Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 11 - Part 2 of 24

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
Accession number:

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2 famed ruddy ary. Nothing elle to report as life up here just drags through its usual drear round. After misting out on the letters I suppose fourteen pages cauld be considered some recompense and its not too often really that a chap can attune the restless mind to writing in Seruous vemn for thace hours of so H awied, its rcception is the mam herig and if it gave you but a moments joy, the task is were aaid. I only wrsh I coued write like that te you more often, an infimate expressions of your lovers thoughts is some sort of Substitute for a Subdund chat in the powacy of the beaut by bed we must have. I do mut the neamest of your heart, body and mind and like the drowning man cling to any straw that bring you closed to me.
I ve Appropriater thre more G.El so look forward to pinning a wad of pages that wrue please my dead one Yours too was of a generous order, six pages from you is an wvent in these busy days of Richard. I too have foresun occations when the warm little bundle, That andward advistiment of and love would get in andhe hard a bit, Its nearly a longing of ours to recaptiee the raptre of the days that have gone when you and I were the only people that inattead in out lives. Sherl out wored cauldnt shane Steel and dea Richard had bound us more firmly than evid. Its a mistake though to get the idea that he will make that much differinc in ond aeations. We are stell a lusty paid of sheable doves and war betide you f you try to play the dumpy comfortable
4 matoon with you bathered cavalie. I wasn you that my plans include lats of bedroom frolied. Fee, they were great from and at the rife old age of I! I am confident that my winning pertomality will tranfoom you into my starry eyea laved of you I in always thankful I ve flaces aodmary human seeationship in the forefoont, natural things and inpulled havent got any Lwitts to them and they really bring the greatest happiness. I was anxously awarding you report on the little chaps condition and projress and was mighty pleased that he is recovering nicely. Seems anfully coue to Piel ect such a Liny thing to fam but it just can't pherfoe when it is a necessity too. I knew you would cop your farce of the bothet with
disturbee nights. It certainly is distrating to you to have your freame ihapy with his uonal happy dispocition but a day at Two g one. Very preased to see that youd financial status remaint unimparaed, forty five Smackers sounds hearthy and Ie wthink you can be left to your own diviced in that diection for a while. No financial o aavie from me to such a good managed, like the pupr teaching the master. H eass an idea though; Suing Kchard was born diving a was which has deeply involved his pasints, a L0 Taasuay fond in the Wat Loan for him would give him a thake in The countay he will no doubt groce. Howeed dont be influad by me, I meanly think it woud be a good ides
And She's a great country even if it houses so many coots. The fouit market down there must be a profed Packet with the priced you quate. For the Sake of yand innards I hape you never have to take to the depydoated Lucked. Phew its teroible, the feelows call the mutton Ioats whatever you have avoulable wire be like an 6 pienseen delight after these tropical delicacus. inin my Sweet one, nearly bea time to like are good thing this must come to an end. Your be hearing from the recipient of your killis and causses soon again. Ill then, Putt dariing, cheeris with Daddy's by kiss for his strapping son are are his love to the little woman what waits fod him H1 cky JuHill
InBill 28. 6.O 712. 4/914 H.r. B. Free 548 Barkers Roas East Hambhoon Pictoria
VX38483. Cpe. H. Guling Disbout accounts Offce New Fuinea 111 43 Davling Kay. I started this lissed last night but was intirrupled before proceeding fat to decided to make a farsh start. Since I east wrote you two more letters and two bundlet of papers have been my pleasure and I am glad that you too have not milled sut on tthe mail Your letters were than of 25th & 27th and need I say that thei arowal waked the usual silent applanse from pood Hicky. Very pleased my leligram duly turned up eer if a shade late a pity I thought I had timed it right to the day. amnt I an invence
husband remembering the wifet biothday an widding annuereacy and other momentous days? Wake mine I dont suppose you birthday gave you the pleasure they do in the piping times of peace. under passent circumstances the annual occussind it just anothed reminded that another yread of hellith Separation has passed ana a feelow is not getting any younged. Hardly a happy Sentiment to celibrate a bisthday with. I m migbty pleased to leav R. card is recovering nietly after his operation and look forward to reading that he has completely himself again and delighting you with his happy. ways. Ihe news about tatned is fad from bright; I only hope it is just a pasting and giivet
way, soon to the calmet and more reflictive manner you have adopted about the ghastly buriness. You pood darling, you always Seem to have some new worry to contind with and I can realite how hust you must feel when it it implied that you that lucky having a husband and a baby all intact. Anyhow Sweet, I m sase your attitude is absolutely night and best calculated to a chieve resuets so you shiek to your guent. I was atted Surposie that Pat had got down so jurckly but you suve can't get home too quickly after a yead ad bo up here 7 earning to be with the wife and baund. Tiead the hropies have not impaind Pats looks and condition I bet it was a great resinion for
4 Ann, the kiddnet and Pat. The more you hell me about tother's fire occupation The wrose I feel that the eatest dwvelapment is alarming. That marbed concentration on the grim side is fad from consaling to me, how much more distubing must it be to you. Your latest letter spoke valumes and the effects on you are my primary consideration, in fact, I have been taxing the mighty interret to boy and wolve some way out of the impasse I is be sending another Goeen Envelope letter soon and hope some inspiration wire assist me as I do so wwant ito help you. It may be that the neest a libtle more time to thoow off the paralysing shock to please dont be too uplet, you cant expect a


joined ruddy army. Nothing else to report
as life up here just drags through its
usual dreary round. After missing out
on the letters I suppose fourteen pages
could be considered some recompense and
its not too often really that a chap
can attune the restless mind to writing
in serious vein for three hours or so.
However, its reception is the main thing
and if it gave you but a moments joy,
the task is well repaid. I only wish I
could write like that to you more often,
an intimate expression of your lover's
thoughts is some sort of substitute for
a subdued chat in the privacy of the
beaut big bed we must have. I do miss
the nearness of your heart, body and
mind and like the drowning man cling to
any straw that brings you closer to me.



