Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 11 - Part 19 of 24

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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From No. Name t F Danc oman Call O. CrOvP. Date ISE OFTICIAL ADSORESS OMT reated as were as the lucky ferrow your description of the andel of Hashd Richard puts the lid on y feelings of hometiknest. I would be thome to bits to be asound to take past me the proceedingl in fact I would egg ham on to more staabling baby peats as you seem to remembed, I me about half toucher myself so would win with the ear in the quest of fron & games. Do you think Richard & I will go for each other Put Tuk, what crap are you handing me with all the whinge about seeing weryore but you in him youd poychology is imperfect, people, for as long as I can reminded unconsciously. IN VOUR LETTER DO NOT REFER TO. The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy dates of sailing poris of call destination, descriptions of troops, or other intormation which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.
Name From No. F Man Unit or Crows Date 6 USE OFTICHL ADDRESS OMY lean to the side of the family concened as regards resimblance of the chiee. Now young John is a realishe kind of chap and I see that he just wiped the two of us So sheald and answed. as you paint out, you have justifiable mason for the little chap havin some resemblance to you. A wid mine hid the physical side of it but let me tell you this I'll be very disappointed in him if I cannot discion in his makenp many of the shealing qualities I lave you for. As to whether you realy hee him at all just aped to youd file of doctors I hospite bues, they will be made out in youd name you will ber pleaser to know that the bald IN VOUR LETTER DO NOTRETER TO. The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy dates of salling BOIISO call destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.
Name From No 1 Mististffn Vait or CrouP Date USE OFFICHL AODRESS OMY patches are definitely on ther way out. When I urre to get them byfore rodine upd to do the yob and its been the goods again. Hawved the Mycoral has not been waster as my rath is hardly itihy at all new and a calbed of mine I let use the battle has got a particularly narty dose of tima in an equarly narty place shawing valt impoavement to your sweet g isture looks like paying good dividends In a recent litte which perhapt has got lost I asked you to ask hum to ruminage through my funk and see if there were any old pipet hiding there. I was as wied as hell wher the athet went off and miss a IN VOUR LETTER DO NOTREFER TO; The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy dates of Cailing 01O call destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.
From No Name H F Misissisfttin Vi or Clo Date USE OFFICIAL ADDRESS OMY a dray on the boiad Ruenly. I know they are a tthing of the past down there and are they have here are the ausue vanety vanity which are paetly punk so I hope one can be dug up at home and I phant scold you if you pay an mad postage on it. I quite uause its sond difficult for you to manage a lengthy peaced of very often due to the scone of things you have to do for the young mach. Just cat be hepe that all and I know you will fom a Custy tall when mood and appartunity permit. Youre down fine, I oney will the parquency of delivery equarly. the faequency of youd letters. I uput the G.6. litter in which I discustid INVOUR LETTER DO NOT RETER TO The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy dates of saiting poris of call. destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.
