Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 11 - Part 1 of 24

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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VX 38483. Cxe. H. Zining Distout Accounts Offic New Ginnea 26.10.43 Darling Ray Gratefully I acknowledge two more of your classics, those dated 18th & 20th Oct and first must deplore the sad state of affairs you report in that my touching ly Simple misswis have not been reaching you. Gad show and I hape tha long before this reaches you, ample reparation has been, made I suppose you are as hungry for it. as I am and when and postal orderly shakes his head at me, fearful are the malidictions heaped upon his head. At any rate, Sureheast mis, you annunes about me are quite unfounded for I am perfectly well and fit
2 Have been doing a said spot of Suimming and although the bring is too warm The eercise is very beneficial. I will get out of here one of these days and will do my utmost to come back to your embraces as well and husky at possible. The rash I spoke of is She much in evidence and I fead will cling to me like an ardent loved. As you know I sweat profusely and the rough Sheat rubbing on the vity skin Sets up inntation. I can bee little prospect of the Sweating ceasing to its just too bad. Your parcels with the falcum were a godsend as that keept the itch under control. I roubles never come singly for my bueth have been misbehaving too. The plak has ulcerated my month and gois into
day dock tomorrow and to cap it, I last two fillings so a coupt of visits ne to the dentist is indicated. Otherwise things are alright with the old man. This is a great spot for shortages Something is always unprocurable. Apart from powded, Loilt soap is right off now but by the black market Fve managed to keep one piece in stock. Ive neved had much time for the canteens mob, still lest have I now. They seem to concentrate on having by stocks of tinned fove, you can always get tinned meat as though we didnt get enough of that. This always seems to me as a tacit admission that the broops don't get enough to eat from thii merces. any how, Sweet, it may be a g wide for you when you are sending
4 parcels that pawded and foulit soap are always acceptable. D out worry about finned fruit as thats availavle fretty aften Did you acoive H ckys birthday wire in time. Hope to even though wastime puts a dampd on the customary celibration but Iat was a day when my thoughts huoned in yand dechion frequently and now let me aad a few words to that ferse mestage. Its san Sorrowful to me that I m away from you ona more on your birthday and pray that the next will See me in a plac wwhen I can personally feluitate you at least you have thit year a poleson that has brought ustold jay ito you
5 Had a letter from one of the boyt of the old brigade the other days and they had a lively time one day. Had me sigh a bit for the old days, would have been satisfying to punch up a cy linder of hate with the compliments of the Clarke family. As fad as I can make out nobody got hurt so that was alonght. I must have some aid blood Stire in my hardining artiries, thought heat and mosqertoes had doaned it an away. BY. George, its shinking hat tonight, the furce is pouring out of me and the mossies are in force. She sure is a hel of a town. Went to the pictures last night at the Yank. camp, not bad uthed were Clanot Powen and Rea Sketton in t ho bkine Dood it. Silly name but paits of it
6 were exproarously funny which is a good thing for usy adde codgers. Sarry to head the little chaps heething hbees are upsetting him. I see you had taken him to the Doc for his operation, the pood little chap. Its tough an such a Geant wel boy but at least its best in the long run. I do hope his backs to his aps and it will be a wlif for him when the wory castles make therd ppearand Too bad the phatos were a flape, you certainly dont Sound in amored of the artists creation The bill from the doctor was quite to fawr crack of the whip and out dibutint the ranks of the pannts seems to have been accomplishes without the filing & of the aschedule.
I had a letter from Iom y esterday written from ASw and he doesnt know what his moviments are likely to be. Stell if I were then I wouldnt worry too much W eel old bean, I just can't think of another wore to write, The conditions militate against clead thought believe you me. so for a little while, chieris frecious, let not my frood writing be any criterion of the love I feel for you. Delwer a big kiss to the little suffered from his very. sympathitie and loving Law. I go new Sending this as a message that your dead fac us forwer before me and how I love you Micky (Theme Tukill
MHie is Hail M.rs. H. Buling 548 Barker's Road East Hanethoor Fictonia
800610 Restratan War Memorial
VX38483 Cpe. H. Guun Dustrict accounts Office New Fuinea. 28 10. 43. Davling Kay. Husis hit for hat for yours of the 22nd bluw in today and very nia too. Very pleased my G.E. litter enturned you day and arlayed you fears. Oh. I'm aloight feel pretly good longht mainly because its faily cool after a storm. Went for a dip before hea and Swam about solidly for a quarted of an houd. I find a Spot of exercie umoved the cabuebs for a while any hew. Had an inoculation this arvo but barring a Stiff arm, feel no ill effects. Ay. leathing hide has become mund to sldles, that maket thirheen since I

