It is lancy to be an togged up for a spot of the new can commadity, sove and Sad to ceale, no loved I can winatice an sent + Shining, ery enddlitame with yaud had heavy wall tha faint tent wtalisome fraganc, a peopime from Mathed Nature. I ad give anything to be there, you cintainly wouldot need any het wand lattles for believe me pet, you blood would and to be very then if my INVOUR LETTER DO NOT REFER TO. The name of your transpert, or other transports in your convey... dates of salling... ports of call. destination, descriptions of koops, or other intormation which, I intercepted, will be of velve to the enemy.
From No. Nome: X28 Ualt. TMALAN ECOMSOS FUNO Date: Use MIAEY AOORESS OMY. wasing failie to send its limperatune a loaring. as for the nippd he has fet to meet the champion fram chauppend extant so you had better get together and work out an acrocation of hand. I think we might do a dear with him on thes linet. He geets a god wharte of the daylight hours on condetion he gives you the flood from Sandown. O therwill we went do dntinees for I am appoted to manapalies. Lerhapt I'm thy in paintal fondnels but I was a loved before a papa and though I find both bonged, I whant fell like neglecting my first an greatest love for Masted stinked. INVOUR LETTER DO NOT REFER TO. The name of your transpert, or other transports in your convey.. dates of sailing... ports of call destination, descriptions of troops, or other intfermation which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.
From No: Name: 128 Ualt: JECOMOS FUNO Dote: T SMIIHH NINSSOM. If you cannot underttane my melivel pap up here for a jead as so ane yoi Lug. Savoy, I would like to ablige you with you request but theses not a hop, It came be wangled and but you wwould have to get up ready be sancus new. Like most opening. The flood fremmanently blockes the outlet Glad joure Xmas cheque blew will alead of time, not bad Devr by the AA.P.C, sight days from New Gaunce. The best finance service of any army in the wore. Don't forget to bell me what you got for yourself & Rchar out of the faungle money. I wished I had more dough to chuck INVOUR LETTER DO NOT REEER TO. The name of your transport, or other transports in your convey ... dates of salling ... ports of call destination, descriptions of troops, or other intermation which, it intercepted, will be of velve to the enemy.
From No: Name: JC UAII. WECOMPORS FUM Dote: USE MMIAEY AOORESS ONIY. for these was a saldurs ast disfecy in Monsby this week and I womle have likee tto bought a painting for you as a gept buut the good onedn some weere very good would ent the best part of a sinned. The quality of the work was a suspise to me particularly the local landscapes Daule a lot of pincil porta too just like the ne slee ofoun did of me in pursbane, new asting among your extlection You telegram did not asoe until the 27th, they are little if any spredied tan a litted. Thanks a lot though. Swweet, for you loving athoughts. INVOURKETTER DO NOTREEER TO. The name of your transpert, or other transports in your convoy... dates of salling... ports of call destination, descriptions of hoops, or other information which, It intercepted, will be of velve to the enemy.
From No Name: 109.84 Unit: TNMSN FUNO Oote: CUSEMMIIART AODRESS ONT. Ihe boy has cistainy accumulatio a hearthy stock of lays, just about cavns the anince kingdom. How wonderpue at would be to be at that age again nothing but at. Sleepd play. I'm gla you have ben able be sneak ond newt and again without his Aales, for a spot of entertainment. The you ure march facted and furthed without carying you pack. your plans in hause. hunting sound partly good to me darting. As you have milhed it out phears no rush as o have a gind many monbhs to cave and sheell. Mayle my powions seceds been too INVOUR LETTER DO NOT REFER TO. The name of your transpert, or other transports in your convoy; dates of salling.. ports of call destination, descriptions of troops, or other intormation which, if intercepted, will be of velve to the enemy.
From No: Name: 12284 Ualt: WCOMOM FUNO Dote: FUT MITHT MRS OM whement about and chausing needs. Dan't linst yourself ove bearehing coo I know you are uphice from the start. If need bey wwill manage with what God & the sugdins provide w ee I was givg to make it a few more pages but same fod the light to be quenched approaches to an on for another day af two. Chuno, my Smethust. I sols it panding you are R. chave are my love are thousands Kins H. Ki 2 The nome of your tenspert, of other Femsperts in Yeyt Comer. dares of sting.. ports of coll destination, descrliptions of hoops, ot other intermation which I inteccepted, will be of rawe to the eremr

longer the resiliency of youth to 
act as a buffer against heavy blows. 
I do hope the quick recovery of Sylvia 
from her confinement, the brilliant 
debut of the little chap ushers in 
a era of freedom for the slings 
& arrows of Fate. 
No more now, darling, 
I close knowing that God 
blesses you and yours and finds 
you pleasing in his sight. 
More than usual I know how 
marvellous and necessary you 
are to me so kiss you and 
your masterpiece Richard 
with a heart full of love. 


