Michael Billings Collection - Wallet 10 - Part 10 of 18

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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at the cousting compled smeaking out for a hadly kils, the menfalk sidting out to. the kitchen for a go at the battle. I hand win the days So pleasur you are in such good foom likewise the wen chap, if it doesn't knock you up its a swell idea. When are you fel like doing afted the hike is to tleep you can but ill doing you a powed of good. Having been shoon and Shamposia the next thing is the petched itself which I await with the dupest expectation. Can it be have that your lovely cnals have deterioratie as much as you say. I'm disbassn about it as it was such a me Sensation to run my fingers through that thick caup hals. Suvely you having forg atter those mattages of mine
Freat news Ond Syd being down on leave and a visit from Dorothy and punbar her uy, I bet that is a puped day for you, its a long time aloight since we saw them bath. H is a spot of news for you concirning Gob Sutton. That anker of his has been playing up and he was Sent aved to hospital. When I heard I aashe and to the hospitie are soor san him to earth. The upshat of it are was he was being sent back to aus for freatment and at far as I know has seready left I doopped him a nate to pop in and see you which he fromind to do if he got down to Bubonone I suggest that if he does show up you arrange to go and to Bun with him. He has a lisht in the
Sulmabs I believe but if he has to hang around Helborone long may find hanging on his hands any how at his such an ow far of onrs and a great blake as will I know yoult show him every hospitality you can It woud be swere if he caned synchronise his visit with that of Syd. I am luck for him flaa fee a but this joint is no ferow getting up in years were so long now pomans for just a day of two 5 love you wil so much and land a bg kils to Richard. Dey lonily for you and mill you frimendously. Waile me something intimate pay of partimend himed we has toetped Chino Hciy Londs.
Fn Hel 19. 9.4 it wal M.S. H. Buling 547 Garker's Road East Hawthorn P. Aorra
8800610 Aestrallan Mar Mamerial
AMERICANRED CROSS VX 38483 P.t. A. Gellings Distrct Accounts Offfice New Fuina 21.9. 43. Heigho, piddlikins (maybe thats a name Davling Ka. you dont like) and thanks a miltion for this day has seen the arrival of two bonged letters from thee, Io? 43 & 44 and its sune good to know that you are being A liberally treated in that respect too. Its great to know the family are all in such fine fettle, wwating fat I was going to say but that may affend you Sutceptulities. I Penly, the young monarch gets betted and bepted and no wonded has the apple of you eye. It's nice to be able to feel justly frond of youd own chied and I clearly love the cheaut fod being such a good lad and an entrotaining one too fod an absorbing interest must be a godsend to you at a time like this. Check of you saying his foraners for the spinal position is inhented from me. L it me tell you I have long since chapped out day time snvoying, I m actually a ball of energy. Anyhow I wickon youre doing a swell yot by him and if he follows out youd saune ideas here keep on the right track. I agree with you that the time for dad to yest his influence is much lated in life and if the win about the age of ten or prohaps olded Id wousd be rathed worried about bring away. I know of a couple of cases of the kids of chapt in tthe Army leading therd mothers a divil still, I i not im dance dusing Pa's absence of a To furnish volunteer aid to the sick find wounded of armies.. and Toactinmatters of Coluntary relief and in accord with the military and naval authorities as a medium of communication between the people of the United States of America and their Army and Nary. The Charter of the American National Red Cress, by Act of Consress, January 5, 1805.
F AMERICAN RED CROSS The least aconciled at misting out duving. Richards early days. The pood little filla, its coook his feething paind are worrying him, its awfue to think of such a wee thing suppering at all. I feel a bit of a chump twipting you about goking on R. chare getting involvie in a future shambles. I m not to blind to think every body is going to be evid so makey after this is through for evermore but nothing like this show has evid been seen before and the apted math will be so herrific that it will be lasd to ser and forks another one for Several generations. Good news, I actually have a Green Envilage in my possession so standly it will be on i way soon Couednt tackly it tonight as Iwve had a buty day and its frightfully hat tonight to cap it are. Hy thoughts are far from well orderie and I intend that letter to be different to the usual oun. Dunno what I than talk about but it wont be about the weathed. Glad the Govt Shumped up Something towards the cost of R. charas entry into the world but its a laugh when you compare four and a half smackers with the totae cast. Stle having always been on the paying end myself, its histoniae to get a small postion of it back By the way. the cake from you opened up great not a bit appectid by its journeying and has now gone to I got a case the plac where all good cakes go "To turnish volunteer aid to the sick and wounded of armies.. and Teactinmatters of voluntary relief and in accord with the military and naval authorities as a medium of communication between the people of the United States of America and their Army and Nary.. The Charter of the American National Red Cress, by Act of Consress, January S, 1905.
51 Vis 18266 Daw today from my ald unit with a heap of junk I left bhind in my hursid departure and most of the stuff were come in handy, particularly a ciganitle I think I asked you to per if you could haghted get me one, if to. just forget it now I oo hope he pyfamas tum up toon. I guess I will be a pintation in them The pape you sent me it ptice getting an every ones haid with it fonty om comportmiately. I last the facted and blocks up occasionally. As usual nams foom have us lake. the hens heeth had a faid but of I ain the lost couple of days andnts anfully muggy Just a care of thoe pedd a day and a po to pleep we to. the Salves puture show and guees what was pcosened ohnny Caged shades of ynabane abnight If you remember at was pretty pet. bot up have, t a brest to get an eyefse of a tarly dish like Land Turned. His first entrance suve makes the ladd in the bleachers whistle. Were pruss, I m nearly adleep So wrie her my pref off to my ginerack bed, two bopes hording uup a contraption of histren and boards. 6 he sweet and all my love to you as evid and kiss. Rochard for me Tlll him atl from that graeed brod in the photo what makes im carf M.cky WNVORIE NRI ID. Don. of call. Doa The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy dates of sailing decuiptions of Kooks at other intermation which & inteccepted, will be ot salve to the oneme
0 who 5 P200610 Austrahan Har Memorisl
21C 4 J arl C.rS. M. Buling LBa 548 Barker's Koads Myill East Hawthoon FCOMOM ctonia FUND


