Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 11 - Part 15 of 24

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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probo Austratian M Mennte
42 JIR. MAIL 12 4 5 2/. B. M. Bulling 5H Barkers Roaer East Hawthoon eton
Vx38483 C.YL. M. Buringl Distriet Accounts Office New Fuinea. 6 12. 43. Darting Kay. You wile find thet inclosed in a G.6. caved and before embarking upon what I hope will be a comparhentive swren of the Severae Sulyects brought forward in recent Sered of letters from you, let me first bid you goodday and tmist that my constant hope that K. chard & you an fuel of beaut is being realuee. In a recent litter you took me to task for a feeling of inferionty in mysellf and then went an to addice many admirable reatons wwhy that supposed feeling wwas soune urational and not bated on
primises at an. Stue and are, I just can't banish the thought uenterely that no I'm, doing my outmost. Im working hard alright and at my own srade but the betyf persists that I showed be sharing the harded going while she doing my ppay job. You se I hn acooss quite a few of the fightin men even around hire and I mcognite in them my own kind. How tthen can I rest content sitting in a prng bale fob. The whole thing is based on a feeling of superiority to most of the feelows in and show who for the most past anent to not as soediers anyway and I do feel uncomfortable to find my sillf in such a motley array. Hake no mittake, pet, I am no serked of death af glary but
Seems Screwy to me and wrong that young fit chapt showe be aclowed to hold to gobs in comparatively immun places. A chap came back to us the other day from the 9th, a proped wricks and washed up for keeps, only 54 years old, and that makes me ful a pretty pood sort. I shan't take this Sinly eet any fuabhed as my limitations as a writed only Sem to get me floundering and confuring things instead of. clampying tthem. Fee, if a chap could anly have a balk with you about au There things, it would help such a lat. Harvived, whativd I think of at ale doesn't amount to much for whither I stay at go thithet is a matter for my mashers to decide and I may be my way to distant fiieds any
tick of the work Wen lets poogaels to something mose inheristing than my repretsions & whem, Now that matted of the suite of fuiniture callt for much ditenssion By youd description The priend you have Ioud eye on at the Mishuae Souna very fastiful in my minds eye. and it seems to me that tthese is nothing to be lost by secsing it and perhapt it will be deal we will be thankful for having concluded. As the vied question of storage seems to be taken case of, I would say go ahead and put your labit on it. Of coussei there days of easy money and not much to do with it, one must be preparia to pay an inflated price but I know you would not d
the proposition unlets the Scuite in question was both decarative and built for years of good Service so a fin pounds wont make much difference I hope tto be able to send you a pent guid which can go towards aying for at and thus save storage charges for one thing The question of fromtune leads on to that of a peace where at can be haused and as that also is a matter of recent mention lets bee where me stane, there. I dont think view we should any, the matter from the aspect of appd the wad, as the pooblem cause be forced pon us before that blessee rlice, not that in my heartof hearts I think we will shiel fast until it is anid. To talk about it
more in the abetract, t iret don't let the problim appress you as you have suumounted fad weightied ones quite recontly. Of cousse at owrce bat and purse and inergy for quite a while but a home is not got bogethed in a trice, a laborious quest that goes on for quite a few years, you get a start, then its add a bit here improve a bit there. You wise neved be completely satispica wwith tf a material cinmpoint, just as werl too for it doesn't do to phagnate. The people who inhabit it are those who convist it from a house to a home, chiefly the lady who presides therein I believe you are on the right strack in fiolt determining what you wwant and then working along the lined
7 necestary to a chieve youd ideal. By aiming high you leave the gate open to composmen without losing sight of exactly what you do want ande present conditions, the prtucation in argard to hauting is going to be difficult alright and it wrre most likely be a idious appaid of proceeding shep by Spep but were crack it 0.X i the long run. I and nrge to get a home togethed touches me dreply, pet. and I hope and pray it wont be very long untir we are in it togethed for keeps. I think youd iidea of trying to secuse a few rooms for a staot a good wheeze for like the army you want a base from which to conduct hausehunting operations. I dont know how we thau fare when leave comes
around but I feel that for all of us the strint of thrie parking in that little room is wrong. W huch is alright to say but how ito geet and it is more to the point. In fact I feel ratued ashamed to mention at at an Ieing its easy enough to give advice. Hand I know that if you sell a way out you will snap it up. Anything you can to do in the way of helping the manguration of the Binings residence has my unresirved approval I want you to know for the forks is all ready ane willing to move in at tthe first apportunity. Woe spen the day. You can buy a house if you soee such a rove commodity, the skyt the limit ser the wad has b you

War Memorial


5 12 43

Mrs. M. Billings.
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn




Vx38483 Cpl. M. Billings
District Accounts Office
New Guinea.