Michael Billings 
Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road 
East Hawthorn 


3  Opened by Censor


From: No. VX38483 
Name: Cpl . M. Billings 
Unit: Dist. Accounts Office 
New Guinea 
Date: 28.12.43 
Darling Kay, 
After speeding my Xmas 
special on its way to you, great  
has been my joy to receive two 
more letters from you, those of. 
21st & 23rd.  They have reached 
me very quickly so I can't savvy. 
why you are not getting mine. 
I hope by this the arrears 
have been made up for its 
cruel hard for you to be left 
out in the cold.  I hope too 
a few turned up before the 25th 
for a chilly silence would be 
right on the nose.  However all 
this sage comment is not getting  
you your letters so I'll see if this 
will be worth reading when it


shows up.  I was very sympathetic 
toward you when you recounted  
your thorough routine before turning 
in for the night for you have a  
kindred spirit there.  It is lousy 
to be all togged up for a spot 
of the now rare commodity, love 
and, sad to relate, no lover. 
I can visualise all slick & 
shining, very cuddlesome with 
your hair heavy with that faint 
but wholesome fragrance, a 
perfume from Mother Nature. 
I would give anything to be 
there.  You certainly would not 
need any hot water bottles for 
believe me, pet, your blood would 
need to be very thin if my,


wooing failed to send its temperature 
a' soaring.  as for the nipper, he 
has yet to meet the champion 
pram chauffeur extant so you 
had better get together and work 
out an allocation of hours.  I think 
we might do a deal with him 
on these lines.  He gets a good whack 
of the daylight hours on condition 
he gives you the floor from 
sundown.  Otherwise we won't  
do business for I am opposed to 
monopolies.  Perhaps I'm shy on 
parental fondness but I was a  
lover before a papa and though 
I find both bonzer, I shan't feel 
like neglecting my first and 
greatest love for Master Stinker.


If you cannot understand my motives  
pop up here for a year or so and 
you'll twig.  Sorry, I would like to 
oblige you with your request but 
there's not a hope.  It could be 
wangled once but you would 
have to get up early to [[succeed]] 
now.  Like most openings, the flood 
permanently blocked the outlet. 
Glad you're Xmas cheque blew 
in well ahead of time, not bad 
service by the AAPC, eight days 
from New Guinea.  The best finance 
service of any army in the world. 
Don't forget to tell me what you 
got for yourself & Richard out of 
the jungle money.  I wished I 
had more dough to chuck around


for there was a soldiers art 
display in Moresby this week and 
I would have liked to bought a 
painting for you as a gift but 
the good ones and some were very 
good would cost the best part 
of a tenner.  The quality of the 
work was a surprise to me 
particularly the local landscapes. 
Quite a lot of pencil portraits 
two just like the one Steve O'Brien 
did of me in Brisbane, now [[resting?]] 
among your collection.  Your 
telegram did not arrive until 
the 27th.  They are little if any 
speedier than a letter.  Thanks 
a lot though, Sweet, for your  
loving thoughts.


The boy has certainly accumulated 
a healthy stock of toys, just about  
covers the animal kingdom.  How 
wonderful it would be to be at 
that age again, nothing but eat, 
sleep and play.  I'm glad you have 
been able to sneak out now and 
again without his Nibs, for a 
spot of entertainment. The 
You will march faster and further 
without carrying your pack. 
Your plans re house - 
hunting sound pretty good to me 
darling, as you have nutted 
it out there's no rush as we 
have a good many months  
to cool our heels.  Maybe my 
previous Screeds have been too


vehement about our housing 
needs.  Don't burst yourself over 
searching 'cos I know you are 
uphill from the start.  If 
need be, we will manage with 
what God & the Sugdens provide. 
Well I was going to  
make it a few more pages but 
time for the lights to be quenched 
approaches so hang on for another 
day or two.  Cheerio, my 
sweetheart.  I toss it in  
Sending you and Richard 
all my love and thousands 
of kisses. 


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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