Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 11 - Part 16 of 24

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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my purpective a lot and I know the things that count, money is fad from being the greatest of them or or Now apped playing the eavy usband for so long, nived let it be said that the panting loved in me is restinit, I sost how as the curty thatch progresting. Shill in nee of an acteonating bnsk and soothing marrage from pood M.cky. Id It were get plenty of them what evid its condition just for ald times sake like but no relasing in your eefforts. The damn hat at nhative you style at effectinely pawvented me from a having a pquig in the snaps. W hy do you wead a damn topey buroy fo as on youd head anyway
Dont forget, the standard required is as least as good as the snap I sent you and if you slip, down come youd treeks, no kdding Ot wont and first night bog ithed be Supert 1 I in always tthinking of you saft anns and velvity lyps waiting to hald me and sinvich me with third laving hold. Do you mill me as much too darting? I think you do equally as much and as the months go by, the uoge abates not a yot, when it does came, and ryoicing wie know no bounds. How wworderful it wire be to lay beside the one I love is were and yued myself cutharly to the spece the has wed cast an me. Hugh for kinded mimory and glorious inauiction
11 I believe an the graves in the wad cimitines an now photographie and capies avaiable to crose nlatives of the deciasee. If you are intusted send full particulars to Dinector of Graves Registration, T.ctonia o arracks Belb with a jack for each print I thought you is might like tto get capiel for your folks. The Sunday hubit & bottlet of 61 corse have got me a bit tricked The dinections are most hechmeal to the lay mine but I shoved some of the stuff in the by bobble on the rash for a Rick off. Wie let you know how at pooguetes I fead the + ask is causi by deetasy deficsency and foiction from yrofuse Sweating so the best I hope for is relief
12 from the etch, a cure would be miraculant. What was the stuff uintended for the bald patches? Iill by the stuff in the tube for a Start The colod patch you aquire is the AIF Grey backgoound and a square patch 12 inches across & 12uinches down. colord (bught shade) white on top and aid below. Thats New Guinn Forer, the hav preserve ut. By the way do you think you coure wangle a spare patch from Geiven? Have a bay ald fouit. Thank hed very much for ped kindness, shis since Well thats are ald hamed so good-night to you fur snuggle brinmes and betivve me to be you $200610 best bua SttaRo War Memorial
5008 ed.) ACTIUE PTRMAI Edavelope must not be used for valuables. It cannot be accepted Borotn retrondent in this enrelope need Bxensored Regimentally. The con- MORepto examination at the PBithe Cartticate mst be by the writer ot certify on mr honour, that the Scontens s envelope refer wo nocking but apgude amily maners enature ame Ont) char yeers CoC SERVICESe [Up to three levers may be d this Cover, but these must be all from the same writer. The Cover should be addressed in such case to the Deputy Base Censor. She Covers of enclosed letters must be left open by sender.) C1243 Address. Hrs. H. Bring 548 Barkers Roud East Hawbhoon cts
PROObIO Rttalon Wer Memorial
IX31483 64e. M. Bining Dictnet accounts Office New Tunner. 812.43. Daving Bay. Fot both of us the long drought has endea I see for in gand serced of 3d Dic tto sane ttoday I see mine of 29400 has eased you woroies about me and economided on youd elegraph bill. Dunno when an and litters have got to fod there is a big gap in the dates of yours and seering you have only hal thau Since 14 Nov, thears a heap floating aound somewhere for you. Very naughty of the Post Office yrigchtining tthe life out of posd Kattie and that Sheon parent 6. cky takes a very pale view of it too] He who stealth my purse sheals trach, but he who meent about with my wifet letter is a
Latt hope now the ie has been braken, there will be no expettion Having had a lifted lets mastriate the contints and digest some ditenssion. I bell my giiest (it was a bit more then that that John would soon be among you has been borne out one I'm may pleased he has got a breck. By an accounts, he needed it but I cant say I m surpossed he looks pretty pasty. People down here find it hard to sealise what a hall it is where he has been and and a yead of that leaves plint of outward traces to head witness of iits i rigors. The change te a conginice climate and good gont will soon make a vast differince. Jack Campbell who was down there fod about the same time finished
going home with some fancy skin compeaint. Pat &d are more fortunate in that the conditions around here are fad lets exhaushing. Bad luck the Scion was not seen at his best and you either fod that mathd. Looks like you wire have to be a homebody lugging that wright is too much for you, Sweet. You may as were yoin the infantry. The aftermath sure was gouetome I almost had a beelyache my Self just reading about it. Please take good can of yourself Sweet evn if it means condumning yoursellf its the and waits more. Now you have on back to your hop. cant bead to think of you getting coook. The G.E. letters you to gaiedily antcipate was sint on its way y esterday
and the Sulynct of homed & furmhise was one of the chief atis on the agenda. Apropss the sutject, I ie the Loot has plashed the bai oolling to relieve the sute shartage of hanses. Theves no doubt building wrie get a taemendand fecrep apted the wad so there hope we will click if we can get in on the goenne flood. I m a from believed in owning onet own home, provided its practicable so I trust the appartunity to achive that alyect were not be long forthcoming. One pay thing my deferne is naw in the vicinity of £50 without intirest calculated to that looks like brng earmarked for the deposit. About time they vrought the Cusinels to a close so tthat we can goet gays with the problim


my perspective a lot and I know
the things that count, money is far
from being the greatest of them for
Now after playing the 'easy’
husband for so long, never let it
be said that the panting love
in me is extant. First how is the
curly thatch progressing? Still in
need of an alternating brisk and
soothing massage from your Micky.
I of  It will get plenty of them what
ever its condition just for old times
sake like but no relaxing in your
efforts. The damn hat or whatever
you style it effectively prevented me
from a having a squiz in the snaps.
Why do you wear a damn topsy turvy
afro on on your head anyway.



