Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 11 - Part 21 of 24

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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passume you would prefe had to get it as a surposse. Another shim is a nice hamped from the A 6 I donated by some people Huidge S.W. Thats about au the activity tthat has engulped me today. So on to athe things. I shall imitate your example concerning Richand & concentrate on just us. The question of housing & furnithing can also wait unbil & see what my previous comment elecits from you. This is intendi to be just a chat, maybe a cimmicince too about us. The wise today served to remind me too of those glonous a ys we had und yaud rperiners to gond while Snt. You sure look a honey bunch in that outfit and the calod it fitting too, my pwet one. Perhapt that the main reason it becomes you
so will. I too can mund forget at for you wore it on a day you made me very happy. and while on the happinets theme, yeud voues to make me very happy when I came down feel me with delighfful thoughts. It is lovery though, Sweet. for I find life here a pretty bas affair and when a ray of sun. shine like that discolves the goey clands. I feel mighty hungoy for you. Iit is avident that as R chard grows orderd yaud feeligl are hinding more to anr new to hid the mating care. You need not worry about mil- understanding. Ive been aound a faid bit, old bean and have a good grasp of the effects of quite a few things on peaple I thare the anticipabony jay you depect about thow utterly brant
it it going to be the frost night we spend together. Apter knowing the cestary of lave and then being depriven of its magn for to long I pead your first kill will make me diggy. Please humod me if I make a bit of a chump myself that night for I know I shall somehow. I guitt you are wele aware of the possibility ttoo. but fore warned is foresamie This rounds lamintally weak, I know, but this place seems be showll you up inside and ingauant as it pounds. I shall probably creep back into you life like a iagged out pid instend of the conqueing warrdd your feet stree sweeping you at once I'm on my way I supp the appresene monble were doop f and I may stage a manly A
From this you can see I handly aviose from y adicyatig unsertrainedly in an those thing poabray. I and you so intiem you reperince to the agoing of long experienced while I was away before was right on the mark. Just bring tthem its mind and youll have a gumple of how I'm fided week in, week out. I hope at lied doomant in you untir my retuon is nearly imminint. I didnt mean to foighten you by expretting doubt that the joys of Baisbane could not be upeated Im sure we shall and more but we must not forget that there is an added respontibility now but as you spet it, just let us be togetteed and ill there, time of flan are just incidental I know I in coming to you with both Lands autttartched to we
6 aught to make out parkly were. you suem tto feel a bit guulty absut having an occasional blub to me, fut. Forget it. just lencause youd husbands a Shaurand milet at to away her none the lelt your husband & the helping hane + kindly word Steel annam on the list of thing definitely his privilige. I fat were about food tharbaget at rationing I would quickly sand you about yand bubmett. you sorrows have g from you a cay of disbardd straight from the heart to what would you? So as to put yout mind at ourt, I il just aepect You to be what you say in youd letters and that worth anything to me for I want wroghhing ffrom your joys and life and oud for I want wos most any bhi that
afterd deing on the shelf to to Speak. we want a splinly of yeet about it Goo. Ii apraid Chustmat were in a very pale shadow of old times for you with the atmarphere of the years tragudut appretling you. No wonded the seaton has littee attraction for you this year. T here is it be an open and H.dnight Hast in Mouesley which I and thousands will attend. For once we should dine sumptuously for theres an istra meeting alrowance to provide poult ste. The yokes on me for my name came out of the tat yfor duty Christmas day. That woud shew you but I ocally dont mind misting the Spueched too remumteent of happy of the past Canquets
8 you are untainly gaing about and wantification with gusts and thoroughnets. I'm very glar for for you are such a partly puss that I want you to stay that way. I mind haw you look to me will and raly. my dead. I feel I hardly know you. So or with the glamod nothing would be noe than to be confronted by an ixatie Seaven. Yeu'd gloomy prophrent don't dismay me one ata. you have the to knack of putting and any got well Wile time to mack for the invilape, my darling bride estragead. Goodnight, honey 7 chile from another of Goas chiltur ando loves you always. Rait and natly boy t61 y
. 3073 apeed.) ACTWE NAIE IB This envelope must not be used for cain or valuables. It cannot be accepted for registration Norr: Correspondence in this envelope need not be censored Regimentally. The con- tents are liable to examination at the Base. The following Certificate must be signed by the writer:- I certify on my honour chat the concenes of this eniclope refer to noching bu Privace and family maners. Signacure Name Only Hickael Bieings [Up to three denersmay be forwarded in this Cover, but these must be all from the same writer. The Cover should be addressed in such case to the Depury Base Censor. Ghe Covers of enclosed letters may be left open by sender.] Address:- 15.lx.l A.H. M. Frelings oad 54.8. B.a kes R East Hawthom. 1it
1109 X cesteoedhvoodooodooo0 This CHRISTMAS HAMPER is the gift of M&Mrs. H Wyslt Burranch Mudger WITH THE FOLLOWIRE HESSAE NIN Speedy & Safe homecomeny fr 1 4 enicieren 607 Brter ComkanyFd Telegroph and for Telog1apR Aoe X