Name From No. t Mitr Sot or Cro Date USE OFTICHAL ADDRESS OMY the hausing & frronituse problem with has amed you so wrre let the matter stane untir I it youd freathed discrobation on the sulyect. Whele itl me in one respect to know I thll remain a potint facto I m every outful that I am not able to help out in a more practal way. We heam to will that it is a chame that the comtination it forced to funition in widily separated Catitudes. Theve must be something tellpathin about us, fo wen and fears of becoming a bald huder cmnpu are dislalving in uniton. Very pleased to heat tthat adarable cusly thatch is beginning to come back to its glary It all promitet mery well for again INVOUR LETTER DO NOTRETER TO! The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy dates of sailing poris of call destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.
From No S Taan Marons Vatt or CrowP. Date USE OFFICHL ADDRESS OMY and rennion and I fore with expectant thriet, many furiout Scuppled, culminating in that hast of joyont endearments we are saving up for each athed as I naw puotu sedubary duties my hands are idle saft onc again so you may anticipate many causred wwithout suffering the fation of cauances I hape I don't have to take to the at again. I had a lon of it avid the hump, cleasing out the jough nead and camp and hewing it to sige for and appy home to I'm glad my digets well heave a bith purpose than holding a pen. To prepare yours exf to glow like a s.Y. finifly I bee the you are detirmined to buy. IN VOUR LETTER DO NOT REFER TO: The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy dates of sailing poris of call destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.
From No. MaAMISM Uait or Crou. Date USE OFTICHAL ADDRESS OMY the old man a Xas gupt, thanks very much and not a bad ide at that As you say, a few duds wrre be nuded for aHickyt rentry into the inveront of Coune it apaed lagueore fine Yand unbecoming livily about my post poospicts of geetting a bottle or two he wet Richards heed wilet me g really. Here I am with a thiret like a came and what do I get, guffans from my own wife. I think I'll take on the shapping and sneak into the locae tavion like I did last time your old Welborone stinks. Shooly what do they know about the wad but it is always a may excuse for a multitude of sind INVOUR LETTER DO NOTRETER TOL The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy dates of calling poriS Ol all. destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.
From No Nama F M Cat. or Crov. Date ISE OFTICIAL AOORESS OMY yand bargan about the foundation gasments of ebon here is on but hims another claum to bine it. I than have the sale right to put them on and take im for theid initiae appearance O dheamue you can buy then yourself. Its an old Spanieh custom, you know yaud wherze about getting a smacl bownd is manuans. Gu. I hope you chance upon something, as fot me springing a few fiddleys towands the porce, I just give me the chance is all & ask. Talking about money. you will be getting a check from the Army ifod a coupla quid to buy. Something for R chard + yourself. Sany I cant send tomething INVOUR LEETER DO NOTREFER TO. The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy dates of salling sor O call destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.
Nam. From Nom $ V Darancr Marrons Unit or Croup. B Saik about 13 an eart asked USE OFFICIA ADDRESS OMIT B pages. but we aint got no shapt up here. Borg anding the last page of youd seaed that gives me a first clalt me for my next G.E. effort which well go to pased sometime this week. Nat much from here as usual, the weekly entutainment of pictures & schapping has come and gone once more. Fee D.R but its pime an uncomfortable junt guit now fot as the pit and malent stooms are shaving things uup It night just about got floode out last night. were, prens, that all so Sweet dreams, a by kill to out filla. lave to the Juggues and my au to you, Sweet Puss. IDal INVOUR LETTERDNNOT RETEE TO. The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy dates of sailing, poris of call. destination, descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.
P800610 Rostratan Far Memorial