Dont forget, the standard required
is as least as good as the snap I
sent you and if you slip, down
come your trunks, no kidding.  Oh
wont our first night together be
superb,  I'm always thinking of your
soft arms and velvety lips waiting to
hold me and enrich me with their
loving hold. Do you miss me as much
too darling? I think you do equally
as much and as the months go by,
the urge abates not a jot.  When
it does come, and rejoicing will
know no bounds. How wonderful
it will be to lay beside the one
I love so well and yield myself
utterly to the spell she has well 
cast over me. Heigho for kindest
memory and glorious recollection.


I believe all the graves in the war
cemeteries are now photographed and
copies available to close relatives of
the deceased. If you are interested
send full particulars to Director of
Graves Registration, Victoria Barracks
Melb with a zack for each print.
I thought you w might like to get
copies for your folks.
The sundry tubes & bottles
of [[Micosoe?]]  have got me a bit tricked,
the directions are most technical to
the lay mind but I shoved some
of the stuff in the big  bottle on the
rash for a kick off. Will let you
know how it progresses. I fear the
rash is caused by dietary deficiency
and friction from profuse sweating
so the best I hope for is relief


from the itch, a cure would be
miraculous. What was the stuff
intended for the bald patches?
I'll try the stuff in the tube for a
The color patch you require
is the AIF Grey background
and a square patch 1 1/2 inches
across & 1 ½ inches down. colors
white on top and red bright shades below.
Thats New Guinea Force, the Lord
preserve us.  By the way do you
think you could wrangle a spare
patch from Gwen? Have a try old
fruit. Thank her very much for her
kindness, shis swell.
Well thats all old [??]
so good-night to you two snuggle
bunnies and believe me to be your
best beloved  Dad

War Memorial


Opened by Censor.


Up to three letters may be forwarded in
this Cover, but these must be all from the
same writer. The Cover should be addressed
in such case to the Deputy Base Censor. The
Covers of enclosed letters must be left open
by sender.)
6 12 43
Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barker's Road
East Hawthorn


War Memorial

Opened by Censor.


VX 38483 Cpl. M. Billings
District  Accounts Office
New Guinea.   8.12.43.

Darling Kay.
For both of us the long
drought has ended I see for in your
screed of 3d Dec to hand today I see
mine of 29 Nov  has eased you worries about
me and economised on your telegraph bill.
Dunno where all our  letters have got
to for there is a big gap in the dates
of yours and seeing you have only had   
three since 14 Nov, theres a heap floating
around somewhere for you . [ Very naughty
of the Post Office frightening the life
out of your Kathie and that stern
parent it Micky takes a very pale
view of it too] He who stealith my
purse steals trash, but he who messes
about with my wifes letter is a ______]



Let's hope now the ice has been
broken, there will be no repetition
Having had a letter lets masticate the
contents and digest some discussion.
I see my guess (it was a bit more than
that) that John would soon be among
you has been borne out and I'm very
pleased he has got a break. By all
accounts, he needed it but I cant say
I'm surprised he looks pretty pasty.
People down here find it hard to
realise what a hole it is where he
has been and and a year of that
leaves plenty of outward traces to
bear witness of its r rigors. The change
to a congenial climate and good
grub will soon make a vast difference.
Jack Campbell who was down there
for about the same time finished



going home with some fancy skin
complaint. Pat & I are more fortunate
in that the conditions around here
are far less exhausting. Bad luck
the scion was not seen at his best
and you either for that matter. Looks
like you will have to be a homebody
lugging that weight is too much for
you, sweet.  You may as well join the
infantry. The aftermath sure was
gruesome I almost had a bellyache
myself just reading about it. Please
take good care of yourself sweet even if it
means condemning yourself  to the four
walls more. Now you have won back
to your top. can’t bear to think of
you getting crook.
The G.E. letters you so greedily
anticipate was sent on its way yesterday



and the subject of homes & furniture
was one of the chief items on the
agenda. Apropos the subject, I see
the Govt has started the ball rolling
to relieve the acute shortage of houses.
There's no doubt building will get a
tremendous fillip after the war. so there's 
hope we will click if we can get in
on the ground floor. I’m a firm
believer in owning one's own home,
provided its practicable so I trust the
opportunity to achieve that object
will not be long forthcoming. One
thing my deferred pay is now in the vicinity 
of £100 without interest calculated so
that looks like being earmarked for the
deposit. About time they brought the
business to a close so that we can
get to grips with the problem. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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