the courting couples sneaking out for a
hasty kiss, the menfolk sidling out
to the kitchen for a go at the
bottle. Them's were the days.
So pleased you are in such 
good form likewise the wee chap, if
it doesn't knock you up its a swell
idea. When all you feel like doing
after the hike is to sleep you can bet
its doing you a power of good. Having
been shorn and shampooed the
next thing is the pitcher itself which
I await with the deepest expectation.
Can it be true that your lovely
curls have deteriorated as much as you
Say. I'm distressed about it as it
was such a nice Sensation to run
my fingers through that thick crisp
halo. Surely you haven't forgotten
those massages of mine.



Great news Old Syd being down on 
leave and a visit from Dorothy 
and Sinbad held up.  I bet that 
is a super day for you, its a long 
time alright since we saw them 
both. It was a spot of news for you 
concerning Bob Sutton.  That ankle of 
his has been playing up and he was 
sent over to hospital.  When I heard 
I dashed over to the hospital and 
soon ran him to earth.  The upshot 
of it all was he was being Sent 
back to Aus. for treatment and as 
far as I know has already left. 
I dropped him a note to pop 
in and see you which he promised 
to do if he got down to Melbourne. 
I suggest that if he does show up 
you arrange to go over to Mum's 
with him.  He has a sister in the 



Suburbs I believe but if he has to 
hang around Melbourne long 
may find hanging on his hands. 
Anyhow as he's such an old pal 
of ours and a great bloke as well 
I know you'll show him every hospitality 
you can.  It would be Swell if he 
could synchronise his visit with 
that of Syd.  Bad luck for him 
but this joint is no place for a fellow getting 
up in years. 
Well so long now, 
precious for just a day or two. 
I love you ever so much and 
send a big kiss to Richard.  Very 
lonely for you and miss you 
tremendously.  Write me something 
intimate say of particular times we 
had together.  Cheerio. 
yours.  Micky.



Air Mail

Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barkers Road
East Hawthorn.




War Memorial 



VX38483 Pte M Billings
District Accounts Office
New Guinea  21.9.43.

