Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 11 - Part 13 of 24

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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give myself the joy of failing in love with you are avid again or the stimes we have hea togethed wine wonderful and so much so tthat I want tto line thim once more at ophen as I can. Youd reperincet to your assiduous work in passioving you physscae attractions remind me of the fact that in spite of your statues of wife and mathed, you are lovely to was so keep on wwith the limitation of the waistline progam. The nightly har bnishing itc. for I m here to bell you that the efficts wrre meat whole heared approval of your adoring daddy. Ive always loved to rumple youd partly cusly thatch and bury my face deep into the sweetly smering mast to I lay upon you the abligation to ristore the crowning glory to its pristine beauty by faid means of foue. Keep me pasted
of your progress for I don't nee to here you how interistia I am in your coiffiers. In fact the mimory of its pragrance maves me to plagance. Age shau not dim its lustre and to on. You know when a chap climled in to bee there hat night sleep does not come madily and my thoughts always tuon to you mimaries of perfect days that have gone come flooding back forcawed by withfue yearning for happy days and nights to come. Vesions of you rill up in are your alluse and it is dowen home very forcibly how rothen it is to be banishes from youd side. When the days gat nead for me to get started on the way to your loving arme, I suppose the days will drag if auntingly. Shue when I read youd lined and between them I know how marviant you are going to be when I do come home.
I was very pleasu to read that you are furly awar of my many failings but I do think you might have uaboratee on that thime and hoed me of some of them. but A nite likely tmy are not failings some must difinitely come under tthat categosy and I may be quite blue to them under man's anmorpiated ego. Naughty gual, leading me on like that then litting youd statiments figgle out Now for the question of Christmas parsents. I have been cudy uling my baint to think of something I could use up here bint am no neansd a Salution than before umportunately Ceathes I have and as fad as anyathing pumannt is concerned thats ant fod Kilbags and tropical climates are not conducive to good presiovation so I think Sweet you had better deped the matter of gafts and put the sum anveatie for the purpose to one side
for I am going to give you the pleasure of buying me a watch one of these days when they are available without ast taking a sman fortune to prouie one Ot you caued divate it to stowing away any goog you may be able to geet you hands on because it wisl be a riflectson on ynd hospitality if and aunion is not signalisia by a foaming toast ot two Sorry not to be more helpful but you know how it is Iont g0 wearing that while Sent too often, thats a Rusbane Sperice and it only me that can appreciate you in that vrry smast ensemble. I warly think you look more becoming in that Socuit without a hat as your dark hard linds atself to a judicious blinding of calodand of cousse your white thoes combine tto make the whole hunand overy fetching and Fastifue. You
spake recently of youd ppardiliction for a complete black autfit wven to underwias From a men made black underwead sounds very enticing even seductive. Pushaps that is the effect you are learching for, you hully. In fact in that litter The loved in you fardominated and I feet at a crime against man that are Thare buwitching things you wanted to do have to be put aside for months beast iit. your dase woods about the local beed Siituation fice me with dread for I make no boned about saying that I share fee like a few foamess for may. a Skiraick have I had up here. I have an occasional sivrg of yungle fince but its too much of a robget to take much of. Of cousse dont bank on that estimate of the time I anticipated
I would be dawn but from the signs and pas portents, I should crack it about bhen. I wthed the chances of being nead at hand after I have leave an quite bright but as I am an a bilals man I can't hope for it to last very long. Howwedwill take things as they come, first limme out of this place. I'm very much in accore with youd S chime for boying to get a house at part thereof. Ooth from the standpoint of the Sugdins ane for anstelves the idia is most desioable A smarl room tto hause thou people is redicuous and if you seee any place that you think would fit and needs you have my enthunastic OR to grab hold and if you new a fer bob I can arrange that too. I dont mimmere the difficultiet but deplon my inability to help Suiomount them.
9 Ill have a goodly signe yoon about it in my next Scrue. I hope the latest snaps of Rochard and you materiatite soon to I can enjay mysilf just gazing at my favorite stars. Mayle the mail ferla will retent tomorrow and come good with two od three Iime marches on so if I dont want to get in in tthe dark I had bethe desist. Cheerss my Sweet. doht wony oveomuch about the house and chattels uae A fine big kiss for and worthy herd and just imagine Im doing all shore things with you we both crave for, paciious. I heaes a good hime coming Founed. Yours MicHy
200610 Rwortahor Bor themorts
25 11.42 Air Hail M.rS. H. Buling B. arkers Road 548 East Hawthorn Pichoria
✓x38483 Cpt. M. Guling District accounts offin Noew Gaunia 29.11.43. Darling apted a lingthy wait. You letters of the 17th, 18t + 21 st Nov have made a timely appearance and hand upon thid heels came your Telegram to which I replied y esterday. The hilegram took a long time to reach me, probably delayed for the same reaton as the letters. However, as the traffie lines are again apen, I m confident the delivery of Severse letters will attay youd anxety, siily goose Any how theres nothing bodily amits with me and Im pleased K chard & you can make an identical claim Im writing this from new but limparary address having been sent out into the bush on a fab that will take me two

