Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 11 - Part 3 of 24

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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to have thus would monet uplide down and be calm again in a few Short weeks. I get furious at my hilplerinets when I am needed and when I visualise the effects these recursing bloues must be having on you its even worse. You neednt hand me that line about morning in youd letters, those that are oney the product of pryudic or unalaton dont trouble me for you are soon and them but a Sabbing cay from the heart that underlied you recent words trespeaks fangled neaed and for the Sake of the thace of ut that discordant buliness must stop and I foet because I ve a nation not based on bombast that I could do plinty about it
It has more angles to it than nursing Achare, a large sha of and lives us feam unnatuce and until that bais problim is overcome I cannot fee happy at all about you It appears this way to me, that with things going winly for you, you can hold gond own but these added dissuptions to mud harmony are wreaking havoe that at wrie hake years to repair. Its not enough to feel you to dig youd heets in and persevere because I feet that that sart of infuunction oney increased the hention already strung hightly enough. You Sumply can't keep you picked up if one difficulty apped anothed is hear upon you. With your husb and away no home of your very own, thos things
must oppaits a gial like you but are not insupportable because the future at least hoeds out a promise that those rights wrl be yours, the more desirable because the realisation of them is born of depowation and waiting. Its damn had the long dreary waiting but don't let your faith gett knocked out of you. and above are, use me absent ad present wheneve you feel that I can be of the Slightest aid. I orget ar that nontense about moaning, be the Sweet human being I love, being that I know your appeals are only born from you. We didn't marry for just a good time, you are every thing to me and what is in you han is what I want to know, good ad ill
8 Wihatever may be lacking through my madequacy in transmitting my thoughts to paped, it wont be Sincerity of love. I have sometimet feet that behind the gassip in your letters. You mask you inned thoughts too much perhaps in the mistaken nation that it makes of my comparatioy easy lat xams Stiee. Dont do that, I cant have you yet awhile heart mine & body, at least give me the utmost possble. Your troubles are equally mine, rnmembed that and it is nuthed proper or necessary for you to wait until you rach that state you so charmingly from every neove in yod body tingiling and when you reach that delightful state of going cragy dont you thing its a
little late in the day to hnon to the ald man for council and sympathy Frost dont boy to fighht athers babbles its very wearing an quite useless and I think you, have had cause tto discaved these east few years that life wre dote out sufficient to you personary to kelp you accupied so I do not forgive you as you alk, to my mind forgweness is asked fod bad things committed and as the aciom has it I hat wrll be the Day. Ane thing I will not overtoak is any attempt on your fast to Smile eved so lravely through the veil of hears and ttry paint Yourkelf different from what you are you are my beloved wife, the mothed of my son, equally good and fure
10 in either role, just keep on being those two things and I'll always be happy. As this missage draws to its close I hape that what I have said does a bit of good more I hape what is inhended to be conveyed is rightly interpreted I will be looking forward to being asked to line a helping hand any time you can on me, I hate to think tat although I in a long way away. I can't still give you a little of the lave and comport we have and will again g we to The athed Toodnight, my own Kay, kiss little R. chard for me I lave you both so much and mist you nearly as much. Mrcky
2 32 AC PIVE 411 1 envelope must not be used for valuables. It cannot be accepted Watien Pp ppsence M. this carelepe reed Pensored Repimentally. The con- c. Hable fo examination at the tollowiny Certificate must be y the writer: r on my honour that the concents poelope refer to nothing but privace by matters. fure Only all paclng ICOCO SERVICE M [Up to three levers may be forwarded in this Cover, but these must be all from the same writer. The Cover should be addressed in such case to the Deputy Base Censor. She Covers of enclosed leters must be left open by sender. 11 6 Address: H.s. H. Gelling 548 Baokert Road East Hawthorn P..c.ora
Fer Med
VX38483. Cpe. H. Gunngh Distrct accounts Office New Gennea 3 11 43. Daving Kay. and shee they roce in your letters I mean, yours of the 28th is to hand today. Iefore going any frather you simply must know this one, your birthday parce was deliveri to me today, had been on a grand aind by the look of the numerous addresses on I. Ihanks so much fet, it whats fond ad five months between friends any how and it was a swell parcie too. Of course the stad itim was the pyjamas, rathed natly what I i afraid Im slipping Sweet, first I relinquath the big guns for the prosarc pay racket and now Ive taken to wearing flash sleeping Suits. I was a real man when I was young too
2 any how it was a fine assorment, every thing will come in handy. I were fiv for paped & envelapes now with all the fap parcels turing up so I hope mood and appartinity combint to induce me to pond out a spate of words to be written on your paped and hurared to you by one of you envitapes. Youre pretty stingy not sendin a Sheet at two of stamps though. In fact you had bitter fiend me a Secartary to nente them for me. Huty will guy. Im an old pipe enthusiast of many years standing but it took my dead Puss to introduce me to Aartan pipe cleaners Know well darling I appreciate every single article, bought by you, packed by your cariful hands and the whole patiently stitched up by thase industrious loving fingers. I hove same fingers are stell faish in my imagination They tell me of innumerable occasions


to have this world turned upside
down and be calm again in a few
short weeks. I get furious at my
helplessness when I am needed and
when I visualise the effects these
recurring blows must be having on
you its even worse. You needn't
hand me that line about moaning
in your letters, those that are only
the product of prejudice or unreason
don't trouble me for you are soon over
them but a sobbing cry from the
heart that underlies your recent words
bespeaks jangled nerves and for
the sake of the three of us that
discordant business must stop and
I fret because I've a notion not
based on bombast that I could 
do plenty about it.