treated as well as the lucky fellow.                
Your description of the antics 
of Master Richard puts the lid on my 
feelings of homesickness. I would be 
thrilled to bits to be around to 
take part in the proceedings, in 
fact I would egg him on to more 
startling baby feats. As you seem to 
remember, I'm about half-touched myself 
so would vie with the lad in the 
quest of fun & games.  Do you think 
Richard & I will go for each other.
Tut-Tut, what crap are you 
handing me with all the whinge about 
seeing everyone but you in him. Your 
psychology is imperfect, people, for as 
long as I can remember unconsciously.


lean to the side of the family concerned
as regards resemblance of the child.  Now 
young John is a realistic kind of chap and 
I see that he just [[wiped?]] the two 
of us.  So there's your answer, as you 
point out, you have justifiable reason 
for the little chap having some 
resemblance to you.  Never mind his the 
physical side of it but let me tell you 
this, I'll be very disappointed in 
him if I cannot discern in his makeup 
many of the sterling qualities I love you 
for.  As to whether you really had 
him at all, just refer to your file of 
doctor's & hospital. [[tries?]], they will be 
made out in your name.  You will 
be pleased to know that the bald


patches are definitely on their way 
out.  When I used to get them 
before iodine used to do the job and 
its been the goods again. However the 
[[Mycoral?]] has not been wanted as my 
rash is hardly itchy at all now and 
a cobber of mine I let use the bottle had 
got a particularly nasty dose of tinia 
in an equally nasty place showing vast 
improvement. So your sweet gesture 
looks like paying good dividends. 
In a recent letter which perhaps has 
got lost I asked you to ask Mum to
rummage through my junk and see 
if there were any old pipes hiding 
there. I was as wild as hell when 
the other went off and miss a


a drag on the briar keenly. I know they 
are a thing of the past down there 
and all they have here are the aussie 
vareity variety  which are pretty frank. 
So I hope one can be dug up at home 
and I shan't scold you if you pay air 
mail postage on it. I quite realise its 
[[hard?]]difficult for you to manage a lengthy
screed [[?]] very often due to the score 
of things you have to do for the young 
master. Just can't be helped that's 
all and I know you will pen a 
lusty tale when mood and opportunity 
permit. You're doin' fine , I only 
wish the frequency of delivery equallyed 
the frequency of your letters. I expect 
the G.E. letter in which I discussed


the housing & furniture problem with 
you has arrived so will let the matter stand until 
I get your further dissertation on the 
subject. While its nice in one respect 
to know I still remain a potent factor, 
I'm very rueful that I am not 
able to help out in a more practical 
way. We team so well that it is 
a shame that the combination is 
forced to function in widely separated
latitudes.  There must be something 
telepathic about us, to even our fears 
of becoming a bald headed couple are 
dissolving in unison. Very pleased to 
hear that adorable curly thatch is 
beginning to come back to its glory 
again. It all promises very well for 


our reunion and I foresee with expectant 
thrills, many furious scuffles, 
culminating in that host of joyous 
endearments we are saving up for each 
other. As I now pursue sedentary 
duties my hands are idle, soft once 
again so you may anticipate many 
caresses without suffering the friction 
of callouses. I hope I don't have to take 
to the ax{[e?]] again, I had a ton of it 
over the hump, clearing out the jungle 
near our camp, and hewing it to size 
for our 'appy home. So I'm glad 
my digits will serve a better purpose 
than holding a pen. So prepare 
yourself to glow like a V G. firefly
I see the you are determined to buy.


the old man a Xmas gift, thanks 
very much and not a bad idea at that. 
As you say, a few duds will be needed 
for the Micky's entry into the environs 
of Collins St ‘apris la guerre fini' 
Your unbecoming levity about my poor 
prospects of getting a bottle or two 
to wet Richard's head vexes me 
greatly. Here I am with a thirst 
like a camel and what do I get, 
guffaws from my own wife. I think 
I'll take on the shopping and sneak 
into the local tavern like I did last 
time. Your old Melbourne stinks.  
Phooey, what do they know about 
the war but it is always a ready 
excuse for a multitude of sins.


Your bargain about the foundation garments 
of ebon hue is on but hears another 
clause to bind it, I shall have the
 sole right to put them on and take
 im for their initial appearance. 
Otherwise you can buy them yourself.  
Its an old Spanish custom you know. 
Your wheeze about getting a small 
[[bowel?]] is marvellous. Gee, I hope you 
chance upon something, as for me 
springing a few fiddleys towards the 
force, just give me the chance
 is all I ask. Talking about money, 
you will be getting a check for the 
from the army for a coupla quid to 
buy something for Richard & 
yourself. Sorry I can't send something


but we aint got no shops up here.  
Regarding the last page of your screed,
that gives me a first class use for 
my next G. E. effort which will go 
to paper sometime this week.
Not much from here as 
usual, the weekly entertainment of 
pictures & scrapping has come and 
gone once more.  I am O.K but its 
sure an uncomfortable joint just 
now.  Hot as the pit and violent 
storms are stirring things up at night.  
Just about got flooded out last night.
Well, precious, thats all so  
Sweet dreams, a big kiss to our fella, 
love to the [[Suggies?]] and my all to 
you, Sweet Puss.   Dad

PS Talk about an earbasher
13 pages


War Memorial

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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