I've appropriated three more G.E's so
look forward to penning a wad of
pages that will please my dear one.
Yours too was of a generous order, six
pages from you is an event in these
busy days of Richard. I too have
foreseen occasions when the warm little
bundle. that outward advertisement of our
love would get in our he hair a bit.
Its merely a longing of ours to recapture
the rapture of the days that have gone
when you and I were the only people
that mattered in our lives. Still our
world couldn't stand still and dear Richard
has bound us more firmly than ever. It's
a mistake though to get the idea that he
will make that much difference in our
relations. We are still a lusty pair of.
turtle doves and woe betide you if you
try to play. the dumpy comfortable


matron with your battered cavalier. I warn
you that my plans include lots of
bedroom frolics. Gee, they were great fun
and at the ripe old age of 31 I am confident
that my winning personality will transform
you into my starry. eyed lover of yore.
I'm always thankful I've placed
ordinary human relationship in the forefront,
natural things and impulses havent got
any twists to them and they really
bring the greatest happiness.
I was anxiously awaiting your
report on the little chap's condition and
progress and was mighty pleased that
he is recovering nicely. Seems awfully
cruel to subject such a tiny thing to
pain but it just can't be helped when
it is a necessity too. I knew you would
cop your parcel of the bother with



disturbed nights. It certainly is disturbing
to you to have your treasure unhappy with
his usual happy disposition but a day
or two gone.
Very pleased to see that your
financial status remains unimpaired,
forty five smackers sounds healthy and
I c think you can be left to your own
devices in that direction for a while.
No financial f advice from me to such
a good manager, like the pupil teaching
the master. Here's an idea though;
seeing Richard was born during a war
in which has deeply involved his parents,
a £10 Treasury Bond in the War Loan
for him would give him a stake in
the country he will no doubt grace.
However don't be influenced by me, I
merely think it would be a good idea.



And she's a great country even if it
houses so many coots. The fruit market
down there must be a proper racket
with the prices you quote. For the sake
of your innards I hope you never have
to take to the dehydrated tucker. Phew
its terrible, the fellows call the mutton
'goats'.  Whatever you have available
will be like an Epicurean delight after
these tropical delicacies.
Well my Sweet one, nearly
bed time so like all good things this
must come to an end. You'll be hearing
from the recipient of your kisses and
caresses soon again. Till then, Puss
darling, cheerio with Daddy's big kiss
for his strapping son and all his
love to the little woman what waits
for him.



28. 1.0 43

Mrs. K. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn




VX38483. Cpe. M. Billings
District Accounts Office
New Guinea
Darling Kay.
I started this letter last
night but was interrupted before
proceeding far so decided to make a
fresh start. Since I last wrote you
two more letters and two bundles
of papers have been my pleasure
and I am glad that you too have
not missed out on the mail. Your letters
were those of 25th & 27th and need I
say that their arrival evoked the
usual silent approval from poor
Micky. Very pleased my telegram
duly turned up even if a shade late.
A pity I thought I had timed it
right to the day. Aren't I an unusual



husband remembering the wifes birthday
an wedding anniversary and other
momentous days? Like mine I don't
suppose your birthday gave you the
pleasure they do in the piping times
of peace. under present circumstances
the annual occurrence is just another
reminder that another year of hellish
Separation has passed and a fellow
is not getting any younger. Hardly a
happy Sentiment to celebrate a birthday
with. I'm mighty pleased to learn
Richard is recovering nicely after his
operation and look forward to reading
that he has completely himself again
and delighting you with his happy.
ways. The news about Mother is
far from bright; I only hope it
is just a passing phase and gives



way. soon to the calmer and more
reflective manner you have adopted
about the ghastly business. You poor
darling, you always seem to have some
new worry to contend with and I
can realise how hurt you must feel
when it is implied that you that
lucky having a husband and a
baby all intact. Anyhow, Sweet, I'm
sure your attitude is absolutely right
and best calculated to achieve results
so you stick to your guns. I was rather
surprised that Pat had got down so
quickly but you sure can't get home
too quickly after a year or so up here
yearning to be with the wife and
bairns. Glad the tropics have not
impaired Pat's looks and condition.
I bet it was a great reunion for



Ann, the kiddies and Pat. The more
you tell me about Mother's preoccupation
the worse I feel that the latest
development is alarming. That morbid
concentration on the grim side is far
from consoling to me, how much more
disturbing must it be to you. Your
latest letter spoke volumes and the
effects on you are my primary
consideration, in fact, I have been
taxing the mighty intellect to try and
evolve some way out of the impasse.
I'll be sending another Green Envelope
letter soon and hope some inspiration
will assist me as I do so want to
help you. It may be that she needs
a little more time to throw off the
paralysing shock so please don't be
too upset, you cant expect a person 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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