give my self the joy of falling in love
with you all over again for the 
times we have had together were 
wonderful and so much so that I  
want to live them once more as  
often as I can. Your references to your  
assiduous work in pursuing your  
physical attraction reminds me of the 
fact that in spite of your status of 
wife and mother, you are lovely to woo. 
So keep on with the limitation of the 
waistline program, the nightly hair 
brushing etc. for I'm here to tell you 
that the effects will meet whole hearted 
approval of your adoring daddy. I've 
always loved to rumple your pretty curly 
thatch and bury my face deep into 
the sweetly smelling mass. so I lay upon 
you the obligation to restore the crowning 
glory to its pristine beauty by fair  
means or foul. Keep me posted


of your progress for I don't need to tell you 
how interested I am in you coiffeurs. 
In fact the memory of its fragrance 
moves me to  [[plagiariacia?]]! 'age shall 
not dim its lustre and so on. You  
know when a chap climbs in to a bed these  
hot night sleep does not come readily 
and my thoughts always turn to you, 
memories of perfect days that have gone 
come flooding back followed by wistful 
yearnings for happy days and night to  
come. Visions of you rise up in all 
your allure and it is driven home very 
forcibly how rotten it is to be banished 
from your side. When the days get 
 near for me to get started on the  
way to your loving arms, I suppose 
the days will drag hauntingly. Still 
when I read your lines and between them 
I know how marvellous you are going 
to be when I do come home.


I was very pleased to read that you are 
fully aware of my many failings but I 
do think you might have elaborate on 
that theme and told me of some of them. 
Quite likely they are not failings and but 
some must definitely come under that 
category, and I may be quite blind to 
them under man's armorplated ego. 
Naughty girl. leading me on like that and 
then letting your statements fizzle out. 
Now for the question of Christmas 
presents: I have been cudgeoning my brains 
to think of something I could use up here 
but am no nearer a solution than before 
unfortunately. Clothes I have and as  
far as anything permanent is concerned 
thats out for kitbags and tropical climates 
are not conducive to good preservation. 
So I think sweet you had better defer 
the matter of gifts and put the sum 
available for the purpose to one side


for I am going to give you the pleasure 
of buying me a watch one of these days 
when they are available without it 
taking a small fortune to procure one. 
If you could devote it to stowing away 
any grog you may be able to get your 
hands on because it will be a reflection 
on your hospitality if our reunion is not 
[[sag nalisia?]] by a foaming toast or two. 
Sorry not to be more happier but you 
know how it is. 
Don't go wearing that white 
suit too often, that's a Brisbane Special 
and it's only me that can appreciate you 
in that very smart ensemble. I really  
think you look more becoming in that 
suit without a hat as your dark hair 
lends itself to a judicious blending of 
colour. And of course your white shoes 
combine to make the whole turnout 
very fetching and tasteful. You


spoke recently of your predilection for a  
complete black outfit even to underwear. 
From a mere male black underwear 
sounds very enticing even seductive. 
Perhaps this is the effect you are searching 
for, you hussy. In fact in that letter 
the lover in you predominated and I 
put it a crime against man that all 
those [[brurhing?]] things you wanted to 
do have to be put aside for months, 
blast it. 
You're dire words about the local  
beer situation fill me with dread for 
I make no bones about saying that I 
shall feel like a few foamers for many 
a skirmish have I had up here. 
I have an occasional swig of jungle 
juice but its too much of a rotgut 
to take much of. 
Of course don't bank on 
that estimate of the time of anticipated


I would be down but from the signs and 
par  portents.  I should crack it about 
then. Further the chances of being  
near  at hand after I have leave are 
quite bright but as I am an A Class 
man I can't hope for it to last very 
long. However will take things as they 
come, first lemme out of this place. 
I'm very much in accord  
with your scheme for trying to get a 
house as part thereof. Both from the  
standpoint of the Sugdens and for  
ourselves. The idea is most desirable. 
A small room to house those people  
is ridiculous and if you see any 
place that you think would fit our 
needs you have my enthusiastic O.K 
to grab hold and if you need a few 
bob I can arrange that too. I don't  
minimise the difficulties but deplore my  
inability to help surmount them. 


I'll have a goodly size yarn about it 
in my next [[scri?]]. 
I hope the latest snaps  
of Richard and you materialise soon 
so I can enjoy myself just gazing 
at my favorite stars. Maybe the  
mail fella will relent tomorrow 
and come good with two or three. 
Time marches on so 
if I don't want to get in in the  
dark I have better desist. Cheers 
my sweet. Don't worry overmuch  
about the house and chattels [[mae?]] . 
A fine big kiss for our worthy 
heir and just imagine I'm doing  
all those things with you we both 
crave for, precious. There's a good  
time coming. 
Forever yours,  



War Memorial


Air Mail 
25 11 43
Mrs. M. Billings 
548 Banker's Road 
East Hawthorn  



VX38H83 Cpl M. Billings 
District Accounts Office 
New Guinea, 29.11.43 
After a lengthy wait, your  
letters of the 14th, 18th & 21st too 
have made a timely appearance 
and have upon third hulls  came 
your telegram to which I replied 
yesterday. The telegram took a  
long time to reach me, probably 
delayed for the same reason as the 
letters. However, as the traffic 
lines are again open, I'm confident 
the delivery of several letters will 
allay your anxiety, silly goose. 
Anyhow there's nothing bodily 
amiss with me and I'm pleased 
Richard & you can make an 
identifiable claim. 
I'm writing this from a  
new but temporary address having 
been sent out into the bush on  
a job that will take me two

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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