Darling Kay,
You will find this
enclosed in a G.E card and before
embarking upon what I hope will be
a comprehensive review of the several
subjects brought forward in recent
series of letters from you, let me first
bid you good day and trust that my
constant hope that Richard & you are
full of beans is being realised.
In a recent letter you
took me to task for a feeling of
inferiority in myself and then went
on to adduce many admirable reasons
why that supposed feeling was
irrational and not based on sound



premises at all. Still and all, I just
can't banish the thought entirely that
I'm not doing my utmost. I'm working
hard alright and at my own trade
but the belief persists that I should
be sharing the harder going while still
doing my pay job. You see I run across
quite a few of the fightin' men even
around here and I recognise in them
my own kind. How then can I
rest content sitting in a snug base
job. The whole thing is based on a
feeling of superiority to most of the
fellows in our show who for the
most part aren't so hot as soldiers
anyway and I do feel uncomfortable
to find myself in such a motley
array. Make no mistake, pet, I am
no seeker of death or glory but it



seems screwy to me and wrong that young
fit chaps should be allowed to hold
to jobs in comparatively immune places.
a chap came back to us the other
day from the 9th, a proper wrecked
and washed up for keeps, only 54
years old, and that makes me feel
a pretty poor sort. I shan't take this
subject any further as my limitations
as a writer only seem to get me floundering
and confusing things instead of
clarifying them. Gee, if a chap could
only have a talk with you about all
these things, it would help such a
lot. However, whatever I think of it
all doesn't amount to much for whether
I stay or go thither is a matter for
my masters to decide and I may be
on my way to distant fields any old



tick of the clock
Well lets progress to something
more interesting than my impressions
& whims. Now that matter of the suite
of furniture calls for much discussion.
By your description the pieces you have
your eye on at the Mutual sound
very tasteful in my minds eye, and
it seems to me that there is nothing
to be lost by securing it and perhaps
it will be a deal we will be thankful
for having concluded. As the vexed
question of storage seems to be taken
care of, I would say go ahead and
put your label on it. Of course in
these days of easy money and not
much to do with it, one must be
prepared to pay an inflated price
but I know you would not consider



the proposition unless the suite in
question was both decorative and built
for years of good service so a few
pounds won't make much difference.
I hope to be able to send you a few
quid which can go towards paying for 
it and thus save storage charges for
one thing.
The question of furniture
leads on to that of a place where it
can be housed and as that also is
a matter of recent mention lets see
where we stand, there. I don't think                          
we should only view the matter from the
aspect of after the war, as the problem
could be forced upon us before that
blessed ral release, not that in my
heart of hearts I think we will stick fast
until it is over. To talk about it



more in the abstract. First don't let
the problem oppress you as you have
surmounted far weightier ones quite
recently. Of course it will tax our
purse and energy for quite a while
but a home is not got together in
a trice, a laborious quest that goes
on for quite a few years. You get a
start, then its add a bit here
improve a bit there. You will never
be completely satisfied with it from 
a material viewpoint, just as well
too for it doesn't do to stagnate. The
people who inhabit it are those who
convert it from a house to a home,
chiefly the lady who presides therein.
I believe you are on the right track
in first determining what you want
and then working along the lines


necessary to achieve your ideal. By
aiming high you leave the gate open
to compromise without losing sight of
exactly what you do want, under
present conditions, the situation in
regard to housing is going to be
difficult alright and it will most
likely be a tedious affair of proceeding
step by step but we'll crack it O.K.
in the long run. Your urge to get
a home together touches me deeply, pet,
and I hope and pray it won't be very
long until we are in it together
for keeps. I think your idea of trying
to secure a few rooms for a start
a good wheeze for like the army you
want a base from which to conduct
househunting operations. I don't know
how we shall fare when leave comes



around but I feel that for all of us
the stunt of three parking in that
little room is wrong. Which is hardly
alright to say but how to get over 
it is more to the point. In fact
I feel rather ashamed to mention at
at all seeing its easy enough to give
advice. However I know that if you
see a way out you will snap it up.
anything you can to do in the way
of helping the inauguration of the
Billings residence has my unreserved
approval I want you to know for
the folks is all ready and willing
to move in at the first opportunity.
You spend the day. You can buy
a house if you see such a rare
commodity; the sky's the limit.
You can see the war has broadened.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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