Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 10 - Part 11 of 18

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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VX 38483 PH. H Guling Disbout accounts Office Dew Siunca 23 943 My Davling I have only just received yours of 20. 9 43 beeing me the dreadful news of your brother John and the news has so bowled oe oved that I just cant find the words to say to you I can handly belive tthat it fuut int true and you cvent houring me. Oh why are such things alcowed to happen bringing such sarow into the lives of the innocent faud pood mathed who loved him so much where will She Srummont the pitrangth to bead up under the blow, the bust loved prop in hed aid age taken from hed. I know so were that she suffered his absence cheerfully bucande shee kept her thoughts fren on the
2 time wwhen he would come back to brighten and comfort hid Now, that has been crully toon from hed. God grant hid strength and ease from the hearthreak She Souffert The fac of little Sylora haunts me. What of her? To think that she will neved feel that strong young anno around hed again at whats the sle Sympathy cant bring him back you can't helpon being appalted by the intenuity of the stouggle that confionts hed Fas upon hid slight shoulders will fau the bount of this dreadful happening. It may pound cauous but I m geas of the chied to that she will have with hir always the image of his gauart laved I cant expalld myself here, I with I were with had now for I think I could make hed
see ont from a different vepoint puhaps De you not gouve long for youd brothed be proud that a man who has enduved so much and has fulded up everything make that makes life worth living is foud own brathed For John was a man and a damn good one too and even now is seaping the reward of on who didnt hentate to sacupa every thing and fod what Fo his gie wife ane but unboen child, for his mather, for you are fod me. His span of life was short but cxamined with nable achnevement in the interests of others who now are duly bound to be worthy of them, heavy though the cross is for those who are left to bead it Dont get to imagine him associated with the mid so beloved of the knights of ly rewatd, thats very overdone.
Sts bettes and more probably to preture him against the clear blue waters of the Parpi I disn't intend to to this length, pet. samble along Im daying to give forth but edumdily a crumb of comfortn. Need feat that I shant do what I can in prayed the same of for the repose of my comoade ande for strength to be given to Sylvra youd pood mathed and you to overcome the pain that appeects you in this hond B. Ye. 9ye now, gear and little chap is so werl Everything OI hear with me Yours always Hicky
XX38483 S H Gulling Disbat Accounts Offin New Finnea 24 943 Dadling I had not intended to write today but because of a remarkable occumence that turned up this afternoon you know how Ive been lasking forward to seeing yend boothed Pat. Well as luck would have it he was on a job not fad from here so he papped in here for a yamn as soon as I saw him aognite me from the counte and can a greeting I knew he hadn't heard the awful news of John We usually get letters the day before the ferrows furthed out A moment at two of strained conversation copnnced me of his ignorance so it in was my very painful duty to barak The news to him. I khowed him the
2 litter from you as like myself he at frost thought it was a very pood joke you know how it is as it gradually tunk in the pood chap went as white as an Sheet and reled as though from a blow soon pulled himself togelped and had first cay was for his pood mather. a very distaisding business to hand such a news to an old cabbed who youne been waiting to greet for months. We talked things anid and he intended to apply for compationale have on abvious grounds of causte I shaw hutch hile out to his camp on Sunday and eway news from hom at well as have a yaon Its are so bureduing and pampu darling for weyon, talking it to you assant help wie wait for nett litter before writing again Cheeres little mathed, I wish I was there to help you All my love and God blets Riceave & you H. Kky
W. 3018 apeed.) ACTIVE 14111 IB his envelope must not be used for or valuables. It cannot be accepted resistration. -PA orrespondence in this envelope need be censered Regimentally. The con- EE are liable) to examination at the totowing Certificate must be & by the writer: certify on my honour that the concents is, cnselope refer to noching but privace any manry Cnatute ame Onty) chand Gening S SERVICE cc (Up to three leners may be forwarded in this Cover, but these must be all from the same writer. The Cover should be addressed, in such case to the Deputy Base Censor. The Covers of enclosed letters must be left open by sender.] 43 24 9 Address: ABRS.M. BILINGS 548 Markers Road East Hawshorn ti &Ictoria
PR0000 TISRAN War Memarigf
27 10d VX38483 R A. fellings AUSTRALIA Distinct Accounts Office New Fuinea Darling Kay Ill imitate your xampe and make this litterr conspinions for its brivity than any thing welle Kecuvw you note today and my heast goet out to you od pid i this farsh load of sorrow that has favm on you and for a few days wnce refain from Houbling you with The mundane things. If my tympathy for you and the attlers who have been but so hard is contalation to you then knew it know no bounds. I wile say no more but foy to impart to you what little news Ive gleased concerning the affait. First I believe you concerning the gon mudde backguend is infounded, my tuomise of a chaned setting is pailly nead the mack. Further, although nthing can bring pood John back, at sums pretty eltain that it are happened in a peach and he crotted the borded without suffering
FORRE 194 2 AUSTRALIA so daiing, his fob is finished and it was a job well done too. Jut for you pood mathed and S glra its only just beginning and I pray that God give them the stanghh to carry an I saw Pat again yesterday and he had had a litter ffoom ann Howwid are going well you may see hom soon as he has moved on the linet we ditenssed the other day. was mor composed now and working han to boy and fooget but is vry anxious to be with your mother Will that all now Sweet, keep feeling to proud of youd little brothed and arthough his gone away from us, his happy and let him be pooud of his Rilh and kin with are my love to you and a by kill to little Richad yours forwed Dal

VX 38483 Pte.M. Billings
District Accounts Office
New Guinea
23. 9. 43.