presume you would prefer her to get
it as a surprise . Another item
is a nice hamper from the
ACF donated by some people in
Mudgee NSW. Thats about all
the activity that has engulfed
me today. So on to other things.
I shall imitate your
example concerning Richard &
concentrate on just us. The
question of housing & furnishing
can also wait until I see what
my previous comment elicits from
you. This is intended to be just
a chat, maybe a reminiscence too
about us. The wine today served
to remind me too of those glorious
days we had and your references
to your white suit. You sure
look a honey bunch in that
outfit and the color is fitting
too, my sweet one. Perhaps thats
the main reason it becomes you


so well. I too can never forget
it for you wore it on a day you
made me very happy.
And while on the happiness
theme, your vows to make me
very happy when I come down
fill me with delightful thoughts.
It is lovely though, sweet,
for I find life here a pretty bare
affair and when a ray of sunshine 
like that dissolves the grey
clouds, I feel mighty hungry for
you.  It is evident that as
Richard grows older, your feelings
are tending more to our need
to heed the mating call. You
need not worry about misunderstanding.  
I've been around
a fair bit, old bean and
have a good grasp of the effects
of quite a few things on people.
I share the anticipatory joy you
depict about how utterly beaut


it is going to be the first night 
we spend together.  After knowing 
the ecstasy of love and then being 
deprived of its magic for so long. 
I fear your first kiss will make 
me dizzy.  Please humour me 
if I make a bit of a chump of  
myself that night for I know 
I shall somehow.  I guess you 
are well aware of the possibility too, 
but forewarned is foremarmed. 
This sounds lammentably weak, I 
know, but this place seems to 
shrivel you up inside and 
ungallant as it sounds, I shall 
probably creep back into your 
life like a fagged out kid 
instead of the conquering warrior 
sweeping you off your feet. Still 
once I'm on my way I suppose 
the oppressive mantle will drop 
off and I may stage a manly 


From this you can see I'm 
hardly averse from participating 
unrestrainedly in all those things 
you so enticingly portray. Your 
reference to the agony of longing you 
experienced while I was away before 
was right on the mark. Just things 
bring them to mind and you'll 
have a glimpse of how I'm fixed 
week in , week out. I hope it 
lies dormant in you until my 
return is nearly imminent. I 
didnt mean to frighten you by 
expressing doubt that the joys 
of Brisbane could not be repeated. 
I'm sure we shall and more but 
we must not forget that there 
is an added responsibility now but 
as you put it, just let us be 
together and its there , time and 
place are just incidental. I  
know I'm coming to you with 
both hands outstretched so we


ought to make out pretty well. 
You seem to feel a bit 
guilty about having an occasional 
blub to me, pet.  Forget it,  
just because your husband's a 
thousand miles or so away. he's 
none the less your husband & 
the helping hand & kindly word 
still remain on the list of things 
definitely his privilige.  If it were 
about food shortages or rationing 
I would quickly send you about 
your business.  Your sorrows have 
wrung from you a cry of distress 
straight from the heart so what 
would you?  So as to put your 
mind at rest, I'll just expect 
you to be what you say in your 
letters and that worth 
anything to me for I want 
everything from you, your joys and 
sorrows for I want life and 
that covers most anything.


After being on the shelf so to  
speak. we want a plenty of zest 
about it too. 
I'm afraid Christmas 
will be a very pale shadow of 
old times for you with the 
atmosphere of the year's tragedies 
oppressing you.  No wonder the 
season has little attraction 
for you this year. There is to  
be an open air Midnight 
Mass in Moresby which I and 
thousands will attend. For once 
we should dine sumptuously 
for theres an extra messing 
allowance to provide poultry 
etc.  The jokes on me for my 
name came out of the hat for 
duty Christmas day. That 
would stress you but I really 
dont mind missing the speeches, 
too reminiscent of happy 
banquets of the past.


You are certainly going about 
your beautification with gusto 
and thoroughness .  I'm very 
glad too for you are such a 
pretty puss that I want you to 
stay that way.  I mind how you 
look to me well and really, 
my dear , I feel I hardly know 
you.  So on with the glamor . 
nothing would be nicer than 
to be confronted by an exotic 
siren .  Your gloomy prophecies 
dont dismay me one iota . you 
have the happy knack of 
putting over any job well. 
Well time to reach for 
the envelope, my darling bride  
of yesteryear .  Goodnight,  honey 
chile from another of God's 
children who loves you 
always.   Kiss and natty boy . 


This envelope must not be used for
coin or valuables.  It cannot be accepted
for registration. 
NOTE :— 
Correspondence in this envelope need
not be censored Regimentally.  The con- 
tents are liable to examination at the
The following Certificate must be
signed by the writer :— 
I certify on my honour that the contents
of this envelope refer to nothing but private
and family matters. 
Signature } 
Name Only } 
Michael Billings 
[ Up to three letters may be forwarded in
this Cover, but these must be all from the
same writer. The Cover should be addressed
in such case to the Deputy Base Censor.  The
Covers of enclosed letters must be left open
by sender.] 
Address:—  15 . 12 . 43 
Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn. Vict


Australian Comforts Fund
"Daily Telegraph" and 
"Sunday Telegraph"
is the gift of Mr & Mrs H. Wyatt Cox
"Burranah" Mudgee NSW 


Speedy & Safe


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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