VX 38483. Cpl. M. Billings
District Accounts Office
New Guinea 26.10.43

Darling Kay
Gratefully I acknowledge
two more of your classics. those dated
18th & 20th. Oct and first must deplore
the sad state of affairs you report in
that my touchingly simple missives
have not been reaching you. Bad show
and I hope that long before this reaches
you, ample reparation has been made.
I suppose you are as hungry for it
as I am and when our postal orderly
shakes his head at me, fearful are
the maledictions heaped upon his
head. At any rate, Sweetheart mio, your
anxieties about me are quite unfounded
for I am perfectly well and fit



Have been doing a fair spot of swimming
and although the briny is too warm
the exercise is very beneficial. I will
get out of here one of these days and
will do my utmost to come back to
your embraces as well and husky as
possible. The rash I spoke of is
still much in evidence and I fear will
cling to me like an ardent lover. As you
know I sweat profusely and the rough
shirt rubbing on the oily skin sets up
irritation. I can see little prospect
of the sweating ceasing so its just too
bad. Your parcels with the talcum
were a godsend as that keeps the itch
under control. Troubles never come
singly for my teeth have been
misbehaving too. The plate has
ulcerated my mouth and goes into



dry dock tomorrow and to cap it,
I lost two fillings so a couple of visits
to the dentist is are indicated. Otherwise
things are alright with the old man.
This is a great spot for shortages
Something is always unprocurable. Apart
from powder, toilet soap is right
off now but by the black market I've
managed to keep one piece in stock.
I've never had much time for the canteens
mob, still less have I now. They seem
to concentrate on having big stocks of
tinned food, you can always get
tinned meat as though we didnt get
enough of that. This always seems to
me as a tacit admission that the troops
don't get enough to eat from their
messes. Any how, Sweet, it may be a
guide for you when you are sending



parcels that powder and toilet soap
are always acceptable. Don't worry about
tinned fruit as that's available pretty
Did you receive  Micky's
birthday wire in time? Hope so even
though wartime puts a damper on
the customary celebration but [[?]] it
was a day when my thoughts turned
in your direction frequently and now
let me add a few words to that terse
message. It's sure sorrowful to me
that I'm away from you once more
on your birthday and pray that
the next will see me in a place where
I can personally felicitate you.  At
least you have this year a possession
that has brought untold joy to you



Had a letter from one of the boys of the
old brigade the other days and they
had a lively time one day. Made me
sigh a bit for the old days, would
have been satisfying to punch up a
cylinder of hate with the compliments
of the Clarke family. As far as I can
make out nobody got hurt so that was
alright. I must have some red blood
still in my hardening arteries, thought
heat and mosquitoes had drained it
all away. By George, its stinkin'  hot
tonight, the juice is pouring out of me
and the mossies are in force. She
sure is a hell of a town. Went to
the pictures last night at the Yank
camp, not bad either were Eleanor
Powell and Red Skelton in 'Who
Done it'.  Silly name but parts of it



were uproarously funny which is a
good thing for us jaded codgers.
Sorry to hear the little
chaps teething troubles are upsetting
him. I see you had taken him to
the Doc for his operation, the poor
little chap. It's tough on such a beaut
wee boy but at least its best in the
long run. I do hope he's back to
his top and it will be a relief for
him when the ivory castles make their
appearance. Too bad the photos
were a flop, you certainly don't sound
enamored of the artist's creation.
The bill from the doctor was quite
a fair crack of the whip and our
debut into the ranks of the parents
seems to have been accomplished without
the filing of the schedule.



I had a letter from Tom
yesterday written from NSW and
he doesn't know what his movements
are likely to be. Still if I were
there I wouldn't worry too much.
Well old bean, I just
can't think of another word to
write;  the conditions militate
against clear thought believe you
me. So for a little while, cheerio
precious, let not my poor writings
be any criterion of the love I feel
for you. Deliver a big kiss to
the little sufferer from his very.
sympathetic and loving Paw.
I go now sending this as a
message that your dear face is
forever before me and how I love you
Micky (The poor one)




Field Post Office

Air Mail
Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barker's Road
East Hawthorn



War Memorial


VX38483 Cpl. M. Billings
District Accounts Office
New Guinea.
28. 10. 43.

Darling Kay.
Here's tit for tat for
yours of the 22nd blew in today
and very nice too. Very pleased my
G.E. letter enlivened your day and
allayed your fears. Oh. I'm alright
feel pretty good tonight mainly because
its fairly cool after a storm. Went
for a dip before tea and swam about
solidly for a quarter of an hour. I
find a spot of exercise removes the
cobwebs, for a while any how. Had an
inoculation this arvo but barring a
stiff arm, feel no ill effects. My.
leathery hide has become inured to
needles, that makes thirteen since I 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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