My Darling,
I have only just received yours
of 20.9.43 telling me the dreadful news
of your brother John and the news has
so bowled me over that I just cant find
the words to say to you. I can hardly
believe that it just isnt true and you
am are’nt hoaxing me. Oh why are such
things allowed to happen bringing such
sorrow into the lives of the innocent.
Your poor mother who loved him so much
where will She Summon the Strength
to bear up under the blow, the best
love loved prop in her old age taken
from her. I know so well that she
suffered his absence cheerfully because
she kept her thoughts fixed on the


time when he would come back to
brighten and comfort her. Now. that
has been cruelly torn from her. God grant
his strength and ease from the heartbreak
she suffers.
The face of little Sylvia
haunts me. What of her? To think
that she will never feel those strong
young arms around her again - oh whats
the use. Sympathy cant bring him
back.  You can't help being appalled
by the intensity of the struggle that
confronts her.  For upon her slight
shoulders will fall the brunt of this
dreadful happening. It may sound
callous but I'm glad of the child so
that she will have with her always
the image of her gallant lover. I cant
express myself here, I wish I were with
her now for I think I could make her


see it from a different viewpoint perhaps.
Do you not grieve long for your 
brother - be proud that a man who has
endured so much and has yielded up
everything make that makes life worth
living is your own brother. For John
was a man and a damn good one too
and even now is reaping the reward of one
who didnt hesitate to Sacrifice everything.
And for what? For his girl wife and
but unborn child, for his mother, for
you and for me. His span of life was
short but crammed with noble achievement
in the interests of others who now are
duty bound to be worthy of them, heavy
though the cross is for those who are
left to bear it.
Dont get to imagine him
associated with the mud so beloved of the
knights of typewriters, thats very overdone.


Its better and more probable
to picture him against the clear
blue waters of the Pacific.
I didn't intend to
ramble along to to this length, pet.
but clumsily, I’m trying to give forth
a crumb of comfort and . Never fear
that I shan't do what I can in prayer
for the repose of the soul of my comrade and for
strength to be given to Sylvia, your 
poor mother and you to overcome
the pain that afflicts  you in this hour.
Bye Bye now, glad
our little chap is so well. Everything
O'K here with me 
Yours always.


VX38483 Pte M. Billings
District Accounts Office
New Guinea 24. 9.43

I had not intended to write
today but because of a remarkable
occurrence that turned up this afternoon.
You know how I've been
looking forward to seeing your brother
Pat. Well as luck would have it
he was on a job not far from here
so he popped in here for a yarn.
As soon as I saw him recognise me
from the counter and call a greeting
I knew he hadn't heard the awful
news of John We usually get letters
the day before the fellows further out.
A moment at two of strained conversation
convinced me of his ignorance so it 
m was my very painful duty to break
The news to him. I showed him the


letter from you as like myself he at
first thought it was a very poor joke
you know how it is. As  I unreadable word it gradually
sunk in the poor chap went as white as
a Sheet and reeled as though from a blow .
Soon pulled himself together and his first
cry was for his poor mother. A very
distressing business to hand such a news
to an old cobber who youve been waiting
to greet for months. We talked things over
and he intended to apply for compassionate 
leave on obvious grounds. of course . I
shall hitch hike out to his camp on
Sunday and swap news from home at
well as have a yarn.
Its all so bewildering and
painful darling for everyone, talking about
it to you doesnt help Will wait for your
next letter before writing again Cheerio ,
little mother, I wish I was there to help you .
All my love and God bless Richard & you.


Military Forces
Passed by Censor

[Crown Copy] 
[Up to three letters may be forwarded in
this Cover, but these must be all from the 
same writer. The Cover should be addressed
in such case to the Deputy Base Censor. The
Covers of enclosed letters must be left open
by sender.]


Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn


Opened by Censor.

War Memorial 



VX38483 Pte M. Billings
District Accounts Office
New Guinea

Darling Kay ,
I'll imitate your example
and make this letter more conspicuous
for its brevity than anything else.
Received your note today and my
heart goes out to you poor kid in
this fresh load of sorrow that has
fallen on you and for a few days
will refrain from troubling you with
the mundane things. If my sympathy
for you and the others who have been
hit so hard is consolation to you
then know it know no bounds. I
will say no more but try to impart
to you what little news Ive gleaned
concerning the affair. First I believe
your horror concerning the grim muddy
background is unfounded, my surmise
of a clean setting is pretty near the
mark. Further, although nothing can
bring poor John back, it seems pretty
certain that it all happened in a
flash and he crossed the border
without suffering.


So darling, his job is finished
and it was a job well done too. But
for your poor mother and Sylvia its
only just beginning and I pray that
God give them the strength to carry
I saw Pat again yesterday
and he had had a letter from Ann.
However all going well you may see him
soon as he has moved on the lines
we discussed the other day. He was
more composed now and working hard
to try and forget but is very anxious
to be with your mother.
Well thats all now
Sweet, keep feeling so proud of
your little brother and although
his gone away from us, he's happy
and let him be proud of his kith
and kin.
With all my love to you
and a big kiss to little Richard
yours forever

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