Darling Kay,
Heigho, piddlekins (maybe that's a name 
you dont like) and thanks a million for this day has 
seen the arrival of two bonzer letters from thee, No.s 
43 & 44 and its sure good to know that you are being 
k liberally treated in that respect too.  It's great to 
know the family are all in such fine fettle, waxing 
fat I was going to say but that may offend your 
susceptibilities. I Verily, the young monarch gets better and 
better and no wonder he's the apple of your eye.  It's nice 
to be able to feel justly proud of your own child and I 
dearly love the cherub for being such a good lad and an 
entertaining one too for an absorbing interest must be 
a godsend to you at a time like this.  Cheek of you 
saying his fondness for the spinal position is inherited 
from me.  Let me tell you  I have long since chopped out 
daytime snoozing,  I'm actually a ball of energy.  anyhow, 
I reckon you're doing a swell job by him and if he follows 
out your sound ideas he'll keep on the right track.  I 
agree with you that the time for dad to exert his influence 
is much later in life and if he were about the age of 
ten or perhaps older I'd would be rather worried about 
being our boy away.  I know of a couple of cases of the
kids of chaps in the Army leading their mothers a devil
of a dance during Pa's absence.  Still, I'm not in

"To furnish volunteer aid to the sick and wounded of armies..." and "To act in the matters of voluntary relief and in accord with the military and naval authorities as a medium of communication between the people of the United States of America 
and their Army and Navy...." The Charter of the American National Red Cross. By Act of Congress, January 5, 1905.



the least reconciled at missing out during Richards early 
days.  The poor little fella, its crook his teething pains 
are worrying him, it's awful to think of such a wee 
thing suffering at all.  I feel a bit of a chump twitting you 
about joking on Richard getting involved in a future 
shambles.  I'm not so blind to think every body is going to 
be ever so matey after this is through for evermore 
but nothing like this show has ever been seen before 
and the aftermath will be so horrific that it will be 
hard to sell our folks another one for several 
generations.  Good news, I actually have a Green 
Envelope in my possession so standby it will be 
on its way.  soon.  Couldnt tackle it tonight as 
I've had a busy day and its frightfully hot tonight
to cap it all.  My thoughts are far from well ordered
and I intend that letter to be different to the 
usual run.  Dunno what I shall talk about but 
it won't be about the weather.  Glad the Govt
stumped up something towards the cost of Richard's 
entry into the world but its a laugh when you 
compare four and a half smackers with the total 
cost.  Still having always been on the paying end
myself, its historical to get a small portion of it back.
By the way. the cake from you opened up great not 
a bit affected by its journeying and has now gone to 
the place where all good cakes go.  I got a case

"To furnish volunteer aid to the sick and wounded of armies..." and "To act in the matters of voluntary relief and in accord with 
the military and naval authorities as a medium of communication between the people of the United States of America 
and their Army and Navy...." The Charter of the American National Red Cross. By Act of Congress, January 5, 1905.



today from my old unit som with a heap of junk 
I left behind in my hurried departure and most 
of the stuff will come in handy, particularly a cigarette 
lighter.  I think I asked you to see if you could 
get me one, if so, just forget it now.  I too hope 
the pyjamas turn up soon, I guess I will be a 
sensation in them.  The pipe you sent me is 
still getting in everyone's hair with its fruity 
aroma unfortunately I lost the filter and it 
blocks up occasionally. 
As usual news from 
here is like the hen's teeth, had a fair 
bit of rain the last couple of days and it's 
awfully muggy.  Just a case of three feeds 
a day and a place to sleep.  Went to 
the Salvos picture show and guess what was 
screened?  "Johnny Eager", shades of Brisbane 
alright.  If you remember it was pretty punk 
but up here, it's a break to get an eyeful 
of a tasty dish like Lana Turner.  Her first 
entrance sure makes the lads in the bleachers 
whistle.  Well, precious, I'm nearly asleep 
so will hie myself off to my gimcrack 
bed, two boxes holding up a contraption 
of hessian and boards.   Cheerio sweet 
and all my love to you as ever and kiss 
Richard for me.  Tell him its from that 
queer bird in the photo what makes 'im 


The name of your transport, or other transports in your convoy . . . dates of sailing . . . ports of call . . .  destination
descriptions of troops, or other information which, if intercepted, will be of value to the enemy.


War Memorial


Air Mail

Mrs. M. Billings
548 Barker's Road.
East Hawthorn



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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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