It has more angles to it than
nursing Richard, a large slice of our
lives is plain unnatural and
until that basic problem is overcome
I cannot feel happy at all about you.
It appears this way to me, that
with things going evenly for you, you
can hold your own but these added
disruptions to inner harmony are
wreaking havoc that it will take years
to repair. It's not enough to tell you
to dig your heels in and persevere
because I feel that that sort of
injunction only increases the tension
already strung tightly enough. You
simply can't keep your pecker up if
one difficulty after another is heaped
upon you. With your husband away
no home of your very own, those things



must oppress a girl like you but
are not insupportable because the
future at least holds out a promise
that those rights will be yours, the
more desirable because the realisation
of them is born of deprivation and
wanting. Its damn hard the
long dreary waiting but don't let your
faith gets knocked out of you. And
above all, use me absent or present
whenever you feel that I can be of
the slightest aid. Forget all that
nonsense about moaning, be the
sweet human being I love, being that
I know your appeals are only born
from you. We didn't marry for
just a good time, you are every thing
to me and what is in your heart
is what I want to know, good or ill.



Whatever may be lacking through
my inadequacy in transmitting my
thoughts to paper, it wont be
sincerity or love. I have sometimes
felt that behind the gossip in your
letters, you mask your inner thoughts
too much perhaps in the mistaken
notion that it makes of my comparatively
easy lot easier still. Dont do that,
I cant have you yet awhile heart
mind & body, at least give me the
utmost possible. Your troubles are
equally mine, remember that and
it is neither proper or necessary for
you to wait until you reach that
state you so charmingly term 'every
nerve in your body tingling and
when you reach that delightful state
of 'going crazy' dont you thing its a



little late in the day to turn to the
old man for counsel and sympathy.
First don't try to fight others battles,
its very wearing and, quite useless
and I think you have had cause to
discover these last few years that
life will dole out sufficient to you
personally to keep you occupied.
So I do not forgive you
as you ask, to my mind forgiveness
is asked for bad things committed
and as the axiom has it 'That will
be the Day. One thing I will not
overlook is any attempt on your
part to smile ever so bravely through
the veil of tears and try to paint
yourself different from what you are.
You are my beloved wife, the mother
of my son, equally good and pure



in either role, just keep on being
those two things and I'll always
be happy.
As this message draws
to its close I hope that what I
have said does a bit of good
more I hope what is intended to
be conveyed is rightly interpreted.
I will be looking forward to
being asked to lend a helping hand
any time you call on me, I hate
to think that although I'm a long
way away, I can't still give you
a little of the love and comfort
we have and will again give to
the other.  Goodnight, my own
Kay, kiss little Richard for me.
I love you both so much and miss
you nearly as much. Micky




Opened by Censor.

1 . 11 . 43

Address : -
Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barker's Road
East Hawthorn


Opened by Censor. 


VX38483. Cpl. M. Billings
District accounts Office
New Guinea.
3. 11. 43.
Darling Kay.
And still they roll in, your
letters I mean, yours of the 28th is to hand
today. Before going any further, you simply
must know this one, your birthday parcel
was delivered to me today, had been
on a grand tour by the look of the
numerous addresses on it.  Thanks so much
pet, it what's four or five months
between friends any how and it was a
swell parcel, too. Of course the star
item was the pyjamas, rather natty
what. I'm afraid I'm slipping sweet,
first I relinquish the big guns for the
prosaic pay racket and now I've taken
to wearing flash sleeping suits. I was
a real man when I was young too.



Any how it was a fine assortment, everything
will come in handy. I'm well fixed
for paper & envelopes now with all the
pape parcels turning up so I hope mood
and opportunity combine to induce me
to pour out a spate of words to be
written on your paper and hurried to you
by one of your envelopes. You're pretty
stingy not sending a sheet or two of
stamps though. In fact you had better
send me a secretary to write them for
me. Huh, wise guy! I'm an old pipe
enthusiast of many years standing but it
took my dear Puss to introduce me to
tartan pipe cleaners. Know well darling
I appreciate every single article; bought by
you, packed by your careful hands and
the whole patiently stitched up by
those industrious loving fingers. Those same
fingers are still fresh in my imagination
They tell me of innumerable occasions

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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